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4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD 4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD

04-13-2016 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Dude I dunno wtf this bean bull**** is.

What changed that suddenly I'm a wolf when you called me a villa earlier?
I'm pretty sure I called you a villager based on a couple of early D1 posts where you seemed like your usual dgaf villager character.
Right now you just seem out of line, and I feel like your frustration isn't as villagery, nor your actions. You usually post more reads when you're a villager in my experience, whilst as a wolf you try to question people who call you a wolf
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
There's talk about possibly shooting or lynching peeps I'm convinced are masons. Full explanation and veto is a solid investment imo with all the details.

Skipping out on / avoiding duplication of the work that's being done wrt the shoot here list, is a decision I made because I feel I can be more useful in an area of the game that isn't being touched on, by more villagery people than myself.

I know it's sticking out like a sore thumb, but I have my reasons.
still kinda dodgy, though

You can read people. How much time are you spending compiling "reddboiler" quotes that nobody is going to read? Shot lists and consensus building are the best things to work on during ITA days, absent some weird pr leveling ****.

It forces villagers to be helpful in a way that the entire village can access, and it forces wolves to do exactly what they hate - play the game.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by shortline99
we only get so many chances to ask players questions that could force them to out themselves, please don't come up with good answers for them
So close to "catching" me there. So I'm not a wolf cause I answered correctly? Obv not cause you don't care about adjusting your reads.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:37 AM
Killer-man and bigboat seem like they are upset with leadership players but shortline helped catch the wolves with helping with lists so I don't think villagers should be upset with him.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
Can someone tell me with confidence that viggo is not a wolf?
Dude, bro, this Viggo dude is totally a villager bro, dude.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:37 AM
I was going to care about this game but it's basically impossible with shortline like this

Thingy pumped up his ego and now the game is about him
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:37 AM
Did anyone receove any messages last night?

Because the zacc peek seems suspect imo
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:39 AM
3 Non-consensus villager list

Top Tier Tom

Don't shoot there.

3 Non-consensus wolfy people

I'll get back to ya.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by Stork..
ya, but what im saying is that its not clearing for kaze because it doesn't necessarily mean anything for his alignment ducy?
Yeah I suppose that's a fair argument, although it would be kinda weird as zack didn't get rekd immediately by the wolves, ime wolves usually do this **** if they're gonna kill the guy soon anyways. But yeah I get u
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by ApocPS
Did anyone receove any messages last night?

Because the zacc peek seems suspect imo
You were just the one saying let people post moar. I was going to ask this and stopped. So :y:
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
I'm pretty sure I called you a villager based on a couple of early D1 posts where you seemed like your usual dgaf villager character.
Right now you just seem out of line, and I feel like your frustration isn't as villagery, nor your actions. You usually post more reads when you're a villager in my experience, whilst as a wolf you try to question people who call you a wolf
I don't give more reads as a villa it's the opposite. Also you have no idea wtf is going on in my life that might have outside effects on my participation and how angry I am IRL.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:40 AM
There's 80 ppl left and like 20 wolves. Anyone yoloing at the masons is anti village.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
3 Non-consensus villager list

Top Tier Tom

Don't shoot there.

3 Non-consensus wolfy people

I'll get back to ya.
It seems weird to me you choose 2 of your 3 villagers based on the fact that you believe a mason claim... It doesn't really seem like you're interested in outing legit reads.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
link to where you nailed him on something?

why am I suddenly a wolf?


are you aware that I was shot at by sixfour?

surely we can't be w/w and this list is pretty lol
I'll pull it up. The gist is when a wolf who could kill people who made wishes flipped (forsy I think or was it mor) I remembered an early post where he told me I should make a wish (in response to me making some complaint about shot/peek targets so far. think this also by itself kinda spews me) and pulled it up and pushed and shot him for it

It's not really just that I shot him it's that I called him out on something likely to go unnoticed when multiple wolves were already under focus/heat

Your post about me bugged me a little. Pushing on me at this point I think is wolfy. I guess it wasn't really a push more like the softest of shades, but regardless. Wolves would LOVE to somehow get me miskilled when I'm an obvious villager and only ever going to get more obvious. (on that note I don't think viggo is a wolf for that though his progression was pretty villagery) And probing me about my peeks/cover like that isn't villagery.

