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13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) 13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night)

01-20-2014 , 10:45 PM
**** wn tried to wagon me d1
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Seriously before anyone actually considers lynching me ever for real you need to look at my wn stuff

there is a lot
i don't care, your 0/4 on kills, WN had a chance to save himself and kill you, and he cleared you

you enver survive here ever
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
This is the confidence luckbox is trying to convey that I am talking about - he's acting as if the game is already won/as if there is NO way anyone else can be a wolf (obviously I know this isnt true). I am also pretty sure that luckbox is more deliberate as a villager in weighing all the possible options.
bold faced lie
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
**** wn tried to wagon me d1
if your a villa, go make a case on tweedy being a wolf for when you die so we can pick between him and huber
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by cjkalt
i don't care

i'm not killing someone a wolf wagoned before someone with luckbox's history and you shouldn't either
luckbox does not have a poor history cj

He was a little wolfy day 1, but he was also pushing well named reasonably hard on day 1 so I'm sure he'll look a ton better when I read.

He pushed me before I was villagery. There was nothing wrong with that.

He has been locked in on bhuber and well named for quite awhile, one of which is a dead wolf.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Seriously before anyone actually considers lynching me ever for real you need to look at my wn stuff

there is a lot
Erm, no.

You literally tried to save him at EoD after saying that him and I were the exact wolf team all day long. You then tried to say that you were okay with a flip but you're vote stayed on me the entire time.

Then, what do you know, well named flipped wolf.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
This is the confidence luckbox is trying to convey that I am talking about - he's acting as if the game is already won/as if there is NO way anyone else can be a wolf (obviously I know this isnt true). I am also pretty sure that luckbox is more deliberate as a villager in weighing all the possible options.
It's not complicated bhuber. He's confident because you've been wolfy lol. Everyone else is villagery, and you're not.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
luckbox does not have a poor history cj

He was a little wolfy day 1, but he was also pushing well named reasonably hard on day 1 so I'm sure he'll look a ton better when I read.

He pushed me before I was villagery. There was nothing wrong with that.

He has been locked in on bhuber and well named for quite awhile, one of which is a dead wolf.
serious question

you know you can lie itt, and call people wolves you know are villas right?
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
bold faced lie

Yes, because as a wolf, you know that I would tell bold faced lies in the thread.

Sounds like a good way to win as a wolf to me.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
Erm, no.

You literally tried to save him at EoD after saying that him and I were the exact wolf team all day long. You then tried to say that you were okay with a flip but you're vote stayed on me the entire time.

Then, what do you know, well named flipped wolf.
CJkalt and other villagers:

Look at this post.

This is a wolf making a dismissive post.

He does not care about luckbox's interactions with well named because he does not want to consider working out his role. He knows he needs to lynch him, so he will not present other evidence.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
It's not complicated bhuber. He's confident because you've been wolfy lol. Everyone else is villagery, and you're not.
...and you've had the audacity to call cj bad this game.

If I wasnt at least fairly certain luckbox was virtually an outted wolf, I would probably be calling for your head.

1) I havent been wolfy (thats literally impossible when my role = villager).
2) I really dont see what you THINK is wolfy - if you quote it for me, I'll glady refute it. HINT: there is literally nothing - you're more than welcome to quote something though.
3) If you're a villager (which I am assuming for now you are) then you're probably going to stop tunneling/actually look at luckbox's posts (well, everyone's for that matter) over the next day or else I guess have fun at must-lynch .
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
CJkalt and other villagers:

Look at this post.

This is a wolf making a dismissive post.

He does not care about luckbox's interactions with well named because he does not want to consider working out his role. He knows he needs to lynch him, so he will not present other evidence.
You are joking, right? I literally havent even gotten to reading well named's posts yet. We are less than an hour out from EoD (and neither have you/anyone else) and you STILL hold the assumption that we had w/w wagons last night, LOL you.

Also LOL at the thought that I would (as a wolf) target luckbox, both yesterday, AND TODAY when he's probably the hardest mis-lynch in the game. Clearly you havent seen me wolf.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
...and you've had the audacity to call cj bad this game.

If I wasnt at least fairly certain luckbox was virtually an outted wolf, I would probably be calling for your head.

1) I havent been wolfy (thats literally impossible when my role = villager).
2) I really dont see what you THINK is wolfy - if you quote it for me, I'll glady refute it. HINT: there is literally nothing - you're more than welcome to quote something though.
3) If you're a villager (which I am assuming for now you are) then you're probably going to stop tunneling/actually look at luckbox's posts (well, everyone's for that matter) over the next day or else I guess have fun at must-lynch .
note bhuber setting himself up to vote me if he manages to mislynch luckbox

there's nothing of substance in his 1), 2), 3) sections

this is a wolf struggling to post
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:56 PM
Huber if you're so confident I'm wolf no need to stress.. I've been declared in the poe
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:57 PM
I would encourage anyone to take a look at this game (and my game literally last week) and then at my wolf games, and tell me that they even look remotely similar. They dont - its not even close.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by bhuber2010
You are joking, right? I literally havent even gotten to reading well named's posts yet. We are less than an hour out from EoD (and neither have you/anyone else) and you STILL hold the assumption that we had w/w wagons last night, LOL you.

