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11/21 Vanilla Game Thread 11/21 Vanilla Game Thread

11-26-2011 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
look at my win rate as a villager and as a wolf.

My only village loss was because of mets worse game ever as a villager. But i seen that coming a mile away and decided to make that game about not winning on d2 and make it about teaching from the beginning.

Complain all you want, but I don't need the glory to win, I will do whatever to help my team win. That's what most of you don't understand, ww isn't about being the best, its about helping your team the most.
im not complaining at all

im not trying to be the best

im trying to win this for the village

unlike you who just said 20 minutes ago

"i want to lynch VMF for fun"

ye ur a real big team player
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11-26-2011 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
who were ur peek mcavoy? i forgot

i said id kill systo cause he had a peek of me villa, so if i wanted to shc myself he would be my target
it doesn't matter,

your trying to judge / find roles for people based on seer hunt stuff which is stupid


not by who the wolves nk'd.
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11-26-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
im not complaining at all

im not trying to be the best

im trying to win this for the village

unlike you who just said 20 minutes ago

"i want to lynch VMF for fun"

ye ur a real big team player
That is being a team player.

You just don't understand it. Sometimes lynching a villa over a known wolf is better for the village. But most people won't do that, cuz its labelled an anti village play.

Thats the problem with sticking with "arbirtrary rules".

You can label me lynching you for fun as anti village i fyou want, but I can prove post game, that is the best pro village play for different reasons, even if I say its just for fun.
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11-26-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
it doesn't matter,

your trying to judge / find roles for people based on seer hunt stuff which is stupid


not by who the wolves nk'd.
ill judge the game on everything

i just think the night kills have been extremely interesting this game
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11-26-2011 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
That is being a team player.

You just don't understand it. Sometimes lynching a villa over a known wolf is better for the village. But most people won't do that, cuz its labelled an anti village play.

Thats the problem with sticking with "arbirtrary rules".

You can label me lynching you for fun as anti village i fyou want, but I can prove post game, that is the best pro village play for different reasons, even if I say its just for fun.
okay u lynch me and i flip villa

then what ?

what did we learn
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11-26-2011 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
That is being a team player.

You just don't understand it. Sometimes lynching a villa over a known wolf is better for the village. But most people won't do that, cuz its labelled an anti village play.

Thats the problem with sticking with "arbirtrary rules".

You can label me lynching you for fun as anti village i fyou want, but I can prove post game, that is the best pro village play for different reasons, even if I say its just for fun.
Can you explain why? I don't see a situation where that makes sense. Like I can see how throwing around various village wagons can help give the village information about who the wolves might be, and voting on an outed wolf doesn't give much information - but NOT lynching that wolf... I don't really get it.
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11-26-2011 , 09:13 PM
Variance who are your top wolves / top villas?
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11-26-2011 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
okay u lynch me and i flip villa

then what ?

what did we learn
We learn that lynching people for fun = profit.

You probably don't realize why though.
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11-26-2011 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Willi
Can wolfes chat in wolf chat after they have been lynched?
Wow you did this on d2 too with sun. I'll quote it when I get hime
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11-26-2011 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
We learn that lynching people for fun = profit.

You probably don't realize why though.
nah i dont

thats why i asked u the master of village why

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11-26-2011 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield

AKSpartan(real solid tone as well. some posts i cant see him making as wolf)




Noah(real good tone, but he will fight very hard as a wolf. if i read him and see hes asking stupid questions and trying to play like hes more of a n00b then he is, id reconsider)

Nofear3838 (wolfy lol)


Tappokone(id be very impressed if he fliped wolf)

TheNothing(fake peeked her but havent really liked what ive read. i also left peeks of gad villa and day 3 i played like willi was my peek.

i think one of my peeks is more likely to be wrong with shanks and anarchist killed)

Willi (villager i think. based on how he reacted to getting pressure)

XXsooted(idk, i dont think the anarchist kill was a seer hunt. gad did though so i will not try to lynch him)

ok so


Close to lock clear

Strong Villa leans


i want to lynch nofear today, hes my strongest wolf lean



looks very close to over

this is for you akspartan

i forget eadgbe

hes probably a wolf

i think the team is in nofear/thenothing/eadgbe
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11-26-2011 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
nah i dont

thats why i asked u the master of village why

I just hope I'm alive tomorrow to explain why its important.
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11-26-2011 , 09:20 PM
My bad, forgot you made that post.
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11-26-2011 , 09:20 PM

Look at how people voted annie in the American Gods game.

