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Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm

05-30-2018 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Seems like a non-alcoholic drink, but I don't really care.

fine ill come up with something more interesting
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-30-2018 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8

fine ill come up with something more interesting
That's an awfully high bar...
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 12:18 AM
Question regarding superpowers:

What if someone said something like "I have complete omnipotence" or something else that grants them the ability to do literally anything.
This is also unacceptable. The goal here is not to become the most powerful being in the universe or anything like that. Standalone powers only.

I think at this point you should have a pretty clear understanding of the type of picks I'm looking for, but if you have one you still aren't sure about, just PM me first and I will yay or nay it.
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 01:04 AM
**** it I'm in


10 second or less youtube video. Going for a quick laugh has to be most recommended. But if you have a good under 10 second video that isn't going for a quick laugh, then I would like to see it.
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 01:10 AM
COlor of an orange?
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 01:18 AM
Have you seen the askreddit thread about those? So many funny ones in there

this was to chuckles

Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
Have you seen the askreddit thread about those? So many funny ones in there

this was to chuckles

I unlisted askreddit a while ago
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 08:41 AM
Do gifs count?
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 08:45 AM
As long as you don't pronounce it like "jiff".
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 08:55 AM
I feel like I have to "rand" Chuck & DWetz separate groups, too.
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 11:08 AM
I think this is correct & updated. Hopefully will get at least 1 more by tomorrow, & everyone will have hopefully finalized their category choices.

Signups with categories:

1. JMurder3 - Best non-alcoholic beverage (drink will be drank as you one should be drafting the vodka of non-alcoholic beverages)
2. rtspurs (TBD)
3. eyebooger - Pro Wrestling Match Types (pick 1 which typically leads to good matches)
4. DWetzel - Sports highlights (Looking for short video clips (or part of a longer video if necessary). Historical relevance not really important; wants something that makes his jaw drop and moves his emotions and stand up on his virtual sofa. Humorous submissions also acceptable.)
5. e_holle (1980s musical recording artists, i.e. must have released at least one new album during the '80s)
6. BiteMeFish - Paintings of the 20th century (post a pic with your pick)
7. filthyvermin - great actors/actresses
8. xander biscuits - Aesthetically Pleasing National Flags (He has to think it looks pretty/interesting/badass. Can be reached within 1 click from this link:
9. eleanor60 - Best Inventions
10. SuqAta8 (TBD)
11. True North - TV Commercials (judging based on relatability, emotional connection, humour (if applicable) and desire to go out and buy whatever they’re selling afterward, standalone commercial)
12. master3004 - 90s albums (any genre, album must have been released in the 1990s)
13. D1iabol1cal - Superpowers
14. aaronk56 - Comedy Acts (act consisting of 2 or more comics in any medium, but excluding ensembles like Second City or cast of SNL)
15. iraisetoomuch - Most actually destructive legal things in the world (legal most places for most people to own, write-ups suggested)
16. CrimsonFox (TBD)
17. Carl_Spackler - Wedding Reception Songs (crowd-pleaser + danceable, slow songs fine)
18. ArcticKnight - Commercial Airlines (judged on prestige/image/reputation, international presence & destinations, size of fleet & types of aircraft, in-flight service, overall passenger experience, comfort, satisfaction & safety, not on price)
19. chuckleslovakian - 10 second or less YouTube video (probably a quick laugh, but if it's not for a quick laugh, he's curious)
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 03:51 PM
Category: Apex predators

Two things: You must name a real species (not a family or genus), and don't pick humans.

This will be judged on a variety of things, none of which I will divulge.
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 07:03 PM
alright i guess ill make my category nickelodeon cartoons from the 90s
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by rtspurs
Category: Apex predators

Two things: You must name a real species (not a family or genus), and don't pick humans.

This will be judged on a variety of things, none of which I will divulge.

Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 07:09 PM
I don't know of anything that hunts Apeces. I hope I don't have to select for that category.
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 07:12 PM
I'm making a change to my category.

