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1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD 1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD

01-19-2012 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
probably, depending on the NK
Of course, hopefully they will kill soah
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Steve Yzerman fan
Where did I say that?
Well, you wanted Anarchist to give thoughts on me. Was just wondering if that meant you were considering me as a wolf candidate
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by soah
If we have "dual wagons" today I am going to pull all of my hair out.

What we are going to do is sit around all day talking and wait for McAvoy to give us his peek and thoughts (if he posts at all, which I'm not sure he will).

Then we are going to continue sitting around talking to make sure seers can get peeks out and give them some cover.

Then we are all going to lynch McAvoy.
Originally Posted by Anarchist
I like when the village gets along
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Nez477
Well, you wanted Anarchist to give thoughts on me. Was just wondering if that meant you were considering me as a wolf candidate
you're 98% villa
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Nez477
Well, you wanted Anarchist to give thoughts on me. Was just wondering if that meant you were considering me as a wolf candidate
I selected that group for a reason and wanted to think what his thoughts were compared to mine. I think we are pretty inline.
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01-19-2012 , 11:52 AM
Last night I see it was confirmed that Roo is a villager, nice to see
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01-19-2012 , 11:54 AM
We lynch


After that I'm not too sure.
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01-19-2012 , 11:57 AM
I expected to wake up and see everyone posting that the nk was super damning for vyk and we need to vote him off asap. But this hasn't happened. Why does everyone think vmf was killed?
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01-19-2012 , 12:00 PM
good morning br0s
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01-19-2012 , 12:02 PM
I've been consistently wrong this game and I dun goofed
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01-19-2012 , 12:02 PM
I don't know how to make sense of the VMF NK, I'll have to check that out.


Is my lynch order at present time. Things can obv changed based on what happens during the night
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:07 PM
As far as the good news goes...

I'm probably the seer

n0 soah villager
n1 stevy villager
n2 nothing
n3 anarchist villager

This is not a hard claim
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by soah
I expected to wake up and see everyone posting that the nk was super damning for vyk and we need to vote him off asap. But this hasn't happened. Why does everyone think vmf was killed?
I actually haven't done my due diligence on that. My initial thought was that it was just a weird nk
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Votes as of post 635
Night in 00:33

3 Fanmail Alrighty roo (36), Knightrunnermat (10), Soah (36)
3 Steve Yzerman Fan VarianceMineField (22), Hotwings18 (4), Nlsoldier (11)
2 Younguns87 Magic_Gazz (56), Steve Yzerman Fan (40)
1 Crossnerd McAvoy (5)
1 Debo9 Younguns87 (33)
1 Knightrunnermat Nez477 (30)
1 McAvoy JimHalpert (44)
1 Nez477 Smooth101 (53)
1 Nlsoldier Vyk07 (137)
1 Smooth101 Fanmail (20)
1 Tehtoes Flytrap (34)
5 not voting CrackedQuads (0), Crossnerd (3), Debo9 (13), Sun Tzu (33), Tehtoes (6)
wolf wagon

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
I cant put my finger on it but something is happening here I dont like. Something about the direction the thread is taking.

I wish I could be more specific, but I havent figured it out myself yet.
mysterious bad feeling

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Grrr, I dont like these wagons right now?

Who is up for a CFD?

Im thinking someone like Sun Tzu ?
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
I think Steve is villa now and I dont like the fanmail wagon. Change it.
steve is a villa but he just doesn't like the fanmail wagon

no reason given

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Have to try someone, I think we are making a mistake here.

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
UGH. I hope im wrong and Fanmail flips wolf, but this isnt looking any better.
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Is this a more realistic target?

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
hotwings isnt the worst choice.
Originally Posted by fanmail
Originally Posted by Tehtoes
Jim, you're the player I'm most confident in right now. Mcavoy is another player i've heard a lot about, but don't really have any solid reads on. Could you describe the differences between his two games for me?

Yeah from my very quick skim at the end, it looks like fanmail hasn't done much of what made him such a good villager in Pokemon, where he had a lot of reads and seemed to make conclusions from his posts.

it's interesting that tehtoes bussed fanmail

Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
fingers crossed
magic was pretty opposed to a fanmail wagon but never called him a villager

I don't see how anyone could think he was villagery anyway

the "I hope I'm wrong about him" and "fingers crossed" comments strike me as pretty wolfy too
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
As far as the good news goes...

I'm probably the seer

n0 soah villager
n1 stevy villager
n2 nothing
n3 anarchist villager

This is not a hard claim

My initial response to this is that you are likely a wolf because if you are a villager this is the dumbest timing for a seer claim ever ever. You aren't getting lynched today, what makes you think you'd be a key nk target tonight?
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Nez477

My initial response to this is that you are likely a wolf because if you are a villager this is the dumbest timing for a seer claim ever ever. You aren't getting lynched today, what makes you think you'd be a key nk target tonight?
my initial response is "why would you peek soah n0?"
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
my initial response is "why would you peek soah n0?"
That too
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Nez477

My initial response to this is that you are likely a wolf because if you are a villager this is the dumbest timing for a seer claim ever ever. You aren't getting lynched today, what makes you think you'd be a key nk target tonight?
what is it with people and seer hunting

you don't comment on the validity of that statement PERIOD

there will be no further discussion
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
my initial response is "why would you peek soah n0?"
you should know better
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Nez477

