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01-06-2013 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Sonmi-451
your definition of softpush appears to include both "x hasn't posted yet?" and "here is a detailed reason why this person is wolfy, with quotes, then another reason, and then a vote"

you may want to refine that
Correct, "softpush" to me is in the "lack of power and conviction" that the post projects.

"X hasnt posted?" Go and check if he has instead of asking, it also acts as a springboard for people to start discussing x.

Your Sally post is kinda good observation wise with his peeks and such, but you dont seem to be wanting any answers or explanations. You are throwing it out there in a way that to me seems like "hey, i was on him to".

Also the "crickets" ending is bad.
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01-06-2013 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Sonmi-451
a wolf wouldn't have answered the question

there was a convenient excuse right there for him: it's potentially not allowed

the idea is that it couldn't have been as apparent as it seemed, because you would have died

and you didn't die

so it probably wasn't right

so I didn't pursue it
My identity can be apparant to some and not to others...
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01-06-2013 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by MOVIENIGHT

Sally is wagoned day 2, i think he has 4 votes. I think JarJar is on 2 votes. Saul enters and votes guybrush?

Can you look that part up and talk to me about it because i cant see guybrush being a wolf because of it.
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Votes as of post 576
Night in 05:25

4 spreadeaglesally MOVIENIGHT (54), GuybrushThreepwood (28), Jarjar Binkles (12), Sonmi-451 (15)
2 Jarjar Binkles Lost Wolf (9), spreadeaglesally (14)
1 GuybrushThreepwood Hand of God (2)
4 not voting plingplongplang (0), Saul Berenson (1), SGT ARRR JAY (2), SoftcoreUFO (0)

Stop talking about who people might be, this is a warning
Originally Posted by Saul Berenson
guybrush ?

i didn't think he was wolf d1.
saul's vote puts it at 4/2/2

guybrush isn't in danger when saul votes him

Originally Posted by Lost Wolf

I think I prefer sally but I'm not sure how close we are to majority
he is in danger when lw votes him, that's 4/3/2

not saul

I don't really think that in particular is clearing

looks good for him in a general "got voted by a wolf" way, nothing stands out about it imo
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by MOVIENIGHT
Correct, "softpush" to me is in the "lack of power and conviction" that the post projects.

"X hasnt posted?" Go and check if he has instead of asking, it also acts as a springboard for people to start discussing x.

Your Sally post is kinda good observation wise with his peeks and such, but you dont seem to be wanting any answers or explanations. You are throwing it out there in a way that to me seems like "hey, i was on him to".

Also the "crickets" ending is bad.

i was the first one on him, maybe 2nd

as far as I'm concerned, everyone else is the "hey I was on him too" category

>>ftr it was obviously meant to point out the fact that he hadn't posted. of course I could have checked myself
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01-06-2013 , 09:48 AM
and the crickets ending is great
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01-06-2013 , 09:50 AM
if I were actually the wolf, I think I'd be on the verge of an anneurysm by some of the arguments you're using to call me a wolf

as it is, I'm just sort of amused
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01-06-2013 , 09:52 AM
Yeah but Saul is a wolf, his wolf buddy is lead wagon, a villager is second wagon.

Why would you ever get your second wolf bro into the discussion, at this point of the day a wolf lynch is far from certain. It just seems so completly bad, lowering the odds of a villa lynch.
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01-06-2013 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Sonmi-451
saul's vote puts it at 4/2/2

guybrush isn't in danger when saul votes him

he is in danger when lw votes him, that's 4/3/2

not saul

I don't really think that in particular is clearing

looks good for him in a general "got voted by a wolf" way, nothing stands out about it imo
of course, this still doesn't explain why saul voted him, if guybrush is a wolf

the question is, did saul think guybrush was in danger of getting lynched that day

also if saul was really planning on throwing in the towel as much as he did, he'd be pretty spew-conscious from the getgo. like, "I have no wim, might as well bus before i stop posting and die". it's at least a possibility
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01-06-2013 , 09:56 AM
idk why saul would do it to a wolf bro, could be a hundred things

also it being suboptimal wolf play is totally not a reason that somnone would not do it

ppl bus way too much in general imo
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01-06-2013 , 10:21 AM
My thinking is more lvl 1 , Saul has 2 option, bus or not bus. He sees that JarJar isnt taking of and makes Guybrush a valid option. I am sorry but I do not get how that is likely w/w or could be "hundreds of things".

