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11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread 11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread

11-21-2012 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Hardcore lately has zero problem throwing up walls of texts as a wolf.

If you're volume-clearing him then abandon that, seriously.
Originally Posted by LKJ
He 100% can replicate it in a wolf game. See Wu-tang Clan from last week for most recent evidence. Dude posts novels as a wolf.

Not saying it's a wolf tell but it's definitely nothing to blindly clear him on. Not even close.
Was going off of the slow game where he posted novels and everyone cleared him
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Because it was a post that basically said nothing. It was a post just to post.

And no, I don't think HiFi is a wolf necessarily given the situation. But that was fake.
Why did you single out mets' entrance as wolfy for not saying anything, but not discuss other entrances that said nothing (see: forsy's that others have mentioned as an example)

So what conclusion do you draw from her faking that?
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11-21-2012 , 09:16 PM
really like what captain binkles is saying about okse.

11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:17 PM
Hardcore posts a lot lot lot of nonsense as a wolf in my experience. If he makes a bunch of wtf posts, repeatedly, just lynch him.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:17 PM
bryant reeves,

you've now made three posts without referencing anything that has to do with this game...
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I just read page 1 in more detail than I've read a page 1 in a long long time, it feels good even if it took a while. I'm going to try and explain most of my reads as much as possible in an effort to be more villagery, it's a change to my meta I started implementing a few games ago...of course since then I've randed wolf every game until this one :P

Forsy villagery - he's generally more generically villagery as a wolf and more off the wall villagery as a villager

LKJ villagery - I just enjoy his sarcasm and rhetoric

Timon villagery - Seems very freeflowing and friendly, he's wolfed once and he couldn't replicate that as much

Chilltown villagery - I was a little wary of him not deciding to tank to balance his meta like he's said he would for a while, but as long as he keeps being villagery we're cool

Jim villagery - I like what he's noticing, I like his friendliness, and I like it when Jim is a villager and I'm hoping beyond hope that we're v/v for once

Anarchist villagery - I think his first post is way more in his village range than his wolf range

Ashington's opening seems a little clunky - I think Forsy mentioned this and voted him for it

Willi wolfy, although posting killing me softly with his song is pretty villagery

is basically what I got from it

I think this is a post Willi is more likely to make as a wolf, I admittedly haven't played with him in a long time and no longer have a great grasp on his metagame, but I think he's more likely to make a random isolated comment like this as a wolf. The whole first page he seemed wrapped up in his own world a little bit, compared to others who seemed more outgoing.

I actually remember you *mentioning* this exact same story in my first game

The bolded here seems a bit out of place, if he's fired up from loosekanen's post I can see it, it doesn't feel like typical villager Monte though, it seems more like something a wolf would say because it's a typically villagery thing to say. The rest of his posts have been fine so it's probably not worth worrying over yet.

Eh, I oscillate on him a lot. I was actually reading the draft thread the other day and somebody gave what I thought was a pretty accurate assessment of Boo. In that as a villager his reads are >rand but he gets mislynched a lot and he tends to tunnel villagers to a point beyond all reason/can't reconsider his wolf reads. Also he purposely doesn't try as a wolf because he doesn't find it interesting.

I can't say it bothered me overly much as I think the context for using it makes sense as a villager here. And by that I mean that villaMonte doesn't have to think that Ashington is a wolf for his post, so talking to him like he could be a villager and that what he's doing is anti-village is fine, I think.
for the love of everything holy and good in this world
has it happened?
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:18 PM
Drank my scotch and took a 45 minutes nap. Now moving on to beer. Smauel Smith Old Brewery Tadcaster Oatmeal Stout... WOW this beer doesn't **** around. That's a delicious stout. One of the best I've ever had. This may become a regular shower beer
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:21 PM
I...I umm...I think so!
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
kruze is almost CERTAINLY a villager at this point for putting me on his wolf list immediately after i soft read him villager earlier.
Originally Posted by loosekanen
can't really emphasize this enough, kruze is so confident with his randomness, his inability to be read, that he assumes an early read on me by him is wolfy because it's correct.

i'm like 98% sure of this.
Originally Posted by loosekanen
and early read on HIM by ME that should say.

bottom line stands. kruze = villa.

im comfortable calling loose a likely villager now
this is a very odd thought process for a wolf to have:

- He's seeing kruze's reaction to him is to call him a wolf
- He's thinking about what makes sense for Kruze to react this way
- Thinks about it as a wolf and as a villager
- Decides it's more likely Kruze is voting him because he was right
- Deduces Kruze must be a villager

It's got a logical progression that's easy to follow, but also one that isn't the most basic one to have. It makes sense in the flow of how it happened, and the multiple posts in a row showcases excitement about thinking he has something figured out.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I...I umm...I think so!

