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3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread 3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread

03-14-2012 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by VayaConDios
Votes as of post 1248
Night in 02:54

3 andrewgreve crmccarty (28), flytrap (46), montecore (28)
3 flytrap slighted (41), captain binkles (34), younguns87 (25)
2 slighted nlsoldier (41), varianceminefield (15)
1 varianceminefield vayacondios (15)
3 not voting andrewgreve (2), caedus (20), comeasur337 (8)

corrected, smartasses
only thing that changes is that Caedus has posted a bit more than I said he had.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:13 PM
the thing i noticed as that the people on flytrap might all be wolves.

binkles get off flytrap plz
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by VayaConDios
How would a wolf play today? They'd say as little as possible since they are close to mechanically locking the game. Andrew, Caedus, Comeasur, and VMF all fit that perfectly. I'm not saying that's the exact wolf team, but I think people are clearly both Caedus and Comeasur way too lightly (especially when they were 2 of the 3 who defended vmf like I pointed out earlier).
So we're in agreement that Andrew should go right? Though we shouldn't maj it. He's supposed to be in the thread in 45 mins or so. I actually might NOT be around for EOD, but I'm going to stay as late as I can.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:15 PM
if andrew doesn't show up and contribute im moving off slighted onto him. if cadeus doesn't give his YG tell i wouldn't hate the vig for taking a shot at him.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:25 PM
GOD DAMNIT PEOPLE! ****ing post. This is dumb. We can't play this game if people aren't posting.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by crmccarty
GOD DAMNIT PEOPLE! ****ing post. This is dumb. We can't play this game if people aren't posting.
wut u want to talk about
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:29 PM
I want people to post reads, thoughts, comments, lolcats, ****ing something.

As soon as I said that though, I have to head out. EOD is 2.5 hours right? I might be back. I might be able to get here from my phone to at least get a read and make sure my vote is right.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:31 PM
Is there a mobile app for 2+2? Or just easier to go in through the browser?
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:33 PM



Captain Binkles

i dont think my top 4 villagers should ever be lynched. we have to trust they are villagers or weve lost already

i decided that binkles was defending me because he didnt want me to pressure him

it worked till now.

i think flytrap is either the miller or the wolf sk
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:33 PM
ive never had a problem just using the browser on iphone. ive heard ppl talk of an app tho.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by flytrap
Don't spam the thread guys. It's easy to get carried away and get near 60 posts without even noticing it. If you're a villager, it lets the wolves build a case on you when you have a high post count and you won't be able to defend yourself as well as you might like. It could also lead to a high post count wolf getting wagoned and using one of their final posts on something like 'I'm getting wagoned by the wolves because of my post count and I can't defend myself, let me live tonight and I'll show you why I'm a villa tomorrow'. If you've used up half your posts for the day, only post if you have something important to say. Try to use multi-quotes as much as possible.

NLsoldier and Birdie get tiny village leans because of their avatars. Binkles gets a small village lean as well, but he'll get wolfier if he keeps fluffing up the thread.

uaw710 voted someone that hasn't even posted yet, this is a fairly reliable tell that someone is >rand to be a wolf. It's not as wolfy as pop ins like this normally are, however, since the next post isn't for 15 minutes so he may have realized their was no one in the thread to interact with so he got bored and left.
Very villagy thought process insofar as a wolf would never think of the 15min thing there, and would just equivocate the read in a much sloppier fashion. This comes later, but the reason early d1 I thought he might be villa was they way he stuck to his guns on his opinion about it, even though I strongly disagreed with him.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
on the vote though, it was a kinda weird popin and I also want to know if those two have any history with each other or not.
This is admittedly thin, but: if binks and comeasur were wolves together, then binks would probably know that comeasur was new to POG, and would therefore also know that it would be impossible for uaw to have any history with comeasur. I think it would be very hard for someone with that knowledg to make this post.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield



Captain Binkles

i dont think my top 4 villagers should ever be lynched. we have to trust they are villagers or weve lost already

i decided that binkles was defending me because he didnt want me to pressure him

it worked till now.

i think flytrap is either the miller or the wolf sk
I like that last thought. Something I hadn't considered. Good catch.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:49 PM
Alright I'm back. kinda, Wednesday's are busy days and HW days so I won't be here for long

If I get shot by the vig before SLighted or Caedus then I will be pissed

Speaking of Caedus, why is he so clear?

If flytrap is in fact the miller than he jumps down to being a wolf imo
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
we can leave flytrap alive bc two villas are gonna die tonight, if neither of them flip miller then the case against him is a lot stronger tomorrow.
The problem with this line of thinking is that two villagers don't have to die tonight if fly is the wolf vig and not the miller. He could also be the wolf seer, in which case not killing him gives the wolves an extra chance to peek the village vig.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Caedus
well, id expect a vote on a noob in his first game to be more along the lines of:

"lynch come, welcome to POG"

or something like that

flytrap added a bit about not knowing if they have history in one of his posts, but how can they?
This is skipping ahead a bit, but contrast fly and binks's lack of knowledge regarding whether uaw and comeasur could possibly have history to caedus's opinion that fly should have known that uaw and comeasur couldn't possibly have any history due to comeasur being new to POG.

