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10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread 10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread

10-10-2016 , 03:45 PM

thanks, Weatherguy


and monte


if I were to post every


thought I had

(well, it's true that I'm scatterbrained)

then this thread would not be able to contain it all.

I can try to post more like a normal person, but it sorta interrupts my flow and I don't like it
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Slow_Ben

Let's be masons

And not in the "we're wolf bros and one of us oils up our beard and fakeclaims our masonry, thereby tying us to each other for no good reason, and then goes into a cabin for four days and outs both of us" way

But the in thread way where we high five often after doing villagery stuff
man i was drinking
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:45 PM
since when does villa mor floating around
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:45 PM
I'm going back to lurking and potentially sleeping
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:46 PM
lenore i wish more people played like you do
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Weatherguy
I lied, I didn't go to sleep yet I just wanted to more passively follow the thread and watch futurama.

I need to address all this **** with Heid though.

First, to the dwetz quote: Heid liked the gad read because it was nonconsensual, not because she agreed with it.

Second to ace: that isn't heid's list, she was recreating monte's or whoever to show what she thought it was.

Third to gad: I'm incredibly confident that Heid is a villager this game. Her tone is super pure and she has been more engaged with the thread than anyone. I think she is just very scatter-brained, which has happened several times this game; and you have just found the most egregious example. She's just a silly villager, and all this pressure and misunderstanding with other players is tilting the **** out of her. I know you have good intentions but I feel pretty strongly about this
Originally Posted by Weatherguy
I just can't honestly believe that this is in anyone's wolf range. I couldn't in good conscience just watch the push though and not voice my opinion


i need to be doing other things for a while anyway
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:46 PM
i also thought his "i believe you" post when voted ace was nagl
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
You aren't fooling anyone.

You know just fine that nobody gives a **** about reads (if you can even call them that) that you just post in vague one-liners about pages from many hours ago without a single quote/follow up/string of posts regarding the same person. They aren't getting read, those kinds of posts never were and you know this just fine, so why waste your time? It's clear you just do it so it looks like you're doing work, probably because you struggle with fabricating something that goes below just commenting on stuff.
Whether or not this ends up being a correct read, I like what it means re: vigg's role (i.e. that he's quite likely a villager)
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Zaccino
well point me at a hard stance you took that wasn't generic baloney

and/or if you're implying i'm wolfy then go hard mofo
no just pointing out things

you think ace is a wolf?
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Heidenroslein
yo dewetzel

just because I disagree with a post/read doesn't mean I dislike it

and vice versa

just b/c I disagree w/ someone's read doesn't mean I don't think they're villagery for doing it

make sense?
the bolded does not in fact make an ounce of sense, no

the last sentence is perfectly fine
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
no just pointing out things

you think ace is a wolf?
not particularly
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:47 PM
I'm kinda rustled that gad told me to enjoy my flan. I did enjoy it.


do you really want me to explain each and every single one of my reads? I don't really know what you guys waaaaant

b/c they change so often

I have a t-chart of +wolf and +villager reasons for each person

do you want to see that
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
He does seem to be doing nothing much

I tend to think he's more WIMMY and engaged as a villa given he hqs more than once been top villa poster
lol volum reading me and im 2nd leading poster?

seems legit
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Heidenroslein
I'm kinda rustled that gad told me to enjoy my flan. I did enjoy it.


do you really want me to explain each and every single one of my reads? I don't really know what you guys waaaaant

b/c they change so often

I have a t-chart of +wolf and +villager reasons for each person

do you want to see that
sure i'd like to see it
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by SpankGangsta
since when does villa mor floating around
since times
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene

what she's saying makes no sense ON ITS OWN TERMS

this isn't about lawyering

she said her strange reaction to your reads list was because she initially thought it had me as a wolf

tell me how someone can look at your reads list and think it had be as a wolf
Just because both of us were ravaged by the vaccine schedule and have to wear helmets for 80% of the day doesn't mean that's how everyone else sees the world

Especially those from different, more PERSONALITY ORIENTED forums that don't preselect people that skew towards logic and mathematical based analysis
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Zaccino
not particularly
but you think im bussing him

ok i can go back to tiering you as useless

10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
lol volum reading me and im 2nd leading poster?

seems legit
idk part of my problem with you is that you have a lot of posts but i remember almost nothing about them and i feel your thread impact has been low
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
the bolded does not in fact make an ounce of sense, no

the last sentence is perfectly fine
it does...

think irt a debate.

