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10/20 TvTropes Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread 10/20 TvTropes Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread

10-31-2015 , 01:45 PM
So many vanillagers
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10-31-2015 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Monte, there is a mash coming up very soon. That is all I will say on the matter here.

Also, I like to LOLMONTE as much as the next guy, but he played well in the Marvel game and the Board game in recent history, so not sure the last 2 games represent some sort of fundamental flaw.

Also to be fair BatMan you haven't exactly been lighting it up when you rand Villa either. I cant remember the last time a wolf tried to kill you...
They know bad villagers will think I'm somehow a wolf when I'm clearly villa.

Did you notice Monte took his shots and no one else thought I was a wolf?
I never light it up early, and I was on vacation on NYC and this was clearly stated, I solve games later.
I purposely try not to get wolf kill so I can solve the game later. And then wolves have to kill me. Would u rather me getting own n1 every game like the other people who can adjust their meta?
10/20 TvTropes Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
10-31-2015 , 05:53 PM
You can't solve the game when you are getting killed by a villager day 2 or 3 most of the time. I am not talking about this game per se, but generally.
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10-31-2015 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
So many vanillagers
Having a lot of vanilla villagers is a good way to avoid a claim fest, so I like that.

I really like how Ud did the seer thing in the NBA game where most of us were vanilla but didn't know it, so we're more invested.
10/20 TvTropes Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
10-31-2015 , 11:45 PM
I was villagery. Because someone who is wolf MVP as a villager killed me just goes to show you how bad you need to be to shot me when no one else thinks I was a wolf.
You tell me when ur death had so much weight in a game.
If I'm killed early villa just don't win much, check it.
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11-01-2015 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
the reverse is true with villagers when everyone berates someone if they kill a villager. it creates a horrible culture/dynamic where you basically get shunned if you step outside the box whatsoever - even though the wolves have influence over where those lines are drawn and you necessarily have to have some contrary opinions. and once you're wrong once it's impossible to try again. I think there were a lot of times near the end where I was basically exasperated and kept asking "ok so what's the list again of people who if I shot I'd be a horrible player" and then I'd just take people's word for it because it just wasn't worth fighting

so there should be significantly less group-think and punishment for non-consensus opinions. and we also shouldn't overuse the words "outed" and "lolcatted" because again, it just makes villagers feel stupid if their opinions aren't in line with consensus and then they just defer to the more vocal/influential villagers. when really as a villager you need to approach things with skepticism instead of accepting whatever consensus is
In a perfect world where all the villagers read the thread...sure.

In a world where some players just pop into the thread to take random dumbass shots at whoever they feel like...I think it's important to have some kind of consensus.

Nothing worse than an inattentive town vig shooting an unCC'd player or a mod-confirmed also opens the doors for wolves to "accidentally" do the same thing.

It's kind of a trade off, consensus can be shaped by deep Wolves and gives them power...but it also takes power away from sketchier wolves and bad villagers.
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11-01-2015 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Stork..
Tell them the team, add them to chat maybe
Then they aren't masons...they are wolf lovers...?
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