Also your post about being amused by my ******ation feels off aswell, i think the general player would be pissed as a villa and more understanding as a wolf, i know its player dependent but i dont have the luxery of knowing who you are.
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01-06-2013 , 10:38 AM
I am pretty set on you somni, i will reread one last time in a few hours thou. However if there is a zero percent chance that you will be the lynch i guess i will have to chose between lost wolf and guybrush. So if you are a villager and have some fight left, focus on making sure that lw and guybrush wont vote you, i am beyond the point of tunneling.
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01-06-2013 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by GuybrushThreepwood
we dont talk, you push and thats it

your a wolf
n1 peek movie

i also had a comment that could have looked like a cheese n1 peek that i was gonna use as backup
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 11:06 AM
havent finished reading all this but re: lost wolf

if he's a wolf, he knows that all 3 of us have a lot going for us and have been villagey. given that, he can't come in here being all wishy-washy or his strategy will be see through and he gets lynched. so he plays it like he did and says he needs to be in the poe etc. idk where he is today, maybe its irl stuff or maybe he got discouraged when i came out guns blazing at him or some combo of both.

ill bbl
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01-06-2013 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by GuybrushThreepwood
n1 peek movie

i also had a comment that could have looked like a cheese n1 peek that i was gonna use as backup
in case this isnt clear

i peeked lost wolf=wolf on n1

i didnt peek movie
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 11:36 AM

i was thinking that on the slight chance that sonmi is a wolf here he would come in and try to get me mislynched over lost wolf since jarjar voted me and lost wolf is an easier mislynch at f3.
he left the door open for doing that
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01-06-2013 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Sonmi-451
idk why saul would do it to a wolf bro, could be a hundred things

also it being suboptimal wolf play is totally not a reason that somnone would not do it

ppl bus way too much in general imo
this logic doesnt really make sense. what am i supposed to make of "ppl bus way too much in general"? the question is whether saul busses me or sally if we are the wolf team. if im a wolf then sally gets lynched there like always so saul votes sally. if we are bussing we should both bus the same person to try and get us both clear.
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01-06-2013 , 11:44 AM
i still think its like 90% lost wolf but sonmi is making this difficult
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 12:38 PM
sonmi had a number of contradictions in his posting that concern me today
like he's leaning toward lost wolf being a villa because his strategy would have been woat
but he's not clearing me for sauls vote because wolves do suboptimal things all the time
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 12:40 PM
my strategy as a wolf should also make no sense to him because I left lost wolf as my only option
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01-06-2013 , 12:52 PM
wat i know is that i tend to overestimate my reads at endgame
i will then read the thread with those reads already in mind and confirm my bias which is wat i may have done

reading sonmis posts again i dont think there is anything clearing

and i hate pretty much everything he posted today
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01-06-2013 , 12:54 PM
theres also the question of whether or not lost wolf asking for pling & saul wagons when sally has 4 votes and looks like the inevitable lynch is twtbaw
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01-06-2013 , 12:56 PM
if i forget the assumption that lost wolf wanted to get me lynched because i had good reads,

then lost wolfs play there is actually villagey the day sally got lynched

that first assumption may be somewhat ridiculous anyway
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 01:07 PM
i think its sonmi and he sort of fell into a trap

jarjar votes me, lost wolf will have to vote me to avoid getting lynched and then sonmi will vote me. then sonmi has easier path to victory at f3

everything he posted has the agenda of getting me lynched
i absolutely hate his reasoning on lost wolf

that comment "ppl bus way too much" is awful and its not even relevant to this situation
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-06-2013 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Sonmi-451

on your LW mq, the most impassioned parts and ensuing points re: the conversation you delve into in ever so much detail are sort of pointless not knowing your role. Or being someone else besides you. And it sort of takes away from your supposedly objective account of the scenario when you say things about how LW saw how great you were playing while being the lead wagon on d1, thought to himself "man this guy is going to own us, i need to get him lynched", and proceeded to try to get you lynched for the next 2 game days. Do people actually wolf like that?
this is true and you are right that ppl probably don't actually wolf like this.

so that means u r the wolf
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