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4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD 4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD

04-13-2016 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..
i heard you had some problems with that in the past
Depends on who sees it, I'm 6'2", blonde with blue eyes, I believe my societal class would be better if a certain MAZTER RAZE prevailed back in the dizzay

4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:50 AM
Do we know if anyone didn't shoot yesterday that is still alive?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
Haven't read the overnight chatter, looks like zork saved someone, which is pretty nice. Pulling the live wolf and villa reads off my list, here is where I am at for today (in alphabetical order):

Slow Ben

Some of those are stronger than others, just doing a dump

Don't Shoot without a good reason
Jim Halpert
Larry Lengend

Others of note:
Shorty and I disagree on Wooders0n, shorty thinks hes a wolf, I iso'd him last night and think he's villa, so meh.
LK I have as ?? in my sheet to re read, but I had him as wolfy early, and nutshot claimed a w peek so he should probably be my shot list. In fact I'm adding him.
Dont shoot me or Sobriquet.

Sobriquet tried to kill chuckles with the first shot of ITA2 last night. His posting also improved a ton from that point onwards.

I shot gambit. Montecore who we presume is outed wolf also made a case against me and voted me. So I'm spewed clear from him. I think Gadarene also made a case for me wolf.

Biggerwolf needs to be on your Shoot list. he dropped a vote on me yesterday with no reason and disappeared. He never re-addressed the vote either or his reaosning for it.

I've had a lot of supporters in the people who are now dead, thingy in particular and my posting is nothing like my wolf game, so I reiterate, there is no way I should be anywhere near a shoot list.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Well definitely, but I'd be interested in knowing who, apart from those 2 you already mentioned several times as villagers due to a CLAIM (and thus in some sense *supposed* consensus), you have as a top 3
Yep I got more work to do on that front. Keep an eye on me, stuff will happen.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:51 AM
It's alright killer, I'll try to remember to reread you when I get back in like 2 hours.

4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by fnordline_299
Rollwave can you quickly give me your top wolf reads and top villa reads, with any justification you can? Expecting big things.


Could you give me your thoughts on the game at some point. I don't have any notes on you and will ISO you when I get home, but a summary post in there would be great! TIA
probably agree with most people on most things. some controversial reads may be:

Villagers that might be in POE that i have as villagers:

Roman was for interactions that i dont specifically remember. aaronk56 and sixfour are tone.

Wolves that may not appear shoot list but that i think are wolves

CDL - i had him as wolf before it was cool, including defending kidcolin's shot of him yesterday and calling out his flawed thought process d1.
Mexineil - some have come around on him, i still havent
kawamii - primarily the opportunistic ita
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:51 AM
Honestly.Cory's story checks out cause he did peek me so it'd make sense to bean up a homie like that.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
Do we know if anyone didn't shoot yesterday that is still alive?
might be worth crossing the ita chart z (no space) with the current live player list
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..
other way aroundd iirc
what was the context of the peek?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:52 AM
I was too busy trying to win a vig but Ima go back and re read the other houses in that event yesterday... I remember some weird people who I had barely seen itt
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:52 AM
OK, before I leave for good.

I'm a villager and I've actually kept track of the game fairly well. Not everything, but I think I have a handle on most of it. This is surprising to me. I was actually fired up about playing until the game got hijacked.

I will not sabatoge my team. However, it is pointless to do anything if some prick thinks he's going to make my decisions for me and threaten me if I don't do what he says. I'll continue to monitor the game and if shortline dies, I'll participate as a good villager should. Until then, I'm just gonna make my minimum post counts to stay alive.

Once again, I have no desire to sabatoge my team and I'll put in the extra effort should things change.

I won't feel at all bad is someone shoots me.

4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:52 AM


sorry, that's four
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:52 AM
anyway if no one has anything i am out for a bit too, might not be back til whenever itas are
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by corycurren
I'm answering for killer because I gave him the bean, which I've made obviois already I think. My choices were restricted.

It is not an indicative question or situation. Many remaining villagers in this game are already low WIM and chasing them away for "reactions" is going to make this game impossible to win when we are dead and it's in the hands of the villagers that remain.
Uh..what? This was not obvious.

Why did you give him the bean?

Did you give cdl a bean?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
what was the context of the peek?
i just remember it being mentioned before one of the ita sessions

i think thingy talked about it
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by jonnyd
Cory could have been randomized or redirected
Only had one bean to give, and that def went to killer (lol)
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:54 AM
Why wouldn't Cory give me a bean when he peeked me?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by TehVader
Not as useful as I hoped, but I'm going to lock clear jonny from this at least.

corycurren 181315496
Vagos 140221361
Lissa2 147204351
No Lynches 135206341
JimHalpert 141196337
Thingyman 136192328
Viggorous 100211311
Boner2 145155300
Xkf 109173282
mucksandgravs 144129273
Kaze13 143118261
jcohen 74152226
Stork.. 124102226
jonnyd 64155219
TehBankertin 85124209
Top Tier Tom 13039169
LKJ 7196167
fraleyight 46112158
fnord_too 7482156
Loretta8 5895153
monstrman 7672148
Sobriquet 8162143
AllInBluff 36104140
mexineil 4588133
Panther_ 6762129
Slow_Ben 10521126
TehVader 5959118
loosekanen 5562117
Weatherguy 2093113
Telcontar 3867105
Onuzq 2279101
Stevedotdec 4555100
Nofear3838 4753100
DWetzel 177390
Adam33 276087
Ace of Spaids 444084
Jon Paul 315081
LordJvK 305181
rtspurs 354277
confirmedtroll 284573
kidcolin 205272
Wooders0n 343266
Eurotrash 224466
RollWave 342155
Allundberg 401454
Zaccino 441054
well named 213051
sixfour 143347
Zorkman 182846
lenC 251439
dogmother1776 122638
J.D. 211637
xander biscuits 62632
killer_kill 101929
nutshot2 51823
vixticator 51722
dkgojackets 51419
kokiri 61016
aaronk56 9716
DrawNone 707
Bad look for Top Tier Taids
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
OK, before I leave for good.

I'm a villager and I've actually kept track of the game fairly well. Not everything, but I think I have a handle on most of it. This is surprising to me. I was actually fired up about playing until the game got hijacked.

I will not sabatoge my team. However, it is pointless to do anything if some prick thinks he's going to make my decisions for me and threaten me if I don't do what he says. I'll continue to monitor the game and if shortline dies, I'll participate as a good villager should. Until then, I'm just gonna make my minimum post counts to stay alive.

Once again, I have no desire to sabatoge my team and I'll put in the extra effort should things change.

I won't feel at all bad is someone shoots me.


Have you shared any reads old friend? I am sad to see this but I get it. I've felt that way in the past
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by corycurren
Only had one bean to give, and that def went to killer (lol)


4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
So close to "catching" me there. So I'm not a wolf cause I answered correctly? Obv not cause you don't care about adjusting your reads.
Do you have an actual reads for us?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:55 AM
So are people really having Cory as near lpck clear but wanting to shoot me his peek?
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by corycurren
Only had one bean to give, and that def went to killer (lol)

Oh lol I missed that
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..


We can talk about it post-game
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