And no I'm not off the top of my head aware. Those reads are completely independent of each other
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by shortline99
the game is a littttttle too big for this strategy still but:

if everyone posted their TOP 3 VILLAS (outside of the near locks) and TOP 3 WOLVES (outside of outed wolves) instead of making 200 separate posts, we could see who the consensus suspects and villas were pretty clearly. This is still a bit unmanageable and that could give clear signal.

anyone doing this gets ++++villa points from me.
list out the near locks and the outeds
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by shortline99
we only get so many chances to ask players questions that could force them to out themselves, please don't come up with good answers for them
I'm answering for killer because I gave him the bean, which I've made obviois already I think. My choices were restricted.

It is not an indicative question or situation. Many remaining villagers in this game are already low WIM and chasing them away for "reactions" is going to make this game impossible to win when we are dead and it's in the hands of the villagers that remain.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
So close to "catching" me there. So I'm not a wolf cause I answered correctly? Obv not cause you don't care about adjusting your reads.
i literally JUST adjusted a read

and lol @ thingy inflated my ego, have you MET my ego?

if anyone tells you that i just ****ing tunnel in WW, they are deliberately lying. i change my mind 3x a day based on reads and reactions. when my reads start being wrong i will humble up pretty quick, but if wolves are outing themselves just to kill me, maybe i am not playing so ****ing badly. sorry if i've annoyed you, but antagonism is how i get reads. being nice to wolves never outs one.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
funny, it's usually the unremarkable posts that I don't remember, but that might just be me
Well I remember them in an "I know I saw you post SOMETHING" sense

As compared to ie gad who I literally do not remember ever seeing post
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:42 AM
I was suspicious of lissa way back but remember quite a few posts from around ITA yesterday that looked good

Maybe I'm underestimating her
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by dogmother1776
Killer-man and bigboat seem like they are upset with leadership players but shortline helped catch the wolves with helping with lists so I don't think villagers should be upset with him.
Originally Posted by corycurren
I was going to care about this game but it's basically impossible with shortline like this

Thingy pumped up his ego and now the game is about him
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
Yeah I suppose that's a fair argument, although it would be kinda weird as zack didn't get rekd immediately by the wolves, ime wolves usually do this **** if they're gonna kill the guy soon anyways. But yeah I get u
i don't really understand what you are saying

kaze has some clearing stuff wrt dead wolves iirc and has been generally pretty villagery compared to the two or three games i have wolfed with him in the past
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
I don't give more reads as a villa it's the opposite. Also you have no idea wtf is going on in my life that might have outside effects on my participation and how angry I am IRL.
I'm not really saying KILLER IS A LOCK WOLF, OWN HIM, I'm saying you're, from my perspective, perfectly likely to be a wolf at this point, and firing some shats at you would probably not be a particularly bad idea. I never claimed to know anything about your life outside the game, and frankly, I'm not really interested in that, I'm interested in your behavior ITT. I don't know if you've explicitly said ITT that you were going to be busy IRL and that would affect your play, if you did, I must've missed it, and I'll possibly reevaluate
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
still kinda dodgy, though

You can read people. How much time are you spending compiling "reddboiler" quotes that nobody is going to read? Shot lists and consensus building are the best things to work on during ITA days, absent some weird pr leveling ****.

It forces villagers to be helpful in a way that the entire village can access, and it forces wolves to do exactly what they hate - play the game.
I'm focusing on the do not shoots that I feel my experience with the game has prepared me to demonstrate better than anyone else here.

The mason thing between TTT and dog is something I could adequately explain that Tom himself wasn't even grasping.

Jcohen had a post that rocketed him to the status of never a wolf this game. I can find it and explain it in detail.

Stuff like that I can do, and I am doing. Plus other things. It's not 100 percent of what you want, but if I was giving people what they expect out of me, as opposed to what I can truly and sincerely give them, it would be for the purposes of staying off people's shots list.

The stance I'm taking might put me on people's shots list because it's not classically villagery behavior, and I'm aware of that. But, I am a villager and what I am doing is definitely useful to my team.

Different approaches. Let me do this. Unsatisfied with my efforts come shats time: I'm an easy kill because I'm a villager with no defensive bonuses whatsoever.
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by Lissa2
if I had a peek last night i peeked spurs or booker villager
Probably a wolf in these two iyam
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
04-13-2016 , 07:43 AM
I think I'm trying to say I'm pretty certain kaze is a villager, I thought you were saying the opposite, lol. mb
4/11 Anniversary X Werewolf Mishmash GAME THREAD Quote
