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13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) 13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night)

03-08-2014 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'm like legit mental powers shutting down fading

EoD is in 8.5 hours...if I spent 6 of those sleeping it would be fantastic

still kicking it though.....still havent smoked....



Ma armastan sind Quarrrr

Ma olen hunt?
Mina armastan sind ka Luckbox.
Ma ei oska sind hästi lugeda, seega ma ei ole päris kindel, et sa hunt oled.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
When you always think I'm a wolf you're going to be wrong around 75% of the time

Better to always think I'm a villager.
You come off wolfy for me always on d1. But I think I can figure you out in later days. It has happened.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:34 PM
Oh god, I must be tired.

I am seeing words in different languages.

Time to shower and wake up.

Then coffee. I cant believe I even wrote a single post/read 2 pages without coffee. Y'all probably got like 80% of my A-game (I need stimulants to reach 100%). It'll have to do for now though. Be back in a bit.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jordan Belfort
Dear Luckbox,

Mets and Wang. If you knew that mechanically, one of them was a wolf, which would you think it is?
I feel like this is a trick question

and I'm seriously not trolling because I don't even know you (you are a gimmick though right?)

But wtf?

Why not just ask me which one I think has a greater chance of being a wolf?

You just didn't mean to say mechanically I assume.

So the answer is pretty clearly Wang
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I feel like this is a trick question

and I'm seriously not trolling because I don't even know you (you are a gimmick though right?)

But wtf?

Why not just ask me which one I think has a greater chance of being a wolf?

You just didn't mean to say mechanically I assume.

So the answer is pretty clearly Wang
Why do you think mets is a villager in this game?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jordan Belfort
Why do you think mets is a villager in this game?
I do have thoughts on this. But I cannot give them. People are free right now to think whatever they want about Mets.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:40 PM
Ive been following along on phone and I'm starting to really want to call Huber a villager now

ReddBoiler and the GOATs
Quarrr(broken englishy)
Luck box(grumpy)

Jordan Belfort sounds like a villager too so I'll forgive him for breaking seer cover but am not yet ready to place him into the #GOATs
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:40 PM
Okay I'm back.
Early noob-reads are:
V: Quarrrr, Suz, Kruze
W: Jay, Mets?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:41 PM
OK gonna remove wang from my suspects atm, cant really remember if him and me have played in a long game.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:41 PM
Actually made my first list when I had read up to like 60. post
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:42 PM
Mets is a good counter wagon to a peeked wolf.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jordan Belfort
I am intrigued by the interaction between mets and Luckbox on page 1.
What intrigues you?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What intrigues you?
The sexual tension. That, and you offering to clear him today when I do not believe he deserves that luxury.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Jordan Belfort
The sexual tension. That, and you offering to clear him today when I do not believe he deserves that luxury.
Ha I know who u r now I'm pretty sure
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Here is what I don't understand Redd:

You know this Mets thing exists yes. Yes ok I am goat Mets reader. It is true. But you ALSO know that Mets and I do this D1 thing all the time too.

That thing that usually involves me voting for him in some sort of capacity. So why wouldn't I say I trust Quarrr and vote Mets?

Did you forget about that aspect of me/mets?

It feels like you went after low hanging fruit in a really bad way
My suspicion grew with this post. Mets seems to be within his wolf range, you claim to be excellent at reading him, yet you think he is worth clearing when I do not see it that way. If you can expand on why you think he is a villager instead of keeping your reasoning a secret that would help me understand you and a little bit of him.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jordan Belfort
The strongest evidence of mets being a wolf is that he has not voted for either of his detractors at this point. I know it was early in the game, but it is not like him to withhold a vote. Something to keep in mind.

