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10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions 10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions

06-20-2008 , 03:46 PM
No googling, searching, asking or using anything but your brain

just for fun so no cheating see how many u get...put your answers in spoiler tags please

Pro Baseball:

1. The home manager turns in two lineup cards which it develops are not identical. The umpire's copy shows the shortstop batting seventh and the pitcher hitting ninth. The card which is to be given the visitor's manager, however, lists the pitcher in both the No. 7 and 9 spots, an error which the umpire failed to note. In the third inning, the visiting skipper comes to the plate, pulls out the lineup card and asks for a ruling. What is it?

2. A hard-hitting catcher twists his knee running the bases and is limping slightly. The manager, in an effort to keep his slugger in the lineup, orders the catcher to switch positions with the first baseman. They do so but the umpires are not informed. What is the penalty?

3. Angered by a close play at the plate, the catcher argues heatedly with the ump, forgetting the batter-runner, a very fast man, is steaming around the bases. In frustrated anger, the catcher insults the umpire and is ejected by the offended official. The catcher stops arguing with the umpire, and notices the batter racing around 3rd. The catcher applies the tag on the runner in aclose play, but definitley before the runner touches home. Does the run count?

4. Numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the batting order are due to bat in the inning. Number 7 leads off (out of order) and doubles and number 6 sacrifices him to third. Number 5 then comes to the plate and takes one pitch before the defense appeals. What is the ruling?

5. A delivery by the pitcher hits the ground in front of the plate and the umpire calls out "Ball." But the pitch skips over the plate and the batter slams it over the right field wall. Is this a homer?

6. With a runner on first base and none out, the batter strikes out, but the catcher drops the ball. The batter runs to first and the runner on first heads toward second. The catcher recovers the ball and throws wildly past first base. The runner form first scores and the batter winds up at third. What is the ruling?

7. There are two outs and a 3-and-1 count on the batter when the stupid runner on third tries to steal home. The pitch is low and inside and he is tagged out. What about the batter?

8. A runner at third base attempts to score on a ground ball to short. Before he reaches the plate, however, the throw strikes him in the head and knocks him unconscious. The catcher retrieves the ball and tags the fallen runner. Is he out?

9. The batter socks a homer over the left field fence. He is midway between second and third when the first base coach, noting that the runner stepped over first, attracts his attention. The batter-runner retouches second, goes back and tags first, then continues around the bases. Is this legal?

10. The base runner slides hard into third base and the loose bag slides away from him. The fielder applies the tag. Is the runner out?
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:53 PM
No idea about baseball whatsoever, but i'm pretty sure that the answer to 1 is: 'it's fine, correct the typo; if you want to be a rules nit go play golf'
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:54 PM
1. The home manager turns in two lineup cards which it develops are not identical. The umpire's copy shows the shortstop batting seventh and the pitcher hitting ninth. The card which is to be given the visitor's manager, however, lists the pitcher in both the No. 7 and 9 spots, an error which the umpire failed to note. In the third inning, the visiting skipper comes to the plate, pulls out the lineup card and asks for a ruling. What is it?

Lineup card given to the umpire stands. Umpire gets abused by visiting team for being ******ed

2. A hard-hitting catcher twists his knee running the bases and is limping slightly. The manager, in an effort to keep his slugger in the lineup, orders the catcher to switch positions with the first baseman. They do so but the umpires are not informed. What is the penalty?

Not sure, but I would guess that switch stands and a warning is issued to the offending bench

3. Angered by a close play at the plate, the catcher argues heatedly with the ump, forgetting the batter-runner, a very fast man, is steaming around the bases. In frustrated anger, the catcher insults the umpire and is ejected by the offended official. The catcher stops arguing with the umpire, and notices the batter racing around 3rd. The catcher applies the tag on the runner in aclose play, but definitley before the runner touches home. Does the run count?

No,though it is stupid of the catcher to argue before the play is over, you can't get ejected while the ball is live. (These first 3 are guesses, btw.

4. Numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the batting order are due to bat in the inning. Number 7 leads off (out of order) and doubles and number 6 sacrifices him to third. Number 5 then comes to the plate and takes one pitch before the defense appeals. What is the ruling?

