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7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread 7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread

08-01-2015 , 09:14 AM
This Shadow of the Colossus run should be pretty hype. I've watched the game before
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:15 AM
I've never watched*
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:16 AM
i was thinking about lore etc. over the night and where we might find some infinity stones
unfortunately i kinda outted that no lunches had one so i am sorry, looks like the wolves will have picked it up
i think it is likely there is a wolf/neutral collector who is looking for stones so that might help because they should be killing the wolves now
i think that the mind stone either originated on tehvader or vixicator (based on lore) or was won in the events day 1 (someone give me the list i can't remember the entrants)
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by Adam33
This Shadow of the Colossus run should be pretty hype. I've watched the game before
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:19 AM
looks like neither vix nor vader were in the events day 1 so that completes my theory that stones possibly originate on character based on lore
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:20 AM
i want to deal with bunnies today, i isod her and found a very gross post that needs explanation
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:23 AM
Telc left nothing blatant as a peek, could have had a red on Weatherguy until his shot progression went from people to Grant then suggested votes on Kordo after, and the SotC runner reset on first boss. What a disappointing morning
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:24 AM
I found a bunnies post that bothered me while looking at the votes from D1. I haven't isoed her yet. What did you find?
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:24 AM
Lock clear bitcves
Every read - and assumption about poisoner - has been right.

Village mvp already
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:25 AM
This game is ****ing brutal BibleThump
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:25 AM
I'm too sexy for this village
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Adam33
Telc left nothing blatant as a peek, could have had a red on Weatherguy until his shot progression went from people to Grant then suggested votes on Kordo after, and the SotC runner reset on first boss. What a disappointing morning
disgusting isn't it

hitting more masterminds would be a big ++ today, i doubt there are more than 5 or 6 to make that keyword peeking thing balanced
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
No you mongrel man
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:27 AM
Like, I've literally been right about EVERYTHING I've said this game (except for a minor wavering about muck but meh)
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by 27ninjabunnies
We aren't shooting duckburg. He's in my possible town from the QB flip.

ITAs should shoot between

Insanity (Seriously, why is he not in anyone's world?)
And some high quality lurkers

I haven't decided which I would use my ITA on, but these are y top priority aorn.
this is pretty much the aidsiest ita list i have ever seen ever in the history of ever
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:28 AM
Gonna watch inglorious basterds to the end and then own
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:29 AM
viggo are you interested in outting your targets last night (if it is relevant?) if not don't worry about it.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:32 AM
sure would be great if we had any idea where kordo was before he died
not knowing where the day vig was at really hurts in working out where he landed his actions
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:33 AM
Vigg is like outed 3p/mafia. Tried and failed to claim "his role"
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..
this is pretty much the aidsiest ita list i have ever seen ever in the history of ever
wait I just realized adam is on that list wtf

and, currently known alignments aside, I thought ilician was pretty town from qb spew which she says she looked at

and 4 people on that list are now flipped or confirmed villager with the 5th being extremely likely villager and idk about insanity but that still doesn't look great
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by kordoISback
i wish gadarene was still alive
looks like he might have capped gad :/
oh well
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:36 AM
i didn't do as much work as i should have yesterday, kinda thought i would just die last night but oh well
if i had an action last night the results were not conclusive either way
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:37 AM
I can confirm I received a lovely knock knock joke.
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:37 AM
barring a wolf backup dayvig, which with them having a dayvig, night vig, and backup night vig seems like too much kill power, he'd have had to

and yeah, that further points towards it being the case
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Lissa2
wait I just realized adam is on that list wtf

and, currently known alignments aside, I thought ilician was pretty town from qb spew which she says she looked at

and 4 people on that list are now flipped or confirmed villager with the 5th being extremely likely villager and idk about insanity but that still doesn't look great
insanity is literally the only person in there who is outside my PSEUDO LOCK circle, and i have a slight villa lean on insanity too
and having duckburg higher than those names spins drudge sirens in my mind
7/30 Marvel Cinematic Universe Mishmash - Law & Order: MCU - Game Thread Quote
