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The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3

04-27-2015 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
Who is this post written for?
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 06:51 PM
I'm annoyed that two of my strongest town reads are butting heads right now.

Shh, children. It's okay.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
It seems to change mid post, and then back again, is why I'm asking.

I'm talking directly to you, but I don't get the feeling you're actually talking to me, I feel like you're talking for the purpose of appearing so.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 06:55 PM
First, you quote my post, where it says I have a problem with your approach.

Originally Posted by TehBankertin
Explain how I'm approaching it that is causing a problem.

The way I see it:
1) Yates did scummy things in the thread that piled up in my head
2) I make a case highlighting these scummy things
Fine so far...

3) PizzaGuy doesn't read the case because its only a part of Yates content
Now I'm no longer being spoken to.

(This frustrates me because I want to get a read on you and knowing where your thought process is helps me)
Now I'm being spoken to.

4) I ask him to read the content and try to ignore the fact that he thinks its incomplete and he says "naa"
Now I am not.

That post was not meant for qq. That post seems to be confused, as if you temporarily forgot how to village.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
Don't think so, Banks.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dgz Confuse rei
Since adaham is like the next big thing, I dont understand why mr capps isnt. Adaham makes this post that got the flags up in this bitch, then

Assuming capps is town trying to solve the game, why did he not

a. question the vote/suspicion, which was obviously poor

b. Agree with adaham if he thinks its not poor

but instead chooses to ignore the relevant part of the post and tries to water the seriousness down?

Now, assuming capps is scum, and Adaham is town, why doesnt he jump all over that post? ****ing easy peasy lemon squeezy but he chooses to downplay the serious vibe adaham brought in the thread.

If adaham and capps are both scum, i can see capps just trying to downplay that post because he knows adaham ****ed up. Worth noting that they p much ignored each other since they barely discussed/talked about each other.

One of the few instances they did, capps is accusing adaham of hypocricy, and 1 sentence later he is basically soft defending him by trying to make goat dude and adaham 'dudes with the same motive who are just misundestanding each other!' Then the post by adaham came about the similar=/= that i lost somehow, then after qq comes in and votes adaham, mr capps follows with this

I think it was pretty poor then and still think it is. He wasnt bothered by adaham having a poor vote and completely ignored it, but as soon as adaham gets voted he gets all seriouspants and remembers to play town now

In a world where adaham is scum i dont see how capps is called town.
hmm when I read the capps calling me and adaham villager It pinged as possibly a scum possibly knowing too much. But I do see your point. Remind me to reread this later tonight if I don't comment on it further later in the day.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by IsoSTARDUST
I'm annoyed that two of my strongest town reads are butting heads right now.

Shh, children. It's okay.
Sometimes a good fight is the best way to get a read. We will fight fair.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 06:59 PM
That post appears to be written for villagers observing, and it's a terribly wolfy thing.

You're not actually talking to me or q_q right now.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:00 PM
If I am wolfy you should be talking directly to me.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:01 PM
Votes from post 5 to post 484
Night in 24:59:48

2 Yates TehBankertin (87), q_q (49)
2 Adaham Askthepizzaguy (136), IsoSTARDUST (33)
1 road Dgz Confuse rei (38)
1 mr.capps coolkid (1)
1 q_q Yates (23)
1 TehBankertin Adaham (13)
5 not voting Hibiki (15), mr.capps (56), road (15), Soneji (0), Turnip Head (5)
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:01 PM
Banks, this isn't a minor point I'm making. It indicates your entire thinking process for this game is forced, fake, and for show.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:03 PM
pizza can you explain why are you townreading turnip dude ?

If you did already apologies

to me his posts tasted neutral and kinda sheepy
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
First, you quote my post, where it says I have a problem with your approach.

Fine so far...

Now I'm no longer being spoken to.

Now I'm being spoken to.

Now I am not.

That post was not meant for qq. That post seems to be confused, as if you temporarily forgot how to village.
Hmm in my head I was explaining to qq where I was and also still talking to you cause I quoted you so you're correct it was to both of you. I was trying to explain how i saw the situation at the time. In the process I have to talk about you and how were interacting but qq was not the correct answer to your question entirely. I admittedly didn't reread the post when you asked me who it was too but I was going off my memory of writing it.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dgz Confuse rei
pizza can you explain why are you townreading turnip dude ?

If you did already apologies

to me his posts tasted neutral and kinda sheepy
I can. If I am wrong on my red people It might be you and hibiki.

I've located too many wolves to feel as confident as I was a couple hours ago.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
Hmm in my head I was explaining to qq where I was and also still talking to you cause I quoted you so you're correct it was to both of you. I was trying to explain how i saw the situation at the time. In the process I have to talk about you and how were interacting but qq was not the correct answer to your question entirely. I admittedly didn't reread the post when you asked me who it was too but I was going off my memory of writing it.
You can see why it's odd, right? Like, it's one of my least butt-pulled reasons to not think someone is acting villagery.

Note how I interacted with you, my focus was on you every time I addressed you, and I felt like we were having a one on one.

Then you started inviting other people into our bed, and soon, I felt like I had to play with myself.

