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Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Christmas Vanilla Game Thread

12-26-2013 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

It makes no sense for him to do that as a wolf with 2 vils dead including the seer. None.

Its dustin who is unpredictable. But he's not afraid to bus. Esp someone like uaw

Makes no sense
I am not saying that its the defending of UAW that is wolfy.

I am saying that the progression from A to B ist explained, and I have a hard time seeing anything that would fit.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by well named
This is such a bizarre post. I called out BATM for first responding to one of my posts with "lol didn't read", then saying I should tell him why I was a villager because he was listening.

Then, I followed up by again summarizing my case on BATM, including those things. This is his response. It's really worth re-reading all of the BATM/WN saga in detail for yourself, although if necessary I could certainly MQ all of it at some point.

But the thing is it's just nonsensical. he accuses me of lying about what he's doing in the same post where he admits to doing what I'm accusing him of. But now it's a test. That I failed apparently, because I correctly noticed him doing what I said he was doing, and pointed out that it was wolfy.

How am I spewing lies by telling a truth that he admits is true?
You found a bizarre post by ATM, gj detective.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 12:58 AM

but it's more than just bizarre. It's wolfy. I dunno, I feel like i'm reaching the point of diminishing returns on talking about BATM and I'm currently researching large monster (of all people), but it's just like, I don't know how to ignore batm's posts or think there's any chance they could be made by a villager, even a villager-batman
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 01:12 AM
if everyone believes Well Named is an obvious villager then just lynch BATM so WN can start figuring out the rest of the game with BATM's role confirmed either way.

It appears WN and BATM are dead set on lynching each other so lets just make them the wagons and make people pick sides.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by well named

but it's more than just bizarre. It's wolfy. I dunno, I feel like i'm reaching the point of diminishing returns on talking about BATM and I'm currently researching large monster (of all people), but it's just like, I don't know how to ignore batm's posts or think there's any chance they could be made by a villager, even a villager-batman

There should be alot of people between ATM and LM.

Luck for one.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
if everyone believes Well Named is an obvious villager then just lynch BATM so WN can start figuring out the rest of the game with BATM's role confirmed either way.

It appears WN and BATM are dead set on lynching each other so lets just make them the wagons and make people pick sides.

Not having Luck as one of the wagons seems borderline troll.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 01:58 AM
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 03:12 AM
TL;DR coming up - fair warning

WARNING: not sure any of this is super relevant but I'm doing it anyways because I'm up and found rereading this past game pretty fun.

Why am I still up? Who knows. I decided to do some actual research for once. I'm reading a game that occured in the beginning of October. Was one of my first non-turbo games here. Pretty LOL to read me specifically - so its worth a laugh if you have some extra time.

Game includes alot of my now favorite players on POG:

Well Named

OK - so a little background on this game.

Well Named

we were all villagers this game. I was so obviously villagery this game that its funny to read. Well Named was an obvious villager. Luckbox is playing the EXACT same game this time around that he played in that game so if he is a wolf this game he is doing a damn good job of replicating his wolf game. It stands out now on reread just how quickly Mets would get Metsy back then - I didnt realize who Mets was or what he was known for so it completely came off as wolfy to me back then but looking back at it, Mets was an obvious villager and LOL me for thinking he was wolfy towards the end.

I just relentlessly tunneled IHCJay as he was an obvious wolf - and multiple villagers kept coming to his defense while patting me on the head and calling me a "cute little misguided villager." IHCJay ended up winning and never being lynched even though he was howling from the moment he posted.

Then - I moved on and relentlessly tunneled Aksdal(who was an obvious villager LOL) until he about reached his breaking point. Pretty sure Aksdal has vowed to never play WW with me again after that(LOL ReddBoiler GOAT).

First multi-quote:

Well Named misreads me, even as everyone else reads me as a villager. Sound familiar? (like this game) Why is this important? Because it shows that my posting style, even when its obviously villagery, for some reason or another, pings Well named and he is inclined to give me a wolf read.

I was already starting to think Well Named was a villager who just finds my posting wolfy this game, but now I'm really starting to lean that way. For wahtever reason, Well Named thinks I'm wolfy as a villager and villagery as a wolf.

The only caveat here is that this game - Well Named has maintained his wolf read on me, even as I've gotten ever increasingly villagery, whereas the Oct 2 vanilla - he started realizing much more quickly that he was wrong. Still, I think I want to give WN another day here in this game.