7 and 6 are out. 5 is at bat

5. A delivery by the pitcher hits the ground in front of the plate and the umpire calls out "Ball." But the pitch skips over the plate and the batter slams it over the right field wall. Is this a homer?

wtf is the umpire doing calling a ball before it reaches the catcher? Its a homer and umpire should be fined for doing stupid **** like that. A batter can swing at any pitch he likes, whether it a ball or a strike.

6. With a runner on first base and none out, the batter strikes out, but the catcher drops the ball. The batter runs to first and the runner on first heads toward second. The catcher recovers the ball and throws wildly past first base. The runner form first scores and the batter winds up at third. What is the ruling?

runner goes back to first, batter is out. You can only run to first on a dropped third strike i the base is empty.

7. There are two outs and a 3-and-1 count on the batter when the stupid runner on third tries to steal home. The pitch is low and inside and he is tagged out. What about the batter?

batter is credited with a walk for stats purposes. Inning is over, next batter leads off next inning. Actually I am not sure on this one. Could be an out and the same batter leads off next inning, since he didn't actually reach first. I'm going with the second one/

8. A runner at third base attempts to score on a ground ball to short. Before he reaches the plate, however, the throw strikes him in the head and knocks him unconscious. The catcher retrieves the ball and tags the fallen runner. Is he out?

no, unless he was outside the base path when he was hit.

9. The batter socks a homer over the left field fence. He is midway between second and third when the first base coach, noting that the runner stepped over first, attracts his attention. The batter-runner retouches second, goes back and tags first, then continues around the bases. Is this legal?

yes, you can go back and retouch as long as you do it before reaching home.

10. The base runner slides hard into third base and the loose bag slides away from him. The fielder applies the tag. Is the runner out?

no, he is where the base is supposed to be before it got knocked lose. He doesn't have to go follow the base.

Last edited by riverfish1; 06-20-2008 at 04:07 PM.
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:55 PM
I'd reply, but I don't know how to do spoiler tags. I'm lame.
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 03:58 PM
1. The home manager turns in two lineup cards which it develops are not identical. The umpire's copy shows the shortstop batting seventh and the pitcher hitting ninth. The card which is to be given the visitor's manager, however, lists the pitcher in both the No. 7 and 9 spots, an error which the umpire failed to note. In the third inning, the visiting skipper comes to the plate, pulls out the lineup card and asks for a ruling. What is it?

pitcher bats 7, shortstop bats 9

2. A hard-hitting catcher twists his knee running the bases and is limping slightly. The manager, in an effort to keep his slugger in the lineup, orders the catcher to switch positions with the first baseman. They do so but the umpires are not informed. What is the penalty?

they both leave the game and need subs

3. Angered by a close play at the plate, the catcher argues heatedly with the ump, forgetting the batter-runner, a very fast man, is steaming around the bases. In frustrated anger, the catcher insults the umpire and is ejected by the offended official. The catcher stops arguing with the umpire, and notices the batter racing around 3rd. The catcher applies the tag on the runner in aclose play, but definitley before the runner touches home. Does the run count?


4. Numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the batting order are due to bat in the inning. Number 7 leads off (out of order) and doubles and number 6 sacrifices him to third. Number 5 then comes to the plate and takes one pitch before the defense appeals. What is the ruling?

i'm guessing an out for each player that batted out of order

5. A delivery by the pitcher hits the ground in front of the plate and the umpire calls out "Ball." But the pitch skips over the plate and the batter slams it over the right field wall. Is this a homer?


6. With a runner on first base and none out, the batter strikes out, but the catcher drops the ball. The batter runs to first and the runner on first heads toward second. The catcher recovers the ball and throws wildly past first base. The runner form first scores and the batter winds up at third. What is the ruling?

strikeout, error on catcher

7. There are two outs and a 3-and-1 count on the batter when the stupid runner on third tries to steal home. The pitch is low and inside and he is tagged out. What about the batter?

leads off next inning w/ a fresh count

8. A runner at third base attempts to score on a ground ball to short. Before he reaches the plate, however, the throw strikes him in the head and knocks him unconscious. The catcher retrieves the ball and tags the fallen runner. Is he out?


9. The batter socks a homer over the left field fence. He is midway between second and third when the first base coach, noting that the runner stepped over first, attracts his attention. The batter-runner retouches second, goes back and tags first, then continues around the bases. Is this legal?