My initial response to this is that you are likely a wolf because if you are a villager this is the dumbest timing for a seer claim ever ever. You aren't getting lynched today, what makes you think you'd be a key nk target tonight?
the timing is fine for a soft claim

it's d4 of a 21er with both seers alive, everyone should be leaving clear hints today
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
Will catch up later when I get home. Haven't read EOD yet apart from the reveal, at least one wolf must have outed themselves in that CFD. Jim's NK was probably an SPK but looking for peeks has value anyway as it's likely he nailed a couple of wolves.
his wolves were smooth, magic and mcavoy
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by vyk07
you should know better
I do know better

and so should you
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
I do know better

and so should you
puff puff pass
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
They say third time's the charm!

New strategy.

NLSoldier = Villager

GL everyone!
I don't think she's mentioned soldier at all since this post.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Hi guys!!

Seering is easy! Roo, welcome to the village!
She 'peeks' roo, which is interesting considering how much she pushes him later on.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I liked this vote, but there wasn't any explanation

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
He has been utr in recent games. I'm not sure if he's trying to mix up his meta or what, but in the past couple of long games I've played with him, he's been mislynched as a utr vanillager.

Not sure if that makes it more or less likely he's a wolf now... Ugh
This is in regards to McAvoy. Slightly wolfy because of what we know now.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I can get on board with this.

Vyk said he was so out of it on pain killers yesterday that he wasn't posting normally. Today his tone is the same as when he was on painkillers, only he is capable of driving to work.

I also don't see the value in a lot of his posts, and am not following his through processes. Maybe he can explain better, with a tad less cursing or whatevs..

Here she votes Vyk. Her thoughts on him were similar to mine. Villa points for this.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I propose younguns as a good counterwagon, thoughts on that?
Here she pushes YG as a counter wagon to fanmail, but doesn't give an explanation why.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I think you might be right that Mac is a wolf here.

Last game I peeked all power roles and wolves. That's not what I'm going for this game
Here she acknowledges that mac might be a wolf. Villa points for this.
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
On the iPad right now, will do it when I switch to the laptop.

For villas right now I have

The 'you' is VMF I believe. She again lists roo as a villa.
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I agree that vyk is wolfy, I pointed out yesterday that while he entered the thread raging about utr's dialing it in and ruining the game, he has not been putting pressure or voting for utr's.

He also said the first day when he got a little heat that he was posting irregularly due to medication, yet the next day he was posting the same way while sober enough to drive to work.

I feel good putting a vote on vyk for now.
This is in response to VMF wondering why there wasn't a vyk wagon. Villa points for voting vyk here.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I'm willing to follow you today soah, is db305 your top choice for lynch? who is your second choice?
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
mcavoy until further notice
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I already said today vyk is wolfy, I thought I already voted him once today too until soah said he would rather not lynch vyk and preferred mac, so I sponged soah and voted for mac as well.

I think its a good idea for mac to enter the thread with a little heat anyway, his eod yesterday defending fanmail was suspect, but as someone already said here I can see a scenario where he does that as a villager. I will obv make up my own mind once he posts some more.
sponging soah, which was way +ev for a villa to do at that point, but a wolf could do it too. Slight villa points for that.
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
sun is a wolf imo
No explanation for this.
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Roo, you're a wolf this game and that makes me sad
Now she calls roo a wolf. No explanation for the complete 180 on Roo.
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I'm looking for recognition or ignorance of said mistakes, like I said I think roo is prob a wolf here
Calls roo a wolf again, because of mistakes he made. Which mistakes? I haven't read roo thoroughly so I'm not sure what she is referencing
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
soul read wolf team- roo, mac, db, sun
Calls roo and sun wolves again, still no explanation on Sun.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Can we lynch roo now?
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
can we please to be lynching roo now?
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Asks over and over to lynch roo, never an explanation as to why it's a good idea.

Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Yg, I had you as wolfy and suggested a counter wagon on you the night fanmail died, which nearly cost us the fantail lynch, and now as opposing wagon again to another wolf I agree with you that for now you can go in the villager

Ftw, I remember soah having teethes as a wolf before you had basaint as a wolf, did you have tehtoes as a wolf too?
As far as I can see, her only pushing of yg was to vote him. She never really made a case on him. She didn't vote YG at EoD, however, which would have been a really easy thing to do as a wolf, since she did vote him earlier in the game, and EoD was so chaotic.
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Top villas-

Crossnerd obv

Would like to lynch-

Having YG but not me as villas makes no sense, but it's a mistake a villager could make.

Conclusion: She's probably a villa, not voting YG, assuming YG is a villa, is probably the best evidence. It does bother me that she pushed Sun and Roo with seemingly little explanation. If YG flips wolf, her vote would look wolfier, but we would need to re-evaluate a lot of people then. She is certainly not a candidate for lynch today, and the game will probably be over long before she would become one.
1/16 Vanilla South Park GAME THREAD Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by magic_gazz

Oh mac, why have you been such a lazy villa? Its prob too late to save yourself now.
Can you explain what you meant and what you were thinking here? (For both halves.)
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