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Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD

11-14-2008 , 03:04 PM
OK, I hate to do this, but you know how I am about analyzing nightkills:

I think we're down to three possible explanations for the iggymcfly n1 kill:
  1. The wolves were really lost, possibly uncoordinated (we've seen this recently), maybe inexperienced, and didn't know what they were supposed to do; they went after a brand new player thinking that it would help keep the brand new wolf alive, sort of out of sympathy. they had no clue about power roles, and either didn't know or didn't subscribe to the strong villager theory.
  2. A variation of 1: it was randomized, because nobody submitted a kill or something else went wrong. We have seen this happen, too. We have seen me be a n1 kill, in something like my second game, when bobman inadvertently sent me a wolfchat PM. We have seen wolves submit three different n1 kills. Stuff happens. It could also have been randomized just to screw with us, but I think that unlikely in a game with two power vilalgers and only four wolves.
  3. The scary one: It was specifically intended to fly in the face of the halfway rule: the failure to kill herbie was intended to implicate him. (This works to a lesser extent with a couple other players, me included.)
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:07 PM
we should probably just lynch voya since he wont spew anything
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:13 PM
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:15 PM
^^^^^^^^^ misclick lol



I've known Estar for long long time. i should have known he was wolf when he paid me that backhanded compliment

"mike has been known to trick me before"

good play by him beause obviously im examining his posts the hardest out of anyone here, and if he can assuage my suspicioons he can fly UTR for and undeterminte amount of time
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by HerbieGRD
Yes. I think M1ke's spaztastic freakout this morning just confirms it
that was like a 3/10 spaz

i can go much higher
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:18 PM
ill be back aroun 4 pm pacific

i will start my reread then

expect answers

i have to leave around 6 pm pacific

i want to know who we are voting for

and if it's me, make sure u listen to my input for tomorrow's lynchskis
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by E.Starhouse
To be honest I have no idea what is going on when it comes to the fine points of this game and I'm seriously lacking attak's deep insights. Therefore, i'll vote manupod today just to get the ball rolling. Maybe Ill have something to say farther along...
Also, this game kind reminds me of my favorite kind of prison the panopticon. To learn more about it visit your local library
God damn it. Go look up panopticon, as I should have right then. Starhouse outed himself in his first post.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:22 PM
good play by him beause obviously im examining his posts the hardest out of anyone here
Really? This is some pretty hard hitting stuff right here.

Originally Posted by m1ke
Originally Posted by e.starhouse
Apologies for the posting drought, I was in a plane most of the day.

I have 75% faith that attack dog is legit
Therefore, I’ll vote Aaron’s son

I think a wagon on him will yield the most information effectively forcing him up from under the radar. And a new village dynamic that isn’t focused on those who have already been posting would diversify speculation
lol @ big words
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:23 PM
Atak - I just looked up panopticon and I have no idea what you're talking about
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:24 PM
if bobman turns out to be a wolf. i'm going to stone atakdog and herbie.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:25 PM
A prison where the guards can watch everyone without their knowing it == prison guard like a wolf is "omniscient" in the sense of knowing the roles. Meh if I'd have looked it up I would have taken it to be a clever seer kind of thing.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:26 PM
Honestly I don't think I ever would have made that connection

I might have thought he was the seer though
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:27 PM
The important thing is that mike is totally lupine.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:27 PM
do we really have to wait 4 days to find out who the wolf team is? i reallllly want to know.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:28 PM
more than 4 days since weekend is coming up....
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:29 PM
As I said I'm fine with any of M1ke, XX, or Voya

I'm a little less fine with me, but given the fact that I don't think I have any chance of surviving a must lynch I'd rather get lynched myself than have you lynch Bob or Z
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:29 PM
Seer hint, maybe -- but prisoners versus guards is adversarial, village/seer isn't. Wolves knowing who's who, villagers not knowing who's watching them...

I think I have to add coded images to my game.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:32 PM
If m1ke is village, I would expect Es to have done something to implicate him. I didn't see anything; anyone else?

I want to see herbie's case against XX. I have seen every modern XX game; I think I can assess it moderately well.

I called voya village early, in part because I was trying to look wolfy (to stave off a n1 NK). Since then , his UTRness is worrisome, as WN just pointed out. Must look at his contributions.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:33 PM
I think a "clue" like that is much easier to see in hindsight. Also he said the game reminds him of it which is technically something he could feel simply from reading the rules. If he were still alive and unpeeked I wouldn't want to lynch him for that
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:33 PM
i wouldn't mind killing XX today actually. I'll feel a whole lot better about bobman since i think wolf xx spewed bob as villager.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
I want to see herbie's case against XX. I have seen every modern XX game; I think I can assess it moderately well.
I'll work on this in a minute
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:35 PM
Speaking of what I need to add to my game: faking seer. I've recently been trying to drop hints as a vanillager, but have not been believed yet, and now bobman says he doesn't think faking this one is in my game, even though as Nich pointed out it obviously should be. And then yesterday, Nich practically begs the unconfirmed villagers to fake, to cast some doubt, but there are no takers because everyone believes me.

Next game that I say I'm seer, I'm not. Unless I am.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:37 PM

Faking seer is overrated. Making yourself a seer candidate that the wolves have to kill is underrated. HUGE difference
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:37 PM
The thing I couldn't work out about faking seer would be whether the upside of confusing wolves would be worth the downside of confusing the angel. Otherwise I might have considered it.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:39 PM
I can only remember faking seer as a villager once, and while it was totally awesome, I did it for non-game related reasons (it was a turbo anyways) and I think it's generally anti-village.
Classic Werewolf AverageSpeed [10th Nov] - GAME THREAD Quote
