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Bridge Bridge

06-23-2015 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Myrmidon7328
What if you switch the heart and diamond suits? 2N then yolo 6H?
That would be tough and without agreement I prolly blast 6h over 1c
Bridge Quote
07-03-2015 , 12:57 AM


Bridge Quote
07-03-2015 , 02:37 AM

I am not sure this will make but I am sure the next guy wants to bid 7D
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07-03-2015 , 09:16 AM
5S. Lot of handling problems in six.
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07-03-2015 , 05:10 PM
What would you have if you pass now and pull a double? Would that be an invite?
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07-03-2015 , 05:13 PM
that's also a decent to excellent option I didn't consider earlier

and yes pass should be forcing here
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07-03-2015 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
that's also a decent to excellent option I didn't consider earlier

and yes pass should be forcing here
Sure, it should be. But this was a mentor/mentee game and my partner has 1.35 master points.
Bridge Quote
07-10-2015 , 02:24 PM
RIP Omar Sharif
Bridge Quote
07-10-2015 , 07:46 PM
just found this site but yes RIP Sir Omar. was without doubt one of the best actors and bridge player of all time
Bridge Quote
07-11-2015 , 12:54 AM
Welcome Becky
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07-11-2015 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by dc-ohio
Welcome Becky
Bridge Quote
07-11-2015 , 07:47 PM
Hi Becky.

Omar Sharif is one of the players I most wished I could have played with or against. By all accounts he was quite a character, and a good guy. Darned good bridge player, too.
Bridge Quote
07-14-2015 , 07:30 AM
3 weeks til Chicago and GNTs.... who's meeting me for drinks?
Bridge Quote
07-19-2015 , 08:59 AM


both red you get to 4S - declarer dealt and opened 1D and after they dont bid is known to be very likely 4-2-4-3 15-16 - dummy is known to have 4+ hearts and probably just 4 spades

6 of spades lead ? - if you win on the deck and run a diamond it loses and a trump comes back ?
Bridge Quote
07-20-2015 , 10:42 AM
Spade for dummy Jd runs, next trump take in hand cross to dummy in trump and run the 9d

I'm not too sure if grabbing the second round in dummy is better or worse, since you can afford them to make a trump trick if diamonds provide 3 winners
Bridge Quote
07-20-2015 , 10:55 AM
I think it might be better to win in hand, play heart A/K/ruff (anything good happen?), finish drawing trumps in dummy, then run the D9 around?

May be terrible, I'm halfway distracted at work.
Bridge Quote
07-20-2015 , 03:19 PM
Hearts just give you one extra trick, diamonds might give you two
Bridge Quote
07-20-2015 , 03:48 PM
Well I was counting on a partial endplay to give me the second one. That trump lead looks ominous.
Bridge Quote
07-20-2015 , 08:50 PM
Another option is to hook the heart J. If RHO has the Qh, you almost certainly have 4 minor losers anyways. How about something like:

1. Win in hand
2. Ah
3. Hook Jh
4. Assuming this wins, run 9d

Plan is to ruff the baby heart before taking the Kh. You might get some endplays when LHO is short in hearts if they have to ruff the Kh.

Last edited by Myrmidon7328; 07-20-2015 at 08:56 PM.
Bridge Quote
07-21-2015 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
Spade for dummy Jd runs, next trump take in hand cross to dummy in trump and run the 9d

I'm not too sure if grabbing the second round in dummy is better or worse, since you can afford them to make a trump trick if diamonds provide 3 winners
seems to be the straight forward line - given its a problem predictably after drawing trumps the second diamond loses to the other honour and a diamond comes back and they were 3/3 - now I think it is accurate to say it is pretty much a guess to either hook a heart or play a club to the ace - I suppose best might be to cash the top hearts ending in dummy and lead a club down catching an unlikely Qx of hearts for 10 as well as the chance of the club ace onside

LHO has a 2-4-3-4 with all the missing values except QJ of clubs so this line is 1 down

meh - I cant fathom a better line so might just be that the best line goes down and there is nothing to see
Bridge Quote
07-21-2015 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by Myrmidon7328
Another option is to hook the heart J. If RHO has the Qh, you almost certainly have 4 minor losers anyways. How about something like:

1. Win in hand
2. Ah
3. Hook Jh
4. Assuming this wins, run 9d

Plan is to ruff the baby heart before taking the Kh. You might get some endplays when LHO is short in hearts if they have to ruff the Kh.
as mentioned the heart hook works and from there you can't sensibly go off so this line works - in fact might make an overtrick - I don't see the heart finesse being better than going after the diamond suit though - perhaps given a good defender was on lead and was likely to find a passive lead you can argue that he might of led a heart rather than a trump if he had the likely holding of 3-4 small ? - there is certainly some endplay opportunites to this line and getting 3 diamond tricks is not particularly likely so I don't think it is a bad line just can't get it to be the best line...
Bridge Quote
07-21-2015 , 06:16 AM
If both diamond honors are wrong I 100% play on clubs
Opps didn't bid and with KQd and Ac you are quite close to something
Bridge Quote
07-21-2015 , 02:30 PM
auction from last night, im in 4th seat, i dont remember the vulnerability

I have



My partner's one diamond opening promises four.

After 1S I'm somewhat stuck for a bid so I bid two clubs. Is everyone okay with this?

After two clubs my partner bids 2NT and I bid three. Partner has Axx of spades, opponent has KQJTx and the ace of diamonds and we go down one.

Is it bad to think about ways we could just play 3D with a 5-3 fit instead of a 3NT we might feel like is going down?

I don't really know what my question is but I just want to know if anyone has thoughts on the auction or has any suggestions for any kind of treatments.
Bridge Quote
07-21-2015 , 02:32 PM
I guess it kinda feels bad blasting 3N and seeing what happens but it could be totally standard?
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07-21-2015 , 02:39 PM
also we don't really open that light so if he's flat I know he has 12-13
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