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Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014)

11-13-2014 , 12:32 PM
Game set-up experts - Starks having 2 separate mason wolves who don't know about other pack and vice versa - how should this affect their total starting numbers? They should have more/stronger wolves?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:32 PM
Disko might be alone.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Outed Wolf
if that's your main defense then I'd happily relieve you of your duties and free up your time
its very hard for me to be in any of the wolf factions imo

i can claim my old role but i will not claim my new role.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
Damn, has Grey Worm (Targ) flipped? I would have thought he'd be a character.
mor tilt
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:40 PM
claim your old role then.

you are defending yourself on the merits of why you cannot be a wolf, rather than why you are a villager. there are separated wolves in this game, so you understand why this is hard to trust
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:43 PM
I think who we have left is:

Meera Reed

Melisandre (Red Priestess)
Samwell Tarly - Jon's mate, can't really think of anyone else

Drogon (3rd dragon)

WILDLINGS (in some capacity, maybe lone neutrals)

That would leave 5 villagers.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:43 PM
uhh dragons had 2 NK's last night? one was "a group of dragons", other was "killed by a mother****ing dragon"


no idea if this is standard, but chart shows its not?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:43 PM
charts are like halfwy done. on the kills from tonight but **** theres a lot
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Outed Wolf
claim your old role then.

you are defending yourself on the merits of why you cannot be a wolf, rather than why you are a villager. there are separated wolves in this game, so you understand why this is hard to trust
i'm a avenger/replacement role with the ability to take the role of any dead villager day2 or prior. i used it on day1 when bremen died, became angel. i targeted TTT that night which has been verified.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:47 PM
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:48 PM
how was that verified again?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:49 PM
oh right the watcher nvm
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
how was that verified again?
well it was verified that i visited TTT.

i also claimed that i used my night action on TTT on day 1 but didnt say what i did.

it should be incredibly obvious that i am not a wolf because a wolf would never panic out a night action before death.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:50 PM
I was not a seer. But now I have become more powerful than you can imagine
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
well it was verified that i visited TTT.

i also claimed that i used my night action on TTT on day 1 but didnt say what i did.

it should be incredibly obvious that i am not a wolf because a wolf would never panic out a night action before death.
day 1 should read night 1.

go back to day2 ITA session to confirm.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:51 PM
I would not bus as my team's most slanking wolf
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:52 PM
in my mind its absolutely impossible for a wolf to do what i did in ITAs

i shot bigger, realized i might be a target, panic claimed my night action, and when i wasnt shot i refused to elaborate on my role any further.

if i was a wolf i wouldve had to panic claim a FAKE night action with the plan to use it down the road. also if i was a wolf i wouldve just full claimed right there instead of leaving my night action for informational purposes.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
in my mind its absolutely impossible for a wolf to do what i did in ITAs

i shot bigger, realized i might be a target, panic claimed my night action, and when i wasnt shot i refused to elaborate on my role any further.

if i was a wolf i wouldve had to panic claim a FAKE night action with the plan to use it down the road. also if i was a wolf i wouldve just full claimed right there instead of leaving my night action for informational purposes.
tbh i think the second part is probably more important than the claim itself. a wolf is never gonna leave night actions for post-death informational purposes. a wolf is also 1000x more likely to just claim the fake role to avoid death. i didn't want to claim angel because i knew i would die that night from wolves, but i wanted to get the info out there.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:56 PM
and now everyone's gone
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:01 PM
ivers what are you playing at?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:02 PM
CHARTZ (updated)

