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3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread 3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread

03-14-2012 , 07:18 PM
binkles i get that you hate the reason behind my vote and thats totally fair.

would you like it better if i just said, there are a lot of clearish players in this game and you are not one of them, and I think you are one of the wolfiest of the uncleareds
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:19 PM
lol don't skip class for this it's just a game
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:19 PM
Sorry NLS I don't mean to guilt trip you or anything if that's how it comes off. I'm just a little bit tilted.

3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:21 PM
I enjoyed that xpost

Also, I'm pretty lazy and not going to class appeals to me in many different ways
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:21 PM
a huge freaking mind**** of a game, but a game nonetheless
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I enjoyed that xpost

Also, I'm pretty lazy and not going to class appeals to me in many different ways
truth comes out! lynch all liars!

am i starting to sound like annie yet?

that would be really depressing
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
villagers in order of confidence

one of these two is a wolf

these 3 are wolves in order of confidence

my entire list goes most villa to most wolfy in order top to bottom.
this is still pretty much where im at. but swap vmf and slighted.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:25 PM
i already reread vmf today and it was enough to move him from bottom 3 to middle 2. i guess ill reread slighted now while you reread vmf.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:28 PM
I have a few minutes, although I'm disappointed that most people have taken the lynch today for granted. If you've thrown in the towel today you'll have my blood on your hands.

Originally Posted by Montecore
I'm not saying that I don't think NLS is clear (I think he is) just that mechanically clearing him for that reason doesn't ring true to me.

I assume you mean you doubt the wolves were sure homer was the seer? That may well be true (I had assumed they must have peeked him), but it doesn't change the fact that he left peeks that seem relatively clear to me.

Regardless, it doesn't address the fundamental issue that we have to deal with the miller role in this game as it relates to fly. I am pretty sure Caedus was Homer's n0 peek, not Vaya, but I think Vaya has been more villagery in a vacuum so I feel pretty good about both of them.

I've never played with fly before so I can't say how he would act; is anyone else going to weigh in on this?
I don't think NLS is clear at all. It's almost certain that the wolves used a kill on Gad N1, and that Gad angled. This first kill was probably a seer hunt along with a strong player kill. Since the kill didn't work, they would have known that he was likely an angel that self-angeled, and knew he'd be vulnerable the next night. While the seer is still alive, killing the angel is huge. Gad called NLS a villa the next day, but I doubt anything Gad said D2 had any influence on the wolves night action.
Originally Posted by Montecore
I disagree with part of your conclusion here; I think Slightly is wolfy regardless (his vote yesterday to "get some distance" sparked a wagonomics discussion that ate into some discussion time, for example).

If Andrew is a wolf, I agree that Slighted's defense of him yesterday looks bad, and combined with some of the other stuff you pointed out (tmi tell, subtle in thread seer hunting) means Slighted is very likely also a wolf.

Where we part ways is the first part of your conclusion -- I don't see how Slighted pushing a particular villager in a v/v/v wagon-off is in any way clearing of him. If Slighted is a wolf, obviously he knows none of the wagons are wolves, and in order to actually have something to say he needs to pick someone to defend.
The reason I think Slighted looks villa if Andrew is one is because there wasn't much outside of the possible tmi slip that pointed to slighted being a wolf. Most of his current wolfiness is his defense of Andrew and pushing of two villagers.
Originally Posted by Montecore
No one's off the table today, fly, sorry. I don't read Homer's 180 on Andrew as anything more than a read because he gave reasons for flipping his read.

I still think Andrew's a great choice for today.
I'm actually voting him now, I thought about it and realized that the villages best chance of winning now pretty much means that Andrew has to be a wolf and we can catch other wolves (yg and slighted) based on this. Also, Gad called him a wolf D1 I believe, so he may have been killed because of that along with his Anarchist=wolf peek.
Originally Posted by Montecore
Multiquote error in my last post obv.

You didn't even bring up the miller role when you mentioned that flytrap was going to freak out -- I don't get why being correctly peeked wolf is nearly as stressful/upsetting as being peeked wolf when you're the miller. The only way you'd know the difference is if you already knew he was a villager.

I don't buy your excuse for noticing seer cover either.
Originally Posted by Montecore
An interesting theory, but one that is unfortunately predicated upon knowing your role.

