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17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game 17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game

01-17-2013 , 02:03 PM

I dont think UD is a good vote. He is arguing good enough to the heat he's been dealt and the whole "voting myself is fine" is not a wolftell imo.

The fact that TL points this out and votes for UD based on that is not something she is likely to do as a wolf. Think about it - why in heavens name would she be that WOLFISH if wolf?

Come to think about it chrja is my likely wolf.
I DID NOT like #193!
He tend to "I vote him because I dont recall him/her playing villa like this" and no more arguing. Maybe he post a link or two for us to compare IF he finds it likely that people are not looking up the game(s). The whole "That is not how I remembered him" is, to me, a wolftell on chrja.

I know it might be way off, but that's how I see/read him atm.
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:03 PM
any1 here?
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:06 PM
With the info that you are not one of the players with 100+ ww games behind - i cant see a wolf tone in posts longer.

17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:06 PM
toga im here for 30 mins more
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:07 PM
Votes as of post 204
Night in 01:23

3 TimeLady chrja (12), hardcoreUFO (12), UncleDynamite (32)
1 chrja WALLE (7)
1 confirmedtroll captain binkles (25)
1 Toganim McAvoy (12)
1 UncleDynamite TimeLady (15)
1 XXXsmurfXXX VillaPredator (8)
1 unvote XXXsmurfXXX (22)
4 not voting confirmedtroll (24), Anarchist (1), CPHoya (5), Toganim (18)
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by TimeLady
I think that, in a majority of cases, wolves are more likely to say things like "oh, you can vote me, that's ok", because they don't want to appear too wolfy by freaking out at getting votes/pressure too early.

It's very hard to react to getting pressure super early as a wolf. And I think you reacted wolfily.

I say this as someone who allllways does this as a wolf, regardless of how self aware I am
the thing I don't like about this post is that TL's vote on UD doesn't really show any gamesolving elements. wolves are not necessarily more likely to say 'hey you can vote me if you want' the way UD did. I can understand what's TL's thought process here but reading into UD's post the elements she is pointing out are just not there. like her thought process would be good if UD was doing what TL said he was doing, but he clearly wasn't.

what UD is saying is that if people think he is wolfy, they should be voting him. not that 'it's ok to vote me'. this is not a response to a vote. this is pressure on a player to make his read accountable. it's a completely different scenario than the one TL is suggesting, and yeah she is basically just parking her vote on this guy because he is getting heat. reason behind it is just BS.

Originally Posted by TimeLady
hardcore/hoya w/w
I just had this thought as a wolf once. it's an easy post for a wolf to make, and has no elements, even tinfoil elements, behind it that can even remotely justify the tinfoil. woofy.

Originally Posted by TimeLady
I don't think it's necessarily a tell that's specific to you. I think it's something that wolves are likely to do, especially those who are not used to wolfing. Have you wolfed before? If so, linky?
well it's not a tell for anyone. also it's funny how you single out an irrelevant aspect of UD's posting so far to push him for it instead of making a more wholly read on him. and you're kinda hiding behind 'wolf tell' instead of making a real read on the guy.

Originally Posted by TimeLady
Other things I noticed upon catchup: CT is vaguely villagery on tone, and binkles voting him is weird, but after he explained why it's vaguely normal weirdness, so I don't think it's wolfy of binkles. idk what to make of binkles role separately from that.

freaking danes in this game, but XXXsmurf is my favourite for a villager.
binkles is weird, but then he is not weird because he explained his vote (on the most weirdly-looking possible way yeah). they're probably both wolves. like... the problem is I don't even have enough elements to say that, but binkles kinda looks bad if TL flips wolf here. she is avoiding jumping on him and she wasn't avoiding jumping on people for thinner reasons. kinda makes sense when they're wolfing together.

so yeah those are the wolfy things I can point out in her posting. which probably makes her a very good d1 lynch.
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:09 PM
I will be back in half an hour.
WALLE, I will try to analyze the little that chrja has posted.
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:10 PM
i dont oppose a timelady lynch, but its not as clear as you want it to be
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by WALLE

I dont think UD is a good vote. He is arguing good enough to the heat he's been dealt and the whole "voting myself is fine" is not a wolftell imo.

The fact that TL points this out and votes for UD based on that is not something she is likely to do as a wolf. Think about it - why in heavens name would she be that WOLFISH if wolf?

Come to think about it chrja is my likely wolf.
I DID NOT like #193!
He tend to "I vote him because I dont recall him/her playing villa like this" and no more arguing. Maybe he post a link or two for us to compare IF he finds it likely that people are not looking up the game(s). The whole "That is not how I remembered him" is, to me, a wolftell on chrja.

I know it might be way off, but that's how I see/read him atm.
this is pretty villagery. I like how you're weighing stuff in.

sometimes wolves are just obvious, br0. lynch TL for fun and profit here.
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:12 PM
On a sidenote

If we talk gameresolving in generel is it unethical to vote off inactive/AFK's ?

Personally I would'nt care to vote off Anarchist. But I dont know if it's frowned upon in here?
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Toganim
i dont oppose a timelady lynch, but its not as clear as you want it to be
well nothing is clear, this gameday basically sucks and we don't have much to go with.

from the players in the game he is the wolfiest. actually he and binkles are the only players I can actively point out wolfy elements to their posting. even you doesn't have that, just a general weirdness I guess.
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by WALLE
On a sidenote

If we talk gameresolving in generel is it unethical to vote off inactive/AFK's ?

