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02-08-2016 , 04:43 PM
Apoc's reaction to the peek seems reasonable I guess, might expect a bit more incredulity.

We ignore it for now anyway though.
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02-08-2016 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
Apoc is peeked

Obvious, Mexi and Monstr are partners, throw them up and shoot them down kiddos

ez game
God you're terrible
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by theycallmehail
Fair enough on the BenjAO post.

I think you're mistaken re: zdye. I'm quite certain he was saying that it is odd I would call this game fluffy when, in his opinion, it has been less fluffy than other games. He is insinuating (or trying to project for some reason) that my post is odd.

It is only odd if I have played a lot of V+ games and know that this isn't considered fluffy.
Good point

Let me ask you another question then

Is fluffling wolfy? Because I think a post complaining about fluff is as fluffy as any of the other fluff posts thus far in the game
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:44 PM
Benjamin, could you respond to the post below? Especially the first paragraph.

Originally Posted by tappokone
You can't possibly have had me as a wolf lean for the given reason. You made zero posts between me voting you and you posting that list. There was no opportunity to talk to you again because you were not here.

Re calling you out for a post that seemed fine, are you talking about the "I'm not sure he is villa" post or the "If you think I can be reasonable as wolf..." post? In the former case I accepted your answer and never brought it up again because there was nothing more to talk about. In the latter case you, again, were not in the thread between me asking you about it and you posting your list.
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by theycallmehail
Fair enough on the BenjAO post.

I think you're mistaken re: zdye. I'm quite certain he was saying that it is odd I would call this game fluffy when, in his opinion, it has been less fluffy than other games. He is insinuating (or trying to project for some reason) that my post is odd.

It is only odd if I have played a lot of V+ games and know that this isn't considered fluffy.
I'm pretty sure he was just sharing his opinion, which happens to be different to yours.

2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:44 PM
My only hesitation with Apoc was that he could be seer with a randed n0 peek on me


Seer - [Redacted]. You are the village Seer. Every night starting n0, you may submit to peek any player.
I was coming in to check the OP and post my thoughts on this and saw qb had already claimed a wolf peek on Apoc

So for me, it adds up to Apoc indeed being a wolf

2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:44 PM
Ben, I hope apoc is a wolf and QB is telling the truth but we're not lynching inside the claim. It just rarely ever ends up going well. It's better to let the claim resolve itself.

With that said, I don't think QB would do that as a wolf so it's likely he's either the seer or a vanillager trying to get nk'd
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02-08-2016 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
and i stand by what i said about how i wasn't remotely doing that, surreptitiously or otherwise, and that (frankly) if i was a wolf this game there would be no need for "soft" and surreptitious excuse-making, because i probably wouldn't be getting read as wolfy in the first place

2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:46 PM
What I meant was that Apoc could have aranded n0 peek on me, but no one would ever choose to peek me n0
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02-08-2016 , 04:46 PM
caught up through post 300

Apoc got more flow-y

afk for an indefinite period b/c it's somehow almost 4
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
Apoc's reaction to the peek seems reasonable I guess, might expect a bit more incredulity.

We ignore it for now anyway though.
It troubles me how seriously you are taking a day 1 QB peek
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:47 PM
Also, people putting stock into QB's "peek" is pretty bad and they should feel bad

QB is just attention whoring like usual

Apoc could still be a wolf, but I highly doubt he's a good lynch today
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
and i stand by what i said about how i wasn't remotely doing that, surreptitiously or otherwise, and that (frankly) if i was a wolf this game there would be no need for "soft" and surreptitious excuse-making, because i probably wouldn't be getting read as wolfy in the first place

so feedback loop complete

[insert thing about you not reading my posts with sincerity and good faith, as evidenced by you rejecting out of hand the thing that i actually meant in favor of doubling down on your fiction about what you think i meant (which doesn't even make sense, because why would being a mod before make my tone different now?), which makes you either a wolf or, more likely, inflexibly useless and either way this game will be an utter joy when i have to go for long periods, like i do now, because literally anything i do, whether it's posting lots or posting little, ignoring you or engaging you, will probably be seen as grist for your mill]
See I interpreted that original post that mexi replied to in this way:

1) You were aware that you sound a little off today
2) You decided to give reasonable excuses for the wolfy tone to head off that line of criticism

I can buy that #2 is a stretch. But do you agree that you sound off today?
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724

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02-08-2016 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by mucksandgravs
Ben, I hope apoc is a wolf and QB is telling the truth but we're not lynching inside the claim. It just rarely ever ends up going well. It's better to let the claim resolve itself.

With that said, I don't think QB would do that as a wolf so it's likely he's either the seer or a vanillager trying to get nk'd
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I don't know how you're construing any of this as attacking you

all it was was frustrated bite at being called a wolf for something as simple as disagreeing with you, and from that you made (and will continue to make regardless of my responses) your own inferences

I have no qualms with you wolfreading me, I will convince you you're wrong as well in due time and I'm sorry I snapped at you, but this argument is unproductive because I believe you're a villager and I have wolves to find. No one is even reading any of my responses to you anyway and many people seem to believe I am a villager

Sometimes it's in the best interest of the village to just let things go. If you truly believe I'm a wolf it's still your best play because it's basically been solidified that i'm not going to vote you this game short of a peek so, your call.