Why would he assume that fly should know that comeasur was new to POG? Comeasur hadn't posted itt when uaw made his vote and fly commented on it. Is it possible that caedus is so sure that comeasur is new because they are wolves together and had already discussed it?

I guess he could have remembered comeasur from the signup thread, but it's something to think about.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Alright I'm back. kinda, Wednesday's are busy days and HW days so I won't be here for long

If I get shot by the vig before SLighted or Caedus then I will be pissed

Speaking of Caedus, why is he so clear?

If flytrap is in fact the miller than he jumps down to being a wolf imo
I don't understand the underlined.

I think Caedus was peeked villa but his lack of participation tonight is concerning.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 10:03 PM
we have differing opinions on who Homer peeked.

I don't think Homer would put an unpeeked villager in front of his peeked villager when saying "THe only 2 solid villa leans are vaya and caedus"
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
The problem with this line of thinking is that two villagers don't have to die tonight if fly is the wolf vig and not the miller. He could also be the wolf seer, in which case not killing him gives the wolves an extra chance to peek the village vig.
hmm i did not think about it like this. that sucks big time. idk what to do. these are the situations where i normally rely on the captain.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 10:06 PM
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 10:06 PM
binkles re-read

Originally Posted by captain binkles
For reference:

Yeah that looks like a lot of carnage, should be fun


Also, I'm about to cook some dinner, I need some opinions. Should I make:

a) Nachos
b) Lamb Chops
c) Some sort of bacon related culinary delight
d) beer
I've absolutely hated this post since I reread on day 2 but didn't want to say anything yet. It might just be but it looks like you're leaving a (fairly obvious) code for NLS with your list. Whether you 2 are w/w and were planning a mason claim at some point or you were planning a fake seer claim at some point, it looks horrible for you. I'll keep an eye out for anything similar on d2, but it's really really strange to me. If you flip wolf, NLS is also a wolf.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Vaya, why do you want to learn to 'not enter threads by ****ting on everyone's reads'?

I dunno if that hit&run vote really generates that much discussion, although generating discussion is good. I felt like the thread got off to a slow start.
You seem genuinely excited and ready to interact with other players here, which gives you some villa points.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Hmm I was about to vote for you and bounce for the day, but you stepping back like this seems villagery to me

Talking to crm who we know is clear, so he votes someone who hasn't posted yet.

Not really too much to comment on from day 1. You looked like you were putting in a lot of work and interacting well, but it doesnt come across as having a ton of useful content.

---end of day 1---

Early day 2 you analyze Anarchist's posts, but again not too much that comes out of that. Later on, you have some interaction with NLS regarding what would have happened if him and Anarchist were w/w. All your interactions with NLS make me think that you guys are going to flip the same, now we just have to figure out what it's going to be.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
I think it's because BLS didn't vote yesterday NLS. He's still in my villa list though.

I feel like my handle on the game isn't very good right now in terms of wolfhunting. Maybe because I'm triple tabling? But I feel pretty good with my circle of trust.

Vaya you make an interesting point with crm, I hadn't really thought about it like that. Didn't he say he'd be available to post a lot this game too? Somebody more experienced with vanilla+'s should chime in with their thoughts imo

UAW/Andrew wagons seem good
Sponging the wagons that I suggested but going on the other wagon. Looks good for you if you stay on Andrew and he flips wolf.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Absolutely. Like, if they're gonna have a pre-planned w/w interaction I think it's going to be a big one. You're right that more posts = more chances of ****ing things up, but I don't think it would even take that many more posts for it to be a genuine blow up, they just would have approached it differently imo.

NLS has definitely had some villagery posts in this game outside of that interaction, why do you feel like I needed to quote those as well? My main reason is the spew thing, I've been fairly spot on reading for spew my last few games so it's something I feel pretty confident with right now.
Harping on NLS/Anarchist again. If NLS flips wolf, you're going to try to use this as a way to clear yourself saying that you'd never post stuff like this if you were w/w with him. Just seems like you're going for some sort of levelling every time you bring up this subject.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Haha you're so cute

I don't think it would be fair, this game hasn't been like my recent village games, although tbf I was randed wolf in like every game for a month so I don't really remember what my village game looks like
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I'm rushed right now, it didn't seem important to go through everything with a fine tooth comb, I still don't think it is given the ways wagons are going right now.
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Nah I have many villagery styles, I haven't played this this in a while, so I can't be emulating anything. I'm still mad villagery though
This is a weird string of posts. If you're a villager you shouldn't have to reiterate that you're a villager this much. That first one is mega-wolfy. The 2nd one not so much because the wagons were Andrew/UAW so it looks ok if Andrew is a wolf.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Andrew, can you make some reads 'actively' in the thread please? I feel like it'll be easier to determine your role if you do that than with you just mqing stuff from pages ago.
I like this for the most part, but it's not impossible for a wolf to make this post.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Off of Andrew without giving a reason...

