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03-13-2012 , 01:48 PM
i still think comesur is a wolf
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i end to give off a wolfy vibe. i know we havent played together other than the ongoing mishmash but im often thought to be wolfy when im a villager and i have been a lead wagon within a halfhour of EOD in all but 1 of the villager games i've played..

i wouldnt vote flytrap for his work in an ongoing game.. it was the greatest pro-village thing i've seen and i wont be lynching him on d1's for quite some time if i can help it...
d1 passes for whatever reason are not brilliant
in any format other than vanilla, theyre plain ******ed
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
i still think comesur is a wolf
You still haven't told me why and you haven't answered my questions from a few posts ago.
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03-13-2012 , 01:56 PM
As of #552

# Player votes for
1 comeasur
0 27allin/younguns
0 Anarchist
0 andrewgreve
0 Caedus
0 captainbinkles
0 crmcarty
0 flytrap
0 Gadarene
0 homernoonjr BLS
0 McAvoy
0 Montecore
0 NLSoldier comeasur
0 Rebonk/variance
0 Slighted
0 UAW710
0 VayaConDios BLS
0 Vix

Q: Is maj lynch in effect?

EOD in 9:04
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03-13-2012 , 01:58 PM
Regarding CRM:
I still dont get what makes him wolfy, in my book he has a villa lean.
The thing Caedus bolded that made monte vote him is something I dont understand. I dont find it strange.

I dont have much history with Caedus but I dont get that he is helping or trying very hard. Flytrap mentions that Caedus often takes charge when village is without direction.
But I would like to hear more on this, is it usual for him?

When rereading him I actually think he is a low priority lynch, he thinks I am wolfy BUT he wants to talk about it.

He came of wolfy to me from the start. And he didnt start of so good today.

Originally Posted by Gadarene
Heh. I told you Anarchist was wolfy.
He did, it went like...

Originally Posted by Gadarene
Anarchist is playing his wolf game

Originally Posted by Anarchist
Annies answer is short so I get the feeling that they are W/W and annie has a hard time to act the role, or feals uneasy and makes a easy and forced post. Would like input on this from people who has played more with them. I dont know if its just me but I think Gad interacted with a fellow wolf and that wolf had a harder time with it.

After collecting my thoughts abit my lynch order as of now would look like Gad then Caedus.

The reason I didnt vote, dont really have one, had just woken up, was not really excited for any of the wagons...

I will vote the last thing I do today, please come with input on this.
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03-13-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by comeasur337
How do you think Andrew's EOD looks? What do you think of his work on BLS?

Obv joking hence the s in response to a binkles moment about you and Anarchist w/w after your angry rant. I'm not familiar with your game at all which might be why I think you're a wolf and nobody else seems to agree.

I just want to hear more from you today, totally understand if you had irl things that were limiting you yesterday.
sorry totally missed this. lemme do a little rereading and get back to you
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 02:03 PM
Well last night went about as well as it could have, all things considered. I skimmed through all of the D2 posts; I'm going to go back and comment now.

I gather the 27a/yg situation hasn't yet been resolved?
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 02:04 PM
i think andrews eod was fairly villagery. hard to blame anyone for voting vix after the way vix was spazzing and he basically hard defended CRM when he probably didn't really need to. don't see much reason a wolf would do that.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 02:06 PM
also comesur its pretty normal for ppl to think im uber wolfy the first time they play with me (regardless of my role)
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03-13-2012 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by BirdieLongSocks
Regarding CRM:
I still dont get what makes him wolfy, in my book he has a villa lean.
The thing Caedus bolded that made monte vote him is something I dont understand. I dont find it strange.

I dont have much history with Caedus but I dont get that he is helping or trying very hard. Flytrap mentions that Caedus often takes charge when village is without direction.
But I would like to hear more on this, is it usual for him?

When rereading him I actually think he is a low priority lynch, he thinks I am wolfy BUT he wants to talk about it.

He came of wolfy to me from the start. And he didnt start of so good today.

He did, it went like...

Annies answer is short so I get the feeling that they are W/W and annie has a hard time to act the role, or feals uneasy and makes a easy and forced post. Would like input on this from people who has played more with them. I dont know if its just me but I think Gad interacted with a fellow wolf and that wolf had a harder time with it.

