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13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) 13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night)

03-08-2014 , 02:05 PM
at least for now...later we can interact but at a minimal sort of level
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

I don't want it to look like I'm ignoring you so I'm saying hi but have no real intention of interacting with you

but hi. I hope you have a good game whatever your role is.
Hi that is fine. Fwiw i think your a villager too... So far.... O_O
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
OK I finally understand what you're're claiming TMI

I sort of feel like that is the thing.......(not TMI)

But that my approach to this the start of the day but even now has been like this is a turbo and not a 24 hour game.

I'm playing my turbo game and not my long game. So maybe thats why I'm more willing to go with gut instinct

But it doesn't matter. I offered to clear him if he posted content and he declined. I've already stated I think he's only made 2 decent posts and one of those is even contested....

So are you actually reading the thread is what I really meant to say...

are you?
You offered to clear him if he started sounding good, he did not, and you are clearing him anyway?

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
A not very good player just reflexively votes people voting his/herself

Mets (even if though he mostly plays lol-bad does have his occasional moments)

but even if he was lol-bad all the time he still would have outgrown that stage of WW player development long ago.
Are you saying that he is too good a player to look this bad if he were a wolf?

Originally Posted by CPHoya
This analysis doesn't apply to someone who intentionally bends meta to match his whim. You know that.
You act wolfy on purpose?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:10 PM
No, I act like me and don't care about avoiding "wolfy" words.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jordan Belfort
You offered to clear him if he started sounding good, he did not, and you are clearing him anyway?

Are you saying that he is too good a player to look this bad if he were a wolf?
I honestly just don't have anything that I want to say about Mets. You are voting Mets. OK.

I want to see Wang lynched. OK. Lets wagon them both. Your guy is going to loose so I'm not too worried.

You act wolfy on purpose?
It's liberating.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:17 PM
hi. back ITT.

hoya - wheres your head currently at in regards to reeeeeeeeds
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
You guys are cute.

Originally Posted by bhuber2010

Wolf tell!

Originally Posted by bhuber2010
dementia set in less than 1 minute later...


No, no you're not.

I am telling you you are not going to clear him.

That rat has a rather large, "bushy" tail IYAM. Looks like a squirrel.

Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Its also going to be a hard game for the wilves when luckbox already cleared himself on page 1 and I am also a villager.

Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Suq is also clear too.

Maybe quarrrr and kruze as well (although those are slightly thinner).

The suq read I am taking to the bank though. Those hard d1 tone reads.

As much as I think wang reacted poorly to dustins trolling, he might be a villager.

Boiler is ACTUALLY a wolf (thats why I told you you're not clearing him Dustin).

mets/ihc/whomever else I am forgetting can just hang out until I see something cool again that makes me feel one way or another.

Originally Posted by bhuber2010
I was actually just thinking how I dont think I've ever opened the game with an MQ (in any role).

I was also thinking that for the first time ever it might be somewhat appropriate...(perhaps not really appropriate)...but the thread of was of the appropriate "length" to dictate opening with a MQ. Word jumbles ftw.

Mostly because its only like 1.5 pages long and it would make sense to summarize some of my thoughts on the game so far, but it wouldnt be so long as everyone would just say..****DR.

Originally Posted by CPHoya
Already feeling pretty comfortable with huber and Dustbox.
Nothing villager about bhubers early posts. Nobody should've felt comfortable clearing him that lightly

He may be a villager and I think he is creeping into obv villager status the more he posts, but I think cphoya could be a wolf who though Lt Huber sounded more villagery that he actually was because he has tmi.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:36 PM
anyone around right now?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:36 PM
its like in the 60s today and i want to go running and be out and about in the city, so i prob wont be posting til later tonight or might phone post later
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:37 PM
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:39 PM
luckbox going hard at wang seems villagery imo, considering last game we played he went hard at mets d1, i disagreed, mets was lynched anyways and flipped wolf, so lolme

plus the prolific volume of posting and content so far seems hes pretty clear
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:39 PM
kruze posted a bunch last night and i want to clear him a bit for that, but there really wasnt a whole lot of content, so im still a bit on the fence with my read on him for now
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:40 PM
wilverine needs to post more content
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:41 PM
mets needs more pressure today imo

his posting last night was not too good

same with ihcjay
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:42 PM
i dont know what to make of jordan's intro post 'i peeked reddboiler wolf'

and i dont really understand why everyone kind of ignored that post (cept bhuber and redd briefly)
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

Actually I think I'm confusing you some with Disko and my attitude toward him in that game.

And yeah you played good at EoD that day and everybody moved off you. So you're a good wolf...or at least can defend yourself under pressure

isnt this kind of contradictory to you 'catching him as a wolf' so early?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:45 PM
hi suq. i'm here
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
i dont know what to make of jordan's intro post 'i peeked reddboiler wolf'

and i dont really understand why everyone kind of ignored that post (cept bhuber and redd briefly)
Yeah just reread now I'm suspicious.
As of now I have a decent list to go by and already have some lockish villas and suspicious wolfy characters
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
isnt this kind of contradictory to you 'catching him as a wolf' so early?
im not sure what point you're trying to make is?

do you think he's villagery?

or just neutral?

or just trying to catch me in a contradiction?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:51 PM
my feelings on him are neutral right now (but like i said, youre better at soul reading than i am)

what i was saying tho is that youve gone hard at him all day, but then you say that he's a good wolf which is just odd to me
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:52 PM
not really suspicious of jordan yet at all really
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:53 PM
I don't think it would be odd even if your interpretation of that post were correct
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 03:00 PM
yawn - topic is boring right now. where's everyone at?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 03:01 PM
wang who are your top wolves
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 03:04 PM
currently suspicious of luckbox/mets.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
