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7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game 7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game

07-10-2016 , 10:33 PM
And gorgor voted down my ticket with Nich for *reasons*? I didn't realize that.

Why did you do that?
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 10:34 PM
You voted it down, and then you got the ticket and you nominated shipitup and you played a fascist card.

You knew shipit played a liberal card before that as well, so you should have trusted him, and I hadn't done anything yet so there was no reason to mistrust me.

I don't understand why you voted that ticket down if you're a liberal, Gorgor.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 10:35 PM
you also agreed that scum can play a liberal card didn't you? I wonder if that'd be distancing because you're hitler or not?
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 10:36 PM

ebwop in bold QUOTE=Myrologue;50395185]You voted it down, and then you got the ticket and you nominated shipitup and you played a fascist card.

You knew [s]shipit[/s] nich played a liberal card before that as well, so you should have trusted him, and I hadn't done anything yet so there was no reason to mistrust me.

I don't understand why you voted that ticket down if you're a liberal, Gorgor.[/QUOTE]
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 10:37 PM
fail again. but i think you get what im trying to sya.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
So, the order of presidential candidates is:


Unfortunately, a rule quirk that I missed (or I would have objected to) allowed the first president to choose a chancellor that was going to be eligible to be in power the very next turn without a chance to vote against that. A more typical play for the first president is to choose a chancellor that is not going to be a candidate for president soon so that one player doesn't have power too frequently. For instance, if Nicholasp were fascist, he would have been president and chancellor in the first two turns. Obviously, we have no information about whether he is or not yet, but there's no reason to risk that concentration of power, especially early on.

For this reason, I am tempted to vote against the upcoming ticket, no matter the choice of chancellor. It is nothing against Nicholas nor his choice for chancellor, who at this point is unknown anyway. It is merely a hedging strategy to try to distribute power rather than concentrate it.


I think this is pretty much -fluff- reasoning, but at least you put some thought? - into it.

Dunno what power distribution really means in this game where there are like 9 or so turns for 6 players.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by grant2
Wait wat? Voting down the ticket won't change what cards are in the deck

I'm trying to figure out what the point of this idea is
Originally Posted by Myrologue
Liberap cards are reshuffled into the deck sfter this turn
Originally Posted by Myrologue
Since presidents and chancellors can't be chancellors in the next round if we vote this ticket down shipitup can be ellected as chancellor next round when there are liberal cards.

that's my thinking.
Dunno what reason there was to conclude I'd vote no 3 times in a row from the above.

Shipitup is no longer president. Anyone can be chancellor. The mod announced this as well.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 10:46 PM
Maybe you're just new, but I think you (or someone anyway) commented on their extensive experience before this.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Ok, just found this game, sorry I missed the first few actions

I'm a liberal and I was passed 2 liberal cards that first night, so either kawamii is also liberal or he was AFK and had the 2 liberal cards out of his 3 selected at random or all 3 cards were liberal so he had no choice

I'll get into the game tomorrow, but figured transparency is good for now and we will figure out odds later
If grant is telling the truth then 3 liberal cards + 2 liberal here + 1 me and ship played = 6 which is the number of liberal cards in the game ya.

Therefore Kiwamii, according to nick had a fascist card in her hand and kiwamii threw it out i suppose. And i dont see why grant or his chancellor would lie about getting an easy choice - and i don't see why nicholas would lie either. You all know ship and I played a liberal card, so if there aren't any aids there should be no liberal cards in the deck.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:01 PM
i'm guessing that kawami is a wolf. feels right somehow. barely here. doesn't say much at all. gives nicholas 2 liberals because they know he's always playing a liberal card anyway, whereas a liberal might give nicholas 1 liberal and 1 fascist card instead (to test nicholas' alignment).

It's possible she just wanted them to play a liberal card, but I think the chances she's a wolf compared to other peeps is higher. grant seems like a newb and grogos had a charming moment somewhere. I don't trust grogor, but i don't trust anyone.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:06 PM
im the cause of two liberal cards going through but okay dude
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:07 PM
Oddly I think I trust nich and grant the most right now. Shipitup I want to test a little which is part of why I still want him chancellor - we're not close to losing right now so we can afford to test him again. So me>nich>grant/shipitup>grogor/kawami.

or something.

some of those are in flux as i think about it. it's difficult cause we have barely any info. sigh.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:07 PM
also i was afk at the time and the reason it autoly choose the liberal cards for me

was because im liberal

7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kawamii
im the cause of two liberal cards going through but okay dude
you had no choice in one, and if nicholas is liberal you had no choice in other round either.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:07 PM
but im not really invested in this game caue its confusing af so idc either way
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Kawamii
also i was afk at the time and the reason it autoly choose the liberal cards for me

was because im liberal


yeah that's what i was thinking at first. are you sure you're allowed to say that though?

cause now i believe you.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:10 PM
you can hang with nich imo.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:10 PM
i read the rules and i dont really see anything that says i can say i was afk
plus its true it was autoly picked so lol
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:11 PM
so what exactly should i do about the chancellor thing
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:12 PM
i think nich is a facist tho tbh
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Kawamii
so what exactly should i do about the chancellor thing
pick someone you don't trust. i don't think you'll get a liberal card this round anyway. then we can pick a chancellor we trust next round.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:14 PM
nvm it was grant that said something weird
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kawamii
i think nich is a facist tho tbh
im open to that. i wasn't considering him for that position because i thought you were the fascist and i didn't see you both being fascists.

but i don't see proof of that. pick nich if you want.
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:14 PM
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
07-10-2016 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Kawamii
nvm it was grant that said something weird
which was?
7/4 - Secret Hitler Long Game Quote
