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01-05-2013 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
i didn't go back and look for peeks
so no im not joking

how does crossnerd make little sense?
1) Her exchange with MB d1 does not look like w/w (IMO)

2) LKJ attempted to snipe her d1 when a wolf (MB) was in danger, and both LKJ and MB flipped wolf. A Cross/LKJ/MB wolf team doesn't make a ton of sense when you go back and read that EOD.

3) She was the first one to call out MB and hard push him, although she backed off when it looked like starz was the lock lynch d1.

Like if she's the last wolf here then they developed a plan to throw her clear because she wasn't going to be able to play much. If so, we might just be ****ed either way, because if she can't play much she's not going to be around as much as we need to figure this out. But of the four in the POE, she's the most clear in my opinion.

Originally Posted by KruZe
binkles, we just played a 21er turbo, i was seer, you were my peeked villager, you lynched me

i ask that you redeem yourself and at least give me a POE pass for this long day, i promise you i am a villager

same with you SGT RJ, just let me survive this day, POE me the next day if we don't nail the wolf on this long day

have some damn faith in villa kruze ffs
We only have two lynches left, none of the four in the POE get a pass.

But you have two days to prove yourself, I'm never voting until we are close to actual EOD tomorrow.
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01-05-2013 , 04:03 PM
I want a pass
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:05 PM
All the villa points I earned this game must be enough to purchase a pass.
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01-05-2013 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert

we're going to have to have a serious talk today with binkles in the event that we get it wrong today because I'm not a wolf. You've ignored basically everything I did today - you know, like hours of rereading a monstrous thread - and just said "well if its not kruze then i guess its jim".

I understand you are naturally skeptical of me. I do. But I have never, ever, ever, taken this line as a wolf. I will spend a few minutes real quick breaking down the things I'd have had to do in order to be a wolf and how ridiculous it is. When bankles comes back I'm confident he will clear me beyond a shadow of a doubt. Like, I hope it's just KruZe, but it's not a lock you know?

In order to be a wolf my play would have had to been to:
- Claim seer on day 1 with a Crossnerd (who would be a villager) villager peek during v/v wagons in an effort to save her. Almost everyone wanted to lynch crossnerd. There is no upside for me to do this. Defend her? Sure that could be for points. Hardclaim seer to save her? Never. It brings questions on why I am still alive the next day. It really brings questions as to why I'm alive if she dies and flips villager.

- On the next day, continue the fake claim by attempting to get LKJ to lolcat. I could fakepeek anyone wolf and try to get them lynched. Yet I chose an actual wolf.

- As the day progresses, push LKJ hard over Crossnerd over and over (constantly vote him, constantly defend her during v/w wagons). Despite having the easiest "welll I didn't die I guess she's a wolf!" out to ensure a villager gets lynched over a wolf, I continue to defend her and vote LKJ over and over.

- LKJ would have to be setting up the Starazz lynch to push me the next day. He on multiple times said he was at me for saying nobody would defend Starazz (he said "except for how you said it right!"). This does not make sense.

- I would have had to be able to have that conversation on day 3 when I thought the game was over. I truthfully don't think I could have done it like that. I legit thought the game was over and was talking like it was postgame. I would have probably done an overreaction OK LETS MAJ BROS? Hard to say for sure.

- What's not hard to say for sure is I would NOT then - as the wolf - come into today mad at starazz, reread the thread, and essentially decide he pretty much has to be villa. Staraz would be pretty much the most important mislynch of the game at this point, with the easiest easiest "welp we gotta lynch you" reason I'll ever have. Instead I'm ignoring it.

- I can assure you I don't spend hours rereading and posting in the thread on my own there going back and forth on everything as a wolf. Seriously, I know its a lot. Go read everything I said last night starting with the interaction. There's not a chance in hell that's a fake thought process sgt. There's just not.

For me to be a wolf I'd have to had passed up on multiple easy mislynches, hard defending one to the degree of claiming seer and still doing it while ignoring a FAKE SEER CLAIM IN THAT SPOT with another. I've put myself in a position to really only think one person can be the wolf here (kruZe) when I'd have the option to keep all 3 of their options open.

I know people say "lol I can't be a wolf" all the time so you ignore it mostly. But I literally, literally can not be a wolf in this game. And I need you to realize it just in case the wolves decided to be extremely bussy.
Well I didn't ignore anything you did today, in point of fact.

And I really do think it almost has to be Kruze at this point, although I now expect him to throw a fit because I'm saying this. Like, he makes the most sense of out anyone. If it's you we're really screwed, we're in slightly better shape if it's crossnerd or starrazz.

I just have a hard time seeing this being starz virgin wolf effort (again, why do the fake seer thing? He was under zero pressure), and Crossnerd doesn't make much sense for reasons I've already said a couple of times.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:06 PM
I dont even remember what my d1 was like but I know it was villagery cuz im villa
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01-05-2013 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
All the villa points I earned this game must be enough to purchase a pass.
Um, no.

Your villa points are basically for tone, not for leading the wagon on a wolf or anything like that. We have four in the POE and only two lynches to burn now because of the mod kill (thanks well named!). Nobody gets a pass, at least not from me.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:07 PM
KruZe, I can't get on your side from what I've read:

Crossnerd pushed monkey day 1 and fought with LKJ. LKJ and Monkey were both voting her near eod. Monkey during the CFD asked noah why not Cross. LKJ was chillin on starazz until monkey caught up tied 4-4-4 and then tried to snipe Crossnerd. On day 2 lkj tried again to lynch crossnerd (I believe annies claim more than jims). Crossnerd came in and explained LKJ should be defending her from hardcore, called him a wolf, and eventually voted him with a qualifier that she'd have preferred hardcore.