The villagers voted him in an entirely different fashion than the wolves did.

When you vote out a known villager, wolves can't fake the reasoning of why villagers would vote out a known villager like teh way villas' can.
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11-26-2011 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
I just hope I'm alive tomorrow to explain why its important.
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11-26-2011 , 09:21 PM
Its also why I kept saying this game, for villagers not to vote for the outted wolf.

wolves can't resist voting for an outted wolf, they don't have the balls to not be on the wagon.
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11-26-2011 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy

Look at how people voted annie in the American Gods game.

The villagers voted him in an entirely different fashion than the wolves did.

When you vote out a known villager, wolves can't fake the reasoning of why villagers would vote out a known villager like teh way villas' can.
yeah i mean i understand that

i just think its more important to try to vote a wolf
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11-26-2011 , 09:26 PM
This game is exhausting me. Is there any worry if I drop a vote now with regard to maj? Are there wagons already?

I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I'm finding it tough sat here watching Mac and VMF going back and forth at each other.
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11-26-2011 , 09:27 PM
Does wolf vmf level like this
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11-26-2011 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Noah
This game is exhausting me. Is there any worry if I drop a vote now with regard to maj? Are there wagons already?

I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I'm finding it tough sat here watching Mac and VMF going back and forth at each other.
You can always bus yourself or TheNOthing ftw
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11-26-2011 , 09:28 PM
Taking off to watch some football. Likely will be back later. No maj til tomorrow night!
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11-26-2011 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
Does wolf vmf level like this
i could but im not
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11-26-2011 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
You can always bus yourself or TheNOthing ftw
Will laugh at you in post game. I'm not voting thenothing today. Going to stand up for my game long read. If you think that makes me a wolf, wagon me. If you are sure it makes me a wolf, I'll self vote.
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11-26-2011 , 10:17 PM
Another pointer to Noah being villager:

Post 1805, Supine engages Noah. Now knowing Supine is wolf, Supine mentions that he and Noah wolfed together in the past, states that Noah's game "should have evolved more" since then, but implies so far he's still looking like the same wolf with more posts than previously.

I interpret this as Supine trying to set up Noah for a future argument that they wolfed together before and Noah is playing the exact same game so must be wolf.

So yeah, up to that point, Noah's game may have been higher on commentary and less on analysis (remember at this point most of the thread was a jumbled mess), it is somewhat unlikely that a known wolf would potentially out a partner this early in the game.

Done re-reading Noah for now.
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11-26-2011 , 10:18 PM
Rereading TheNothing. this the first 1k posts of the thread

Originally Posted by TheNothing
since most everyone that pops in with one or two posts and then leaves is always considered wolfy, i'll stick around for a few minutes so as to not trip the wolf alarms.

but i'm headed to bed soon and don't want to be lynched as an UTR day 1
i don't put as much credence into entrance posts as most ppl, but I think this one is wolfier than average

Originally Posted by TheNothing
thought VMF's opening posts were villagery but annie brings up a good point here.

vmf on my short list too
annie said he pointed out something bad about one of VMF's cases then he disappeared making vmf wolfy. This is a thing I see wolves do quite a bit, where they give someone a lean in one direction but point out or agree with evidence that should sway their lean the other way. It makes justifying switching wagons easier.

Originally Posted by TheNothing

8 pages???

trying to catch up right now but damn. i agree with the sentiment that this cannot be helpful to the village. having to wade through 8 pages of anarchist vs. VMF and then anarchist vs. systo cannot be helpful. how am i supposed to get reads on anyone else when they are back and forth and screaming at each other? ****.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
I have meta with TheNothing in that sometimes I find her villagery in a villagery way and sometimes I find her villagery in a wolfy way. So far it's the latter.
Originally Posted by Gadarene
I'm not saying I've been RIGHT previously when I've found her villagery in a wolfy way...I'm just saying I'm leaning that way now. But it's early yet; stuff is fluid.
Originally Posted by TheNothing
yeah, the last game we played, Gad jumped on me wolf day 1 and wouldn't let up. and i even agreed my "tone" was off at the beginning of that game but this game, i'm back to my normal self so i don't understand the wolf reads on me.

btw, last game i was villa all the way baby. and i STILL have never been a wolf.
I think this is a good flowy interaction with villager gad, prob more role neutral than anything

Originally Posted by TheNothing
agreed, sounds like Gad's villa game so far. if he tunnels on me, definitely villa.



also, Noah super villa this game.
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
what happens when your short list gets a lot of people on it?
Originally Posted by TheNothing
fwiw, this was on the first page, of course the short list is going to be short. when my short list lengthens, i'll reread (but i'll be sure to only skim pages 4-7 to avoid the BS)
Sun interacting with TheNothing in a meaningless way makes me think that w/w is more likely than w/v. It looks like Sun is trying to get information, but it's a very easy question to answer and might even be sort of jokey.