A somewhat related question (to everyone, but I'm particularly interested in fly's take): does the village have a realistic shot at winning if you're not lynched at some point? Having someone who has claimed miller make it to f7 and beyond seems like a recipe for disaster to me.
The village can probably only win if the wolf vig dies today, tonight, or maybe tomorrow. We can certainly win without resolving me. The wolves won't kill me now, so if they keep killing villagers, we'll know each one isn't the miller. If, at like F7 it's 3 wolves, me, villa vig, 2 villas, then me being miller is pretty likely.
Originally Posted by Montecore
Shouldn't we lynch Andrew today, then, to resolve yesterday's wagons? It's kind of important to the wagon analysis to determine whether we had v/v/w or v/v/v wagons, isn't it?

Imo Vaya, Caedus, NLS, and crm are villagers; everyone else is suspect. My two strongest leans are Andrew and VMF:

Andrew has popped into the thread for just long enough to throw suspicion off himself, then melted away, and that is a big newb wolf tell for me.

VMF hasn't really contributed anything of substance yet; I've played with him as a villager and he has been really involved, leading discussion, putting pressure on players he finds wolfy, and trying to solve the game. Show me where he's done that in this game again?

He needs to step it up, I agree, and something about him has felt off to me too.

Are you saying you want to lynch binkles today?
I agree that we should lynch Andrew today. If you're a wolf this game Monte, I'll just tip my hat to you and say GG, you've got us all fooled. If you're a villager, thanks for working hard all game, you're playing well in any role.
Originally Posted by captain binkles

Agreed, also he has a great meta for fighting in this spot right at this very second.

We can't leave a peeked wolf alive, no matter how much work they put in. If they are the miller then we just have to respect their reads later, roll up our sleeves, and solve the game.

didn't you want slighted before and say that UAW is a villager? You're stretching here.
I'll answer these one at a time.
It's an interesting point about my meta. Much like in poker, it's way overrated. The correct play is usually made in a vacuum. If I were a wolf, it would be TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE for me to be fighting my lynch like this. I would figure we were smashing the village anyway, especially now that they have no seer or angel, and that as long as we didn't totally punt the game, we would win.

If I'm lynched miller, there won't be any game left. We lose probably 99% of the time if we mislynch me here.

I assume by UAW you meant Andrew. I never once said UAW was a villager. I think Slighted and Andrew are both likely wolves, and I did waffle a bit on Andrew. Then I remembered that Gad had Andrew as a wolf D1, which makes the likely attempted kill of Gad N1 look even more like a seer hunt. If Andrew is a villager, it will mean we'll have likely v/v wagons D1, with a lynched villager, and v/v/v wagons D2. If that is the case, it hardly matters whether or not we lynch Andrew, we have no chance if we're playing so badly that we can't even get a single wagon on a wolf.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:29 PM
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:37 PM
it seems to me that there is a group of at least 4 of us that all agree that the other 3 are clear (enough). me monte vaya and crm. feel free to correct me if thats wrong but to me if there are 4 people that all think the other 3 are clear, then 1. we are probably clear and 2. if there's a wolf amongst us the village is probably ****ed no matter what, so we might as well operate as if we are clear and hope for the best.

that group maybe includes cadeus and comesur as well?

i guess where i'm going with this is that while i appreciate the workflytrap is putting in, he really needs to focus on the (slighted, binkles, vmf, yg, andrew) group. trying to cast doubt on someone from the first group is just not going to be productive at this point.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:39 PM
i started rereading slighted and pretty quickly concluded that he def deserves to be in the bottom 3. i think hes a better vote than binkles

3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
i started rereading slighted and pretty quickly concluded that he def deserves to be in the bottom 3. i think hes a better vote than binkles

lol.. ur jokes man. not even a full reread.. go into it with a view already.. lolol
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:43 PM
Do you think slighted/flytrap can be w/w?

My head says no but my heart says yes
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:47 PM
why is nls cleared again? his last couple posts seem really wolfy. clearing himself and others that arent really clear.. doing half assed re-reads.. i pity the village if he is somehow the leader..
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
why is nls cleared again? his last couple posts seem really wolfy. clearing himself and others that arent really clear.. doing half assed re-reads.. i pity the village if he is somehow the leader..
one of the sicker wolfclaims ive seen
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 07:59 PM
Question, should the town vig avoid shooting tonight? So that we FOR SURE get to play tomorrow?