After collecting my thoughts abit my lynch order as of now would look like Gad then Caedus.

The reason I didnt vote, dont really have one, had just woken up, was not really excited for any of the wagons...

I will vote the last thing I do today, please come with input on this.
Birdie: for what it's worth, you didn't quote the entirety of my posts about Anarchist. Read binkles's reread of Anarchist for the rest of that exchange.
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03-13-2012 , 02:08 PM
And while I usually have trouble reading Anarchist, I felt pretty strongly based on his d1 posts that he was >>rand to be wolf here. And now I'm fairly happy with myself for having gotten that read right.
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03-13-2012 , 02:11 PM
Aight, Im officially In, I didn't want to post before mod confirmed. I am off to lunch, but when I get back I will be rereading/owning and all that jazz
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03-13-2012 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Today's not d1, tho.
true, but the quote was for yesterday..

Originally Posted by Caedus
d1 passes for whatever reason are not brilliant
in any format other than vanilla, theyre plain ******ed
dont care. there are plenty of people that dont vote non posters, dont vote friends, and who dont vote strong players so that the wolves will have to sort them out. Hell i'm sure you've been privilege to one or more of those SP non day1 votes..

i chose to try and let him live regardless of his affiliation for 1 day based on previous experience. as gad says its day2 and he will now be read on facts now rather than experience in my eyes..
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03-13-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
i think andrews eod was fairly villagery. hard to blame anyone for voting vix after the way vix was spazzing and he basically hard defended CRM when he probably didn't really need to. don't see much reason a wolf would do that.
the first part is true IF and only IF the player doesn't know vixt.. for the people that know and have played with vixt he was an obvious villager yesterday.. and this is coming from someone who he tries to wagon on policy in every single game we play together...
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03-13-2012 , 02:18 PM
ya i totally agree, would be nice to know how much andrew has played with vix. i felt like i had a good enough villa read on him not to vote him but its real hard to be confident enough to defend someone who is donking around that hard
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03-13-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
the first part is true IF and only IF the player doesn't know vixt.. for the people that know and have played with vixt he was an obvious villager yesterday.. and this is coming from someone who he tries to wagon on policy in every single game we play together...
ok, so while you were around for EOD, and mac and a bunch of braindead sponges were piling on to vix, you didnt say a word about vix being an obvious villager
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
ya i totally agree, would be nice to know how much andrew has played with vix. i felt like i had a good enough villa read on him not to vote him but its real hard to be confident enough to defend someone who is donking around that hard
to expand on the vixt thing.. VMF and mcavoy are the ones that should have known better in my opinion.. not sure how much flytrap has played with vixt, but of the voters on vixt im the most :skeptical face: of VMF and Mcavoy...
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
Why Vaya?
I'll admit my read on him is pretty thin. I'm going to reread him. Initially it was a tell that I don't want to give away in case it's right. I'm going to reread him and post my thoughts after.

Flytrap's case on UAW is good, but I'd like to hear more from UAW, especially about the crm vote right at the start of day today. As I pointed out earlier, I was a little suspicious of crm just from skimming EOD but after rereading it he looks pretty clear from McAvoy and the way the wagons went down.[/QUOTE]

Originally Posted by comeasur337

Villa Leans

Wolf Leans

You just said my case on UAW was good, but you have me as a wolf lean? Why? Did you mention why I was wolfy before this? Are you just sponging Caedwolf?
Originally Posted by VayaConDios
I reread uaw and I don't think he's a wolf
Can you elaborate on this?
Originally Posted by HomerNoonJr
Moreover, McAvoy was almost certainly the main wolf kill, because he was pushing a villager and is didn't threat any wolves. The SK wolf likely tried to target someone who suspected him, and was thankfully blocked.
It seems very likely that the SK is just a wolf vig. The wolves will be seerhunting with both kills, unless they decide to FPS. I think we need to treat each kill as a seerhunt. Mac was pushing Vix mostly because he didn't want to lynch CRM. To say he wasn't a threat is not accurate. If you have someone as a strong villa lean, and no lean on the other person, then you vote the other person. I'll have to reread Mac, but what do you mean by he didn't threaten any wolves? Do you mean just because he was voting villager Vix and pushing him to save CRM? Or do you think the people he was pushing earlier in the day were villagers?
Originally Posted by Caedus
flywolf/BLS/slighted wolves

vaya villager
mccarty mason
homer/monte likely villagers
Again, you give no reasoning. I know your ego is huge, but you can't just say over and over that someone is a wolf without giving any reasoning. It seems people are starting to blindly follow you, and they aren't giving any reasons either. Detailed reasoning on these reads please.
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
You gave a thumbs up to a post saying I'm a wolf. Why do you think this, other than just sponging Caedus?

