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7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread 7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread

07-21-2015 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
lots of correct villager reads from mor_ early

"stork lissa jco are all villa reads prob add busto to that list as well"
Originally Posted by jcohen
also its hard for me to analyze mor since he always sounds the same to me. like in a wolfy way, so i don't really know the difference between his villa game and his wolf game too well
how do you feel that i was his only wolf read

assume i'm a villager for the sake of the exercise
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07-21-2015 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
the problem with voting mor over bop is that being this terrible is pretty squarely in mor's village game (unfortunately), although I'd argue that even he would have the self awareness to be embarrassed once I flip if he is actually a villager this game

contrast that with bop that just had consecutive high value performances in both roles, especially in high leverage situations, and my patience with him is thinner

this feels a bit like wolfing fatigue on his part
and i agree with this post

the first paragraph was largely the point of my question to you yesterday
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07-21-2015 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
so this is the case

i don't even remember what rascal said about me, but if someone wants to go look, i'm an open book
basically rascal had this big thing about how vigg was voting bop instead of you (because vigg had the two of you as his wolf leans)

so now we are left trying to interpret whether rascal would be bussing or defending his bro

i don't really think you'd be v/v the way he talked about it. but feel free to look for yourself
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
you did read the part of my post where i was reevaluating my Mor read, correct?
you mean the three word sentence where you said "less so on mor"

yeah, you really blew me away there with the strength of you conviction
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07-21-2015 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Charry
Cohen doesn't this silenced thing go with your berserk ish posts? He says he got silenced which is in line with the lightning storm. I'm not sure where u were going with is or what it means but you probably have some tinfoil or theory that this falls into?

Hinder is a direct silence I think whereas lighting storm kills 2 and silences 1. Could be either obv
Hinder is not a direct Silence

Silence is a direct Silence

and in the pantheon of possible explanations here, it ranged from most to least plausible thusly:

1) bopolis was Silenced by a Silence

2) bopolis is lying about being Silenced

3) Meteors fell out of the sky and Silenced bopolis

4) bopolis was one of three people targeted by a legendary card that kills two of the targets and Silences the other
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
how do you feel that i was his only wolf read

assume i'm a villager for the sake of the exercise
i don't know

how many wolf reads does he usually have? he's always an utr guy in either role
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07-21-2015 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
basically rascal had this big thing about how vigg was voting bop instead of you (because vigg had the two of you as his wolf leans)

so now we are left trying to interpret whether rascal would be bussing or defending his bro

i don't really think you'd be v/v the way he talked about it. but feel free to look for yourself
i mean, me analyzing rascal spew is kind of worthless since i know my role

others should read it and come to their own conclusions, though

i'm at the point where i hope someone tracked me last night
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07-21-2015 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
I want to know how much will a peek cost let's say tonight. I didn't see how to get 18 mana unless everyone gives u mana
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
No **** Cohen. Thanks for sounding helpful....

Guys listen to Cohen, if you have the mana to peek don't hold it for a rainy day.

Cuz I'm sure in a game where peeks are like a dream someone will just save it....

Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
I'm not invited to WC due to my alignment.

But while making my GOAT deck, I noticed how easy it will be to make my GIAT deck super awesome by having at least one partner to give me stuff so me give them stuff and manipulate mana gain and other neat ****.
First thing I thought was that talking about setup is way overpowered and should be different if villa wants a chance.
Unless wolves had some restrictions that I don't know about since it wasn't talked about in mod communication posts itt.

Cherry are u hinting that wolves didn't in fact have a chat last night?
I didn't see anything other than wolves have only night chat and last night was "night 0" so you tell me?

Looks like u are outed. How that feels?
You ready to contribute or just play like is a joke and then be butthurt when everyone calls you out for bad play?
Don't wolves usually get their skype chat right away... this is semantics. Basically batm is throwing mud on someone who voted him, telling them they're playing bad. This feels similar to wolf batm.

Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
Wait how that works?
So a peek is not 18 mana?
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
If someone is obv villa they might be able to receive mana maybe?
fluff. meanwhile vigg v. bopo.