I don't withhold votes and I also don't just randomly vote for people voting me on page 1 (in truth I've probably voted them first)

And I think Mets is a little more refined in his approach than what you're suggesting

I also think there are far better ways to read Mets in general

(I wanted to just say meh and leave it and I probably should have)
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:49 PM
Jordan are you one of those really good wolves that tries really hard and posts pretty good content?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Just gonna be honest, Dustbox is compelling in this little tiff. The red stuff here is very sticky for me and I can already tell that even if I try to force myself to ignore my feelings about the red I'm gonna want wang dead because of it. I could be dissuaded from this position if wang did some good #work on the topic.


I want to cut one thing off at the pass. Between work changes and the video mafia thing I've turned over several new leaves. I'm not gonna be abrasive or rude anymore because it's not in me anymore. I'll push hard when I think it's appropriate, but I'm done with whatever insults I used to casually bandy around. People get upset and I don't need to be putting more of that into the world. Anyway, this is my way of saying I'm here to be a bro and win a werewolf game, not remark on the relative intelligence of people. Also, globally, sorry to any and all of you whom I've done that to in the past.

The other thing is I have to go AFK sometimes, and that's how it is.


In other news I've got a free day today. Come at me, I want to interact with you WILves.
When I was a strapping young lad growing up on Villager Ranch, my grand pappy would sit in his smoke encrusted arm chair and tell me a story. "Jordan, never trust a man who starts a sentence with 'just gonna be honest.' More often than not you'll find a man who howls at the moon."
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

I don't withhold votes and I also don't just randomly vote for people voting me on page 1 (in truth I've probably voted them first)

And I think Mets is a little more refined in his approach than what you're suggesting

I also think there are far better ways to read Mets in general

(I wanted to just say meh and leave it and I probably should have)
Please explain the bolded.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Jordan are you one of those really good wolves that tries really hard and posts pretty good content?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jordan Belfort
My suspicion grew with this post. Mets seems to be within his wolf range, you claim to be excellent at reading him, yet you think he is worth clearing when I do not see it that way. If you can expand on why you think he is a villager instead of keeping your reasoning a secret that would help me understand you and a little bit of him.
OK I finally understand what you're're claiming TMI

I sort of feel like that is the thing.......(not TMI)

But that my approach to this the start of the day but even now has been like this is a turbo and not a 24 hour game.

I'm playing my turbo game and not my long game. So maybe thats why I'm more willing to go with gut instinct

But it doesn't matter. I offered to clear him if he posted content and he declined. I've already stated I think he's only made 2 decent posts and one of those is even contested....

So are you actually reading the thread is what I really meant to say...

are you?
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:56 PM
A not very good player just reflexively votes people voting his/herself

Mets (even if though he mostly plays lol-bad does have his occasional moments)

but even if he was lol-bad all the time he still would have outgrown that stage of WW player development long ago.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by ReddBoiler
Ive been following along on phone and I'm starting to really want to call Huber a villager now

ReddBoiler and the GOATs
Quarrr(broken englishy)
Luck box(grumpy)

Jordan Belfort sounds like a villager too so I'll forgive him for breaking seer cover but am not yet ready to place him into the #GOATs
I'm amused by this for a totally obvious reason. I also think you're creeping up the wolf rankings for the same totally obvious reason.

I want you to explain which of huber's posts are villager-y now, and I'd like you to convince me that his earlier posts were not. That is to say, convince me that you had any reason to discard my slightly earlier read and that you now have justification to change.

Finally, if you're a villager get on my level son.

Originally Posted by Jordan Belfort
When I was a strapping young lad growing up on Villager Ranch, my grand pappy would sit in his smoke encrusted arm chair and tell me a story. "Jordan, never trust a man who starts a sentence with 'just gonna be honest.' More often than not you'll find a man who howls at the moon."
This analysis doesn't apply to someone who intentionally bends meta to match his whim. You know that.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:03 PM
Lets step it up and throw down some votes. ihcjay
(probably changing)
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:03 PM
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
03-08-2014 , 02:04 PM

I don't want it to look like I'm ignoring you so I'm saying hi but have no real intention of interacting with you

but hi. I hope you have a good game whatever your role is.
13er States of the Union Vanilla SNG (no subs) (short night) Quote
