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Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014)

11-10-2014 , 06:12 PM
VMF shooting Thingy?
face. melted.

who you got as wolves, TN?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
gad, my decision is made

shot is sent. come onnnn wolf
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:12 PM

Thingyman has been frozen out:

You are Roose Bolton. You may flay one person a night, role blocking them. You may only flay someone once per game. If two people flay the same person, they will be killed Your power rating is: 8. You are a villager. You win by eliminating all other factions.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Where can I find these tn claims about powers and night actns?
I believe she declined a challenge from Quick_Ben, which would take away her night actions and said she declined due to being weak. Will go try and find the post.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:13 PM
o well, cant win em all
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:13 PM

Player WhenHowCharacterPowerFactionPost
BloobirdDay 1 EventPoisonedSir BarristanSeer, PR=10Targaryen 2415
CPHoyaDay 1 Eventcrow w/ Valyrian bladeJaime Lannisterodd night vig, bronn finder, PR=8Village 2437
EffenDay 1 ChallengeQuick_benHODORHODOR day vig, PR=8Stark (Dire) 2558
MontecoreDay 1 ChallengemuttigersShaePR=3Village 2604
Gambit8888Day 1 ChallengeUoFu2010Walder FreyPR=2Village 2668
BremenDay 1 Challengeyounguns87Margeary TyrellNight Angel, PR=3Village 2678


Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Re Valyrian

eddard has one
Jon snow has one
Tommen - baratheon -(lannister) has one as king
Brieene of Tarth has one - liege knight of Stark woman
They tried to assasinate bran with one
Edward is ****ing dead and his sword was melted down bro

Also brienne has been on jaime's dick now for at least a season, she's not gonna be in the stark faction for this game
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:13 PM
search for reminderz to remember this when i die:

Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:14 PM
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Krayz

Thingyman has been frozen out:

You are Roose Bolton. You may flay one person a night, role blocking them. You may only flay someone once per game. If two people flay the same person, they will be killed Your power rating is: 8. You are a villager. You win by eliminating all other factions.
not cool mod
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:15 PM
really not sure what to think about Shark's decision to vote Robik now
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Shes getting rustled over 2 votes in a 70 person game. does not compute at all. Plus CT said hes willing to do the charts
I've explained its not about the votes, it's the person pushing me. But keep thinking I'm crazy.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:15 PM
cliffs on pages 10-31?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:16 PM
Still like 4 pages off... But:

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
i accept Effen challenge but dont know how to red letter

Good enough?
Originally Posted by Krayz
Effen is dead
But RIP Hodor.

WTF are the villas doing accepting duals with ****ty power ratings... GJGE.

Originally Posted by Krayz
Montecore is dead:
Originally Posted by Krayz
gambit8888 is dead:
Originally Posted by UofU2010
Sorry Gambit, but accepting as a 2 power as a villager is pretty anti-village anyway.
Originally Posted by TheNothing

you all were pissy bc some of us want to refuse

look at those power ratings of 2 and 3 dying
Originally Posted by Krayz
Bremen is dead:

1 challenge remaining I believe.
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
simpletons in this village
Agree with the above.. WTF.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
with you on all of this
Thank you so much for this

He doesn't like people sticking. Up for me
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:16 PM
dat stupid to pretend to be somethin you not when you villa

confirmtroll he not wrong
idiot villagers get theyselves killed up in dis bitch
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
you think he's lying about having shot Hoya?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:17 PM
gadarene you villager or helpful wolf
cliffs for a brotha wat you got son
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
i'm not freaking out

i literally cannot stand UofU and he's obviously pushing the buttons

if noone can understand why, please go read our last game. he's an ******* and i can't handle his condescension towards me. he says i'm too emotional but it's bc he's been amazingly insulting towards me and i'm over it.

call me over the top, whatever. but he's the one who won't ****ing leave me alone. i keep saying i'm done & he keeps at it.

if it was anyone else & obviously aaronk son is the one that pointed it out & i already said it was dumb - if it was anyone else, it wouldn't bother me.

but it's him and i can't stand it.

i'm not going to rage quit, i'm going to post charts when i have time. i just can't sit here and say nothing when he offends me.

he'll go all "lol rustlebrush" and "poor butthurt tn" but he's an ass & i'm done playing with him but he thinks its funny to continue.

i'm going mobile

Just step away for a minute if you're really upset babe, I haven't seen the assy stuff but I just got here.

Plus I can't take your charts title bc I am on le iPad so legit please posts those, tyyyy
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
or i have a power of 2 or something like that. i'm a wolf for not wanting to die day1.

your challenge was not accepted in the rand so you didn't actually get chosen to fight. i'd have refused it anyway.
Quoted for Crossnerd

Also, TheNothing may still have night actions, despite not correcting me when I said she didn't.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll

Player WhenHowCharacterPowerFactionPost
BloobirdDay 1 EventPoisonedSir BarristanSeer, PR=10Targaryen 2415
CPHoyaDay 1 Eventcrow w/ Valyrian bladeJaime Lannisterodd night vig, bronn finder, PR=8Village 2437
EffenDay 1 ChallengeQuick_benHODORHODOR day vig, PR=8Stark (Dire) 2558
MontecoreDay 1 ChallengemuttigersShaePR=3Village 2604
Gambit8888Day 1 ChallengeUoFu2010Walder FreyPR=2Village 2668
BremenDay 1 Challengeyounguns87Margeary TyrellNight Angel, PR=3Village 2678


why are shae and margaery fighting duels?

come on, people
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
i just skimmed thingyman and saw he fake claimed and then retracted it and bounced
Thingyman retracted his claim??

Uh yeah.. Maybe shoot him then. My eyes were ****ing bleeding reading his posts early in the day with that trolling stuff
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:20 PM
gambit, bremen and monte should all be banned for sabotage
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
yeah..... think im gonna have to go with my gut then

lmk if you think of any good shots before i fireee awayyy
Did you claim how/why you have a shot to use right now? I can't find it
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
