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11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread 11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread

11-21-2012 , 11:34 PM

11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:35 PM
click the watch on utube link plz

embedding failed sry
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:37 PM

ima lead poaster and and obv villa

so im glad to be self lock cleared, if u jelly learn to meta like kruze

pz out
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:37 PM
oh are we saying we're not masons now?
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11-21-2012 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Elaborate on his normal villa game plz
doubling up here bc drinkles asked about him too...

here's the baseline for my Elliot read:

i looked over a bunch of his games, villa and wolf (mostly villa, bc at that point his most recent one was a looooong time before that). now in that game i was wrong, he was villa, and i got him mislynched as he was afk (lulz). and since then, i've seen him get mislynched once or twice early due to his playing style, pretty sure i correctly cleared him both times.

to me he's carefree and fluffy, doesn't seem overly concerned with playing the game super serious like most of us do, and bc of that a lot of ppl read him as naturally wolfy (which makes him a great mislynch target, ldo). sort of reminds me of bigger, who i finally developed a good read on in a game where i peeked him early as seer, and watched his carefree villa style get misread as wolfy by pretty much everyone. anyway, even though i haven't seen him wolf recently (if he has) i think i have a decent eye for him being villagery, and i think i saw it early here.

so anyway, here's his opener:

Originally Posted by Willi
Can we please give a day 1 pass for Gad. He seems to do not very good lately and seems that he gets heat for some ****ty reasons recently lets give him some room to play and draw a NK. I do not think that wolf Gad gets ever lynched so early.
Originally Posted by ElliotR

he quotes a post from page 1 and votes Gad over it, a joke vote really

now for most ppl this is total AIDS & suicide, right? but from what i can tell it's pure villa Elliot, just doing whatever he feels like.

then a while later, 2nd post:

Originally Posted by ElliotR
Ok, I've caught up. Only real read is that chill is a likely villager and if not will become obviously wolfy as time goes on. Last game I played with him he basically gave up as a wolf.

mets entree was kinda wolfy

Hifi's saying she didn't know mets was in the game seemed totally fake.
i agreed with all 3 points, and there you have a villa read. actually i more agreed with the 2nd part of his Chill read, still unsure on the first part. (but tended to agree based on the first couple Chilly MQ's i read). mets read was straight out of my head, and the HiFi one was pretty great imo, and iirc no one else mentioned that yet. anyway, there you go.

just feel like as a wolf, from what i've read way back when, he's much more calculating as a wolf, and this is not that at all. if he has a recent wolf game i'd love to take a look tho...

what hit and run was wolfy? [TBob]
look at his posts. he was in with FRIST, then had nothing to say for a while. came back with a bunch of fluff and then took off. came back with some more weird stuff, including the bit about how he was afraid you were gonan mislynch him. he got a little better as it went on, but still mostly light fluff nonsense. good enough for a skeptical read.

lacking a baseline read on him tho, what do you got? i correctly fake-peeked him wolf in a game not too long ago, but pretty much forget how he played (but my read on him must have been pretty decent, lol)

what following stuff [Evene]
1. abstaining from you/Gad, and fluffing with you

Originally Posted by Evene
Yeah, I was going to let you and Gad sort each other out. Really happy that you are playing though.
2. fluff with Noah
3. giving a v-lean for this post:

Originally Posted by TheQuietAnarchist
Good god. Was it always madness like this? I feel old.
4. again not taking a stand

Originally Posted by Evene
...reading all this Master- Chilltown stuff has me a little confused.
5. giving TBob a v-lean for acting wacky
6. sorta making a villa read on Kruze, then revoking it?
7. soft push of Willi (one of my top villa leans) based on read from an unnamed player
8. villa leans on "Depakote, KruZe, Chilltown, prob Noah"

no wait, guess the Kruze read stands, and i hate the qualifier on Noah, who is one of my biggest wolf leans so far

idk, most of it i don't care for too much, but i don't really have a baseline with which to work. think i've played a few times with her, but don't really remember anything. if anyone could help out there then thx.

Originally Posted by Boo Radley
anybody want to try and tell me why they think hurp is a villager?
i liked his skepticism of Chilly, Jim, & vix, and his master read

if you can get past the act, i feel like he's seriously trying to figure ppl out here

but yeah i respect his wolf game too, so look out i guess...

Originally Posted by Chilltown
People who don't read my posts are either idiots or wolves. Which one are you?

What was your question again? Something about you in another game? No idea about that, all I saw were bits and pieces.
Chilly is being evasive and insulting to make me defensive, noted.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:37 PM
Jim you have >100 posts already, relax fella :P

^Also an elite Eminem track

I'm off to the gym br0s, bbiab, I'm super excited for this game, I think village is going to crush this a lotttt
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
I disagree on depa
why am i makingyou skeptical face

also others: this post restriction lifts before eod right?
probably last game ownaments if I think about it. I didn't like how you read forsy's entrance and felt your interaction with depakote was kinda weird. you're also soft defending her here. like, it's mostly random, useless =rand to be anything thoughts, like conditional reading you w/w with depa (lol). I don't think it's even worth mentioning/explaining really.