Originally Posted by captain binkles
I think the damning thing was BLS replying saying "sorry I meant to have him in the unsure category"

He can't keep his reads straight, which is a lot different to UAW forgetting about a read
And I don't really like the reason he ends up giving. Doesn't seem like a great reason to switch off of Andrew when Andrew was only being more wolfy in the thread.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
Andrew you came in an hour before EOD and started talking about the relative merits of close wagons vs. runaway wagons. It's only tangentially related to the game, and that's putting it politely. You can't really retract a villager lean on YG for trying to focus on important stuff near EOD

What reactions am I 'not waiting to clear themselves'?
Even posts about Andrew looking bad, but is off his wagon. If Andrew is a power wolf, binkles is almost definitely a wolf for his movement here.

---end of day 2---

Originally Posted by captain binkles
I doubt VMF is a wolf ever, YG only there by virtue of POE for me.

I'm not clearing Andrew for that post and I'm not sure you should either. I need to see some 'real-time' reactions/posts or at least a reads list or something. Not just an emotional appeal.

It's a little awkward that that makes me a wolf by POE because I agree with most of your reads. There must be something I'm missing in the thread somewhere.
Talking about POE when we're a mislynch/bad vig shot away from losing the game and before we have any 100% cleared villagers (before crm's claim). Doing that just sounds like you're trying to make the village feel more at ease about the situation when we really need to do a ton of work today to have a chance. Not sure if you do that a lot or what, but it just stinks to me. Also I think VMF is a clear villager if you're a wolf. You might think that I could say the same for NLS if not for that weird first post I quoted and the fact that when you've defended him, you've given reasons and when you've defended VMF you haven't.

Your re-read of Andrew was ok... not a ton of insightful comments but you come to the conclusion that he's a wolf.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
That looks like a good read to me Monte, and I think it agrees with what Caedus had too. I think he made sure that the Andrew read was written to be as non-peekish as possible.

I thought VMF had some good interactions with Mac on day 1, and is generally reading and analysing posts in his villa-VMF style. But I haven't gotten around to re-reading him yet, his name is too far down the alphabet :P

And I can barely keep my eyes open, so I shall bid the thread adieu for the moment.

Again you give some stuff about VMF but it's not very full of content, it's the same reasoning you've given all game. Also don't like you leaving the thread while sponging someone elses work when you repeatedly said you were going to solve the game in this sequence of posts.

Really hate your angry rant post and I hope you're not actually stressing yourself out over all of this.. it's just a game. Also I'm not going to be surprised if that turns out to be fake, but don't get angry at me about that, I'm just playing the game.

Originally Posted by captain binkles
I like a lot of the thought processes there, but the conclusion is wrong. We can't leave flytrap alive when he has a 4/5 chance of being a wolf.

Also iirc I was the first to flip to BLS, and he wasn't really a viable counterwagon at the time. The only way I'd do that as a wolf was if UAW/Andrew are both villagers and I wanted to sow some discord. And by virtue of POE and everything else, Andrew is a wolf here a ton of the time. Which makes YG's snipe awful. He's another I have to read.
I still dislike that you're not using your own work to try to push a wagon when you said you would be in charge today.


I really really want to hear your reply to me here. I'm trying not to base everything off of one silly post that might just be coincidental, so please let me know if you think I've got blinders on or what. I'm trying not to go insane re-reading this thread, I just don't want to get played by you or anyone else.

I still think Andrew is a better lynch than binkles today. While binkles gives us a lot more info as to the wolf team, I think Andrew is way more likely to be a wolf and we need the sure thing at this point of the game. Also if we lynch binkles and he doesn't flip wolf, I don't think we have a chance to win the game.

Going to slow down on the rereads for a bit and catch up with the thread.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by crmccarty
Fly leads on a day people have said he'd shut up as a wolf.
Andrew's said nothing at all.
Caedus has said very little.
I'm 5th of 12, meaning people need to post a LOT more, given how long I was away from the thread.

I'm curious as to what YOU noticed though.
the underlined isnt true.. fly said he would shut up as a wolf.. he has the perfect history to set us up though if he is a wolf.. he shut up in hp4 as a wolf and he posted 100 times as a villa the last time. ofcourse he's gonna put in work this time as a wolf because it is set up PERFECTLY.. plus he only has to buy a single day most likely..
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 10:13 PM
holy **** comsur that is an epic find. since we know who the masons are and binkles isn't one of them he must be a wolf?
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 10:16 PM

nice post. Can you explain more about why you think if binks is a wolf then vmf is villa?
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 10:16 PM
lol and im getting **** for noticing that my name was completely clearly written in a peek like manner..
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