Let's crush this **** yo
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11-21-2012 , 09:25 PM
the last 150 posts of this game have had more actual ww in them than probably the entirety of 50% of the games since 4th of July.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Jim
im comfortable calling loose a likely villager now
this is a very odd thought process for a wolf to have:

- He's seeing kruze's reaction to him is to call him a wolf
- He's thinking about what makes sense for Kruze to react this way
- Thinks about it as a wolf and as a villager
- Decides it's more likely Kruze is voting him because he was right
- Deduces Kruze must be a villager

It's got a logical progression that's easy to follow, but also one that isn't the most basic one to have. It makes sense in the flow of how it happened, and the multiple posts in a row showcases excitement about thinking he has something figured out.
totally disagree.

calling people who accuse you of being a wolf "obvious villagers" is one of the oldest reverse psychology tricks in the book. and being so incredibly confident in clearing someone, particularly someone who posts such a high volume of nonsense (and, thus, i must assume is someone that is a frenetic meta-obsessed player in general)... not good.

loose moving up in my books.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:26 PM
I wish I was an unkillable troll from the depths of hell this game

just incase
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
can't really emphasize this enough, kruze is so confident with his randomness, his inability to be read, that he assumes an early read on me by him is wolfy because it's correct.

i'm like 98% sure of this.
your read of me being a villager because our interactions gives me a villager lean on you, grats

Bryant Reves
captain binkles

Boo Radley
Hurp Durpington
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
im comfortable calling loose a likely villager now
this is a very odd thought process for a wolf to have:

- He's seeing kruze's reaction to him is to call him a wolf
- He's thinking about what makes sense for Kruze to react this way
- Thinks about it as a wolf and as a villager
- Decides it's more likely Kruze is voting him because he was right
- Deduces Kruze must be a villager

It's got a logical progression that's easy to follow, but also one that isn't the most basic one to have. It makes sense in the flow of how it happened, and the multiple posts in a row showcases excitement about thinking he has something figured out.
an interesting post because i could see it made in both roles. i could definitely see you following me and clearing me for it, but i could also see you as using "loose seems excited" as a bit of a copout to gain my trust early in the game. it's obvious that i would be excited to village with my recent pog history and since you've been a part of that you may have used that to your advantage here.

still, i think if i weighed them against each other i would move you slightly villagery for this post simply because at this point i think you would think more highly of me if you were a wolf and not resort to such a base level 1 read in order to gain my trust.

boy if i'm wrong you're gonna look like a total **** head in post
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
im comfortable calling loose a likely villager now
this is a very odd thought process for a wolf to have:

- He's seeing kruze's reaction to him is to call him a wolf
- He's thinking about what makes sense for Kruze to react this way
- Thinks about it as a wolf and as a villager
- Decides it's more likely Kruze is voting him because he was right
- Deduces Kruze must be a villager

It's got a logical progression that's easy to follow, but also one that isn't the most basic one to have. It makes sense in the flow of how it happened, and the multiple posts in a row showcases excitement about thinking he has something figured out.
Jims analysis of this situation is exactly what I was thinking, Jim moves up to kruze villa status

Bryant Reves
captain binkles

Boo Radley
Hurp Durpington
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:30 PM
Other comments:

- Chill, chill. Ashington will begin to make reads and clear himself, or he will freeze like a coward and we'll lynch him. My question isn't pointless. His one post was about how we need to policy lynch boo, and I'm asking him why, and not accepting "cause hes antivillaaaaaa" as an answer. For someone to believe so strongly on it to construct their opening post in that manner, and not retract from it when coming back in the thread, they should have a good and detailed reasoning. I promise you there's a method to my madness.

- Binkles, you have depa as a wolf, but I don't like that. Based on your experience with wolf hifi I don't think you should (and I kinda get into a bit in a post on page 3 I think). So when you get the chance elaborate on that. Additionally, elaborate on the timon read please.

- The okse stuff is fine. I don't have much experience with him off the top of my head so I'll go with you here.

- I have a fear that both you and Gad think Forsy is just some dude that can't wolf. Dude fooled me for daaaaaaays in Indiana Jones and is quite good. Approach with caution.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by TheQuietAnarchist
totally disagree.

calling people who accuse you of being a wolf "obvious villagers" is one of the oldest reverse psychology tricks in the book. and being so incredibly confident in clearing someone, particularly someone who posts such a high volume of nonsense (and, thus, i must assume is someone that is a frenetic meta-obsessed player in general)... not good.

loose moving up in my books.
i certainly respect your read, but i just wrote an article that had a bit in it about how you should never be afraid, as a newer villager, to read players like kruze. i recently came to that realization and i'm eager to test it.

that maybe why you sense a bit of false bravado in that read. i'm just legitimately super excited to try.

