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2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] 2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN]

03-12-2014 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
2012 it was 14 rounds.... i would know...drafted in the 14th ;|
I would have taken you first round. So sad I didn't in this
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-12-2014 , 05:02 PM
def shoulda doen the zoltan/batm/ttt/redd/digger experience
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-12-2014 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
def shoulda doen the zoltan/batm/ttt/redd/digger experience
Nutshat, Poo Badly, Herp Soreington, me, Kruze. Solid foundation right thar
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-12-2014 , 05:08 PM
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-12-2014 , 08:49 PM
how furious is mets right now?
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-12-2014 , 08:50 PM
I'm surprised Monkey Banana went so late. I probably would've taken him over most of the people who were selected in the 4th round.

He's got an edginess to him, that fearless ability to speak his mind and correct someone even if he knows it will ruffle some feathers. I see it in people like domer2 as well, the rare type of poster who has managed to pick up more enemies than friends along the way despite being in POG, one of the happiest places on the entire internet. Call them forum villains, if you will.

I think people's perceptions of them might've caused both of them to drop a bit on draft boards. Good job to whoever picked them up, both are strong players and I like having people like them in games.
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-12-2014 , 10:33 PM
yea, monkey fell wayyyyyy too far
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-12-2014 , 10:34 PM

and still think disko should be taken very soon
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-12-2014 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by fnord_too
Idea for next time this is runs, results should be measured by performance over the next yearish. So say draft in December, then in November rank the players by their performance since the draft completion (the whole ranking thing would need to be figured out).
I was thinking along these same lines yesterday - probably changes the draft a ton since you're drafting for actual performance instead of perceived ability so things like volume would be valued much more highly. That said I'm not sure I would want to be on someone's fantasy WW team for real - would create a lot of pressure to actually put in volume.
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-12-2014 , 11:18 PM
I'll preface this by saying that I don't particularly care to play with Monkey when we are in the same game. I don't like his attitude toward players he deems as beneath him and I think that can take away from the enjoyment of the game...

That said I think he's ~15 overall in this draft and fell way too far. His reads are prescient, he's not shy about playing in either role, and he's an effective wolf. He can also be a bit intimidating when he wants to be and even though I don't like it, I think it's certainly effective. Great pick. Best of the last few rounds. Prob since luckay fell to the third.
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 01:29 AM
MB - but he takes werewolf way too seriously. Which is perhaps precisely why I would not have drafted him in my draft and precisely why these drafters should have picked him earlier.

Also, I relooked at the list of draftors and realised I am actually only going to ever be picked by one maybe two captains - as I am certain that 4 or 5 of them actually loathe playing with me.

So I am like MB without the taking werewolf seriously part - so I guess I can see why I am unlikely to be drafted deep deep like 100+, if at all.

On mets - yeah he is like late round early round 2 pick in a 12 way digger captains draft imo.

Something like

All are great players and just as importantly great to play with, although I am sure I am missing people who I like more to play with but I doubt they would be mortally offended in me leaving them off cause you know they are great to play with so that doesnt happen.
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 01:35 AM
essedarious is prolly the player from way back who is underrated but he doesnt play anymore. (although he was a snarky prickly mofo and not necessarily that fun to play with)

So its either you do not pick him cause its 2014 or you pick him top 5 - anywhere in between just makes no sense other than you think he should be actually your top pick but you think you can get away with picking him later cause the other captains will not pick him cause they think he should not be there or they have not heard about him.

Which is, in turn, a reasonable summary of why drafts like these can be meaningless if you put up no boundaries......because why pick your greatest ever player if noone else is gonna pick him regardless until the last round. Sure you get great value but the other draftors are only ever going to admire it in the remotest most abstract sense of this imaginary player of awesomness.
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 01:43 AM
I have always enjoyed playing with you digger (at least the few times we've played together)
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 01:50 AM
Thanks herb.
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:08 AM
i agree digger, thats why i liked the initial bounds of 'best available player or future player'

people drafting people that havent played in a year or were at their peak 3 years ago is meh
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:15 AM
Digga needs to start running thunderdomes again
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:18 AM
To win these drafts you have to pick people who have been respected for the past 2-3 years, and put up a long writeup. Last draft I tried to draft a combo of new players who seemed good, and old schoolers. I got crushed in the voting. I think I drafted 5 people in the first 3 rounds this draft. Would of been 6 if Atakdog didn't pm some SEer asking who he should pick, and thus sniped insanity from me.

Problem was my new picks were too new and not respected yet, and the old schoolers were too old.

Last edited by chuckleslovakian; 03-13-2014 at 02:23 AM.
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:25 AM
Write ups are probably more important than who you actually pick in these things imo
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:27 AM
yeah a good writeup does wonders
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:32 AM
what ever happened to sgt rj, the pog mod? she seems to post in other forums.
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:42 AM
well named the only mod ive seen post in pog in over a month

noah no longer listed as a pog mod
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
Would of been 6 if Atakdog didn't pm some SEer asking who he should pick, and thus sniped insanity from me.

looks like he picked Loretta & inanity based on my advice

could have had Sando too if he listened moar
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:48 AM
hey guys
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by 72off

looks like he picked Loretta & inanity based on my advice

could have had Sando too if he listened moar
Aha so you were the cause. Not that I care, clearly the SE strat was wrong then.
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
well named the only mod ive seen post in pog in over a month

noah no longer listed as a pog mod
timelady vanished too?
2014 POG Fantasy Werewolf DRAFT COVERAGE [railbird thread - drafters DO NOT OPEN] Quote