7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Not particularly impressed with Gad's contributions thus far today.
you're a numpty
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07-21-2015 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
i don't know

how many wolf reads does he usually have? he's always an utr guy in either role
jesus christ this is like pulling teeth
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07-21-2015 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
i mean, me analyzing rascal spew is kind of worthless since i know my role

others should read it and come to their own conclusions, though

i'm at the point where i hope someone tracked me last night
well no, you'd be analyzing his spew wrt bopolis, knowing you're a villager

since i just reread mor you should now have to reread rascal

and also how does every villa not reread when the first wolf flips? its not like he even had that many posts
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
it did kind of amuse me how annoyed he got with having to defend why he's still alive, and then immediately transitioned into saying ihcjay could still be a wolf
it is factually correct that ihcjay can still be a wolf

it is important mechanically to note that ihcjay can still be a wolf because half the people in this game apparently don't even bother to read the ****ing cards

i think ihcjay is >>>>>>>>rand villa

what part of that is amusing?
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
I'm reading them monte

and you know, he was prob right about the no lynching thing. then peeks would have only cost 1 mana and everyone woulda been able to afford it last night

7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Sili
Don't wolves usually get their skype chat right away... this is semantics. Basically batm is throwing mud on someone who voted him, telling them they're playing bad. This feels similar to wolf batm.
uhh this feels similar to any batm
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
jesus christ this is like pulling teeth
it turns out i don't have perfect information about mor's role
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
yeah i'm aware of the theoretical advantage of that plan

that gad gave him a lock villager read for thinking of it because "only a villager would think like that" is just ridiculous

i mean, i thought of it and i'm a villager, but it's the kind of thing that should readily occur to most semi-experienced players regardless of alignment
underlined is a lie

rest of the sentence is a mischaracterization, but the underlined is a trivially disprovable lie

i look forward to your inevitable decision to start pushing me later today

i guess it's working out for you so far
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by TheBrokenATM!
No **** Cohen. Thanks for sounding helpful....

Guys listen to Cohen, if you have the mana to peek don't hold it for a rainy day.

Cuz I'm sure in a game where peeks are like a dream someone will just save it....

oh, and this.

Accuses Cohen of talking about meaningless stuff while he himself talks about the game being scum-favored for an entire page.

I get really bad vibes from batm.
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
it is factually correct that ihcjay can still be a wolf

it is important mechanically to note that ihcjay can still be a wolf because half the people in this game apparently don't even bother to read the ****ing cards

i think ihcjay is >>>>>>>>rand villa

what part of that is amusing?
the sequence was amusing because it goes from you being frustrated about people tinfoiling on your survival to you tinfoiling about the peek

I'm well aware that its possible for jay to be a wolf. that post wasn't game related, it was just what it said it was: amusement. i was amused. thats all
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:31 AM
Wolf Plan:

1) Sabotage Gad n0 to reduce his utility

2) Don't bother to kill Gad at night

3) Sit back and popcorn as Gad gets mislynched d2 or d3

pretty dumb
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07-21-2015 , 11:31 AM
its a shame that sili has posted himself into my poe when i originally had him clear for 0posting

its a tough world we live in
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
you mean the three word sentence where you said "less so on mor"

yeah, you really blew me away there with the strength of you conviction
i'm glad to hear it
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
you did read the part of my post where i was reevaluating my Mor read, correct?
You don't feel like leaving him as a villager and just hoping/wanting to be right?
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
the sequence was amusing because it goes from you being frustrated about people tinfoiling on your survival to you tinfoiling about the peek

I'm well aware that its possible for jay to be a wolf. that post wasn't game related, it was just what it said it was: amusement. i was amused. thats all
i'm not tinfoiling about the peek

i'm saying that people should keep in mind when and if circumstances warrant that ihcjay is not actually lock clear mechanically

i wouldn't trust most of this village to cross the road at this point
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07-21-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
underlined is a lie

rest of the sentence is a mischaracterization, but the underlined is a trivially disprovable lie

i look forward to your inevitable decision to start pushing me later today

i guess it's working out for you so far
great, you're going to be an insufferable lawyer prick today
7/19 Hearthstone Minimash Game Thread Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:35 AM
I'd have preferred Gad to have given us another read of Mor instead of whatever he's doing now.
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