Believe I'm a villager or don't, either way I'm done responding to you for real.
Originally Posted by monstrman
It seems BenAO is a villager and truly does not know how to read players

I apologize for somehow angering you, but your style of play needs a hard look if you believe me to be a wolf.
Originally Posted by monstrman
If you believe this is me trying to pocket you, go ahead and lol some more and then I'll be the one loling in post game

I'm not going to let you make it far enough to even try to mislynch me. Not that you could.

And yes, when I correctly read you and then you incorrectly infer that as a pocket, it's pretty clear I'm playing better than you, and I'm sorry I didn't mean to come off as rude, but yes you are not playing optimally right now because you are blinded by the subjective. Sorry, it's just true, no other way to explain it.
Originally Posted by monstrman
I have had this exact same argument like seven hundred times, and I don't really plan to have it again

Vote me if you wish, I don't really care because no one will listen to you and you're wrong and I'll just make everyone else believe you're wrong and then post game you can just accept that you were wrong from the start and it won't be my problem anymore
Originally Posted by monstrman
You are in fact cherry picking things twisting what I'm saying to suit your own conclusion that you have come to that I am a wolf and your notion is based off of things that aren't even wolf tells, by the way
He says he doesn't know what I would be calling attacks well I quoted one of them, didn't want to take up too much with them all

The bolded are things I don't see a villa posting in this interaction and really should be read wolfy

I gotta do some errands so bbl
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:47 PM
Lol @ Ace too I guess

Ok, gone for reals. Back in a few hours
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
and i stand by what i said about how i wasn't remotely doing that, surreptitiously or otherwise, and that (frankly) if i was a wolf this game there would be no need for "soft" and surreptitious excuse-making, because i probably wouldn't be getting read as wolfy in the first place

so feedback loop complete

[insert thing about you not reading my posts with sincerity and good faith, as evidenced by you rejecting out of hand the thing that i actually meant in favor of doubling down on your fiction about what you think i meant (which doesn't even make sense, because why would being a mod before make my tone different now?), which makes you either a wolf or, more likely, inflexibly useless and either way this game will be an utter joy when i have to go for long periods, like i do now, because literally anything i do, whether it's posting lots or posting little, ignoring you or engaging you, will probably be seen as grist for your mill]
You know I'm not an inflexibly useless kinda player. My reads flow like river.

I'm not saying that what I said about your 'excuses' IS the case, I'm saying is that is my interpretation of what could possibly be the case. I will take everything else you say and do on its own merits.

You were right, we shouldn't have got into this.
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Good point

Let me ask you another question then

Is fluffling wolfy? Because I think a post complaining about fluff is as fluffy as any of the other fluff posts thus far in the game
I think posting fluff is probably neutral but makes it a lot harder to go through and find meaningful posts and reads. The last game got screwed from a lock win because a new player missed game-solving posts from back in the thread and people tore into him from it. I'm going to try and avoid being that guy but I got to page 50 and ~zero reads. I don't like that but maybe it's because I play too many turbos.
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by fmxda
See I interpreted that original post that mexi replied to in this way:

1) You were aware that you sound a little off today
2) You decided to give reasonable excuses for the wolfy tone to head off that line of criticism

I can buy that #2 is a stretch. But do you agree that you sound off today?
not in any way, shape, or form, other than the aforementioned silly/happy mood which, not to worry, has already been thoroughly quashed
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Good point

Let me ask you another question then

Is fluffling wolfy? Because I think a post complaining about fluff is as fluffy as any of the other fluff posts thus far in the game
What about a post complaining about a fluffy post complaining about fluff?
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:49 PM
Lynching Apoc today is mechanically awful, FYI
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by BenjaminAO
He says he doesn't know what I would be calling attacks well I quoted one of them, didn't want to take up too much with them all

The bolded are things I don't see a villa posting in this interaction and really should be read wolfy

I gotta do some errands so bbl
The only thing that can be construed as an attack there is me saying you truly don't know how to read players if you're a villager, which is something that objectively could not be proven wrong here

All the other stuff I'm not bothering to respond to because it would result in an overly long post of pointless bullcrap that you seem to be intent on trying to force me to spew

I'm not playing your game

No one listens to you because you picked up on something that isn't a tell and are trying to twist every one of my posts to fit your own narrative, and I'm not arguing my side of the story any more. If you're the only person that thinks I'm wolfy, guess what I'm not wolfy
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:50 PM
Well, wolves do a good job remaining neutral because no villo opinion seems to be made.
Im getting villo over and over again and learn to be neutral all the time.
So if you Plan to lynch me, go on. But This being a w friendly Setup you might not wanna kill someone of the village people.

Oh, i could be the miller. I couldve peeked Lissa tho.

Monstr for being not a friendly fellow- might have wolf blood somewhere.
2/8 - Die Hard 2 : Die Harder Vanilla+ Werewolf Game Thread Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:51 PM
Shoving is 80% a wolf here
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