If not, why don't we talk about who they should shoot. Wolves don't have an angel right?

Thirdly, we need to REALLY buckle down today and clear some people, but only people we feel strongly about. For me, that's Monte. This isn't his wolf game. Not the way he freaked out about being randed wolf so much. I've seen otherwise, but I think Homer seered Vaya n0. Just too much talking about vaya not to have. I'm fairly confident he seered Fly wolf n1, though with the miller, that doesn't mean it's for certain and Fly's point about wolves seer hunting is... I have no idea.

For one, if homer was NKed for being seer (and Fly is miller) then the wolves HAVE to have peeked him, otherwise, they wouldn't have gone after him. Was there enough after Day 1 to have done so? Maybe. I'm just not sure. I'll have to go back and see.

However, if homer was SPKed, then his peeks matter a little less. And I'm still not 100% sure he peeked Fly at all. So, I'm almost inclined to believe Fly is villager, if not miller.

Setting those (and me) aside, there are four wolves in


I think come has been pretty solidly villa, so I'll remove him too. Also possibly willing to remove Caedus, leaving me with 4 in


Three people flipped from Andrew to BLS yesterday. I'm one of them but the other two were YG (later flipped to UAW, but that's irrelevant) and Binks. Without those two flips Andrew is 7-6 behind UAW. My flip would have tied it, but I'm a villager and so that's less important. The thing is that flipping late to UAW looks a bit wolfy, but flipping to another second wagon looks less like saving someone. I know I just called the last second vote of UAW irrelevant, but I've talked myself into thinking that it makes YG look LESS wolfy than Binks, but saving Andrew still looks wolfy.

In my mind, that pretty close to locks Andrew into being a wolf. It makes Binks and YG look super wolfy too. With a wolf team of those 3, who fits best? Slighted's TMI is bad, but not lockwolf bad.

I say we vote out Andrew and (regardless of flip, though I feel it will be wolf) vig should shoot Binks. Then, we could at least start tomorrow with 8 people and at most 3 wolves (obviously, or we wouldn't have started the day). I really feel that would leave us with only 2 wolves and put us in a good position to win.

Thoughts? Holes? Awesomes?
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
why is nls cleared again? his last couple posts seem really wolfy. clearing himself and others that arent really clear.. doing half assed re-reads.. i pity the village if he is somehow the leader..
This post SCREAMS wolf to me. The "pity the village" thing is TERRIBLE.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 08:03 PM
ya i think vig should shoot slighted b4 binks
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 08:06 PM
Andrew re-read:

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
hey bing post restriction looks rough. NL have I played with you before?
Think this could be forced between Andrew/binkles if they're w/w.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
In general I am much more nervous while posting. That was my only wolf game and i ended up being absent alot more than normal. I think my analysis is alot weaker/forced. Have you read any of my villa games to compare?
Okay, I'll keep this in mind when rereading you now. You've been absent a lot more than you've been here this game and you've derailed the thread with wagonomics arguments that sounded pretty absurd, so by your own words, you've been wolfy.

Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
i like this post by monte

birdiues but i disagree wirth but hes wolf hunting here

captain binkles
Sponges a case by Monte on binkles and puts a vote out there. This is weak/forced analysis.

His first big multiquote (post #278) he doesn't make many definitive reads on players who have been resolved so far. His attempt to interact with other players is pretty clunky overall and not well thought out. Not sure if that's a villager tell because he's just typing what he's thinking or if he's a wolf trying to sound like he's a free-flowing villager.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
CRM I hate this. If anything the only person who you shouldnt be raging on for making reads is a new poster. It is D1 and people have to work with what they have. Relax and just help the village. Pouting and crying will do nothing but increase mislynches and screw us over. Putting in your honest opinions will reduce mislynches and allow you to help the village if you are killed(as a mislynch or as a nk)
I am going to post this in the middle of my anaylsis because I think it is that important.
Good advice, but weird timing. I think this is a hard post for a wolf to make, but not if he's being given advice on what to comment on.

His 2nd big multiquote (post #297) he has a wolf read on both UAW and on me, agreeing with flytrap on the UAW read and disagreeing with him on the read of me. He calls all of UAWs posts wolfy at this point also. We know UAW is a villager now, but let's see if he's consistent on his thoughts about him.

