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The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3

05-02-2015 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Yates
I'm "grumpy?" LOL.
I'm not expecting you to back this up Adaham, I just can't understand how anyone can think this.

Objectively, I would say that Pizza and I are probably the two players having the most fun this game - especially since we figured each other out and became BFF's 1/2 way through Day 2. Even THAT gambit was quite playful and enjoyable.

With Capps flipped scum and another red peek? I'm LOVING this game.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:35 PM
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:36 PM
Quick, get Fix-it-Felix Junior in here. I'm gonna bury his wolfy ass in a pile of bricks.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Yates
I'm not expecting you to back this up Adaham, I just can't understand how anyone can think this.

Objectively, I would say that Pizza and I are probably the two players having the most fun this game - especially since we figured each other out and became BFF's 1/2 way through Day 2. Even THAT gambit was quite playful and enjoyable.

With Capps flipped scum and another red peek? I'm LOVING this game.
The amount of fun I've had in the past week has been way more than I expected. Its been a roller coaster

I think he was talking about your day 1 btw.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:40 PM
Gotta shower and go to work. Leaving you guys with that mental image.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
I would always lynch Road today because he's my red peek.
Can we get your thoughts on the final wolf before lynching Road?

We have you today and tomorrow. But you won't be around toMorrow.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:40 PM
Wolves and Villas FROZEN by Banks in the shower image
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
Gotta shower and go to work. Leaving you guys with that mental image.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
I"M UP I read the DGZ pizza thing from bed.

Yates notably didn't interject much.

DGZ frustrated that people want him to play ww in a ww game. Oh the humanity!
It was pretty lol. I mean I bloodied up Confuse Rei for three days, he's probably just tired of getting owned so hard.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
Adaham, you're like Wreck-It-Ralph in this game.

I would always lynch Road today because he's my red peek.
Nice troll. If you plan to let this hang, then the questions are: are you a scum or are you a VT trying to be a hero or are you an extremely FPS'y seer?
Expect this to be gone when i wake up tomorrow
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by road
Nice troll. If you plan to let this hang, then the questions are: are you a scum or are you a VT trying to be a hero or are you an extremely FPS'y seer?
Expect this to be gone when i wake up tomorrow
Road. Pizza is NEVER scum here. He's my green N2 peek.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
With the DGZ pizza thing. As well as with road taking the game as solved is insane to me. Maybe I just have a different playstyle to you guys but until I see the last scum flip over its not a solved game to me. For all I know my strongest town read in Coolkid could be wrong so every time he posts I reevaluate.
Yeah, this whole I have two suspects and they're scum and I've solved the game and it's a solved game and village is slow-rolling thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me unless it's a wolf who knows it's gg if I have a red peek on one and the other is getting lynched soon, if not today.

I realize we have a strong chance of winning with a dead scum plus a red from pizza.
That's why it's quite PIS-y for Road to say it's gg or that town is slow-rolling Hibiki. What he's actually saying is that he's scum and just wants me to say it out loud so he can go have fun.

I'll say this for something road said If pizza has a red check on someone not Hibiki it probably is gg that dude is clearly in an anti-spew mode as of now.
Is it Hibiki or Confuse Rei?
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by road
Nice troll. If you plan to let this hang, then the questions are: are you a scum or are you a VT trying to be a hero or are you an extremely FPS'y seer?
Expect this to be gone when i wake up tomorrow
Nice of you to rejoin the world of the actively playing the game, from lurk mode.

The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
Is it Hibiki or Confuse Rei?
I will always vote Hibiki over DGZ.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
Nice of you to rejoin the world of the actively playing the game, from lurk mode.

I'm back in lurk mode
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 03:59 PM
I think Road is a pretty cool guy.

He lurks in threads and doesn't afraid of being peeked.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:07 PM
All I've done for the past two days is utterly terrorize some wolfy mofos.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Askthepizzaguy
I think Road is a pretty cool guy.

He lurks in threads and doesn't afraid of being peeked.
Can we talk about his wolf bro, then? There are only 5 outs left in the Yankees-Red Sox game and then I'm going back outside.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:08 PM
Make that three days, with a Confuse Rei or Hibiki almost always being in the wolf team.

Dat Day One.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
*******Vote count when Capps starts his case on Turnip. He is 7 hours from being lynched. Pizza only one on ISO atm. If capps thinks he is getting lynched or a suspect this is a good busing spot, he brings up a case on a buddy for after his flip perhaps?

THOUGHTS ON THIS PART! I think this is key to the capps/Turnip interaction*******
Points against: I recall now that the original reason I thought it looked for Turnip when capps was my number 1 scum read was precisely the timing. At the time I believe you were being strongly town-read and a presence in the thread his push on Turnip appeared to be an opportunistic attempt to follow your lead and start a counterwagon to his own. If the wagons at the end of the day were both town, it is reasonable that his lack of push could be capps as scum not caring or not wanting to draw attention to himself in getting a town lynched.

Points for: His lack of push at the end could have been a scum afraid his teammate was being lynched. Capps could have thought he was going to bed peeked scum at some point and attempted to distance.

Honestly upon review I do not find it particularly damning given it could of gone both ways. When I look at capps, I will attempt to determine if I believe I believe there is something indicative. My main concerns on Turnip is his general lack of attempting to solve the game unless pushed.