Also LOL at the thought that I would (as a wolf) target luckbox, both yesterday, AND TODAY when he's probably the hardest mis-lynch in the game. Clearly you havent seen me wolf.
lol? Luckbox said to look over his interactions with him and well named if you're considering voting him. You said, "Erm, no."

Luckbox is absolutely not the hardest mislynch in the game. He is in fact the only player you could plausibly mislynch yesterday, and today.

You are lying my good friend.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by cjkalt
Green = known villager
Black = unresolved
red = known wolf

Day 1 Final Lynch
8 ihcjay ihcjay (195), vixticator (30), Xkf (147), Quarrrr (103), tweedybirdd (39), Nofear3838 (49), cjkalt (38), metsandfinsfan (101)
2 cjkalt TheBrokenATM! (44), well named (63)
1 well named Luckbox Inc (97)
1 Luckbox Inc SimDaniels (41)
1 not voting bhuber2010 (1)

Day 2 Votes
6 vixticator Nofear3838 (23), SimDaniels (14), bhuber2010 (8), TheBrokenATM! (55), cjkalt (16), metsandfinsfan (48)
4 tweedybirdd Quarrrr (38), vixticator (25), well named (29), Luckbox Inc (47)
not voting tweedybird

4 SimDaniels cjkalt (77), bhuber2010 (27), tweedybirdd (45), Luckbox Inc (104)
3 tweedybirdd Nofear3838 (130), Quarrrr (59), well named (85)
1 bhuber2010 SimDaniels (6)
1 TheBrokenATM! TheBrokenATM! (72)

Dead Voters votes:
ihcjay- ihcjay
vix- ihcjay, tweedy
nofear-ihcjay, vix, tweedy
simdaniels- luckbox, vix, bhuber
metsandfinsfan- ichjay, vix
Still Alive:

CJKalt: ihcjay
, vix, SimDaniels
Luckbox Inc: well named, tweedy, sim daniels
Well named: cjkalt, tweedy, tweedy
tweedy: ichjay, no vote, sim daniels
BATM: cjkalt, vix, Batm
Quarrr: ihcjay, tweedy, tweedy
bhuber2010: no vote, vix, simdaniels
Updated Kill Chartz

CJKalt: ihcjay, vix, SimDaniels, well named
Luckbox Inc: well named, tweedy, sim daniels, bhuber
Well named: cjkalt, tweedy, tweedy, bhuber
tweedy: ichjay, no vote, sim daniels, well named
BATM: cjkalt, vix, Batm, well named
Quarrr: ihcjay, tweedy, tweedy, well named
bhuber2010: no vote, vix, simdaniels, well named

yea luckbox def dies first lol
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:58 PM
you guys should have killed me when you killed no fear

I didn't expect it but you should have
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
note bhuber setting himself up to vote me if he manages to mislynch luckbox

there's nothing of substance in his 1), 2), 3) sections

this is a wolf struggling to post
Oh god.

Yes - I am trying to set up multiple miss-lynches in a row; and yes, clearly I am a wolf struggling to post. I've only posted a few times over the past few hours.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Huber if you're so confident I'm wolf no need to stress.. I've been declared in the poe
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:00 PM
but lets kill the guy with the best wolf voting record first... this makes a ton of sense
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
lol? Luckbox said to look over his interactions with him and well named if you're considering voting him. You said, "Erm, no."

Luckbox is absolutely not the hardest mislynch in the game. He is in fact the only player you could plausibly mislynch yesterday, and today.

You are lying my good friend.
Well, to be fair, I think you're mis-interpreting what I said. I was saying "erm, no" because luckbox literally just took my exact post (the part about saying that his/mine interactions with wn could never be w/w) and copied it. Yet you seem to have completely glossed over that.

Also I am not "lying" about anything (at least I have no idea what you're implying I am lying about).
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:04 PM
CJkalt and other villagers:

Note how many times bhuber has said he is clear and how it's OMG SO RIDICULOUS that someone could actually vote him. It is an act.

Do you know why?

Because any villager in his shoes would realize that his activity has been extremely sparse up until basically a couple hours ago, and that he hasn't been villagery at all.

Bhuber has been in everyone's poe for ages, yet he keeps saying HOW COULD ANYONE VOTE ME. Bhuber is a smart guy. He knows that when he says things like that, some villagers will think to themselves, "Man he's really upset, he must be a villager." The problem is, it's transparent because he hasn't been villagery and everyone knows it.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:04 PM
now that luckbox is outted by kill chart he's MIA

just kill him and end this f'n game please!!!
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:07 PM

bhuber's vote on vixt is worthless

vixt was an outed wolf

I think you're looking way too much into voting records. Especially wrt luckbox not voting well named. Luckbox has been pushing for well named to die for ages. He has pinpointed bhuber/wn as wolf bros for awhile. The fact that he switched from well named to bhuber is not a point against him because bhuber is a wolf. He switched from one wolf to another.

And again, him voting me on day 2 isn't wolfy. I hadn't been villagery yet.
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
01-20-2014 , 11:11 PM

Ignore luckbox for a second. Tell me why you think bhuber is a villager.

I noticed you quoted one of his word bombs and said you thought it was villagery. What else?
13er Electronica Vanilla SNG Werewolf (no subs) (no night) Quote