Instead of 90's albums, lets go with Futurama side characters. This can be anybody (or any creature/alien/non-human/whatever) on the show outside of the following cast: Fry, Leela, Bender, Prof. Farnsworth, Amy, Hermes, and Zoidberg.
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 07:17 PM
Should have gone Simpsons imo
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 07:31 PM
Nah, Simpsons is great, but there are a lot of great Futurama side characters. Easily researchable for those who aren't big fans.
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
05-31-2018 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I'm making a change to my category.

Instead of 90's albums, lets go with Futurama side characters. This can be anybody (or any creature/alien/non-human/whatever) on the show outside of the following cast: Fry, Leela, Bender, Prof. Farnsworth, Amy, Hermes, and Zoidberg.

Great category.
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
06-01-2018 , 02:07 AM
Horrible smells and odors

The worse the more points you get
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
06-01-2018 , 11:01 AM
About 2 more hours left for signups. If we don't get at least 1 more, I'll probably drop out & just organize.

Signups with categories:

1. JMurder3 - Best non-alcoholic beverage (drink will be drank as you one should be drafting the vodka of non-alcoholic beverages)
2. rtspurs - Apex Predators (Two things: You must name a real species (not a family or genus), and don't pick humans)
3. eyebooger - Pro Wrestling Match Types (pick 1 which typically leads to good matches)
4. DWetzel - Sports highlights (Looking for short video clips (or part of a longer video if necessary). Historical relevance not really important; wants something that makes his jaw drop and moves his emotions and stand up on his virtual sofa. Humorous submissions also acceptable.)
5. e_holle (1980s musical recording artists, i.e. must have released at least one new album during the '80s)
6. BiteMeFish - Paintings of the 20th century (post a pic with your pick)
7. filthyvermin - great actors/actresses
8. xander biscuits - Aesthetically Pleasing National Flags (He has to think it looks pretty/interesting/badass. Can be reached within 1 click from this link:
9. eleanor60 - Best Inventions
10. SuqAta8 (TBD) - Nickelodeon cartoons from the 90s
11. True North - TV Commercials (judging based on relatability, emotional connection, humour (if applicable) and desire to go out and buy whatever they’re selling afterward, standalone commercial)
12. master3004 - Futurama side characters (anybody (or any creature/alien/non-human/whatever) on the show outside of the following cast: Fry, Leela, Bender, Prof. Farnsworth, Amy, Hermes, and Zoidberg)
13. D1iabol1cal - Superpowers
14. aaronk56 - Comedy Acts (act consisting of 2 or more comics in any medium, but excluding ensembles like Second City or cast of SNL)
15. iraisetoomuch - Most actually destructive legal things in the world (legal most places for most people to own, write-ups suggested)
16. CrimsonFox - Horrible smells and odors (the worse the smell, the more points)
17. Carl_Spackler - Wedding Reception Songs (crowd-pleaser + danceable, slow songs fine)
18. ArcticKnight - Commercial Airlines (judged on prestige/image/reputation, international presence & destinations, size of fleet & types of aircraft, in-flight service, overall passenger experience, comfort, satisfaction & safety, not on price)
19. chuckleslovakian - 10 second or less YouTube video (probably a quick laugh, but if it's not for a quick laugh, he's curious)
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
06-01-2018 , 12:44 PM
still thinking...
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
06-01-2018 , 12:44 PM
put bloobird down as an in. I miss his smiling face
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
06-01-2018 , 12:50 PM
still between a few...

I'll put this one for now...could change in the next few minutes...

D&D monsters.

Looking for coolness factor. Pizzazz style fierceness. uniqueness. fun
It isn't a "most hit dice wins" thing.
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
06-01-2018 , 01:03 PM
Is that like choosing your favourite chess piece or something?
Grab Bag Draft #3 - signup thread - signups & categories by Friday June 1 @ 1 pm Quote