Originally Posted by NLSoldier
i still think comesur is a wolf
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
i think andrews eod was fairly villagery. hard to blame anyone for voting vix after the way vix was spazzing and he basically hard defended CRM when he probably didn't really need to. don't see much reason a wolf would do that.
Wouldn't it be easy for him to defend crm if he's a wolf and he knows crm is a villager? Especially when the wagons were close... remember, he didn't know vote counts because nobody was posting them, which even led him to re-vote Vix, so he might have thought crm was ahead there and he wanted to look good in case crm was the lynch and flipped villa.

Maybe I'm overthinking that, just trying to follow his train of thought there. Rereading now and it does look like he had a villa lean on crm all day yesterday so at least he's consistent and he's probably not the best wagon today. unvote

Is UAW around? I want to ask him a few questions but only if he's here to answer them.
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03-13-2012 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
Yeah i really cant vote him here.. if he does this as a wolf his team probably groans as soon as they see the role pm.. i just cant believe he comes in here and gets lynched within a few hours as a wolf...

i knew he would vote me because he hates my style, and i dislike his.. he seems to think that me bolding a word makes me a better villager.. but he bolds so many it makes him a bad villager in my eyes.. so whatever..

the village should just try to ignore the craziness and search for wolves around vixt..
Originally Posted by Slighted
yeah guys get off vixt for now...
these werent exactly at EOD caedus, since i was pulled away from my computer.. but they were at 11:30 or later.
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03-13-2012 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
to expand on the vixt thing.. VMF and mcavoy are the ones that should have known better in my opinion.. not sure how much flytrap has played with vixt, but of the voters on vixt im the most :skeptical face: of VMF and Mcavoy...
McAvoy is a dead villa. If you knew that Vix was being villa, even as bad of a villager as he was being, you should've spoke up against his wagon. Speaking as someone who hasn't played with all of you, that's something that would come in handy and could've saved us a mislynch.
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03-13-2012 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by UAW710
UAW --

Given what happened last night, this spontaneous crm vote from UAW seems really weird to me.

Originally Posted by BirdieLongSocks
Monte, will you push crm today?

I like caedus/andrew/gad lynch today any thoughts on this? I will post my reasons when i get home( 7 hours or so),I will read crm and see if i missed something(right now he is neither villa nor wolf to me).
BLS --

I honestly don't know. I mean, the question is, was McAvoy killed because the wolves considered his pushing of crm as a peek? It's certainly possible, and thinking about it as I'm formulating the post makes me think we should probably take crm off the table for the next few days. He needs to keep/start acting in a provillage manner (more than he has been), and not coast by on being ~SHC.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
these werent exactly at EOD caedus, since i was pulled away from my computer.. but they were at 11:30 or later.
missed those

not exactly the impassioned defense i would expect for an obvious villager, but you did mention him
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by flytrap
You just said my case on UAW was good, but you have me as a wolf lean? Why? Did you mention why I was wolfy before this? Are you just sponging Caedwolf?
Wolves can make cases on other wolves, can't they? If a wagon gets started on UAW, will you hesitate to be on it or will you lead the charge?

Also I hate this post 2 minutes before EOD:

Originally Posted by flytrap
I'm not thrilled with a Vix lynch, I haven't done more than skimmed his posts and he always seems wolfy, but Mac is right about needing to save a villa lean.
3/12 Hoodwinked Vanilla+ Game Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by comeasur337
McAvoy is a dead villa. If you knew that Vix was being villa, even as bad of a villager as he was being, you should've spoke up against his wagon. Speaking as someone who hasn't played with all of you, that's something that would come in handy and could've saved us a mislynch.
****, im sorry for not paying attention while doing that post.. that mac thing was a mistake, im sorry to put people in the position of thinking it was an angleshoot if so...

do you think the posts i just posted weren't enough? thats how he plays. He gets under everyone's skin and judges the reactions.
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