I say that x is unfair and provide reason a.

You say y is fair and provide reason b.

I may disagree with you, but I may indeed really really admire and like your reason b, because primarily maybe 1. I've thought of it before and know how you're thinking 2. You raised a very interesting, well thought out new point.

10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Heidenroslein

thanks, Weatherguy


and monte


if I were to post every


thought I had

(well, it's true that I'm scatterbrained)

then this thread would not be able to contain it all.

I can try to post more like a normal person, but it sorta interrupts my flow and I don't like it
I never said you were silly

Just keep doing you; I'll VMF you until my dying day
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
but you think im bussing him

ok i can go back to tiering you as useless

i was like 99% sure this was how you were going to respond

but yes i think it looks like a comment a wolf makes when sheeping a villager's case to bus their bro

but independently of that, ace isn't particularly wolfy imo and making associative reads like that on d1 is stupid anyways
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
since times
not when he played with me
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
I care about putting my thoughts out there to demonstrate how i form reads on players as I read the game, that way people can point out if they disagree or agree

I honestly wish more people cared about this

If you're saying you aren't going to pay attention to these things then fine, play the game as you would and ignore my posts, but that seems like a huge mistake to me
And sorry but I simply have to comment on this post again.

You say you care about showing people how you form reads.

Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Slowly making my way through the thread, haven't read new posts since last time I posted so tell me if anything happened that should make me discard these notes

Page one
This is important in case insane flips. "Godfather: Peeks as werewolf to the Insane Affiliation Seer; peeks as villager to the Suicide Affiliation Seer (who will survive the peek)."

Iraise had a wolfy entrance. He's just not been a WIMMY villager, yet he said he posted early simply to get in an early post. Like he knows he needs to appear villagery.

P1 raise continues with fluff posts. He is posting just to post.

Allund made some villagery posts I don't want to point out

On to page two
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
So Heid is tmotl

Duck is doing nothing

Heid having a Villa read on Duck at all, let alone p2 is wolfy

I like NL pressuring Heid, even if it is not reasonable to expect deep reads from a player at that point

Heid giving in and making a reads list is questionable. I find villagers tend to point out how absurd NLs demand was. W/w? Because NL gives up there, expect a villager to press the point
How exactly does this show us how you form reads? What reads do you even form? You're just commenting on completely arbitrary stuff that leads nowhere, you literally have a point consisting of "Duck is doing NOTHING." That is not a read, nor is most of this, it's just you trying to say make it seem like you're actually doing work.
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Slow_Ben
Just because both of us were ravaged by the vaccine schedule and have to wear helmets for 80% of the day doesn't mean that's how everyone else sees the world

Especially those from different, more PERSONALITY ORIENTED forums that don't preselect people that skew towards logic and mathematical based analysis
dude this tilts me

I'm actually excellent at logic and reasoning


I'm doing pre-law aorn

this is just how I am as a villager in a long game
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
You aren't fooling anyone.

You know just fine that nobody gives a **** about reads (if you can even call them that) that you just post in vague one-liners about pages from many hours ago without a single quote/follow up/string of posts regarding the same person. They aren't getting read, those kinds of posts never were and you know this just fine, so why waste your time? It's clear you just do it so it looks like you're doing work, probably because you struggle with fabricating something that goes below just commenting on stuff.
I'm not trying to fool anyone. Everything I posted is 100℅ genuine. If you're a villager, you need to stop being so narrow minded about this. At least agree to say in post game you're sorry for making a terrible read.

You're not even engaging with me about anything that csn actually be discussed. You're calling into question the authenticity of my posts. You aren't discussing my reads. How can I discuss that? I'm a villager and my posts are genuine. You say, "No they aren't." Well fine. If you're a villager, you're wrong. If you're a wolf, good god are you making a terrible case against a villager
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
