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Adam's Walrus Reveal Adam's Walrus Reveal

11-11-2016 , 10:14 PM
respect for that submission gambit!

nice podium, haven't listened to thingy's yet. ty for reveal as always
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-11-2016 , 10:16 PM
Sweet, I won

woo hoo

Yeah, youtube sucks when it comes to finding Bob Dylan songs
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-11-2016 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
In third, with a score of 8.9,
Love the energy, love the roughness of the production. About time I gave this guy a real chance. I don't think this song makes my playlist unless the rest of this album is on the typical side, which I seriously hope it isn't. It would make it if it were more consistent. Lots of parts with little or no value musically. The first 30 seconds are the difference between an 8.9 and a 9.low
I almost submitted this song
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-11-2016 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by jumpluff
gad i'm absolutely in love with this song

i've heard it before on the radio here weirdly enough but not for a long time and i'm having a great time listening to it now

wish i could sing along too but my voice is totally ****ed rn

We have very similar tastes

Adam, I really enjoyed your comments too
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-11-2016 , 11:38 PM
As of category 6,
Place Player Points
1 Zack 69
2 jumpluff 68
3 Manasi 66
4 binkles 60
4 Gad 60
6 gambit 56
7 Donk4 55
8 JMurder 54
9 Effen 52
10 rtspurs 49
11 Thingy 43
12 Xander 41
13 Walrein 40
14 Owner 29
15 Alette 23
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-11-2016 , 11:40 PM
lmao i got destroyed rip
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-11-2016 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene

We have very similar tastes

Adam, I really enjoyed your comments too
glad to hear it. some of the middling songs feel rough to write anything for because i know i'm letting somebody down, but it's necessary
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-11-2016 , 11:49 PM
category 7 will be late tomorrow. normal start time is 8. expect 9 or 10 (pm eastern)

it's also the most universal in my music. 4 may describe more of my playlist, 2 may be more appealing to me in the past few years, but nothing has ever been as consistently striking as a song written for somebody else, especially a friend. looking forward to finishing up my portion of getting it live, and i hope you people get something out of the music
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 12:20 AM
am floored Bob Dylan wins an adam cat!


grats gambit
excellent taste
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Freddy Fazbear
am floored Bob Dylan wins an adam cat!


grats gambit
excellent taste
Dylan had one of the example songs for cat 4 iirc, Song to Woody. That's one of the 10 on my playlist, and definitely my favorite of his. Desolation Row is up there, too. I use that song as an alarm to wake me up in the morning sometimes
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 10:45 PM
Category 7. A song written for a friend

This is an extremely small sampling of what are likely 50 category fits on my playlist of ~850 songs

For brothers
Aesop Rock - Blood Sandwich

For a mother
Tool - 10,000 Days

For an uncle
John Denver - Matthew

For a friend in an abusive relationship
Atmosphere - The Last to Say

For a dead friend
Raekwon - Ason Jones
Dave Van Ronk - He Was a Friend of Mine
Kimya Dawson - Walk Like Thunder

For a lost friend
El-P T.O.J
Eyedea & Abilities - By the Throat

For an old friend
The Mountain Goats - You Were Cool

For a friend, in thanks
Aesop Rock - One of Four
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 10:50 PM
Tied in umm...dead last...

I was going to rand their placements at first, knowing I didn't care enough to pick my favorite of a group of disappointing entries, but I realized I could just give them each two points. That's what I'll be doing. Welcome to hell: a three-way tie for dead last because ????

With scores of zero, in alphabetical order,
Alette with Various Artists - Sucker for Pain
Apparently this was meant to be her category 6 submission, but she flipped them and didn't care to correct it. So it goes.
Manasi with Beyonce - 7/11
Okay, so the category is "A song written for a friend", not a song that reminds you of a friend. I'd say sorry, but this one's on you.

Xander Biscuits with Bo Burnham - Art is Dead
Look…I don't understand it, either. I'm not asking you to explain how this got here, cause it's probably just a "whatever", but I would be interesting in knowing.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 10:55 PM
In twelfth, with a score of 4.4,
This is a little on the hard side for me. Magic's verse had real appeal to it. He carried the tone of the song pretty well. Snoop rhyming "mother****er" with itself a few too many times for my liking and going soft wasn't great. Overall just a subject matter that didn't work for me.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 10:58 PM
In eleventh, with a score of 5,
So apparently this song is about a fictional girl who cheated on a guy. And then he killed her. First thought was 0. Second thought was that I didn't like the song anyway and there are so many 0s why did this happen to me. I could see an argument that ex-friend and dead friend are both written in the category description, but I'm here to tell you that "an imagined friend (who wasn't actually a friend, just a lover) you murdered cause she ****ed another dude" isn't doing it for me. Sorry if this used to be an enjoyable listen for somebody following along who likes When You Were Young, but this is what the song is, apparently.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:02 PM
Double entry~
With a score of 5.3,
I don't think I like Chance. What part of rapping over this track sounded like a good idea? There were parts where I thought I could have liked what he was doing, and the piano bit would be okay on its own, but they came together in a way I couldn't handle at all. I would have tried harder if you didn't do better with your other submission, but this is so hard to listen to right now and I can't figure out why.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:05 PM
In tenth, with a score of 5.6,
I don't really see the appeal of the song. Is it circlejerky drug use? I've never coped like this. Maybe people who have hear it and it sparks memories and everything feels a little bit better because you have recourse if you ever need it again. Maybe it's somebody offering that recourse to somebody who needs it? I'm left hanging, though. Rated off musicality. Seemed dull without lyrical involvement.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:08 PM
In ninth, with a score of 6,
All it had going for it was its emotion. That's a hard sell for me. It also failed to get personal, at all, which is kind of the opposite of what I want in a song like this. If it's your thing, sure, this song could do it.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:10 PM
In eighth, with a score of 6.7,
The electronic bit (synth I assume) is kind of annoying me. The rest of the beat is still, if less, against my preferences. Singer is good, writing is good, beat is lacking big time.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:14 PM
In seventh, with a score of 7.2,
It keeps coming up that I like roughness in a song A LOT, and this one has it and only it. That's enough! If it were my style of music in the first place, that would send it over the top. As it is, it makes it enjoyable where it couldn't have been on its own.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:15 PM
~thread so dead~
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:17 PM
oh sorry, I was just lurking unsuspectingly in the background; don't mind me.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:17 PM
walrein... you're socially adjusted or something... how did you do that... is everything ok

gambit's increased in enjoyment for me cuz it's the ocean man guys

didn't really like the vocals on thingy's song and they were super familiar fsr but the raw emotions were compelling once i understood where the song was going. good submission

gad my exp is when adam writes something he doesn't like about the song that's guaranteed going to be the thing i like most about the song, and that is proving true still. vocalist a bit of a grower but good songwriting. i am so sad i wasn't around for your walrus now lol
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:17 PM
In sixth, with a score of 7.4,
There are a few perfect category fits in here, by my expectations. This one is the king of them. It's a man singing a song a friend wrote about his dead son. Pretty compelling. The live performance adds to it. I can't say I enjoy the thought behind the song, but the authenticity assured by the subject and the way it's sung really do it for me. You can see him having trouble keeping himself together around 3:09, before the focus obligingly shifts to the musicians surrounding him. After a while, I came to really appreciate the guy's voice and the backing. One of those songs that had to grow on me.
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
11-12-2016 , 11:18 PM
top 5:

captain binkles
Adam's Walrus Reveal Quote
