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[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash [Game Thread] South Park Mishmash

03-04-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Luffy
TTT, you suck balls.
Why the **** would you tunnel me so damn hard DP1?
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:14 PM
Tom, you were shit tier this game.
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:16 PM
Hurp choosing the village was the focal point of the game

Thank you buddy

Usually at least 5x every day I make sure to laugh at Canada, but today I will not laugh at Canada in honor of you

[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by corycurren
Maybe monstr will inspire wolves to start trying again

And btw I am auto-inning the next monstrman game and turbo lunching the first player to say "well we can't trust monstr anymore" because he dared to try hard as a wolf

No more of that villa guilt trip 2-way player crucifixion

Time to take back POG
high five
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:17 PM
There were a lot of slips that DVC found with Monstr. Surprised no one harped on them tbh.
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:18 PM
good job village

very well played monstr great game

thanks effen insanity vagos

any cool power ups or prizes that went unclaimed?

also <3 the music video, daily poems fun game
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:18 PM
*waiting on domer/hoya to make their mod pm communication posts*
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
Hurp choosing the village was the focal point of the game

Thank you buddy

Usually at least 5x every day I make sure to laugh at Canada, but today I will not laugh at Canada in honor of you

laugh at canada in honor of me imo
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Luffy
There were a lot of slips that DVC found with Monstr. Surprised no one harped on them tbh.
meh, it's easier to spot slips when you know who the wolf is

I'm certain the villagers made plenty of wolfy slips too that weren't wolfy slips ONLY because they happened to be villagers this time
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:23 PM
gg monstrcock
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:32 PM
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:36 PM
gg all thanks EFFENGOAT + helpers great job
gg monstrman and some villagers

lolgamer for everything you did in this game including youre less then stellar grammar
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:38 PM
ya forgot to mention thanks mods )))))) fun game and solid flavor
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:43 PM
Would like to clear two things up before I go HAM.

1. I was incorrect that domer cheated. That is due to mods communicating one thing to the wolf team, while communicating exactly the opposite to the ****ing masonry that Cartman was recruited into, to which he showed his mod communicated recruitment message from day one before asking the mods if he could. The mods told him it was fine after it happened. The previous night we had been told explicitly that the recruitment PM was "mod communication" that would not be seen by anyone else.

[2/23/2015 6:41:33 PM] Mike | CPHoya: does Cartman not having joined us yet mean we won't ever get him?
[2/23/2015 6:42:27 PM] effen: He's made his choice.
[2/23/2015 6:42:35 PM] Mike | CPHoya: and it was not us in that case
[2/23/2015 6:42:43 PM] effen: apparently not.
[2/23/2015 6:42:48 PM] Mike | CPHoya: understood, thanks
[2/23/2015 6:44:39 PM] Mike | CPHoya: is Cartman allowed to talk about the recruitment messages?
[2/23/2015 6:44:43 PM] Mike | CPHoya: or will they ever be outed in any way?
[2/23/2015 6:52:40 PM] effen: no, it is considered mod communication
[2/23/2015 6:53:02 PM] Mike | CPHoya: word, thanks
2. Domer spent the entire second day angleshooting his balls off, I will shortly quote like 30 posts of him knowing he's doing it and doing it anyway. Short of that ridiculous angleshot coupled with the ****ing stick being allowed to permanently angel him for 24 hours (we spent two vigs, a night anda day vig on him, both of which would have hit due to no one angeling him and both of which only missed because of THE STICK INVINCIBILITY) while angleshooting coupled with the mod miscommunication to us literally 100% causing us to accidentally kill Duck by missing the Cartman character vig, the wolves win this game in a ridiculously easy walk.

The most galling part of this was when we knew that LaDurpus was Cartman approximately always, and then domer begins ranting about the content of the recruitment PM. He did so by not specifically describing it, because he was told he could not, but instead by doing everything in his power to reiterate literally like 30 times that he would be modkilled if he discussed the thing he knew, but that he knew a thing he couldn't talk about - which was a problem he solved by just talking about it ****ing all day, couched in "I'm totally talking about out-of-game information I've been told not to talk about right now lol hi I'll be modkilled if I ever clarify this but I KNOW SOMETHING I SHOULDN'T KNOW HI." Anyway, once it was obvious he knew the contents of the recruitment, we character vigged him as Cartman. We did this because based on our knowledge from the mods it was *impossible* that he could be anyone other than Cartman, because no one else could see the recruitment. That caused Duck to die as punishment for "missing." That remains the single most rigged moment of the game.

