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[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er [Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er

03-12-2015 , 05:32 PM
EOD1: The wolves disappear pretty much completely as the DWetzel/q_q thunderdome begins. Wolves want no part of that **** and just want it to ride into EOD, so they stay out of it for the most part (not that Redd or Yak are particularly in-time sort of players anyway)
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Was RBK the one saying he's a one way player earlier or was that someone else? On phone or would find it myself.
I specifically said early on that I thought my wolf game had improved greatly tho I had only wolfed in turbos recently so maybe it's just easier in that format.

that was I believe in response to glgl talking about how much more villager I was being this game vs the game he reread where I was a wolf.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
even when you have a strong read there is some degree of uncertainty (hence me saying study siu n telec as even tho I'm pretty sure redd is a wolf I'm not 100%) whereas redd just came out of the gate yesterday saying "rawrs 100% wolf lock clear me when he flips" and never had even an Oz of doubt.

only ppl with zero doubt are wolves.
This is probably the best way you've presented this case yet. I actually like this a lot.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
siu I'm not expecting anyone to think I would post amazing as a wolf I just wouldn't be that god awful.
if me n rawrs were wolfbros just lol at our strategy yesterday.
You obviously haven't been if you made it this far. If you are a wolf I don't think you've played awful by any means. Just ran in to bad luck that a lot of people were able to clear themselves well.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot

Did RBK just SHROOP?
Originally Posted by benneh

Show me
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
It seems like this is what I've done wrong this time, I mean I never even thought about that even being a possibility of a peek, the whole post just struck me as odd when I started rereading and I just asked a question about why he would say something like this. I didn't mean much by it other than engaging a poster I felt iffy about to see how/what he would react.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
what does shroop mean?
Originally Posted by riverboatking
thats a pretty decent response.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
can someone please tell me what "SHROOP" means?
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Correct me if wrong here..

But everybody think Yak could have been seer hunting because cory made it look like he possibly peeked RBK w

If Yak is a wolf and RBK is a villager, Yak wouldn't press cory about that since obviously RBK would be villa and Yak would know even IF cory was repping a RBK w peek, it would be incorrect. If Yak/rbk are w/w, then Yak might think cory is seer

However now RBK says that he thinks Yak was seer hunting in thread. But this was in response to a possible RBK w peek by cory.

If RBK is a villager, he would know said peek would be wrong, and he would also know that wolves won't care about said peek because it is wrong.

Are you following me or am I on drugs?
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Pardon me, RBK, but I'm gonna assume your opinion is biased.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
also rawrs pretty sure if n0 weren't random there is almost no way glgl would peek me n0.

why would he peek some rando he has never played with (i assume he's not someone's gimmick)?
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
glgl = cory

But assuming you were correct and thught glgl was NOT a gimmick. He only has like 100 posts, he's clearly new to WW and everybody would be classified as a "rando" he's never played with.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
ah ok.

well tbh i didn't put alot of thought into that whole exchange i just saw the post and it looked like seer hunting.

also i stand by my assertion that if glgl was a seer there is no way he would peek me n0.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
i dont know who cory is.

stop howling wolf.

my posting has been 1000000x more villa than you.
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot

You thought glgl was a brand new WW player..... but you also thought you knew who he would peek n0?

Seems legit.
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot

So you don't know who cory is, but you're still gonna say you don't think he'd peek you n0?

Originally Posted by riverboatking

i said i dunno who he is, meaning i dont think we've ever played together before.

OBVIOUSLY HE HAS PLAYED A TON OF WW or he wouldn't have that super bad blood with batm and sili that aids up the thread to start.

i'm not ******ed.

but i don't think someone that has a bunch of history with other players in the game is going to peek some rando he's never played with before on n0.

can we move on now?

instead of tunneling based on that why don't you read some of my other posts and tell me if i sound like a wolf to you?

cuz honestly you're way off on this and the sooner you accept that and move on the less time we'll all waste on this nonsense and the quicker we can get back to solving this game.
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Why would he peek people he has a history with over a rando? If he has a history with them, wouldn't he be better at reading them? Why would he peek somebody like that over a player he has NO IDEA how to read.
Originally Posted by riverboatking
just how its worked in pretty much every game i've played.

don't think i've ever seen a seer peek a rando n0.

i certainly wouldn't, i would peek someone i have a hard time reading.

its not like everyone you have history with you just read so well.

feels like you're grasping here.

i think you're pretty villa so don't think its a wolf hoping for a mislynch (like q_q is obv hoping for) so you should really just move past this.

