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13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) 13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night)

01-21-2014 , 12:00 AM
luckbox inc
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by cjkalt
don't waste your time

WN's n3 kill clears tweedy
I'm clear
ATM has to be clear

that leaves you and luckbox
As much as I would love to just take your word on that (the part about ~everyone being clear) and not actually read through 250+ well named posts, thats not something I am really prepared to do

That being said, I gotta run out quick for a few moments so its going to have to wait till I get back
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Okay, time to read well named (and as unbelievable as this may seem...with an open mind in the off chance that luckbox is somehow a villager/someone else is actually a wolf).
I just want to continue to say how much I love this game...

on my phone at the girl who owns the macs house from d1.. Plan to continue win tomorrow
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by well named
********* IMPORTANT DEAD POST *************


********* DEAD! SO VERY DEAD ***************
********* IMPORTANT DEAD REPLY ************************


********** STILL DEAD! SO VERY DEAD **********************
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:15 AM
ok on the mac!
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:18 AM
I want to make a post that might come off so wolfy that I'm debating making it

but if it isn't huber than I'm like 100% sure bath would end it

because i clear tweedy and cjk harder

but there is pretty much no way that batm is a wolf

he is like .05% and Huber 99.95…that is where I am...
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
ok.. I won't argue

it's a toss up for me
well named
Originally Posted by well named
**** you guys

I'm out.

i hope you lose
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

sorry wn is freaking me out
i'm getting whatever heat from cjk…tweedy understands of course

but yeah, I'm a huge sucker for posts like WNs

and I said it was a toss up

the toss up not being are they both wolves but who is most likely
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:22 AM
its a leak in my game…always has been
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
I love how you've pre-emptively thought out how its all going to go down.

Like if people dont see this is wolfy, then its clear the LOLvillage factor is truly a real concept.
how is that not obvious already?
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:27 AM
so yeah now that I can process Huber's posts I'm nearing 100%
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
I thought (at least prior to this game) that your wolf game was pretty static. I also hadnt seen you pretty much ever put this much WIM into a game prior to now so I am sure that plays into it a little (like at first I thought this kind of WIM was villagery as I noted earlier in the game - then it became kind of apparent that villager luckbox probably has more of a IDGAF attitude/just expects everyone to clear him/is actually probably more apt to try LESS when villagering).

I feel like you got your wolf PM and saw you were bros with vix/well named and got kind excited about the prospect of running over the village with such an elite wolf team. Sucks that vix got peeked. I actually thought you were super villagery on tone (much like last game where I incorrectly cleared you for almost the entire game) so thats a compliment to you.
I feel like this is just super wolfy but for reasons that are inexplicable

it just feels wrong
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
...and you've had the audacity to call cj bad this game.

If I wasnt at least fairly certain luckbox was virtually an outted wolf, I would probably be calling for your head.

1) I havent been wolfy (thats literally impossible when my role = villager).
2) I really dont see what you THINK is wolfy - if you quote it for me, I'll glady refute it. HINT: there is literally nothing - you're more than welcome to quote something though.
3) If you're a villager (which I am assuming for now you are) then you're probably going to stop tunneling/actually look at luckbox's posts (well, everyone's for that matter) over the next day or else I guess have fun at must-lynch .

the idea of me being outted

just look how huber made posts against WN and voted me

WN said he'd vote Huber but tried for CJK and was still questioning tweedy

it was anybody but them…yesterday was the game

it's already over

but to continue:

lol @ the idea of me being outted when my play is totally consistent with everything I said yesterday

and I officially don't feel bad about Sim….I lynched sim because I give him credit and wanted to give huber benefit of doubt
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:00 AM
Votes from post 2447 to post 2587
Night in 20:00:57

2 bhuber2010 tweedybirdd (28), Luckbox Inc (33)
2 Luckbox Inc cjkalt (32), bhuber2010 (31)
1 not voting TheBrokenATM! (2)
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:03 AM
Huber if I vote myself and start lol catting will you resign?
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I want to make a post that might come off so wolfy that I'm debating making it

but if it isn't huber than I'm like 100% sure bath would end it

because i clear tweedy and cjk harder

but there is pretty much no way that batm is a wolf

he is like .05% and Huber 99.95…that is where I am...
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I feel like this is just super wolfy but for reasons that are inexplicable

it just feels wrong
So you're 99.5% sure that I am a wolf, but you cant explain why you think this post is wolfy.


Seriously luckbox, no one is actually going to fall for this.

