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10/20 TvTropes Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread 10/20 TvTropes Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread

10-30-2015 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1

Sure it is. You can easily just angel your standard SPK targets n1/n2 and not worry about if they're wolves or not. For instance, you angel Gad n1 Insanity n2 and if they turn out to be wolves, you have a free kill.
I think it is a very rare scenario when you one night angel player and next night want to kill that same player.

Unless you think that is good idea to protect someone wolfy in hope that you can shoot that player next night.
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10-30-2015 , 03:46 PM
Dunno why anyone would think that a lone wolf vig is prowolf compared to a team wolf vig

that is just immensely LOL

A wolf vig that is part of the team has a lot more information (peeks?) and NA's will be much more coordinated (peek this dude, RB the other and NK that one)
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10-30-2015 , 03:49 PM
I mean, he can't even judge if a player has good or bad reads, makes his kill just random SPK's
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10-30-2015 , 03:50 PM
There are certainly times in early game when strong players like Gad or Dwetz or Insanity will be NK targets or they are wolves. Also, there are plenty of spots where people are polarized to wolf/PR. For instance, Allundberg. Another (admittedly with the benefit of hindsight): No Lynches is playing the way he is because he's either a wolf or a strong village role.

Or you could just play it as a straight angel.
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10-30-2015 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
Dunno why anyone would think that a lone wolf vig is prowolf compared to a team wolf vig

that is just immensely LOL

A wolf vig that is part of the team has a lot more information (peeks?) and NA's will be much more coordinated (peek this dude, RB the other and NK that one)
I had a separate small wolf team in one game I had. They were part of the main wolf team but didn't know who they were. They nkd at least one of the main wolf team (I think 2 but don't really remember). Anyway, good times. Post game discussion was lol.
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10-30-2015 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
A wolf vig that is part of the team has a lot more information
Oh Gabe, you just made my point for me. Ty.
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10-30-2015 , 04:11 PM
i dont see how you got that from what i wrote.

but no, thats not what i was saying


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10-30-2015 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
Like I'm not sure if the masons pushing Stork to shoot Quick_Ben is +EV or not, but it's complicated to figure out with the Allundberg thing too. One of the two should have been momentarily cleared because of the other's flip.
That was kind of the point of my "salt" at the way things played out. I didn't think me and Allund were gonna make it so I decided to bus him and figure whichever one of us died first the other would be clear for a while.

When I was NKd and he started getting cleared (and there were even a few comments from people looking at my spew that this looked good for Telc and bad for Insanity), I thought things had worked out perfectly, and then him being modkilled was very upsetting.

You guys can blow it off and LOL salty QB all you want, and I don't even care if you do. Probably half the people in this thread right now would have made a much bigger deal out of it than I did.

Also, lets be honest. Between giving Stormslyde a free wolf vig N1, the Allund debacle and the Zyde modkill, UD really did all he could to make up for a historic display of village incompetence, but in the end it was just not enough and game was pretty much a walkthrough.

I mean, everyone is talking about how "unlucky" ITAs were for village. But lets be honest here. How many ITA shots were actually taken by villagers on non-angeled wolves in 4 days? I am guessing I can count them on JPPs fingers. That isn't variance. That is pwnage. (And I take no credit for this cause I had no input in the decision of who to angel each night)
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10-30-2015 , 04:31 PM
completely off topic

Who is Puzzles?
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10-30-2015 , 04:36 PM
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10-30-2015 , 04:37 PM
I'm requesting a wolf role where i don't know my teammates please. That's the easiest thing to play

I mean JJB fooled me this game, imo, only because he was essentially a villager
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10-30-2015 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
We can agree to disagree. Having a bunch of very minor power roles that have some chance of providing some added utility to the village is objectively better in my mind, both from a balance/failsafe perspective and from a fun perspective, than having a bunch of vanillagers.
I have mostly been a villager in this spot, so it has generally helped my team, but having most of the village team be some type of PR seems to make it easy just for the village to just out what they did and POE.

An extreme example of this was Stuck's Marvel game. Between all the people outing their roles or having stones (and of course WG's play didnt hurt either), by day 3 pretty much every village who had a chance of being ITA shot at or lynched could just reveal their way out of it.
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10-30-2015 , 04:39 PM
eh, the reason Zdye was modkilled was marginal but he could have easily been modkilled before that.
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10-30-2015 , 04:43 PM
D2 JJB is caught dead to rights for lying.

"I must have a troll role."

1 villager shoots at him (he's angeled)

D3 "track me it'll clear me" (even though I have a troll role?)

N3 He tries to shoot the tracker and fails

D4 JJB is lock clear for ?????