BTW how come you lock cleared me couple pages ago and now I'm not even in your reads list?
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:37 PM
okay so i lied. went back a page.

Originally Posted by Gadarene
I feel like I like him too much and feel too quasi-protective of him to really be able to offer an objective assessment at this point tbh
still haven't seen a post of willi's to comment on but omg THIS is exactly how i feel about willi too & i will probably not be able to read him at all.

Originally Posted by Boo Radley

good news/bad news

good news is im done proving points with new boo.
bad news, old boo is back. old school old boo.

oh, and heres something:
im teh seer
hurp durpington is a wolf
just kidding, im not teh seer
this may come as a shock, boo, but i prefer you this way. that fake "bro" **** was really off-putting. please, be abrasive & a little douchey - it suits you and it gets the job done.

also, i DO think it's weird what you pointed out - that after you did this, Hurp really did go into anti-spew.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Mets is quite likely to be a wolf on the basis of having posted several times without having posting anything resembling content of any kind, anti-content if you will.


lazy wolfing 101


uberlazy wolfing

never ever changing
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
probably last game ownaments if I think about it. I didn't like how you read forsy's entrance and felt your interaction with depakote was kinda weird. you're also soft defending her here. like, it's mostly random, useless =rand to be anything thoughts, like conditional reading you w/w with depa (lol). I don't think it's even worth mentioning/explaining really.

BTW how come you lock cleared me couple pages ago and now I'm not even in your reads list?
i dont really think im soft defending her, ive pretty much stated i think shes a villager

because i cleared you for a wall of text, then was told you wall of text as a wolf, which negates the reasoning for the villa read
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

lazy wolfing 101


uberlazy wolfing

never ever changing
sponge- vix
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

lazy wolfing 101


uberlazy wolfing

never ever changing
agreed that that list was pretty meh
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:39 PM
i just did a quick search for "mets"
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:40 PM
I'm trying to think if anyone was taking my side when I was going after Jim/Fors...I bet that person is a wolf.

oske and willi fit that bill oddly enough.

Some people got defensive when I went after Gad...not sure if anything will arise from that. Don't think he went after either of them. binkles neither. God damn you people are soft.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
oh are we saying we're not masons now?

trying but failing to appease the masses

11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:41 PM
i like that post a lot big country
i follow it well
prospective village bro, and will make me alter my opinion on elliot back to neutral
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Forsythio

trying but failing to appease the masses

we're good
cats outta the bag now im over it
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Boo Radley
so what would be so fun then if he did it this game?
cause right now, reading between the lines and not having seen a single post of kruzes, im liking the two of you as a wolf pair.
at a minimum i like you for wolf.
still having fun?

kruze (probably)
vix (probably)
oh boo - your sarcasm meter is broken

besides, i've only seen page 7 & 8. i like when people buddy up to me, i'm a sucker in that sense, so i'm not in any position to put him on a wolf list. BUT BUT BUT, i could totally see him doing this again (fake peeking, fake claiming, crazy ****) to get cleared easily for it.

Originally Posted by JimHalpert
heres my idea
go to pog
click the # of posts link for this thread
and search all people under 10 posts
and tell us what you think
will do shortly

- i miss when you used to give me homework.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert

i haven't watched him in ages but watched him several times this month and he was awful
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11-21-2012 , 11:44 PM

11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:45 PM
Certified Milf in the Hee-ouse!
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
i dont really think im soft defending her, ive pretty much stated i think shes a villager

because i cleared you for a wall of text, then was told you wall of text as a wolf, which negates the reasoning for the villa read
I find it really hard that we've come to this point in the game and you have no lean on me whatsoever. I know I don't have a lean on some players who posted a lot, but they're mostly really really good wolves and I'm not that crafty. also that's not how you're playing this game, you're giving a lean to all participant players. I'm not really that hard to read (at least that's what your POV considering your history with me should be) and I posted a bunch of my thought processes so far. you're supposed to be reacting to those, and you just went 'lock clear -> no lean'. did you read any of my posts?
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Bryant Reeves
i liked his skepticism of Chilly, Jim, & vix, and his master read

if you can get past the act, i feel like he's seriously trying to figure ppl out here

but yeah i respect his wolf game too, so look out i guess...
his 'act' is so he can blend in when hes a wolf

give me an example of him trying to figure people out
i have seen maybe 10-15 of his posts. he has about 60. i bet at least 50 of them have absolutely nothing to do with figuring anything out (im sure none of them do, but i wont hold him to my standards)
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
i like that post a lot big country
i follow it well
prospective village bro, and will make me alter my opinion on elliot back to neutral
you and Forsy wouldn't claim masons as wolves, or neutrals, would you?

and do you and drinkles typically grill ppl on their top villa or wolf lean D1?
luckily i didn't leave drop peek in that list
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
okay so i lied. went back a page.

still haven't seen a post of willi's to comment on but omg THIS is exactly how i feel about willi too & i will probably not be able to read him at all.

this may come as a shock, boo, but i prefer you this way. that fake "bro" **** was really off-putting. please, be abrasive & a little douchey - it suits you and it gets the job done.

also, i DO think it's weird what you pointed out - that after you did this, Hurp really did go into anti-spew.
i missed the part where you voted for hurp?
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