Still hate all his interactions with Anarchist and think it reeks of w/w.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
Is BLS here?
Originally Posted by AndrewGreve



Weird vote and list. He hadn't shown any really defined feelings on BLS being a wolf before this. He's consistent on Anarchist/UAW/Slighted reads, but inconsistent on me/binkles.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
It is purely from his first post contradicting with his english for the rest of the game. plus that vote not making much sense. I want to here from him what he meant from that. besides the second post he made that did not clarify at all.
Okay, so why didn't you say that when you voted instead of waiting until someone responded, especially if you've been absent most of the day. Sounds like he was trying to force the read on BLS who we know is a villager now.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
going to reread BLS
Then in his re-read multiquote, he doesn't once mention BLS being a wolf, yet doesn't unvote and even goes on to make this post:

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
I would fully re-endorse my post voting him
Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
Then he's onto vix (villager) without any explanation.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
your logic is horrid. The game mechanics include win conditions that make certain actions pro-wolf or pro-villa. The mental aspects of this game make somethings easier to do as a villa than as a wolf and vice versa.
Leveling is an automatic possibility once this is true.

In short being a villager and acting villa is not the same thing.
same applies to Wolf and wolfy
Weird post directed at vix. Also I hate the formatting and it looks like he's copy/pasting from notepad (or wolfchat omg) because he's editing them a bunch or something. I'm still not sure what he's even trying to say with this post or why it's relevant at all.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
CRM has been very villa all game to me.
Consistent here.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
You keep telling me that. He had a SOC post that gave me a villa lean early.
D1 rage is a villa tell in my book. Im going to have to compile a list of it from all the games I have read/played in. It has to be like 5/1 or more. After the rage he has gotten better and better.
...but he's still on vix and he did make mention of vix's rageposts. Not even attempting to push another wagon at this point.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
Looks like CRM is saying GAD is looking for wolves in a villager way and not looking for mislynches in a wolfy way. its fine
Weird defense of crm here, but he's consistent in it. Just strange timing and doesn't sound right for some reason.

---end of day 1---

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
whats the case on UAW?
Weird post considering he thought UAW was wolfy yesterday...

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
Ill just work on the MQ tonight since it will be mostly useless without looking over anarch/mac stuff in depth. When I dont have time to be in depth I dont trust myself enough to do anything well.
This sounds like a nervous post where he doesn't want to commit to any reads here near EOD since if he's a wolf, his team has surely told him that he's one of the wagons (and the other 2 are villagers).

Then he makes some wagonomics posts that are really confusing and pretty meaningless at this point of the game.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
I still have wolf lean on UAW from yesterday, but just from his posts about voting come and unvoting him.
I didnt know if there was anarch spew or mac posts that implicated him. No one has presented a case. I would have expected one considering how many votes he has.
Consistent with day 1, but still weird that he's not actively reading back in the thread to find these things himself considering he came back to the thread with an hour left in day.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
Lets talk BLS. I will do a quick reads list just based off reading tonight, plus from my analysis from last night. you can link me to yours and Ill respond to it when I'm done
Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
Im voting to save myself for sure.
BLS for now, his posts all seem broken up. no continuity. I still wanna chat though
So now he's back on BLS who was gaining steam as a wagon at this point. Not sure what to make of this since both UAW and BLS were villa and I doubt he brings this attention onto himself if he's a wolf.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
Slighted - he has had solid interactions all day
comeasur - looks more villa with every post
Montecore - still working hard and I like it.

crmcarty - still villa from yesterday plus mac saving him
Gadarene -
homernoonjr -
NLSoldier -
YG - I would have had him as a villa lean, but our logic disjunction and his lack of interest in discussing it with me is bad. He could have been tired of the topic since it was called a dead horse. Normally I take fresh topics and turn them to deadhorses to get reads.
Caedus -

UAW710 - have seen nothing from today. but D1 was wolfy.
Bink - Seems to be bullying the thread to get reactions without making any effort to resolve the reactions or even waiting for the reactions to clear themselves.

BLS - like a couple different lines of thinking all spliced together
This list is exactly the same as his last list only binkles has been moved down without any prior posts about him made by Andrew on day 2. Also he claims not to have seen anything from UAW on day 2, but he's getting reads on binkles from it?

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
Flip-flops again 2 minutes before EOD.