Originally Posted by well named
are you saying I've been wishy washy? hmm actually I think I could see you coming up with that. I don't post every single thing I'm thinking all at once. What has actually happened so far this game is that I have a lot of villager reads that vary from really strong to just mildly strong, one mild wolf read (boiler), and then there are three people who aren't readable yet. And I wasn't at a computer to make a really hard case on boiler and it may be slightly premature anyway. I want to make the knockout case at the appropriate time to drive the lynch, and I want to be sure first anyway.

Here's where I'm at right now:




I think I could give pretty good explanations for the majority of that and probably will as necessary as the day goes on. Right now with reddboiler, without quoting posts, I have seen a couple of things

1) there is this "confidence" that comes off wolfy to me. "I know I'm right". "my list is obv villa work". That kind of thing. Have to do research to check if I've just missed this in his village game, but it feels fake

2) entrance by large body of notes seems wolfy. This is a game thread that feels flowy and dynamic and he doesn't seem like that kind of player to me to begin with. Plus the content is not really compelling in terms of wolf hunting. Third the only wolf read he supposedly made from it he phrased as one that he "actually" has. Luckbox. And I think that lean is lacking in context or consideration of recent meta and also the "actually" implies that I'm right that his big re-read didn't really say anything.

3) posting subsequent to that has been kind of awkward and contentless
Originally Posted by well named
It's quite possible I'm wrong on boiler. A lot of you seem inclined to make the mistake of thinking that being wrong about something is wolfy though. If boiler is a villager I want to clear him. But the easiest way to do that is voice my suspicions and see where it leads. That's what I'm doing. Defending him if you think he's villagery is good, and give reasons.

Assuming it makes me wolfy is bad both because it's anti-village and because it's basically a terrible way to actually read anyone, and especially me.

I'm going to actually finish really reading boiler before I decide whether I'm off in left field. I would suggest people who think boiler is a villager also look at ihcjay

He has very little actual content despite being around off an on, and he made one post where he said he wanted to sponge me because I've been doing well, and then when I responded saying that he should make his own reads his reaction to that seemed kind of pat to me, like he's not really thinking about my role at all but wanted to give a "read" anyway.
Originally Posted by well named
It looks increasingly likely that I was completely wrong on reddboiler :P

Second MQ is Luckbox trolling me much like he has done to everyone this game - he was a villager in that game. I think Luckbox just enjoys not taking WW too seriously and injecting a little troll here and there.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
we can probably just clear RB for the rest of the game
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Luckbox is heads ICHJ is tails.
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
can I be tails?
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
your justification for thinking I was a wolf was because I voted you after WN did, but I only voted you to see if you would think I was a wolf
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

Do you really think--given what you've seen of my play--that it would make sense for me to be the sort of person who would 'jump on bandwagons' in any role on D1?
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
yeah that was a cross post....I think you're good of course but the game is better served with you not fixated on me so yeah...give me a chance

Luckbox seems like such an obvious wolf this game with the way the whole "lynch these 4 in any order, except not UAW" thing went down - but I keep having this weird feeling he might actually be a villager here who just decided to do somethign silly.

THen again - he is probably just a wolf LOL
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by well named
This is such a bizarre post. I called out BATM for first responding to one of my posts with "lol didn't read", then saying I should tell him why I was a villager because he was listening.

Then, I followed up by again summarizing my case on BATM, including those things. This is his response. It's really worth re-reading all of the BATM/WN saga in detail for yourself, although if necessary I could certainly MQ all of it at some point.

But the thing is it's just nonsensical. he accuses me of lying about what he's doing in the same post where he admits to doing what I'm accusing him of. But now it's a test. That I failed apparently, because I correctly noticed him doing what I said he was doing, and pointed out that it was wolfy.

