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10-08-2009 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by NumberSix
Yuri Gagarin, first human in space
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 12:40 AM
Wowowowow. Were there any questions I didn't sheep or incorrect? I should have gone with Ike and not Gagarin.
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 12:47 AM
Goddamn I actually had a shot at this one now that I look at it.

I wasn't sure which way Bedtime for Bonzo / Knute Rockne All American would break but I really didn't think either one would ace and I got stuck with a big fat 7. All it would have taken is going Knute Rockne and Friedrich over Liesl and I coulda wonnnnnnnnnnn.......

Didn't know any Solzhenitsyn other than Gulag Archipelago which I knew wasn't a novel.

Also I like the pass = 0 better than the other way, pass = 0 was the standard way for a long time, some started just counting it as a correct answer scoring however many people put pass because it was easier for scoring purposes. But I like pass = 0 better because it lets you totally get rid of one.
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 12:49 AM
Thanks NumberSix, great game!

Congratulations TimeLady, too much to overcome for me...this time!
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by NumberSix
I know but I wanted it to be a freebie. Encourages more people to play a difficult peehs.

Thanks all for playing.
OK I see you already addressed it...yeah for many peehs played in the depths of time people included a pass option as a free drop, then it kind of switched over for a lot of mods, but free drop is good IMO, especially when the game is hard.
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by NumberSix
John I?
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 03:12 AM
omg i won!!!!

I put so much effort into this that I kinda am glad i won

Thanks a lot NumberSix, feel free to make more peehs
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by NumberSix
5. Name a secret service of any country (20th or 21st century).

PET (Denmark) (1 pt):
something about this made me laugh a lot.
I wasted a bunch of time debating which of a number of answers to put for this, all of which would have aced i think.

Originally Posted by NumberSix
8. Name an ICBM currently in service, of any country.

Jericho III (1 pt) (Israel):
I thought that the israelis denied having the nukes (even though everyone knows they have them). Kind of a giveaway to given them a name if you don't have any, right?

This was really fun. I knew I was going to sheep with the Gulag Archepeligo and Bonzo, but for them both to be incorrect was a nasty shock, as was 'bob' Karamazov, which I had forgotten about. The sad thing is I've been reading crime and punishment, but the book is so insanely boring that i've pretty much excised the lot of it from my brain,

I also knew Dr Xmas would be popular, but, well, it was Dr. Xmas jones, so i went for her anyway.

thanks for running,
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 09:50 AM
Great game, though I didn't fare very well at all.
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Fleebrog
OK I see you already addressed it...yeah for many peehs played in the depths of time people included a pass option as a free drop, then it kind of switched over for a lot of mods, but free drop is good IMO, especially when the game is hard.
It just feels like a reward for not knowing an answer, especially in peehs. I mean an answer that = 0 would be used by everyone whether they knew a real answer or not.

Grats to the winners and thanks for the game numbersix.
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 11:43 AM
Yes but it ends up not being helpful when there are a couple very hard questions in the game, then it's like not having a pass because so many people are going to be passing those.

Maybe you like it that way, I don't, unless I know an answer to one of those questions, then it's OK.
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
John I?
That's Mr. John I to you.
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by NumberSix
That's Comrade John I to you.
some mistake surely?
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
10-09-2009 , 02:18 PM
Cheers NumberSix, wp TL.
Товарищи! Писанов (Peehsanov) - Reveal Quote
