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1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game 1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game

12-31-2012 , 09:54 PM
POG General Werewolf Rules
For more details, please see Werewolf Rules And Etiquette
  • As long as the game is ongoing, you may only talk about the game inside the game thread
  • You may only post in the game thread when it is DAY
  • You may only post when you are alive
  • If you have a role which allows you to communicate outside the game thread, then you may do so only when allowed by your role, and only with individuals specified by your role
  • You may not edit or delete posts in the game thread for any reason at any time
  • You may not quote, post screenshots of, or directly refer to private communications from the mod in a way that conveys the specific form or exact composition of the message
  • You are expected to participate
  • You are expected to be familiar with the rules, and you are expected to abide by them even if you think they are incorrect
  • You are expected to behave civilly

Werewolf is a game about lying and catching people lying. It's an adversarial game and arguments between players are normal and expected. Passion and Intensity are fine but excessively personal attacks or insults are not. Even in a werewolf game you must respect the forum rules about civility. Failure to do so may cause you to be infracted or temp banned, and repeated problems may get you perma-banned.

Werewolf is also a community and team-based game. While there are many styles and strategies and reasons for playing and you may choose your own, you are expected to be respectful of the time and energy others put in as players and as moderators. You are expected to play to win. Intentionally sabotaging your team, or choosing strategies with the sole purpose of trolling other players in the game is not allowed.
The Setup


Each day, each player is allowed (and encouraged) to vote to lynch a player. To do so, type the name of the player in bold; if you want to be sure the moderator sees it, you could be so kind as to write something like "vote: Zurvan", but it is not required.You may abbreviate the name of the player, provided it is clear to other players (and the moderator) whom you mean.

You may remove your vote by posting "unvote". You may change your vote simply by voting the new player; you do not need to unvote.

At the end of the scheduled game day, the player with the most votes is lynched, and his role revealed in the thread. If two or more players are tied for the most votes, one of the tied players is chosen randomly by the moderator.

When Majority Lynch is in effect, if at any time during the day any player has a majority the possible votes on him (e.g., with nine players alive, five or more is a majority), the day ends immediately and that player is lynched. Any player who believes a player has reached majority should post "night", and all other posting should cease while the vote count is confirmed.
Day and Night Times
All times give are server time, which is also Eastern Standard Time.

I will open the thread every morning by posting "It is day." You may not post in the thread until I have made the morning post. Day will usually start at 6 AM

Day lasts until 9 PM. Posting at 9:00 PM is acceptable, and votes with that time stamp will be counted. Posting after that, even just a minute after, is not acceptable, even if I have not yet declared it night by posting "It is night." Do not post in the thread at any time, for any reason, between the end of the day and the opening of the thread the next morning.

Weekends are different: There is not "night" Saturday night -- the thread remains open from Saturday morning until Sunday evening. There is no scheduled Saturday night lynch.

Wolf Chat
Wolves may communicate with each other by any means they desire at any time during this game
The Roster
Saul Berenson
Lost Wolf
Hand of God
Jarjar Binkles
Lynch This
Questions and Confirmation
Any questions regarding the rules should be submitted to the moderator by PM ONLY



Last edited by ShipItUp; 12-31-2012 at 10:07 PM.
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
12-31-2012 , 10:02 PM
Rules you MUST KNOW to avoid penalties:

You may NOT post or quote any part of your PM. Do not mention PM's whatsoever.

You may NOT discuss reasons for subbing/substitutions should they occur.

You may NOT discuss direct communications with the moderator.

You may NOT make any posts at Night.

You may make ONE and only ONE dead post provided it includes NO game content.

You may NOT angleshoot. If you're not sure, don't do it.

You may not spam gifs/videos during this game. Please limit yourself wrt spam. Excessive spamming will receive a mod warning.

You may NOT discuss the game with other players outside of the game thread unless specified in your PM.

You may NOT ask moderator questions in the thread. All questions must be PMed.

You MUST post AT LEAST ONCE a day to avoid being subbed/modkilled.

Report any in-thread infractions via PM to the Game Moderator, NOT the Green Mods. Infractions of a personal nature, however, will be sent to the Greens for further review.


1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
12-31-2012 , 10:03 PM
Rules Specific to This Game

-Do not out your real identity to anyone in or out of the thread, doing so will result in an immediate modkill
-Wolves will get to send me a PM every night until a day with MAJ lynch with a guess at what one persons true identity is, if they are correct that person will die. So make sure to not post in your obvious posting style
-I would advise you to use a different browser than normal for your gimmick, and to change your forum skin on the account so as to minimize mix ups
-If you accidentally post on your real account, delete it as soon as possible and PM me. -If you see someone else post on their real account, please PM me.
-Do NOT talk about who someones true identity might be in thread

If you have any questions about anything I've said so far PM me.



Last edited by ShipItUp; 12-31-2012 at 10:14 PM.
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
12-31-2012 , 10:06 PM
13 players

Saul Berenson
Lost Wolf
Hand of God
Jarjar Binkles
Lynch This

9 of you were invited to this New Years Party.

3 of you are crashing it.

1 of you is the Host and can tell the difference


1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
12-31-2012 , 10:09 PM
Make sure that you have your pm's enabled. To do this go to

My 2+2 (In the Top Left)
User Control Panel
Group Memberships (5th option down)
Join POG Messages

I will have a mod enable those for all of you.

Thread will be open at around midnight


1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:00 AM
A friendly reminder to make sure that your on your gimmick before you post and to make sure that you have a way to differentiate between your actual account and gimmick account (Whether it be different skins for each account or different browsers for each). It's very important that you don't post on your actual account in this game.
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:01 AM

Happy New Year!
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:01 AM
Former U.S. Senator William Harrison "Bill" Frist, Sr., M.D. (R-TN)

Saul Berenson
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:03 AM
Lynch This
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by SGT ARRR JAY
Lynch This
SGT ARRR JAY wolfy start
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:07 AM
actually mine was a villagery start, because i'm a villager

get it?
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by SGT ARRR JAY
actually mine was a villagery start, because i'm a villager

get it?
Every time you start like that you turned out to be a wolf. You cannot escape your record. That is what I "get."
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:11 AM
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Lynch This
Every time you start like that you turned out to be a wolf. You cannot escape your record. That is what I "get."
i have 3 posts, wtf you talkin bout
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
You may not spam gifs/videos during this game
Originally Posted by MOVIENIGHT
2 bizzy woalfchattin 2 read da rulez

1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by SGT ARRR JAY
i have 3 posts, wtf you talkin bout
I reed between ur postz tho ~ movienight > Sarge > Saul ezgame iz simpuhl
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:22 AM
n0 peek if im da seer - a very gay man iz a woalf

1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Lynch This
2 bizzy woalfchattin 2 read da rulez

What rule are you talking about?
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:24 AM
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by MOVIENIGHT
What rule are you talking about?
reed da mq woalf
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by Lynch This
Every time you start like that you turned out to be a wolf. You cannot escape your record. That is what I "get."
Sounds like you are implying identity, dont.
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by Sonmi-451
i no rite
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:26 AM
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by MOVIENIGHT
Sounds like you are implying identity, dont.
u r totl fail, u dont reed rulez AAANNNDDD u dont get a joak
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
01-01-2013 , 01:30 AM
MOVIENIGHT (get very gay l8r ldo)

strictly toan reed
1/1 New Years Party Vanilla Gimmick Game Quote