10. The base runner slides hard into third base and the loose bag slides away from him. The fielder applies the tag. Is the runner out?[/quote]

10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:00 PM
to use spoiler tags you type

[spoil.] answers here [/spoil.]

leave out the period in both and there u go
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:01 PM
mdd, i require closure, so let me know my score and how close i was on the open-ended ones
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by MDoranD
how many u get...put your answers in spoiler tags please

Pro Baseball:

1. The home manager turns in two lineup cards which it develops are not identical. The umpire's copy shows the shortstop batting seventh and the pitcher hitting ninth. The card which is to be given the visitor's manager, however, lists the pitcher in both the No. 7 and 9 spots, an error which the umpire failed to note. In the third inning, the visiting skipper comes to the plate, pulls out the lineup card and asks for a ruling. What is it?
Lineup given at the plate meeting is the official one

2. A hard-hitting catcher twists his knee running the bases and is limping slightly. The manager, in an effort to keep his slugger in the lineup, orders the catcher to switch positions with the first baseman. They do so but the umpires are not informed. What is the penalty?
perfectly fine. even unannounced substitutions are legal

3. Angered by a close play at the plate, the catcher argues heatedly with the ump, forgetting the batter-runner, a very fast man, is steaming around the bases. In frustrated anger, the catcher insults the umpire and is ejected by the offended official. The catcher stops arguing with the umpire, and notices the batter racing around 3rd. The catcher applies the tag on the runner in aclose play, but definitley before the runner touches home. Does the run count?
no, he's out, ejection wouldn't occur until after the play is over

4. Numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the batting order are due to bat in the inning. Number 7 leads off (out of order) and doubles and number 6 sacrifices him to third. Number 5 then comes to the plate and takes one pitch before the defense appeals. What is the ruling?
once a pitch was thrown #5 became the proper batter. defense screwed up

5. A delivery by the pitcher hits the ground in front of the plate and the umpire calls out "Ball." But the pitch skips over the plate and the batter slams it over the right field wall. Is this a homer?

6. With a runner on first base and none out, the batter strikes out, but the catcher drops the ball. The batter runs to first and the runner on first heads toward second. The catcher recovers the ball and throws wildly past first base. The runner form first scores and the batter winds up at third. What is the ruling?
batter-runner is out. first base was occupied with less than 2 outs

7. There are two outs and a 3-and-1 count on the batter when the stupid runner on third tries to steal home. The pitch is low and inside and he is tagged out. What about the batter?
ball 4

8. A runner at third base attempts to score on a ground ball to short. Before he reaches the plate, however, the throw strikes him in the head and knocks him unconscious. The catcher retrieves the ball and tags the fallen runner. Is he out?

9. The batter socks a homer over the left field fence. He is midway between second and third when the first base coach, noting that the runner stepped over first, attracts his attention. The batter-runner retouches second, goes back and tags first, then continues around the bases. Is this legal?

10. The base runner slides hard into third base and the loose bag slides away from him. The fielder applies the tag. Is the runner out?

i will think of some good questions too. there are some pretty good quizes online that i've found too

Last edited by DustinG; 06-20-2008 at 04:17 PM.
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by MDoranD
1. The home manager turns in two lineup cards which it develops are not identical. The umpire's copy shows the shortstop batting seventh and the pitcher hitting ninth. The card which is to be given the visitor's manager, however, lists the pitcher in both the No. 7 and 9 spots, an error which the umpire failed to note. In the third inning, the visiting skipper comes to the plate, pulls out the lineup card and asks for a ruling. What is it?
Has the 7th or 9th player batted? if so, then its too late imo. If they havent, i still dont think its a problem -- the ump would rule to follow what is on his card

2. A hard-hitting catcher twists his knee running the bases and is limping slightly. The manager, in an effort to keep his slugger in the lineup, orders the catcher to switch positions with the first baseman. They do so but the umpires are not informed. What is the penalty?
No penalty whatsoever imo.