How am I spewing lies by telling a truth that he admits is true?
You see this is why I keep going back to you man. Just give up if u are a villager.
I don't get it, we are gonna lose if u kill me.
Focus on getting a wolf u dumbass, stop tunneling me.
If u kill me you will die next by lynch.
If u are a villager then stop ur BS. U make no sense, did someone hack your acct? Or u are wolfing?
I die u die. I'm a villager and u say u are too.
Luckboxing can die first then let the wolfs decide
Reading your stupidity makes me want to puke.

lol at coming ITT with everything that's going on to pick on that post. Wow kid
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 04:21 AM
wellnamed dude is bad. Is he saving luckbox now or really thinks there a chance I'm a wolf?
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by BirdieLongSocks
You found a bizarre post by ATM, gj detective.
This was gold. Hahaha seriously I laughed out loud

Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by well named

but it's more than just bizarre. It's wolfy. I dunno, I feel like i'm reaching the point of diminishing returns on talking about BATM and I'm currently researching large monster (of all people), but it's just like, I don't know how to ignore batm's posts or think there's any chance they could be made by a villager, even a villager-batman
I told you in already. Drop it you are gonna get lynched, if u are a villager act like one and let's get a wolf, then u can tunnel me again.
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
if everyone believes Well Named is an obvious villager then just lynch BATM so WN can start figuring out the rest of the game with BATM's role confirmed either way.

It appears WN and BATM are dead set on lynching each other so lets just make them the wagons and make people pick sides.
I really don't care but his tunneling is bad.
He hasn't even pointed who are the other possible wolfs... I'm here looking still.
****ing newbs, WW is not personal. I understand I'm easy to hate, all my skills and how easy I can own the game and switch my game up.
Don't hate wn... Just learn and adapt. I'm trying to make you a better player
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
if everyone believes Well Named is an obvious villager then just lynch BATM so WN can start figuring out the rest of the game with BATM's role confirmed either way.

It appears WN and BATM are dead set on lynching each other so lets just make them the wagons and make people pick sides.
So you are saying u rather hate that low WIM tunneling not thinking straight drunk guy than BATM AIDS angeled villager WIM wolf butt ****ing game changer and wolf hunter?

If anything kill luckbox, then wn so we can move on.
I changed my vote and my wolfes a few times already. He hasn't and is making bad posts.
How he comes in here quoting that ****? He wants your attention away from luckbox.
Same as UAW
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by BirdieLongSocks
There should be alot of people between ATM and LM.

Luck for one.
Thank you!
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
TL;DR coming up - fair warning

WARNING: not sure any of this is super relevant but I'm doing it anyways because I'm up and found rereading this past game pretty fun.

Why am I still up? Who knows. I decided to do some actual research for once. I'm reading a game that occured in the beginning of October. Was one of my first non-turbo games here. Pretty LOL to read me specifically - so its worth a laugh if you have some extra time.

Game includes alot of my now favorite players on POG:

Well Named

OK - so a little background on this game.

Well Named

we were all villagers this game. I was so obviously villagery this game that its funny to read. Well Named was an obvious villager. Luckbox is playing the EXACT same game this time around that he played in that game so if he is a wolf this game he is doing a damn good job of replicating his wolf game. It stands out now on reread just how quickly Mets would get Metsy back then - I didnt realize who Mets was or what he was known for so it completely came off as wolfy to me back then but looking back at it, Mets was an obvious villager and LOL me for thinking he was wolfy towards the end.

I just relentlessly tunneled IHCJay as he was an obvious wolf - and multiple villagers kept coming to his defense while patting me on the head and calling me a "cute little misguided villager." IHCJay ended up winning and never being lynched even though he was howling from the moment he posted.

Then - I moved on and relentlessly tunneled Aksdal(who was an obvious villager LOL) until he about reached his breaking point. Pretty sure Aksdal has vowed to never play WW with me again after that(LOL ReddBoiler GOAT).

First multi-quote:

Well Named misreads me, even as everyone else reads me as a villager. Sound familiar? (like this game) Why is this important? Because it shows that my posting style, even when its obviously villagery, for some reason or another, pings Well named and he is inclined to give me a wolf read.

I was already starting to think Well Named was a villager who just finds my posting wolfy this game, but now I'm really starting to lean that way. For wahtever reason, Well Named thinks I'm wolfy as a villager and villagery as a wolf.

The only caveat here is that this game - Well Named has maintained his wolf read on me, even as I've gotten ever increasingly villagery, whereas the Oct 2 vanilla - he started realizing much more quickly that he was wrong. Still, I think I want to give WN another day here in this game.

Second MQ is Luckbox trolling me much like he has done to everyone this game - he was a villager in that game. I think Luckbox just enjoys not taking WW too seriously and injecting a little troll here and there.

Luckbox seems like such an obvious wolf this game with the way the whole "lynch these 4 in any order, except not UAW" thing went down - but I keep having this weird feeling he might actually be a villager here who just decided to do somethign silly.

