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December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread

12-05-2016 , 10:09 AM
jump lock villager never rescinding
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by jumpluff
Yeah by far imo. Although do you actually think nl is wolfy? This is a little non committal

Think you are just villa tho
no, i already talked about nl a bit and i think i could call him wolfy but its mostly just because he is disagreeing with me maybe

he isn't particularly villagery though

chrja is actually wolfy i think
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:10 AM
Hi I'm just a vanillager.
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:10 AM
he isn't particularly villagery though
do you expect me to be?
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
hi apoc

hopefully you are a villager, we don't seem to village together too much

I feel like NL posts this as a villager more than as a wplf
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..
quick, mention all the good villagery mechanics as quick as you can so no one else can get credit for them

it is v-villagery imo, especially if you spend your next 10 posts talking about how villagery it is
Well I skimmed tbh since I'm on phone but there's a rather obv +ev thing I think he missed and that's that anyone with a codeword thry can claim should not claim it.
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Hi I'm just a vanillager.
Would you consider entering the fade tonight?
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:11 AM
Stork is my first villager

Gl me
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by jumpluff
Him tiering four ppl and ignoring stuck and stork and Monte was bad

This post is waffles.
i kinda super disagree with this, he doesn't have to have a read on everyone in the thread to give a read on the people he does have one on at the time i m o

especially when monte had only posted less than 5 times when he posted it
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..
no, i already talked about nl a bit and i think i could call him wolfy but its mostly just because he is disagreeing with me maybe

he isn't particularly villagery though

chrja is actually wolfy i think
no i am ****ing not.

people should stop saying that.

you are like the 5 person saying it without backing it up. At least back it up with something.

****ing group mentality, ****ing sheeps the bunch of you
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:11 AM
apoc - thin

other people in some random order
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by No Lynches
do you expect me to be?
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by jumpluff
Well I skimmed tbh since I'm on phone but there's a rather obv +ev thing I think he missed and that's that anyone with a codeword thry can claim should not claim it.
I figured the part about "If you claim or hint at your codeword you will be killed, no exceptions" was kinda clear and gave everyone credit that they would read that.

So, this isn't really brand new information you're bringing to the table
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by chrja
no i am ****ing not.

people should stop saying that.

you are like the 5 person saying it without backing it up. At least back it up with something.

****ing group mentality, ****ing sheeps the bunch of you
you said you were sheeping nl and voted me

is that enough reason?

i can probably fabricate something else because i don't want to give my actual read
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Beck Novo
thread needs some DEATH
What am i reading...

Is this like something someone posts because they think it looks villagey? But its totally inappropriate for the current gamestate?
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..
no, i already talked about nl a bit and i think i could call him wolfy but its mostly just because he is disagreeing with me maybe

he isn't particularly villagery though

chrja is actually wolfy i think

chrja is level 0 wolfing atm

I remember he got outed early in r&m which beck may recall

It can't be compared to anything nl is doing which mostly just feels cheeky idk
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:13 AM
Wtf Beck

(Making me wait 25 secs to post this. Wtf POG)
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:13 AM
This is going to come across as pockety but I get a villagery vibe from crja
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..
you said you were sheeping nl and voted me

is that enough reason?

i can probably fabricate something else because i don't want to give my actual read
15 post into the day, thats plenty of reason to sheep NL
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by jumpluff
Didn't play either and I read one very sparingly. Where are you going with this?
bc I can't remember playing any games with you.

purpose being to help me read you. I was hoping you were in that game since it just happened
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:14 AM
i kinda like that last apoc post, especially given that was something i noticed about beck in the game me and apoc modded together, beck kinda has a feeling to post stuff that he hasn't earned the position to post yet as a wolf, though maybe it doesn't quite apply in this situation
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by jumpluff


chrja is level 0 wolfing atm

I remember he got outed early in r&m which beck may recall

It can't be compared to anything nl is doing which mostly just feels cheeky idk
r&m ?

I don't think i ever been outed early.
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
I figured the part about "If you claim or hint at your codeword you will be killed, no exceptions" was kinda clear and gave everyone credit that they would read that.

So, this isn't really brand new information you're bringing to the table
Yes it is

There us a specific codeword thst can be claimed

It should not be
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Panther_
I'm slightly suspicious here..that the first post is faked.

In that they are one minute apart, and stuck presumably read over the runes, absorbed the info, and made the follow up post in a minute - minute and a half.

I mean maybe, but it's making me squint a bit
I think i'd be more concerned that he hasnt read the runes thoroughly given his high WIM and early talk of mechanics.
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
12-05-2016 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by chrja
15 post into the day, thats plenty of reason to sheep NL
yeah, and the reason is because you are a wolf right?
December 5th Dragon Age Werewolf Mish-Mash game thread Quote