have you gone back to read any of my other posts like i asked?

do you really think that one "slip" as you call it outweighs the other posts i've made itt?
just going to stop here

pretty sure this is just legit rbk = villager spew and move on

also completely disregards the rbk = wolf peek theorum that's been disregarded anyway

RBK responds with a building intensity and frustration (Hoya might call it "cadence") with Rawrs that is almost exactly similar tone-wise to his interactions with me

tl;dr - RBK is a villager 99% of the time
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:41 PM
I have 0% doubt Redd is the last wolf I must be a wolf
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
it's a lil worrisome that there are so few ppl posting in particular siu n telec.
Gonna have to go ahead and point out the irony in you saying this when you pretty much had the same amount of posts as both of us at the time.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:44 PM
Yeah that does look good for rbk.

[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:46 PM
you guys posted a decent amount to start the day but when the wagons were clearly established everyone seemed to bounce.

it's 95% just tinfoiling in the very rare instance redd isn't a wolf.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:47 PM
Telc's absence I would assume has to do with his schedule

Timezones, how do they work?
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:47 PM
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:47 PM
another thing that makes me feel confident about redd as a wolf is dwetz being nk instead of q_q.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:48 PM
Probably the #1 reason Redd is a wolf:



[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
another thing that makes me feel confident about redd as a wolf is dwetz being nk instead of q_q.
That’s expected in any case.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
you guys posted a decent amount to start the day but when the wagons were clearly established everyone seemed to bounce.

it's 95% just tinfoiling in the very rare instance redd isn't a wolf.
Seemed like things were pretty set in stone at the time that it was going to be either you or redd lyjnched, both of which I was fine with. So didn't really have a ton of incentive to continue doing work when I was already happy with what we decided. That, and the ****ty bus wifi. But hopefully this is over tonight and none if this will matter anyway.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:52 PM
I say that specifically because while I'm probably not the world's greatest wolf hunter

I really am not that great at that angle of the game, to be honest, it's just not in my blood, it's where I falter in comparison to players like Tom the Tom and Redd and DWetz and etc.

It takes me until like... d2 or d3 to start really get a feel for who the wolves are

With that said, I think I'm a very strong villager-finder and that's generally the sort of things I hear from other people or see in games

And I thought I had seven villagers on d2 and I'm pretty sure they were all correct then and they are still correct now
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by glgl
I say that specifically because while I'm probably not the world's greatest wolf hunter

I really am not that great at that angle of the game, to be honest, it's just not in my blood, it's where I falter in comparison to players like Tom the Tom and Redd and DWetz and etc.

It takes me until like... d2 or d3 to start really get a feel for who the wolves are

With that said, I think I'm a very strong villager-finder and that's generally the sort of things I hear from other people or see in games

And I thought I had seven villagers on d2 and I'm pretty sure they were all correct then and they are still correct now
Don't worry, if Redd is indeed the last wolf you'll get post game knob suckings accordingly.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Seemed like things were pretty set in stone at the time that it was going to be either you or redd lyjnched, both of which I was fine with. So didn't really have a ton of incentive to continue doing work when I was already happy with what we decided. That, and the ****ty bus wifi. But hopefully this is over tonight and none if this will matter anyway.
ya it's almost entirely irrelevant tinfoiling.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Don't worry, if Redd is indeed the last wolf you'll get post game knob suckings accordingly.
wtf why him?
wasn't I the first one to come hard at redd n be like rawrs/redd = wolves?

anyways I'm not in it for the glory.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Don't worry, if Redd is indeed the last wolf you'll get post game knob suckings accordingly.
I'll get to reading them after sending out the forty apology PMs I need to send out for being such an ******* in this game lol glgl
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:57 PM
you just hate me cause you ain't me RBK
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:57 PM
Cory thanks for the glimpse into the soul of a man who has consumed thousands in this beautiful game

Having said that, I feel prepared to to deliver my hard case on ship it up


[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
That’s expected in any case.
why? you were both peeked so why is it expected that he would be nk before you?

if I was a wolf I would def kill you before dwetz since he's been really set in his read of redd=wolf n I def would think my chances of mislynching redd would be better with him alive instead of you.
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:59 PM
This perfect little village

Will be ours to keep
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
03-12-2015 , 05:59 PM
If anything, rawrs asking why redd wouldn't be lock clear is the smoking gun if and when Redd flips wolf
[Game Thread] Daylight Saving Time Vanilla 13er Quote
