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10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread 10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread

10-10-2016 , 03:27 PM
Viggo v

still think ace V tho come @ me bro
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by SpankGangsta
reread them for me and tell me what u think
ill get to visor at some point today

kinda want to be right on my early toan read on sky so gonna hold off on that reread
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Caught up with recent posts and I see so many others suspicious of NL

On to page three
But you miss my accusations and continue doing the exact thing I'm calling you out on?
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
it's okay nobody's judging you either way

do you enjoy playing by phone? obviously it's not preferred but
no, playing by phone is terrible

especially when you're expected to maintain the kind of volume i am
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Heidenroslein
it literally does not matter

what matters it that I thought monte had a wolf read on you and lissa

and was curious in why

b/c those would be very non consensus reads and very interesting to me

though I disagreed with both at that point in time

fwiw I think you're a villager though this is stupid and I want to punch you irl

10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Heidenroslein
not really

more like this




with v to w being a sliding scale
Tell me more about how you are the third most likely villager on your list

Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
ace you gonna address viggos push on you at some point or what
What is there to address? He's made a fairly good description of my last wolf game, but he is wrong about how it applies to me this game because I'm a villager

I actually thought several of my posts about players were quite specific, yet he is saying they're vague

He's just wrong about me this game, therefore I don't really care
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
let me say this plainly

it makes no sense for you to think that monte had a wolf read on me for even a second based on the list he posted

your initial explanation was that you misread the "n" above the category i was in and thought it was a blob based on your font and a crack on your screen

your subsequent explanations are incoherent

it's fairly obvious that you're trying to backfill a justification for why you thought that someone in the middle of Monte's list, at the top of his "n" category, when he had a separate "w" category, was a wolf read of his

(which is especially amazing when the initial progression already felt super-constructed and not redolent of an actual thought process)

the whole thing makes you >>>rand wolf and I want to make sure people understand that very clearly

go eat your flan
When you turn out to be spectacularly wrong in postgame, I'm going to revist this post with mirth

And I know you're going to contort this into me being w/w with her and POWERING her to lock clearsville with the power of my words and stuff, so liamneesongoodluck.gif in advance
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:29 PM
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
But you miss my accusations and continue doing the exact thing I'm calling you out on?
full disclosure i probably skipped most of your case because ace isn't a wolf so sorry about that especially when i'm about to ask you a question about him

did you read all of his good posting earlier before he started doing this weird analysis stuff?
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
with respect: how would you have any idea what is or is not in her wolf range, especially if you didn't read Starfox?
Because I've seen her wolf in at least one other MU game and this isn't that? And the reason you're reading her as a wolf in this game is really stupid?
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:30 PM
Gadrene I truly believes Lenny/Lenore/the-middle-of-the-line/Heidenroslein is a villager. She mislynched herself in a past game where I subbed in as a wolf while having almost 300+ posts alone by doing similar **** she does this game.

Let it go imo
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Viggorous
But you miss my accusations and continue doing the exact thing I'm calling you out on?
You are wrong. I am a villager. I don't care what you say about me if you say I'm wolfy
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
full disclosure i probably skipped most of your case because ace isn't a wolf so sorry about that especially when i'm about to ask you a question about him

did you read all of his good posting earlier before he started doing this weird analysis stuff?
the monte stuff? or before that
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:30 PM
dwetz might be wolfier than nl

i'd let people get mor killed

gad into town
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Ace of Spaids
Tell me more about how you are the third most likely villager on your list
Drugs are bad
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mor_Tilt4mePls
the monte stuff? or before that
talking about ace, the only person i mentioned in the post.

sorry if that was unclear vigg/others
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
dwetz might be wolfier than nl

i'd let people get mor killed

gad into town
would be a mistake

a big one imo
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:31 PM
kinda disappointed no one accused me of a wolfy pop in
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by SpankGangsta
Gadrene I truly believes Lenny/Lenore/the-middle-of-the-line/Heidenroslein is a villager. She mislynched herself in a past game where I subbed in as a wolf while having almost 300+ posts alone by doing similar **** she does this game.

Let it go imo
lovely phrasing

forgot to say alette to town
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
talking about ace, the only person i mentioned in the post.

sorry if that was unclear vigg/others
yea bro the ace stuff on monte or before that stuff
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:32 PM
Yeah Montecore is a villager

That "I will ridicule you in post game for this ridiculous read" is a hard villa tell
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:32 PM
the list is alphabetized
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:32 PM
this ISO function is cancerous I can't
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
lovely phrasing

forgot to say alette to town
I'm not alette
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
10-10-2016 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Adam33
i think this might be the most alignment-indicative post in the game so far aside from something i don't really want to mention because i don't think you're supposed to talk about those things
I'm 10 pages behind bud in a growing thread. PATIENCE
10/10 Chess vanilla+ werewolf game thread Quote