Player WhenHowCharacterPowerRatingFactionPost
BloobirdDay 1 EventPoisoned (zdye)Sir BarristanSeerPR=10Wolf Targaryen 2415
CPHoyaDay 1 EventIAMRobikJaime Lannisterodd night vig, bronn finderPR=8Village 2437
EffenDay 1 ChallengeQuick_benHODORHODOR day vigPR=8Wolf Stark (Dire) 2558
MontecoreDay 1 ChallengemuttigersShaeVanillaPR=3Village 2604
Gambit8888Day 1 ChallengeUofU2010Walder FreyVanillaPR=2Village 2668
BremenDay 1 Challengeyounguns87Margeary TyrellNight AngelPR=3Village 2678
ThingymanDay 1frozen out (VMF)Roose BoltonNight RBerPR=8Village 3078
GadareneDay 1 EventCersei is madDaenerysDragon Back upPR=7Wolf Targaryen 3635
TheMoocherDay 1Dragon FireDontos HollardVanillaPR=6Village3817
IAMRobikDay 1 PrizeVigJDallaJon SnowDay VigPR=9Wolf Baratheon4280
VarianceMinefieldDay 1LynchKing of the OthersBunches+ConversionPR=10Others5092
baudib1Night 1WilldlingBronnOdd VigPR=9Village5093
toedderNight 1Sell Sword (baudib)LittlefingerVanillaPR=4Village5093
zdye724Night 1Wolf NKOlenna TyrellWatcher, D1 PoisonPR=2Village5093
insanity31Night 1Red PriestessMace TyrellVanillaPR=4Village5093
nutshot2Night 1Man smelling of flowers/VarysSer Arys OakheartVanillaPR=8Village5093
CrossnerdDay 2 ITA1ITA (Duckburg)Podrick PayneVanillaPR=6Village/Others6187
TheBrokenATM!Day 2ModkilledTommen BaratheonVanillaPR=2Village6325
DuckburgDay 2 ITA1ITA (Aaronk56's Son)Stannis BaratheonEven VigPR=10Wolf Baratheon6502
UofU2010Day 2DragonBrienne Of TarthMasonPR=9Village6531
TheNothingDay 2ThrallHigh SeptonITA BoosterPR=2Village6531
confirmedtrollDay 2Event Prize (Aaronk56's Son)DaarioRBPR=9Wolf Targaryen6698
Suqata8Day 2 ITA2ITA (Xaro Van Ducksauce)Rickon StarkSeerPR=3Wolf Stark (Dire)7188
Xaro Van DucksauceDay 2 ITA2ITA (PimpYoRide)ViserionEven Day VigPR=9Wolf Targaryen7211
killer_killDay 2 ITA2ITA (Mor_Tilt4mePls)Selys BaratheonAngelPR=4Wolf Baratheon7351
MucksandgravsDay 2LynchRhaegalOdd Day VigPR=9Wolf Targaryen7942
vixticatorNight 2DragonLoras TyrellVigPR=10Village7943
Felix The CatNight 2Wolf NKOberyn Martell1x Night VigPR=10Village7943
Quick_BenNight 2Large ManTychos NestorisVigPR=5Wolf Baratheon7943
boner_2Night 2Red PriestessJojen ReedResurrectorPR=6Wolf Stark (Dire)7943
Mor_Tilt4mePlsDay 3 ITA1ITA (Quarrr)Grey WormvanillaPR=8Wolf Targaryen8221
ReddBoilerDay 3 ITA1ITA (pmarrsouth)Arya StarkLost Odd Night Vig MasonPR=7Wolf Stark (Dire)8310
PimpYoRideDay 3 ITA1ITA (aaronk56)Janos SlyntvanillaPR=7Village8329
LarissaDay 3 ITA2ITA (thediceman)Joffrey BaratheonvanillaPR=1Village8889
Gamer DudeDay 3 ITA2ITA (J.D.)The HoundLost Even Night Vig MasonPR=9Wolf Stark (Dire)8954
Yippee ki-yayDay 3 EventJoustingRamsay BoltonOne Time RB/Handed PeeksPR=7Village9405
pmarrsouthDay 3 EventJoustingSer Balon SwannvanillaPR=8Village9405
mutigers5591Day 3 EventJoustingSer Maryn TrantvanillaPR=8Village9405
Top Tier TomDay 3 EventJoustingVarysFull Night Role Seer/Master of WhispersPR=5Village9405
Aaronk56's SonDay 3 EventJoustingQyburnvanillaPR=4Village9454
accobra_kidDay 3 EventJoustingMyrandavanillaPR=6Village9454
JdallaDay 3 EventJoustingGrand Master PycelleRole Seer (no affiliation)PR=1Village9454
BillNyeDay 3 EventJoustingSir DavosFull Role SeerPR=7Wolf Wolf Baratheon9454
LeonardoDicaprioDay 3LynchShireen BaratheonvanillaPR=2Wolf Baratheon10016
monstrmanNight 3Group of DragonsTywin LannisterAffiliation SeerPR=8Village10017
QuarrrNight 3Wolf NKTyrion Lannisteressentially vanilla (didnt activate his powers before death?)PR=4Village10017
Stark SandwichNight 3DragonLysa ArrynLoverPR=3Village10017
VagosNight 3Red PriestessRobert ArrynLoverPR=1Village10017
DiggerTheDogNight 3Wildling?The MountainEven Night VigPR=10Village10017
CharryNight 3Event Vig (DiggerTheDog)Ser Boros BlountvanillaPR=8Village10017
aaronk56Night 3Event Vig (HUStylez)OlyvarvanillaPR=3Village10017
thedicemanNight 3Event Vig (Quarrr)Mance RayderOdd Night Vig before d3 eventPR=8Wolf Baratheon10017
TehVaderNight 3Event Vig (Kaze13)Jorah MormontAngelPR=8Wolf Targaryen10017
FranFran56Night 3Event Vig (carcinoGenetecist)KovarrovanillaPR=7Wolf Targaryen10017
lilrascalNight 3Event Vig (Stark Sandwich)Brandon StarkFull Night SeerPR=4Wolf Stark (Dire)10017
chuckleslovakianNight 3Event Vig (Vagos)SummervanillaPR=9Wolf Stark (Dire)10017
Sun TzuNight 3Event Vig (monstrman)Salladhor SaanRoleblockerPR=6Wolf Baratheon10066

please note the post number of the death is a link to the reveal. thats a bitch to do, so use it please.

if i missed anything or made any mistakes, too ****ing bad.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:03 PM
kaze you rock
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:04 PM
Look how much we were killing it apart from that BS jousting event.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:05 PM
Oh missed thediceman from dead Baratheons, so maybe just the red bitch left.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:06 PM
carcino as a stark makes sense actually

he was defending lilrascal pretty hard
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