Don't do a three way with me ever again, you've lost that privilege, love.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:07 PM
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
If I am wolfy you should be talking directly to me.
I think that Yates is wolfy and he talked to you like you're villager so I'm basing that to read you villa. Also we had the same idea when coolkid posted earlier.

I'll talk how I want to get my point across mind you I'm trying to convince the rest of town to lynch Yates not just yourself.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
Banks, this isn't a minor point I'm making. It indicates your entire thinking process for this game is forced, fake, and for show.
You're incorrect.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
You can see why it's odd, right? Like, it's one of my least butt-pulled reasons to not think someone is acting villagery.

Note how I interacted with you, my focus was on you every time I addressed you, and I felt like we were having a one on one.

Then you started inviting other people into our bed, and soon, I felt like I had to play with myself.

Don't do a three way with me ever again, you've lost that privilege, love.
Rereading I did see what you were saying. I was talking mainly to you but wanted to also see what qq was talking abotu because I read him village and he pinged me as not understanding so I was laying out where I was.

I might still sleep around hope you won't be too offended. I feel like I came home to talk about my day and you didn't listen I'm kinda particular about not being heard.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Turnip Head
Morning gents! I agree with whoever said that it will be refreshing to have fresh reads for this game and not have to back it up with years of metagaming your opponents. That said if anyone wants to check me out a little (and I know some of you already have done so ), then here is a game where I was both townie AND scum (that's a link if you can't see it). I was lynched townie about halfway through, then I replaced back into the game for an inactive player and helped lead a scum team to victory. That thread by no means paints a full picture of my gameplay but it's a good start.

q_q seems okay to me so far, sort of aloof and slightly out of sync with the game so far, but in a genuine-feeling way. I think he knows what he's doing or else he wouldn't be here, but I'm not too concerned about him yet. I felt like mr capps was being more opportunistic out of the two here by painting q_q's actions in a bad light. Looks like he overreacted to q_q's RSV.
Opening post gives two reads.

Originally Posted by Turnip Head
Sup Pizzaguy! Y u try so hard
I would suspect people trying too hard as well.

Originally Posted by Turnip Head
I agree with Yates but even in general I don't consider "us" to always be a scum tell. @Pizzaguy did you also count up how often townies say "us" about themselves? But I thought your other point about Adaham in #193 was a good one. Relevant part of Adaham's post quoted below:
This is great because he did not just accept the tell I gave, he pointed out the critical flaw in the tell.

But if his agenda was to protect Adaham, as a wolf, he doesn't indicate that either, since his follow-up....

It feels like Adaham is trying to stifle discussion before it's allowed to organically take place. His post here was not only directed at the goat for his spamming but directed at the thread in general. That's something I've seen scum do before, try to put fear into people if they try to lead the thread. Makes for quiet and complacent townsfolk. But maybe I just don't share Adaham's inherent distrust for thread leader-y types.
Also names Adaham as a potential wolf.

I feel like Adaham and Turnip aren't wolves together, and I got a good lean of wolf for Adaham.

Would reexamine Turnip if Adaham's not a wolf, but if he is, I probably leave Turnip alone for a good long time.

Originally Posted by Turnip Head
I've got Yates and q_q on my townie list as well for now and I've got slight scum leans for capps and Adaham. capps for overreacting to q_q, and Adaham for trying to quash discussion and leadership at the beginning of the game. What makes you feel good about capps?
I agree with his list with one exception.

Originally Posted by Turnip Head
One thing I'm noticing about Pizza is that he is very confident in his reads. I'm not following the Rei suspicion, he seems alright to me so far.
It would be odd if people agreed with me on everything.

He's only got 5 posts. Of the people who posted by the time I arrived in the thread and began looking, he looked to be above many of the others.

I also had no lean on Banks or road at that time. I put him in my top 3 because I wanted to specifically name him more villagery than the others, besides qq and capps, that were in the thread at that time.

I will reassess it later, especially after he posts more, but I would need to see him do something actually odd.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
I think that Yates is wolfy and he talked to you like you're villager so I'm basing that to read you villa. Also we had the same idea when coolkid posted earlier.

I'll talk how I want to get my point across mind you I'm trying to convince the rest of town to lynch Yates not just yourself.
You should know that's a villagery thought process if you're a villager and had the same idea.

How am I inside your head thinking your thoughts before you have them if I'm a wolf?

You shouldn't be reading me wolf here. Disagreement over process or not.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
You should know that's a villagery thought process if you're a villager and had the same idea.

How am I inside your head thinking your thoughts before you have them if I'm a wolf?

You shouldn't be reading me wolf here. Disagreement over process or not.
and you should know that’s not always the case

mind-melding with another player doesn’t mean they are automatically villager
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
You should know that's a villagery thought process if you're a villager and had the same idea.

How am I inside your head thinking your thoughts before you have them if I'm a wolf?

You shouldn't be reading me wolf here. Disagreement over process or not.
In the quote of this quote right before I said "I'm basing this to read you villa" spoilers not reading you as wolf atm.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by q_q
and you should know that’s not always the case

mind-melding with another player doesn’t mean they are automatically villager
It's a stretch too far to lock me down, but I've been using this tell a lot lately to good effect.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
04-27-2015 , 07:27 PM
Stardust, comment.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
