Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
Spade for dummy Jd runs, next trump take in hand cross to dummy in trump and run the 9d
I'm not too sure if grabbing the second round in dummy is better or worse, since you can afford them to make a trump trick if diamonds provide 3 winners
seems to be the straight forward line - given its a problem predictably after drawing trumps the second diamond loses to the other honour and a diamond comes back and they were 3/3 - now I think it is accurate to say it is pretty much a guess to either hook a heart or play a club to the ace - I suppose best might be to cash the top hearts ending in dummy and lead a club down catching an unlikely Qx of hearts for 10 as well as the chance of the club ace onside
LHO has a 2-4-3-4 with all the missing values except QJ of clubs so this line is 1 down
meh - I cant fathom a better line so might just be that the best line goes down and there is nothing to see