Originally Posted by TheNothing
NOAH - i like your list (bolded some of my comments below)

Going to bed after this, tired and my head hurts.

Some loose grouping of people so far. People not in order within the groups, haven't thought about it enough yet.

Feeling good about so far:
VMF - sounds wolfy at first, villagery since
Moocher - i buy his "im new" schtick (i had it recently!)
thenothing - ofc i agree with this
AK - unsure of, need to read
Gad - seems familiar villa game

Feeling kind of good about:
Willi - was wolfy bc of not being around but since we now know his schedule, i'm good
shanks - seems wolfy to me to start but i've been wrong before

Totally unsure what to make of thus far:
Anarchist - i think the screaming is villa for him but i can never read him well either
Systo - says he tilted annie so he could see how everyone else feels when annie does this to them. i believe. but i don't like the idea of trying to tilt the screamers. i agree, unsure of where i'd put him until he interacts with more people who aren't annie.

Not enough to have any opinion yet:
DB305 - nooby villa so far imo
HiFi - bit of wolfy lean here
Supine - kinda wolfy

Have minor concerns: agree with all three

Will revise and add to this in the morning. Night all.
Originally Posted by TheNothing
also, i like Sun Tzu's recent posts but the first few were very fluffy and fluff = wolf.

keeping Sun Tzu in the middle
this is important because this post was made after Sun likely knew he was peeked. Could be TheNothing trying to get cred for picking up on Sun's scent early.

Originally Posted by TheNothing
i is gathering info but first,

i am willing to give McAvoy a break today. in sign-up thread, he built a case for being away or utr for first few days. could have been a clever way to cover being a wolf and I'm not opposed to going after him later but not today.
Originally Posted by TheNothing
Okay, here's what i think so far:

27allin - first impression: wolfy - but seems like he plays every game the exact same in the early days. i always think this is wolfy and i've been wrong before.

Aksdal – seems villa
AKSpartan – seems villa
Anarchist - omg spew spew spew. also villa
DB305 – seems villa
Gadarene - seems to be on villa game, making lists, etc. also stuck on me being wolf so definitely villa
HiFi – lots of fluff. Slight wolfy lean aorn.
McAvoy - haven't seen much, no assessment yet
Noah – strong villa lean
Nofear3838 - i suspect is newb wolf.
shanks - always seems wolfy to me, will keep an open mind
Sun Tzu - initially, i thought wolfy but have changed my mind, slightly villa
Supine – only popped in to say they thought game would start later. Not enough for assessment
Systolic - no like tilting anarchist but still think villa
Tappokone - seems villa
The Moocher - noob villa
TheNothing - villa LDO
timistere – in another game aorn. Still, wolfy lean.
VarianceMinefield - always starts off wolfy but i am convinced this is villa
Willi - villa
XXsooted – popped in, voted Shanks, disappeared. wolfy

Haven't Seen Enough to Assess:

My short wolfy list

Only slightly wolfy
below was my initial reaction to this list, and I still get the same feeling. Something I just noticed however is that TheNothing has me as a villager in this list, but in her comments on Noah's list like 3 posts earlier, she said she agreed that she had "minor concerns" about me.

Originally Posted by Aksdal
this looks like a wolf's reads list. It's got nearly everyone on it, has virtually no justifications, and no very strong opinions.
Originally Posted by TheNothing
I've quoted your post & put my responses to some of your thoughts in bold

i see both villa points and wolf points for AKSpartan so far. One post will have me leaning one way and then the next post makes me

i will keep an open mind about from now on.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
classic wolf tell?
I put what anarchist was talking about in red above

Originally Posted by TheNothing
How so? I admit that he's made posts that seem villagery and posts that seem wolfy. I am on the fence about him. That's a wolf tell?
Originally Posted by Anarchist
the "he has villagery posts and wolfy posts, can't make up my mind"
looking more like a wolf than a villager so far. gonna continue
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