Personally I would'nt care to vote off Anarchist. But I dont know if it's frowned upon in here?
don't go for a 25% wolf.

go for a >rand everyday.

also probably a terrible idea to lynch annie here. he is a very good player and can help the village tomorrow or whenever he appears.
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by WALLE
On a sidenote

If we talk gameresolving in generel is it unethical to vote off inactive/AFK's ?

Personally I would'nt care to vote off Anarchist. But I dont know if it's frowned upon in here?
Both annie and hoya are US, i would expect them to show up soon.

And no its not unethical to vote off UTR's but those two in specific has no problem at all posting as a wolf, so a vote on them right now is about rand.

And by the info you got by now, you should be able to cast a vote that is above rand.
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:16 PM
when nothing is clear, dont make stupid comments like "we have the wolf here" and "this is a wolfclaim" - could trouble seercover

on a sidenote: tl is a lady, hence her name
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:16 PM

I not sure that you are likely to spot the same thing as I am in this specific situation.
I've made my read based on the games I've played with him (meta) and therefore you might not come up with the same conclusion as me.

But yeah sometimes the obv. wolf is wolf. I just can't see the obv. wolf in TL based on her vote for UD.
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Toganim
when nothing is clear, dont make stupid comments like "we have the wolf here" and "this is a wolfclaim" - could trouble seercover

on a sidenote: tl is a lady, hence her name
I haven't made any of those comments. whenever I said 'they're probably wolves' I added 'I don't even have enough elements to say that and am just feeling it etcetc'

also on the stupid comments category your page 1 beats all.

17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by WALLE

I not sure that you are likely to spot the same thing as I am in this specific situation.
I've made my read based on the games I've played with him (meta) and therefore you might not come up with the same conclusion as me.

But yeah sometimes the obv. wolf is wolf. I just can't see the obv. wolf in TL based on her vote for UD.
what I'm saying is don't say the person is too wolfy to be a wolf. sometimes the obvious is just obvious. I'm not saying she is an obvious wolf or anything (no one is an obvious wolf/villager at this point), I'm saying if you think she is kinda too wolfy then she is more likely to be a wolf than not.

and yeah I know she is a woman, just forgot that was TL I was refeering to.
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:20 PM
oh, then im sorry- i just remember 2 of them, and mac was one.

u mad
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:25 PM
Cant get it out of my head..... tone or not.

Guess we cant all vote TL anyway

Toga - ur top wolf ?
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:26 PM
So, I'm back, anything I should be aware of before I start reading?
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
Page 1-2 reads (post 1 to 118) (51% rand)

fwiw, i will NOT post my matrix of interactions for obv reasons, but I will use/quote it for analysis purposes. its quite empty now.

Anarchist: nada
captain binkles: no idea why he has 6 villagers from various degrees of fluffy posts and his vote on me. He is not talking about hoya.
chrja: more or less nada
confirmedtroll: that would be me. people are answering to my requests and interacting with me. noone looks forced.
CPHoya: 2 fluffs-1 interesting post, but why stop posting just after it?
hardcoreUFO: he defends me early on. from previous experience, i dont like it. as others pointed out in [ongoing], we have to see if his reasons make sense or not.
McAvoy: mcavoying which is pretty annoying since wolves can use this fact to mislynch him/not give reads on him if hes a villa.
TimeLady: i do not like the entrance. i however don't think she does that as w/v with UD since UD is someone who will fight back anyone pushing him. He's, in some sense, not a target a wolf would attack in his-her first post. Could be w/w, there is some "forcedness" in their interaction
Toganim: some general comments, and staying in the background. sounds analytic so far.
UncleDynamite: insists that im the one who knows him best and should do a read on him. is he trying to instrumentalize me? First posts seem purposedly "ud'y". is he trying to mimic his other games, or is it really how he always plays.
VillaPredator: nada
WALLE: seems forced. might be language related but I dont like the justificative tone early on, combined with the smiley and other small things
XXXsmurfXXX: free flowing and somewhat game-solvey posts already.
I like this post
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:28 PM
i'm not sure. i prefer villagers over wolves anyway so its not really important
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:29 PM
yeah im through 150 posts and i really like confirmedtroll's posting

if im seer i peeked him villa
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:31 PM
sup anar !
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
01-17-2013 , 02:33 PM
UD is very likely to be a villager.

I also like how WALLE is interacting with people.

CT is probably a villager.

toganim looks like a villager in all his weirdness I guess. I like how he is thinking about a lot of things and taking a wholly approach to the game.

mcavoy kinda shooting at people saying 'this is a wolf claim' 'this is an outed wolf' etc is very unusual for him but I don't know how I can make a read into it right now. so he would be orange-y.

chrja is... well, IDK. I should probably try making a read on him but with no meta it's kinda hard.

binkles' huge post to UD is a good re-creation of the type of posts he makes as a wolf. parking his vote on CT is bad since I think there were actually wolfy people when he did it.

CPHoya clearing me is role neutral I think. he kinda started very differently than when he is a villager, though. so one can wonder.

smurf is kinda villagery. I don't have enough to go on about him here, but yeah.

anyway pretty sure this is about the best I can do right now. three pages in and a lynch to decide :|
17.1. The Adventures of Tintin WW game Quote