Starazz sniped monkey at 4-4-4 wagons iirc, lkj was using starazz flipping villager to push me and crossnerd (does not make sense if starazz is a wolf), switched to starazz at eod 1, remained on starazz when he posted the video despite villagers yelling to get off, monkey asked wtf when starazz sniped him and said he hadn't even mentioned him yet.

Both of them have multiple portions of spew and wagonomics pointing in their favor. The only thing you have is being aggro at everyone early. I need you to convince me why I need to ignore all of these things if you're a villager.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:09 PM
Well I mean binkles gets a pass but that's because I'm not a flaming moron.
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01-05-2013 , 04:09 PM
Alright sgt

Like, clearly I agree with you with both of them not making sense, I'm just saying in the event that something crazy happened I need you to not just sigh vote me at f4 because I'm me
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Alright sgt

Like, clearly I agree with you with both of them not making sense, I'm just saying in the event that something crazy happened I need you to not just sigh vote me at f4 because I'm me
I never snap vote.

But you are you and I can hardly ignore that.

Besides, we have no way of knowing which of us (bankles or me) gets eaten tonight. Who does get chomped should provide some information as well, assuming we aren't in 100% agreement about the lynch order.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:13 PM
Potential explanations for each of them being a wolf:

Crossnerd, knowing she wasn't going to be around and had a small shelf life, just came at monkey and lkj in an effort to make them look good when she died. Her posting has fallen off a cliff, her tone is more resigned since day 2, and apart from the monkey/lkj spats she really hasn't done anything.

Starazz, as a first time wolf, sniped monkey over crossnerd because he was frozen at all the yelling going on at eod, lkj was bussing him, and he spazzed out hard for an unknown reason.

Second one seems rather unlikely :\
first one is plausible, but also unlikely
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:14 PM
As a personal opinion of how something would go down, I feel like if cross were a wolf she'd be subtly trolling me more about defending her for so long
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Um, no.

Your villa points are basically for tone, not for leading the wagon on a wolf or anything like that. We have four in the POE and only two lynches to burn now because of the mod kill (thanks well named!). Nobody gets a pass, at least not from me.
Look back where I left seer cover...I broke up the crossnerd lynch that day and now its coming back to bite me on the ass...why would I do that as a wolf? Surly you can see my seer cover was genuine villa work
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:15 PM
Like I can see a case for it being Crossnerd SPECIFICALLY as a plan because she was going to be so AFK. It just happened to work in reverse - instead of her throwing them clear, they threw her clear.

It's not outside the realm of possibility. It at least makes more sense than this being starz first wolf game.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:16 PM
can someone please post a death chart?
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
Look back where I left seer cover...I broke up the crossnerd lynch that day and now its coming back to bite me on the ass...why would I do that as a wolf? Surly you can see my seer cover was genuine villa work
Which day?
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Which day?
the day before the MAJ on annie i think
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by KruZe
the day before the MAJ on annie i think
D2 then. I'll take a look, but off the top of my head I don't remember you being a key player in breaking up that lynch.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:21 PM
Also deaths:

D1 Lynch - MB (wolf)
N1 Kill - Vix (villa)
D2 Lynch - LKJ (wolf)
N2 Kill - Noah (villa)
D3 Lynch - Annie by MAJ (villa)
N3 Kill - hardcoreUFO (seer)
N3 modkill - well named (villa)
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:24 PM
i believe i quoted it

he claimed crossnerd villa vix villa
quoted the vix peek
and voted for hardcore

and then unclaimed a bit later and said gl crossnerd

it certainly wasnt wolfy
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
i believe i quoted it

he claimed crossnerd villa vix villa
quoted the vix peek
and voted for hardcore

and then unclaimed a bit later and said gl crossnerd

it certainly wasnt wolfy
But was it a primary factor in the Crossnerd wagon falling apart?

I mean I was one of the ones on the nerd wagon, and I remember the primary thing that convinced me was it not making much sense for the two of you to be w/w, which was Hardcore's theory (sexy but wrong). That and LKJ just going dead silent.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:30 PM
i dont think it was a primary factor in it falling apart
i think lkj going into anti spew and noah/anarchist screaming to vote him was the main factor
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:37 PM
It's time!

You know what should rule Jim out as being the wolf? The Noah NK. There was one wolf remaining who had to make that decision. I'm no great shakes at seer hunting, but I do know that you check all the of the peeks to see if that person makes sense.

Noah's two peeks were myself n1 (villa) and...LKJ n0, villa.

The last remaining wolf obviously didn't go back and check this. Outside chance they did and decided he was leveling, but it's far more likely that the last wolf just didn't go back and try to find the n0 peek, only saw the n1 reveal (when Noah dropped his me = villa peek with like 5 minutes left and said goodbye to the thread), and ate him right then and there.

I don't see wolf Jim making an error this basic.

starrazz could, but Crossnerd also makes some sense as she hasn't been paying a ton of attention.
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:39 PM
i saw noah peeked lkj wolf day 1 right before eod, when did he peek him villa?
1/2 HardcoreUFO 10k posts!! Sports Fiesta Vanilla Game Quote
01-05-2013 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
i saw noah peeked lkj wolf day 1 right before eod, when did he peek him villa?
Oh, ****, was it wolf?

Hahaha, let me go back and check.
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