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The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread

02-26-2014 , 07:41 PM

Ask Edward about the time he took Jason and his friends hunting. Did anything noteworthy happen, or did he hear interesting conversations between them? Were they comfortable with guns?
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-26-2014 , 11:25 PM
I still think the 2 top suspects are Eric and Hank. One avenue of questioning could be if anyone else saw someone in the hall upstairs going down after the shooting. That assumes that the killer stayed downstairs.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-26-2014 , 11:26 PM

What is the layout of the hotel, particularly where the study is in relation to the stairs and the back door.

Eskimo: I would think this is information we should have as detectives on the site without it being a question. If this needs to be a request, then OK.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 05:41 AM
kukra - any question you crave for?
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 06:32 AM
not really

if i had one more question i'd probably ask olivia to elaborate on her remark about hearing doors opening and closing: how many doors, does she have any idea from which rooms it was coming from?

or we could ask margaret if she has any idea what her husband might have been up to and if she knows anything about a gloria.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 07:33 AM
I kind of want to have the layout told first.
Because if she has the room farthest down the hallway, I don't see much idea in that..

So I'm gonna keep it for a tine bit longer
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 05:36 PM

Ask Margaret if she knows anything about a Gloria
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 05:53 PM
i have a question/request but im lost and dont know what ot ask/request
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 07:49 PM
I feel I should update everyone, I have a job interview today I'm preparing for so questions will probably be answered over the weekend.

One thing I could possibly do if ya'll are interested is allow two questions from each person today, and have a double elimination round, and then do the same for the next game day. This would maybe make up for the slower days and hopefully still get the game finished by the end of next week. Let me know your thoughts on this.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 07:54 PM
w/e eskimo, it's all good. This is a crazy good game and everyone appreciates how much effort you are putting forth.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by lilrascal
Digger: who are you picking and what's your theory?
I am lost.

I mean you could easily just throw the casing for the bullet out the window.

I would like to examine all of the people's shoes.

Cross check peoples stories with whether or not there is any evidence of footprints outside or dirt or anything.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
02-27-2014 , 08:38 PM
But, my preference would be to have the longer days since the response to my question leads me to the next question.

But, you're running this so I'll go with works best for you. This has been interesting.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-02-2014 , 08:42 PM
forgot about this for a bit. Bumping to save eskimo from having to hunt for it.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 05:40 AM
it looks like eskimo got tired of being a detective's assistant and went to look for another job.

i hope we get to finish the game at some point! it was a great idea and its implementation has been flawless.
having two questions for this game day seems fine to me, but i'm waiting for the answers to the first questions before asking my second one.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 06:32 AM
thanks for the bump!

I really feel like i havent put the effort into this game that i should be.

wife plans on going out tonite, so will try to play catch up then.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 07:14 AM
I will echo that statement of JD and apologise to Eskimo. I will undertake to reread the thread and think about it more carefully.

Come on guys, lets organise ourselves and solve this thing. We must be overlooking an obvious line of enquiry.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 10:30 AM
I've got a question in I think.

I think John Solo is suspicious - no alibi

I think Hank is REALLY suspicious

Here's a really good question I just thought of:
Old guy calling hooker said he heard two people come down the stairs. Did they both come down before the shot? Describe after the shot.

I think probably Hank came down (I think it was hank who found the body), shot jason, then pretended to just be the first on the scene.

If anyone is bored, check that scenario against the facts we have so far. He could have shot from the doorway, tossed the casing out of the window, and voila.

Only think that makes me hesitate is the mod keeps saying it really looks like he was shot through the window.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 06:28 PM
Hi all,

Just to let you know, I have definitely not forgotten about this game. I won't bore anyone with specifics, but I'll summarise by saying I've had a ridiculous amount on my plate lately. I have to think quite a bit about each answer so it's not something I can really just post easily in like a werewolf game.

I'll do all I can to catch up on questions by the end of today (AU time).
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 06:32 PM

Ask Eskimo-Sickness how his interview went
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-03-2014 , 07:16 PM
"Old guy calling hooker" said he heard two people come down the stairs. Did they both come down before the shot? Describe after the shot.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-04-2014 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
Get details about the time immediately surrounding the murder from hank. Looking for stuff like:
How long between hearing the shot and entering the study
Did he move the body at all when trying to stop the bleeding.
Stuff like that.
"Well yessiree I was wide awake so I would have been down there in a flash. I don't hesitate, I went quickly downstairs. I grew up with 5 siblings back in the States, you learn to move fast growing up like that. Oh, I reckon it woulda been just a few minutes when I got there after the shot was fired. Move the body? Yes I did. Pulled him up, tried to get him in to a position I could see the bleeding. Look, I saw the boy was hurt, and I might have been able to do something to help him. Turns out I couldn't, but I don't regret it. I know it makes your forensics and your csi work harder, but I had a chance to save his live, ya'know. Anyway I think I've told you the rest."
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-04-2014 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by Kukraprout

Ask Edward about the time he took Jason and his friends hunting. Did anything noteworthy happen, or did he hear interesting conversations between them? Were they comfortable with guns?
"Jason, yes. Hunting, yes. The three of them. Jason, John and Derrick. All went out in to the woods. Good day. Didn't kill anything though. Interesting conversations? Too many, for my taste. Derrick talking about saving the whales or some such nonsense. I asked him, why does a lad that talks about saving the planet carry around a gun. Nonsense. Good lads though, to be fair. Jason was a fine young man. Good head on his shoulders. Sad end. Far too young. Now John, he was quiet. Seemed like a bit of a follower. Just happy to be around the older lads. Seemed a bit out of place outdoors. He was probably the most interested in my gun. Comfortable with guns? Well, Derrick was, of course. But fire a hunting rifle? He didn't even try. Jason took a few goes, but he wasn't interested in quail. Stopped him before he used too many bullets. John was fascinated, but only fired a couple of shots. Aimed at a bird but I don't think he wanted to hit it. Hunting brings the blood back. Can't wait for this to be finished and to get back out there again."
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-04-2014 , 06:29 AM
Ok I have to head. Hopefully I can catch up the rest tomorrow. I'll answer this one quickly, it won't count as a request :

Originally Posted by Hurp Durpington

Ask Eskimo-Sickness how his interview went
Yeah good, got through to the final interview tomorrow. Had a lot of testing over the weekend (aptitude, behavioural, questionnaire) which is the main reason I got behind on this game. Anyway if I make it through tomorrow I'll start work next Monday.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-09-2014 , 06:14 AM
Hi all, got the job, start tomorrow.

Wanted to apologise for not following up/through with this game but there have been too many external factors.

I don't think I'll be able to continue to run this game as planned within a reasonable time period. So I'm going to have to switch to this format:

Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
One thing I could possibly do if ya'll are interested is allow two questions from each person today, and have a double elimination round, and then do the same for the next game day. This would maybe make up for the slower days and hopefully still get the game finished by the end of next week. Let me know your thoughts on this.
So if you have asked a question this round you may now ask another. There will be two eliminations tonight, two questions and two eliminations tomorrow (game days) night, and then a round of final questions, and then final guessing for the remaining detectives.

Anybody that is done with the game I'll totally understand as I haven't been able to follow through on this as I usually do, but I want to give resolution to those that have done a lot of work on it.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
03-09-2014 , 08:27 AM

Gather everyone in the lobby and tell them we found some DNA which most likely is the killers - therefore we want everyone to give a sample so we can determine who the DNA belongs to.
Look for subconscious tells when people are saying yes/no and gauge their eagerness to do so.
The Detective's Assistant (Murder Mystery) Game Thread Quote
