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#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread #2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread

10-24-2013 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
What do we do if he doesn't show up within 2 hours? What do we do when he's dead tomorrow? We need more consensus than this. As I've already said: let's take this time to decide who we can all (mostly) agree upon.
Then we will have to agree to the second most villagery person in the thread and make him 'captain' and hope he is villa.

Then we will end up with 4 villavotes on 1 person. And if the wolves want to use their 4 votes on a villa to make a tie, i say roll the dices. The wolves don't wanna, since they have more than 50% chance of winning this game atm (and only 50% by forcing a tie).
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Darthe
So lets have a direction. Nobody ever responded to my vine analysis.
I stand by my "there's always a lurker" theory. And it's usually the weakest player.
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by TheRagnarok
No, I named you before any of that happened.
I might easily have missed it. Could you please refer to the post you do that in?
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:06 PM
the fact of the matter is, I don't think there's any real benefit to waiting until the last minute to actually vote here anyway.

We're either going to be right or wrong. I want ragnarok lynched and I've made my case and I think he's a wolf. I think he's been wolfy all day. He's already been voted by 3 people today and no coordinated snipe has occured although at various points everyone has been here during time he was voted. His reaction to being voted is not villagery in the slightest.

He is a wolf.
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
I stand by my "there's always a lurker" theory. And it's usually the weakest player.
Who hasn't spoken today?
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:07 PM
Darthe, may I kindly ask what the **** are you doing,
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Darthe
Who hasn't spoken today?
I meant vine is a lurker in this game
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by DuracellDK
I might easily have missed it. Could you please refer to the post you do that in?
It was #3310. The good morning post that started the whole thing. When I said you or lenC. Now it's my turn how you missed it being as you quoted part of it?
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
I meant vine is a lurker in this game
Not wrong. Et gmaster
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Darthe
D1 was Crabby, D2 VE, D3 CJ, D4 Vagos, D5 Maki

What I discovered from the Vote analysis:

LenC is scum. He has been on no scum trains and has voted all townies.

Duracell has been on one scum train but it was early. Still middling on this slot.

RAG IS UNEQUIVOCAL TOWN. Voted CJ D2, stuck with it on D3. What scum does that? Also voted Vag early and hard.

TTT is not as town as I thought. Why did he switch off CJ between D2 and D3? I know a group of us figured CJ was the lynch and started on diff options, but I need to reread there before confirming.

STS is scum or the worst player here. Votes Maki two days despite there being no traction there, stopping in between to put a weak middling vote on VE, then pursues me to the exclusion of everything and doesn't jump back on Maki when he has the chance? WTF?

WN is still ok. Need to see about that D3 vote. Could be in the same boat with TTT and I.

Vine looks scum. If you come from a place where you just vote and see what happens, first thats not mafia. Second, why would you not vote the past two days and why would you never be on a scum lynch?

Shin is conf lazy.

Rag is cleared. That's a good starting point.
Like we're sorting by votes by now? What if I told you if you wanted to rate runaway wagons in any form, you should look at the people off wagon. For example, your Vagos vote on d2 is 21551x more wolfier than my VE vote.
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
Darthe, may I kindly ask what the **** are you doing,
Scumhunting. You?
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:10 PM
Also, I'm a really bussy wolf
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by well named
the fact of the matter is, I don't think there's any real benefit to waiting until the last minute to actually vote here anyway.

We're either going to be right or wrong. I want ragnarok lynched and I've made my case and I think he's a wolf. I think he's been wolfy all day. He's already been voted by 3 people today and no coordinated snipe has occured although at various points everyone has been here during time he was voted. His reaction to being voted is not villagery in the slightest.

He is a wolf.
No case has been made at all. Your case is...I think he is wolfy, his first game here wasn't 100% the same, and he didn't flip out over a vote.

That's not a case. That's ******ed.

You tried to call me out as a man earlier well now it's my turn. Man up and make a real case.
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:11 PM
you know who else said there wasn't a case: cjkalt :P
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:12 PM
I'm voting you. I'm not moving my vote. If you are a villager I'm willing to lose the game. That's pretty manly imo
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:13 PM
By that logic we must follow you or lose if you're town.
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Darthe
Take the blinders of. Vine gave a reason for his read on Len and it wasn't that the maki train happened, it was that len joined in without contributing. Dunno if true or not but you're misreppjng that.
riveting tale chap
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:13 PM
and certainly the case I already made, and I've said quite a few things about why I think your posts today are wolfy, is more than "I think he's wolfy". I quoted posts, I gave reasons, I even quoted posts from a different game and pointed out inconsistencies that are more than just "it's not the same therefore it's wolfy"

You can't pretend that my reasons for lynching you are as unjustified as your goofy TTT/me thing is.
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I'm voting you. I'm not moving my vote. If you are a villager I'm willing to lose the game. That's pretty manly imo
Hahaha no it's not. It's just stubborn.
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Darthe
Has anyone reas that Len case (thx for link btw). Its soo bad.
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:14 PM
Inb4 darthe vote
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Darthe
By that logic we must follow you or lose if you're town.
I'm being slightly more blustery than necessary but I'm making a point. That said, there are worse people in this game you could follow
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:14 PM
Pseudovote: Darthe

#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Darthe
Inb4 darthe vote
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
10-24-2013 , 06:16 PM
we're not lynching darthe. All you're going to do len is get yourself lynched and make me unhappy

today we are lynching either ragnarok or vine if I have any say in it, which, from what I can tell, I probably don't have as much as I want.
#2 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
