Originally Posted by Aksdal
you realize ur sort of implicating yourself here. you're saying that the NKs happened because the wolves put ppl out of seer contention too easily, and you're saying you put ppl out of seer contention too easily. obv with systolic that doesnt come into play cus he fakepeeked you, but it does with anarchist.
but I think your forthcoming-ness is villagery
yeah thats the strength in my villa game
i give any information i think of becuase i have faith in my thought processes and the villagers to see that.
so even when things implicate me, i can explain what i was thinking.
worst case u guys think im an idiot and vote me.
ive been consistent with my thoughts
the anarchist kill didnt make sense to me. now that all the seers are dead, i can try to figure out what the wolves were doing
i would be shoced if the shanks kill wasnt a seer hunt. im sure they couldve found a better player to kill that wouldve Fancy played one of the wolves clear