JH helped me edit that massive text btw before it was posted, and so i think the meta in this post goes deeper than can be read on the surface. i explained why just a few mintues ago.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by TheQuietAnarchist
bryant reeves,

you've now made three posts without referencing anything that has to do with this game...
yes they do

post #2 was pointing out how Kruze insta gave me a villa lean for basically no reason
post #3 was asking Chilly how he knew which main account this gimmick was attached to (bc he didn't play the only other game i've used this account in)

in both cases i was looking for a response, but i don't think one came in either yet

but your general observation is ok, i'm still reading to get caught up, but checking the new posts after every page or two to interact in real-time a bit as well
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:32 PM
out for awhile again bbl
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by TheQuietAnarchist
really like what captain binkles is saying about okse.

Would I be wrong to vote You based on demon 2 5 years ago

This is fun making wolfy popins
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:33 PM
I agree that calling someone who calls you a wolf an even more obvious villager is easy and common for a wolf to do, but I think it's villagery in this case on the next level. I'm not sure if I can explain this well but I'll try.

I think Loose giving KruZe a villa lean isn't too indicative of his role, I think KruZe giving Loose a wolf lean for it is villagery for him. Loose can definitely think this as a villager and I think the fact he made 3 consecutive posts about it is super villagery. I think a wolf would just continue calling him a villager and move on, rather than say things like "I can't stress enough how important it is that I think KruZe is a villager".

So I think the villa lean Jim is giving Loose here is for the 'tone', frequency and excitability found in Loosekanen's posts there, rather than the content.

I re-read Jim's post, I guess it isn't that obvious that that was what Jim was looking at. I don't really like the way Jim laid it out in the step by step part of the post, all we can deduce from that is that loose/kruze aren't w/w imo, I think the most important part in terms of determining Loose's role is this bit "and the multiple posts in a row showcases excitement about thinking he has something figured out."


@Jim, I'm reading page 3 and I get the feeling that I'm actually wrong about my metagame read on Willi. I'm getting vague memories of him actually being more worried about getting voted as a villager than as a wolf. Do you remember much about his villa/wolf games? Thanks
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by TheQuietAnarchist
totally disagree.

calling people who accuse you of being a wolf "obvious villagers" is one of the oldest reverse psychology tricks in the book. and being so incredibly confident in clearing someone, particularly someone who posts such a high volume of nonsense (and, thus, i must assume is someone that is a frenetic meta-obsessed player in general)... not good.

loose moving up in my books.
Oh I agree that "you called me a wolf youre an obv villa" is a time honored trick used by woofs. But that's not exactly how it went down. He called kruze a villager, then kruze called him a wolf, and loose strengthened his read by using logic I outlined.
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I agree that calling someone who calls you a wolf an even more obvious villager is easy and common for a wolf to do, but I think it's villagery in this case on the next level. I'm not sure if I can explain this well but I'll try.

I think Loose giving KruZe a villa lean isn't too indicative of his role, I think KruZe giving Loose a wolf lean for it is villagery for him. Loose can definitely think this as a villager and I think the fact he made 3 consecutive posts about it is super villagery. I think a wolf would just continue calling him a villager and move on, rather than say things like "I can't stress enough how important it is that I think KruZe is a villager".

So I think the villa lean Jim is giving Loose here is for the 'tone', frequency and excitability found in Loosekanen's posts there, rather than the content.

I re-read Jim's post, I guess it isn't that obvious that that was what Jim was looking at. I don't really like the way Jim laid it out in the step by step part of the post, all we can deduce from that is that loose/kruze aren't w/w imo, I think the most important part in terms of determining Loose's role is this bit "and the multiple posts in a row showcases excitement about thinking he has something figured out."


@Jim, I'm reading page 3 and I get the feeling that I'm actually wrong about my metagame read on Willi. I'm getting vague memories of him actually being more worried about getting voted as a villager than as a wolf. Do you remember much about his villa/wolf games? Thanks
and this posts brings my thoughts full circle

binkles a solid villa lean
as well as jim

and loosekanen

good work guys

top 4 villagers


contact ur bank
11/22 X-Files Vanilla Plus Game Thread Quote
11-21-2012 , 09:36 PM
i haven't played with willi in a while except in turbos so I don't recall specifics
I do know that I didn't think anything of his "eod afk plz defend me" post because he's afk regardless of role, and doesnt want to be lynched regardless of role
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