Domer is an angleshooter and knows it. He will argue this.
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Luffy
Tom, you were shit tier this game.
You may have been the single worst player in this game

Not an exaggeration
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:43 PM
I had this lined up to post the morning that i died. Was gonna try to get the wolf to vig xkf as butters. Any chance you fall for this monstr? This is actually the draft, I deleted the final version which was more subtle in a few places about xkf being butters

Originally Posted by mason draft
in the best interest of the village, we are going to completely out and claim our actions. we talked about this last night at length and feel its better that the village not spend time worrying about our roles and how they fit with us re: masons so, in that case...


xkf and I are BUTTERS and DOUGIE. we were given 2 guesses per night, starting n1, to find eachother. we were successful n1.

xkf had some mechanic as butters that gave him a n1 vig which he used on bright.

upon masoning, xkf and I transformed into PROFESSOR CHAOS and GENERAL DISARRAY. he lost his previous role but we picked up a team role

so long as we are both alive at SOD, we are given an even dayvig and odd day peek that we can use, although not right at SOD. xkf needs to be alive for us to use them which is why he claimed vanilla and i was laying all the cover for peeks/vigs through the thread

d2 we dayvigged killer which resulted in mor's death. this is why i lock cleared him and pushed everyone away from him
d3 we daypeeked jcohen wolf
d4 we dayvigged killer again

i can say without a doubt that I trust xkf here 100%. I will not comment on this anymore other than to say that we are both absolutely VILLAGERS and there is no room for mistake on that
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:44 PM
Nice job monstrman. Way to not quit and play hard

Nice game Effen and co.

[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:44 PM

[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:45 PM
Remaining roles:

xkf, you are Dougie, second grade outcast. You auditioned to be the boys new friend after they got rid of Kenny, and they rejected you. Like Butters! You two would make a great team. To that end, you are on the lookout for him, and may submit two guesses per night beginning n1 as to who Butters is, who is also looking for you. Should you two find each other, you will receive a new role. You are a villager and win when the wolves are eliminated.

Gamer Dude, you are Nathan, crippled criminal mastermind. You sold Jimmy steroids to cheat in the Special Person Olympics, and you bring that singular talent to this game. You are the village ITA Booster and once per night, can double the ITA hit % of a player of your choosing for the next days ITAs. You are a villager and win when the wolves have been eliminated.

monstrman, you are Jenkins, the Griefing Video Game Guy. Spending ridiculous amounts of time on the internet playing a game (hmmm....) has made you extremely powerful, and you like to use that power to prevent others from having fun. Usually by killing them, but in this case, you are a Roleblocker. Once per night, starting n1, you may select a victim, and that victim's NA, should they have one, will not succeed. You are a wolf and win when the village can no longer achieve victory.
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:45 PM
But the biggest LOL goes to Hoya
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:46 PM
It's also frustrating that the mods knew that we were suiciding Duck due precisely and only to their own mixup, and it's doubly frustrating that mods knew that while this was happenning domer was hard-angleshooting for the entire day, and not only did nothing get fixed to re-balance the ****ups, or anything get done to prevent the ridiculous extra death of an extra wolf, but it was allowed to just be how the game was.
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:47 PM
lol hoya
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:47 PM
Also just lol Hurp. If I'd known LaDurpus was you I'd never have sent a recruitment like this. Basically the only person this would not work on.


You are going to join the wolves, and you are going to like it, because we are clearly going to win, and because when we're not lolling at the village, wolf chat consists almost entirely of this:


See you soon!

- The Wolves
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:49 PM
So anyway the takeaway is that was hot garbage on day 2 and loldomer.
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:49 PM
Benneh if I hadn't killed you that night I prolly killed xkf more often than not

And if not xkf then monte

If I killed monte maybe I'd bbelieve it but I wouldn't risk it, tbh. I'd prolly cap one of you the next night
[Game Thread] South Park Mishmash Quote