You're better off just conceding and just saving us the time versus just playing this out.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

the idea of me being outted

just look how huber made posts against WN and voted me

WN said he'd vote Huber but tried for CJK and was still questioning tweedy

it was anybody but them…yesterday was the game

it's already over

but to continue:

lol @ the idea of me being outted when my play is totally consistent with everything I said yesterday

and I officially don't feel bad about Sim….I lynched sim because I give him credit and wanted to give huber benefit of doubt
Okay, now you're just trying to twist things and take them completely out of context.

Yesterday I barked pretty much all day about how unusual it was that BOTH you and well named were still alive (over people like mets and nofear).

You then proceeded to argue that it was completely natural for those people to die over both you and well named. Like somehow, they were so clear that they were the obvious kills and that the village shouldnt be surprised that they are dead.

I argue that it is wolfy for you to be alive - well named flipped wolf - what a surprise. Again, you're STILL alive over even last nights kill/quarrrr, who again should never die before you in this game. Then you tried pretty much all day to discredit my read (along with tweedy who was probably just wrong) that it was dumb for me to think that it was wolfy to think you two were alive. I was right. Then well named (a confirmed wolf) tries to kill me at EoD and you are STILL arguing I am a wolf. I know you aren't too bad of a villager to see this, ergo, you're probably the last wolf LDO.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:06 AM
Argh, last post was supposed to say "I argue that it is wolfy for you and well named to be alive"
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
So you're 99.5% sure that I am a wolf, but you cant explain why you think this post is wolfy.


Seriously luckbox, no one is actually going to fall for this.
back on phone just to say..."wow"
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
back on phone just to say..."wow"
You can troll all you want.

Like, even if I somehow die today and its at must lynch tomorrow,ou're literally never winning because the village will snap lynch you.

If you're a villager, then I dont really know what to say other than you're entirely wrong about me but I think that is highly doubtful at this point.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
So you're 99.5% sure that I am a wolf, but you cant explain why you think this post is wolfy.


Seriously luckbox, no one is actually going to fall for this.

You're better off just conceding and just saving us the time versus just playing this out.

you're grasping at straws pretty hard here broski

now is the time to concede
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:14 AM
I've basically lost all WIM to actually go back and read now - like if its not luckbox, I'll admit I am totally lost and promise I'll actually read at f3 (assuming I am still alive).
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd

you're grasping at straws pretty hard here broski

now is the time to concede

I am not grasping at anything, and you're not really helping the situation here. If you're actually the wolf, I would imagine this is actually pretty funny for you huh?

Part of me wants to think that you're actually the one that is just toying with luckbox (and even me for that matter) here and I am incorrectly clearing you/you're A-okay with me going HAM at him and vice versa.

If so, good for you (I shall read you tomorrow when I've actually had some sleep/and then have caffeine in my system).
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Okay, time to read well named (and as unbelievable as this may seem...with an open mind in the off chance that luckbox is somehow a villager/someone else is actually a wolf).
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
As much as I would love to just take your word on that (the part about ~everyone being clear) and not actually read through 250+ well named posts, thats not something I am really prepared to do

That being said, I gotta run out quick for a few moments so its going to have to wait till I get back
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
I've basically lost all WIM to actually go back and read now - like if its not luckbox, I'll admit I am totally lost and promise I'll actually read at f3 (assuming I am still alive).
predictable progression from a wolf with no outs

note that inbetween those posts cjkalt said this

Originally Posted by cjkalt
don't waste your time

WN's n3 kill clears tweedy
I'm clear
ATM has to be clear

that leaves you and luckbox
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:19 AM
and even more LOL if you're a villager and luckbox has you completely owned (assuming luck is the last wolf.

cause dat guy has good tone and you're stumbling hard.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
predictable progression from a wolf with no outs

note that inbetween those posts cjkalt said this

I am too tired for this - I dont even really know how to respond (first sentence). I am not a wolf, the last wolf, or any version of wolfy 1.0.

I also dont see how/what is relevant in that post you quoted?

CJ thinks that the last wolf is either me or luckbox - I am telling you/whoever is actually a villager, that I am not a wolf and that its likely that luckbox is the last one. If I were somehow to die, and y'all are at must lynch, I think thats obviously something worth considering (although I'll probably give all my thoughts on each player tomorrow in the rare instance that luckbox isnt a wolf).
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-21-2014 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
and even more LOL if you're a villager and luckbox has you completely owned (assuming luck is the last wolf.

cause dat guy has good tone and you're stumbling hard.
stop trying to find another lynch

its luck and then its you

or its you then luck

thats it, don't waste time on anything else... its claiming wolf
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
