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10/20 TvTropes Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread 10/20 TvTropes Mish-Mash Werewolf Game Thread

10-26-2015 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
benneh seems >rand villa
Can't believe you're lock clearing benneh so lightly
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
to revisit this post and why i found it wolfy:

it's a cute bit of compliment-and-contrast, using the momentum of jcohen's detailed wolf reads on other people to suggest that jcohen's less-detailed wolf read on storm should not be given as much weight by the thread at large

villagers are less likely to actually think/type, "hey, you seem villagery to me, but why aren't you going into greater detail about why you think i'm a wolf, like you did with your other reads?"

there's no logical endgame that a villager would genuinely/rationally be aiming for via that exchange
ya. i think he's just a wolf
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
will start with looking at monte/yg/more tilt since they have high post counts and no votes out yet
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
reaper villagery
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Howling_Wolf
This, but

1) My reputation is such that my game is somewhat polarized, even if that is more than a bit untrue, at least this early, and

2) I am somewhat susceptible to being pocketed in instances where I am being read correctly in italics, although even I get suspicious when it happens when, as you note, I have not really done anything worthy of note in actual italics
Only time I played with you was when you were Benjamin Button. Do you feel like you posted differently from your normal game then or ???
I give permission for one person I haven't mentioned thus far to Garcia
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
just your upbringing i imagine. Nothing you can be blamed for. At least it wasn't the MTG game eh? Although you would have lived longer. You powerful wolf or nah?
Nah, not really
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Originally Posted by Kaze13
I, for one, am excited about this mexican neil fellows posting
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
My pocket is nice and warm, hop on in imo
tread lightly

there are actual bona fide shats itg, and during this twillight/revival phase of my career i am not beyond opening my range out of spite
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
theres a lot of how do you say TOWN ON TOWN violence going on right now imo
this is kind of a useless comment

also i just realized that this very post is likely MORE TOWN ON TOWN VIOLENCE
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10-26-2015 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Stork..
this post comes off as "mad a villager is getting read right", especially when you exaggerate the number of people.
aaaaaaaaaand back to null you go
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10-26-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
Can't believe you're lock clearing benneh so lightly
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10-26-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
Sup Euro? Been quite a while.
for reals. seems like only yesterday we were woalfbros in the World Series of Wearwoalf (only serious players need inquire!) game that was eventually broken by magicgizz
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10-26-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
Nah, not really
unfortunate. We have to kill the right wolves to win mashes sometimes. Gotta go for the throat early.
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10-26-2015 , 01:10 PM
Eh, maybe I was wrong about Xkf and younguns
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10-26-2015 , 01:10 PM
ugh i seem to be stuck in a bad timewarp where, by the time i respond to things, i fall further behind

can't imagine what will happen when i have to leave in an hour
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10-26-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
cruze lol bro wolfy af in 20 posts
will shamelessly sheep this read and attempt to take credit for it in the postgame
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10-26-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by TehBankertin
I think its at least 3 hours too soon for a tier list.
But it's never too soon to pester Gad for one
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10-26-2015 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by thesunfan
aaaaaaaaaand back to null you go
Can I get a run down of who else you find null?
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10-26-2015 , 01:11 PM
I'm gonna go eat some McDonalds

Might come back with a list of my own
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10-26-2015 , 01:11 PM
btw Kaze were you not in MtG? or were you just dead by then?

and also Stork did not really seem like a villager at all to me over the first however many pages but i assume since other people were calling him one that he might just be strange and/or foreign
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10-26-2015 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Eurotrash
tread lightly

there are actual bona fide shats itg, and during this twillight/revival phase of my career i am not beyond opening my range out of spite
But this time it's a village pocket

Or maybe if you start beasting like it's 2013 we can discuss some sort of cross-pocket cultural exchange or something
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10-26-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by benneh
But it's never too soon to pester Gad for one
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10-26-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
i did, but it didn't have the type of explanations in it that you're talking about. those came after people asked me about specific reads

basically i did nothing out of the ordinary for myself when i said you seem wolfy
noted, just felt a bit off compared to what i thought you did earlier. My mistake, now im entertaining thoughts about how this interaction reflects on your alignment. I doubt you would cling to my villa lean on you as a wolf but the way you reacted to explain that it wasnt out of the ordinary rather than expanding on your read is interesting. Feeling like its unncessary to explain and instead correcting a false assumption i had feels extremely villagery although in this case its only a minor incident.
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10-26-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Kaze13
So mexineil just made a post saying people shouldn't be clearing zdye so lightly after MTG.

Isn't that basically the same thing I said here? A bunch of people came out of the woodwork and called monte villagery after a few role neutral (IMO) posts and I called attention to it.

Obviously I'm interested in what role monte is, but I'm stating I don't believe anything he's posted yet is indicative of his role.
Sort of. I just didn't like the way you said it.

You didn't say something like, "why are you calling Montecore a villager" or "I don't get it, explain to me" or "I guess I'll have to read Montecore's posts again because I'm just not seeing it". To me, these examples all show a certain level level of day 1 villager confusion that most of us get this early in the game.

Your post didn't give me that vibe at all.
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