Originally Posted by Large Monster
Good post Luckbox .
With you I suppose it comes down to whether or not the twtbaw stuff is true. I've liked your recent posting, and the lolcatting and whatnot from yesterday are likewise less than wolfy.
The impression I get is that you could still be posting this way as a trolling wolf, but that it is only a possibility, not a probability.
So I'm back on rebonkulous.
Perhaps this is too tinfoily, but I don't want to discount the possibility of bussing against UAW, even if it might make little sense otherwise. The reason for this is that UAW basically posted very little the whole day, and nothing apart from the first few hours. I can see it making sense from that perspective to announce that he'll be away in wolfchat and then vote one of his (at the time suspicious) wolf bros in Birdie. Then Birdie and co-wolf iversonian can vote early for him since they know that, come EOD, he will likely be lynch target due to his absence and low post-count.
I dont think we should let him off the hook for making one good post.
Even if he is town he needs to shape up and not go back to brainfarting.