This is JJB being slippery and serious LOLvillage.
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10-30-2015 , 04:47 PM
Dont forget him killing Dwetzel in plain sight (who I dont think anyone had on any wolf list) and someone probably could have (should have?) figured out he killed Benneh too.
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10-30-2015 , 04:48 PM


Last edited by Jar Jar Bakes; 10-30-2015 at 04:49 PM. Reason: in the sense that I always find a way out of the web of AIDS I create for myself
10/20 TvTropes Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread Quote
10-30-2015 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by baudib1
D2 JJB is caught dead to rights for lying.

"I must have a troll role."

1 villager shoots at him (he's angeled)

D3 "track me it'll clear me" (even though I have a troll role?)

N3 He tries to shoot the tracker and fails

D4 JJB is lock clear for ?????

This is JJB being slippery and serious LOLvillage.
I mean he trolls as a villager too kinda a lot so....
It's a pretty nice meta he has
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Dont forget him killing Dwetzel in plain sight (who I dont think anyone had on any wolf list) and someone probably could have (should have?) figured out he killed Benneh too.
Decent amount of people had dwetz in their suspicious list iirc until mexi claimed a villa peek on him
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10-30-2015 , 04:55 PM
JJB is a confirmed troll.

maybe the only other person who could pull that off is Q_Q.
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10-30-2015 , 04:57 PM
The coin is 2 sided though. A couple mashes ago I remember he was a real tracker and he tracked and outed Viggo in a spot it was pretty much impossible he was lying and noone believed him.
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10-30-2015 , 05:01 PM
yeah good point that's why I fake-claimed seer with a viggo wolf peek for it to be believed heh
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10-30-2015 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
The coin is 2 sided though. A couple mashes ago I remember he was a real tracker and he tracked and outed Viggo in a spot it was pretty much impossible he was lying and noone believed him.
Well, Vigg had just claimed a wolf peek on another wolf and that wolf had flipped. That was why people didn't want to believe him.
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10-30-2015 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Lissa2
Well, Vigg had just claimed a wolf peek on another wolf and that wolf had flipped. That was why people didn't want to believe him.
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10-30-2015 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
That was kind of the point of my "salt" at the way things played out. I didn't think me and Allund were gonna make it so I decided to bus him and figure whichever one of us died first the other would be clear for a while.

When I was NKd and he started getting cleared (and there were even a few comments from people looking at my spew that this looked good for Telc and bad for Insanity), I thought things had worked out perfectly, and then him being modkilled was very upsetting.

You guys can blow it off and LOL salty QB all you want, and I don't even care if you do. Probably half the people in this thread right now would have made a much bigger deal out of it than I did.

Also, lets be honest. Between giving Stormslyde a free wolf vig N1, the Allund debacle and the Zyde modkill, UD really did all he could to make up for a historic display of village incompetence, but in the end it was just not enough and game was pretty much a walkthrough.

I mean, everyone is talking about how "unlucky" ITAs were for village. But lets be honest here. How many ITA shots were actually taken by villagers on non-angeled wolves in 4 days? I am guessing I can count them on JPPs fingers. That isn't variance. That is pwnage. (And I take no credit for this cause I had no input in the decision of who to angel each night)
Stuff like 6 out of 16 shots hitting D2 session 1 was absolutely variance. The village took bad shots, yes, but the rand made them more devastating than they would be on average.

Allund not flipping when he should have affected more than just you. I think the effect of it roughly balanced out.
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10-30-2015 , 09:12 PM
I only played a very minor part of this game getting shot on day 1. I had a really fun event planned, which I won't reveal now in case I ever rand a role like this again.

It just seems like the village ran bad.

For my part, I understand taking a little heat for changing my posting style a bit, and for taking a while to produce any reads, but I thought the pressure / barrage of scrutiny I faced on day 1 from fellow villas was a little over-the-top, and probably directly played into why Onuz shot me.

Obviously, many other things went wrong too, but I didn't quite get why there was SUCH focus on my case that early on.
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10-30-2015 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
My main issue with this game is the following:

I did not know I was the hero. It never once crossed my mind that I was the hero. You may think this is a me problem, but this is a tropes mash and my character name is "The Chosen One." I wouldn't have pushed bop if I had known I was the hero. I debated making a drudgesiren post warning the hero that the wolves were looking for them.

I was expecting a bunch of crazy roles, and at the start of the game I was a vanilla, so I really didn't think I was too powerful. I obviously didn't know what powers I would be getting, that I could become a day vig, or that I was going to be passed peeks.

Missing this lost us ~half the village power roles.

Pretty lols.
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