3. Angered by a close play at the plate, the catcher argues heatedly with the ump, forgetting the batter-runner, a very fast man, is steaming around the bases. In frustrated anger, the catcher insults the umpire and is ejected by the offended official. The catcher stops arguing with the umpire, and notices the batter racing around 3rd. The catcher applies the tag on the runner in aclose play, but definitley before the runner touches home. Does the run count?
hmm. I would say no if he was ejected already. Unless the ejection is after the play? ill stick with no i guess

4. Numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the batting order are due to bat in the inning. Number 7 leads off (out of order) and doubles and number 6 sacrifices him to third. Number 5 then comes to the plate and takes one pitch before the defense appeals. What is the ruling?
batter 5 would be out for batting out of order. too late on the others imo

5. A delivery by the pitcher hits the ground in front of the plate and the umpire calls out "Ball." But the pitch skips over the plate and the batter slams it over the right field wall. Is this a homer?
i know if it bounces and hits a batter it is still a hits batsman. so theoretically, i would say yes it is a homer

6. With a runner on first base and none out, the batter strikes out, but the catcher drops the ball. The batter runs to first and the runner on first heads toward second. The catcher recovers the ball and throws wildly past first base. The runner form first scores and the batter winds up at third. What is the ruling?
the batter is out because 1st base wasnt occupied. The run would count though

7. There are two outs and a 3-and-1 count on the batter when the stupid runner on third tries to steal home. The pitch is low and inside and he is tagged out. What about the batter?
the batter would be credited with a walk and awarded 1st base for statistical purposes. Inning would be over. Unless it was bases loaded, then it was a walk and the run would count ldo

8. A runner at third base attempts to score on a ground ball to short. Before he reaches the plate, however, the throw strikes him in the head and knocks him unconscious. The catcher retrieves the ball and tags the fallen runner. Is he out?
if he was in the baseline and it did not appear intentional, he would be out i suppose. if the throw was intentional he would be safe. judgement call by the umps i guess

9. The batter socks a homer over the left field fence. He is midway between second and third when the first base coach, noting that the runner stepped over first, attracts his attention. The batter-runner retouches second, goes back and tags first, then continues around the bases. Is this legal?
As long as he stays in the baseline and retouches second, i would say yes

10. The base runner slides hard into third base and the loose bag slides away from him. The fielder applies the tag. Is the runner out?[/quote]
runner is safe if he is where the base is supposed to be

fun quiz thanx
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by dmk
mdd, i require closure, so let me know my score and how close i was on the open-ended ones

sure thing one sec
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:08 PM
nm, i clearly bombed it judging by similarities in dustin/mets answers vs mine
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:10 PM
honest on 3 i meant
run should count

im not sure now but thats what i meant
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:11 PM

After a quick review ill say you got either 5.5 right or 6 out of 10
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:12 PM
i would like score closure too
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:13 PM
changing #6 to having R1 stealing on the pitch would make it a somewhat more interesting question

Lets say he gets to 2nd base before the ball crosses the plate, is first base still considered occupied?
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:14 PM

as soon as he takes off for the steal, 1st is unoccupied, so the batter can head there after the dropped 3rd strike
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:15 PM
and I realized that part of 6 is wrong for me after readings mets' answer
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:15 PM

again just a quick glance over id score you 5 correct with 2 that are partial correct
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:17 PM
i guess ill wait a couple hours or sometime tonight ill put up the answers...i dont mind scoring them though, i guess as long as i dont say which ones were correct
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:18 PM
dustin actually:

problem with what I said is that it now creates a force situation at second base for the runner attempting to steal.

mdoran- would you be so kind as to illuminate us on the ruling of such a case
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
honest on 3 i meant
run should count

im not sure now but thats what i meant
I liked your original answer better. I would agree with all your other answers, but given how you only got 6 out of 10, that probably isn't a great idea.

I could go either way on #1.
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by riverfish1

as soon as he takes off for the steal, 1st is unoccupied, so the batter can head there after the dropped 3rd strike

No. The wording used is "At the time of the pitch". And the time of the pitch is defined is when the pitcher starts his motion, so R1 could be 3/4ths of the way to 2nd but the batter-runner would still be out because first base is considered occupied
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:22 PM
Mets answers are the best so far but still missed 2 to 2.5 id say
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:24 PM
where does it say i got 6 out of 10?
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:24 PM
Mets' answers are better than mine?
10 Baseball Rules Trivia Questions Quote