THen again - he is probably just a wolf LOL

Good work I guess.
Hurt that I'm not in your top favorite players in POG, butthurt actually.
Well did WELLNAMED has said he might be wrong this game and that I'm probably a villager? No
He tunnels me cuz he has a crush on me I guess
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler

Luckbox seems like such an obvious wolf this game with the way the whole "lynch these 4 in any order, except not UAW" thing went down - but I keep having this weird feeling he might actually be a villager here who just decided to do somethign silly.

THen again - he is probably just a wolf LOL
If luck is playing a sub par town game then its not much we can do, thats on him, not us.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Let's get luckboxing. Then we decide based on his reveal and the wolf kill.
Those two thing will give us a ton of info to make a smart decision
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
if everyone believes Well Named is an obvious villager then just lynch BATM so WN can start figuring out the rest of the game with BATM's role confirmed either way.

It appears WN and BATM are dead set on lynching each other so lets just make them the wagons and make people pick sides.
Originally Posted by BirdieLongSocks
Not having Luck as one of the wagons seems borderline troll.
Assuming nothing dramatic happens, how about luckbox today, and then a well named/BATM flip tomorrow?
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Large Monster
Assuming nothing dramatic happens, how about luckbox today, and then a well named/BATM flip tomorrow?
Actually I think I'd only do that if Luckbox were to flip villager since Luckbox+BATM's interaction seems quite unlikely to be wolf/wolf.

I also find it quite confusing that these two posters have been attacking each other since I was thinking that both were quite villagery. I'm going to re-read both of them to see what comes up.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by BirdieLongSocks
If luck is playing a sub par town game then its not much we can do, thats on him, not us.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 09:03 AM
I'm in the car on way to work.. When I get there I'll respond to all of your idiocy
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 09:37 AM
So what happens is BATM does a wolfy entrance, well named, as well as a few others, vote him and then he votes well named in return.

BATM then explains the meta reasons for his seemingly wolfy game, which make sense.

wn then says that his posts aren't just the usual crazy BATM and are actually really wolfy and they go back and forth on each other other for 20-30 posts.

From that I get a net nothing on BATM (his meta argument makes sense, but presumably he would act like that as a wolf too and I don't knkow him well enough to discern the subtle differences between normal crazy and wolf crazy) and I think wn looks good tunnelling BATM to that degree since if he was a wolf it would be the kind of thing which could out him.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 09:40 AM

Its ridiculous to think that I would ever have a list of 4 people and say any order on D2. What I said I think was mostly hyperbole. Obviously there is an UAW. That list was formed through people I legit thought wolfy and POE. UAW was more on the POE side than the legit wolfy side.

Furthermore, How the concept of lynch-bait is foreign to some people here I don't understand, but UAW yesterday is basically the epitome of lynch bait and that was why I didn't want to see him go yesterday.

This is obvious to Mets and Mets alone apparently.

I have some actual work I need to do for a little bit.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 10:01 AM
Good post Luckbox .

With you I suppose it comes down to whether or not the twtbaw stuff is true. I've liked your recent posting, and the lolcatting and whatnot from yesterday are likewise less than wolfy.

The impression I get is that you could still be posting this way as a trolling wolf, but that it is only a possibility, not a probability.

So I'm back on rebonkulous.

Perhaps this is too tinfoily, but I don't want to discount the possibility of bussing against UAW, even if it might make little sense otherwise. The reason for this is that UAW basically posted very little the whole day, and nothing apart from the first few hours. I can see it making sense from that perspective to announce that he'll be away in wolfchat and then vote one of his (at the time suspicious) wolf bros in Birdie. Then Birdie and co-wolf iversonian can vote early for him since they know that, come EOD, he will likely be lynch target due to his absence and low post-count.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 10:04 AM
Busing with a dead seer is pretty standard
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
12-26-2013 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

Its ridiculous to think that I would ever have a list of 4 people and say any order on D2. What I said I think was mostly hyperbole. Obviously there is an UAW. That list was formed through people I legit thought wolfy and POE. UAW was more on the POE side than the legit wolfy side.

Furthermore, How the concept of lynch-bait is foreign to some people here I don't understand, but UAW yesterday is basically the epitome of lynch bait and that was why I didn't want to see him go yesterday.

This is obvious to Mets and Mets alone apparently.

I have some actual work I need to do for a little bit.
Took you almost 24 hours.

Keep this up.
Christmas Vanilla Game Thread Quote