Originally Posted by Dgz Confuse rei
I've already explained why I dont see road as scum currently.

That said, if you want to discuss endgame equity and how scum dont want shc on road because he is actually scum, how does that post work out for him, he basically put a clock on his head
The issue I have with this is that it does not take into account the players that could be on the scum team itself. For instance, I do not believe a capps/road/hibiki team would perform the calculation for endgame equity that you did. I am uncertain if Turnip would, he is difficult to read as a player given his lack of posting in general.

Originally Posted by TehBankertin
Do you think road has been trying to solve the game today?

He thinks I'm "must be scum" and I'm hanging around the thread when he arrived. I posted 24 minutes before and 10 minutes after he did and clearly if he read he would know that I have been in a deep iso and been checking in.

So his 2nd top suspect is around and he is like "meh *** it I'm out no need to question that guys lets just poe win"

Or do you think a more likely world of scumRoad comes by to drop a reads post he hopes spews/anti spews some people and doesn't want to interact with a town to possibly extra spew if he is the red check?
Yes there is certainly a fallacy in his thought that "we PoE and win" when his PoE contains you and it appears unlikely you will be lynched before him or Turnip. If he would like to PoE win he must get his PoE suspects killed and he does not appear to be doing that.

That is a good point at the last paragraph, I believe Turnip and Hibiki in particular did the same.

To be fair to road, however, I believe him genuinely disliking the atmosphere on the thread and attempting to avoid it.

Originally Posted by Yates
This post [snipped to the important bits], for example, does not look like a bus:
Scum DGZ already knows q_q is Town. At this point he's not just busing, he's totally wrecking Capps in the event q_q gets mislynched or becomes their NK target.
I do not see how this indicates his knowing q_q is town. It reads as his questioning the logic "if q_q is town, capps must be town", not asserting the premise must be correct.

Originally Posted by Dgz Confuse rei
plus my vote on hibiki doesnt have to do with your peek, I havent considered your peek at all, my vote on him is due to my interaction with goat
Could you expound on what you mean or point me to the posts where your interaction with banks makes you vote Hibiki? I may have missed it.

Originally Posted by Yates
That's kind of the point. I wasn't even looking for votes. I was just looking for REACTIONS. Reactions can come in many forms. Look at it like this, instead of in your absolute form:
In terms of reactions, I thought Confuse rei's was the best to Pizza claiming today, a healthy dose of wariness. Particularly given that the goal of this game is ostensibly not necessarily to win the game but to prove that you are best player, it would be a reasonable play for a scum who believed he would have been peeked and wanted to attempt to get the real seer lynched.

I thought your reaction was good, it is in line with the impression I have developed on you as a player and your being excited about it appeared genuine.

I thought road's reaction was fairly good, he was surprised and having difficultly reconciling it with his claimed scum read on Pizza the day before.

I thought Turnip's reaction was neutral, he noted the possibility of a counter-claim but accepted it for the moment somewhat lightly.

I thought Hibiki's reaction was the worst, he just accepted it without comment as if he knew it was either true or false, despite claiming to have wanted Pizza as his top lynch yesterday all along.

Originally Posted by TehBankertin
Day 1 spew analysis LINKS:

Road Day 1.
Hibiki Day 1.
Turnip Day 1.
DGZ Day 1.

These are the four I did.

I don't know how to make a table on here or I would but,

Buddying attempts by Capps (this is subjective others feel free to read more)
Will be name then the number of posts that were directly buddying up to someone not just calling them town.
Adaham - 1
Pizza - 4
DGZ - 1
ISO - 3
QQ - 1
Road -1
Banks - 3
(I tracked about 30 different stats for capps interactions Another two that might be useful)
Capps called these people scum
Soneji (only 1 time)

Capps called these people town
Coolkid (only 1 time)

People that only called capps scum

People who only called him Town: Pizza
People who called him both
ISO Banks

Hibiki called him both, I believe, or rather, was wishy-washy, then called him town.

If I recall, capps was mainly following the flow of opinion in the thread, hence I do not put too much stock in who he called town or scum. I will analyse capp's behaviour when I take a look at his ISO myself.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:09 PM
Boom. Home run. 4-2.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:12 PM
Day One, put Confuse Rei on the mat, so bloodied, can't keep up with my WIM.

Manic pizza mode activated, then I sucker punch Hibiki just as he's joining the game, while trolling Capps with my fake peek.

N1 it's always Capps, to make sure I'm not a village derp. Day two I'm all over Capps.

Road distances from Capps, I get 4th on Capps and Road decides to go AWOL.

I call Confuse Rei a busser, and lo and behold what happens.

So Confuse Rei and Capps and Road are all on Pizza like ice on frozen scumbags right now, and then Hibiki drops a killing vote on Pizza.

There just aren't any pack of wolfier wet dogs in this game.

I'm still confused as to which villager got wrapped up in the middle of those three London Sillynannies.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:13 PM
I can't tell them apart, I wish I had a peek.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:15 PM
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
05-02-2015 , 04:16 PM
Don't just bang me villabros, marry me.

I am about to become a Mormon and marry all of the villagers in this game at once except for the stray cat hanging out with the guys from London.
The 2015 Mafia Championship: Game 3 Quote