---end of day 2---

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
First off guys, I want to apologize for not contributing as much as I should have. I was lying in bed thinking about WW(not just this game) feeling a little depressed about my play thus far(or lack of play really) kinda wanting to throw in the towel. This game is looking pretty grim. No seer, no angel, only one mason left and the wolves have all their PRs. I was thinking about the vig. The vig is our only hope, literally. 2 wolf nks mean we have very little time left.
The vig is super effective when he doesnt have to worry about hitting potential peeked players. So no that the seer is dead, we can try to look at the bright side, the vig just needs to destroy some wolf faces and win.

In order for that to happen no villager can give up or play lazy(mainly thinking of myself playing the self pity game). Due to time conflicts I have been absent. But I am not lazy. We must scrutinize every detail of the seers posts and clear who he has peeked. its the only way we win. We must have lock-villas to allow the vig to hit wolves.

Me putting this itt means the wolves prob wont stop hunting for vig, so every possible cleared villa is important now. I think the correct play here is to clear homers peeks then out the last mason and hope the vig hits the vig-wolf or seer-wolf. with potentially 3 cleared villas that gives the vig a 4/5 chance at hitting a wolf tonight. and the wolves a 1/5 chance to hit the vig. so as far as the mason part it comes down to how important that 3% is. I am not a super math junkie but someone could prob run the numbers on mason +2 villas; mason +1; see if the mason shout out or not.

I hate people PR hunting itt like this as villa or wolf. But desperate times call for desperate measures. This is the best chance at the village getting back in this.

we are at a worst case scenario must-lynch here.
If we mislynch tonigh, vig hits a villa, and wolves hit 2 other villas its 4-4 game over.

as long as I dont get stuck at work will be back at 7 pacific.
Weird post because it's contradicting in a lot of ways. He calls himself not lazy, yet he couldn't read back in the thread a few hours prior when he came back before EOD? Also he's the first one to mention that we might lose the game if we mislynch tonight, which seems weird considering the rest of his game so far. I think that may have been a topic of conversation in wolfchat and he wants to mention it before anyone else to gain villa points for being attentive. Also think that it's weird that he mentions seer/angel/mason as roles and not as players. That's always been a wolf tell in my experience, since you don't care about the player as much as you care about the power role when you're a wolf.

Originally Posted by AndrewGreve
Negative I have been trying to sleep. but I will give the village 2 complete hours tonight. plus skimming from work.
I hope he actually does this. Anything less than stellar village work before EOD and this guy needs to go. The hardest part of lynching him is that I'm not exactly confident in the info it gives us if he flips wolf. He's flipped his read on every player he's taken the time to address for more than 1 post except for UAW wolf and Slighted/crm villa. I'll keep this in mind on my re-reads of Slighted/crm.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 08:09 PM
I like a lot of the thought processes there, but the conclusion is wrong. We can't leave flytrap alive when he has a 4/5 chance of being a wolf.

Also iirc I was the first to flip to BLS, and he wasn't really a viable counterwagon at the time. The only way I'd do that as a wolf was if UAW/Andrew are both villagers and I wanted to sow some discord. And by virtue of POE and everything else, Andrew is a wolf here a ton of the time. Which makes YG's snipe awful. He's another I have to read.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 08:09 PM
my opinion on andrew is basically if he posts more like that one he did late last night (maybe early this morn for you guys) hes villa. if he posts more like his first two days hes wolf. if he fails to come through on his promise to do work tonight hes wolf.

slighted has already claimed wolf so he seems like the safest lynch for tonight.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
ya i think vig should shoot slighted b4 binks
Yeah, after Slighted's last post, I'm inclined to agree.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 08:12 PM
crm, I think you should claim mason at this point if you can prove it. Same goes if anyone else is the mason and can prove it, but I'd be completely shocked if it wasn't you.

Also, surprised I haven't seen this theory yet, but what if Gad angeled Homer on n1? Homer is a strong villager and would have been a likely wolf nk. Gad would have known this information and may have done just that. Gad would have had to not angel himself on n2, but if he didn't think he was a target for nk it's possible. Doesn't really matter in the end, but it might be worthwhile to think that Homer/McAvoy and Gad/McAvoy are both very possible scenarios for the wolves n1 kills.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 08:13 PM
also aperrently i was wrong about that 4 person circle of trust so my bad on that :/
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
