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PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation

08-26-2010 , 03:29 PM
Signed! I did because I wouldn't want the same thing to happen in my own state but I do not believe that would happen. I hope CA and other states that oppose will see the error of their ways and support HR2267.
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 03:33 PM
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 04:00 PM
Signed. It said join 1699 PPA members who signed. Does that mean I'm number 1700 to sign? Do I win a prize?
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 04:10 PM
Signed. Up to 1795
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 04:26 PM
Signed and Dugg!
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 05:08 PM
Signed, dugg, tweeted and a phone call soon.
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 05:26 PM
08-26-2010 , 05:27 PM
Signed. Once again I am not surprised at how some people are afraid of competition.
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 05:30 PM
Almost 2500!

Join the pros above and the other 2407 PPA Members who have signed the letter so far.
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 05:44 PM
My prediction on how many letters will be signed: (I'm sorry. I can't help myself. XD!)

Last edited by MrAce777; 08-26-2010 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Correction!
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 05:51 PM

No longer will I lose large sums of money to Commerce with "my blackjack betting system" which I am too stubborn to give up on.

Will just go to Bicycle instead when in LA.
Glad I got wind of this.
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 06:36 PM
signed, emailed
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 06:36 PM
Signed, emailed
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 07:29 PM
signed , emailed
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 07:40 PM
Someone just replied to my Facebook posting with the following:

Check out the DM I got After I sent My tweet
... Direct from CommerceCasino:
I think ppl r jumping on the bandwagon here without looking at the facts. u can read Tom Malkasian's statements here:
LOL. The linked article has no information that we're not sharing here. It's just as bad. In fact, here's the relevant section in its entirety:

Tom Malkasian, the owner of Commerce Casino, a poker club outside Los Angeles, urged the bill be scrapped. Rep. Joe Baca, D-Calif., echoed Malkasian.

Baca said legalizing Internet gambling "will create problems for California and its economic recovery. It does nothing to protect American jobs."

Malkasian challenged estimates that as much as $42 billion could be raised over 10 years in taxes on the online industry. He said the estimates are based on the assumption that all online gaming companies would agree to be based in the United States.

Malkasian said companies outside the United States that have been offering online gaming illegally should not be licensed.

"They have built brand-name recognition and a strong customer base at the expense of American casinos and Indian tribes, who would have been shut down had they engaged in the same activities," he said.

"If Congress were ever to decide to legalize marijuana, certainly no one would suggest that the first federal permits to sell it should go to the Tijuana drug cartel since they have the most money and experience in marketing and distributing the product," he said.
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 08:27 PM
You can follow the Twitter discussion on Commerce here:

Some Tweets:

barrygreenstein: People are upset that the commerce casino had a representative testify against online poker.

ppapoker: > 3K have signed the letter 2 @CommerceCasino urging them 2 support the online #poker bill. Sign, call &email

pokerjoe: Top Poker Pros Unite Against Commerce Casino Stance On Poker ...: Reacting to testimony by the vice chairman of th...

PokerKy: Update: PPA Action Alert: Profits Before Players at the Commerce Casino?

gambling911: Commerce Casino Comes Under Fire For Stance on Internet Poker Bill: Over 120 poker players have signed a le...

howardhlederer: Tell @CommerceCasino to support #poker players & change their position on HR2267- the online poker bill http://*******/aZZxND
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 08:29 PM
done, done
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 08:51 PM
New Twitter posts from Commerce, I don't get it... they ask us to email them.

# Support regulation of online poker. Keep American money and jobs at home. Email us - #poker 4 minutes ago via web

# Commerce Club is committed to protecting poker players. Find out how. Email us 7 minutes ago via web

# Unregulated illegal poker sites don’t protect U.S. players. Don’t be vulnerable. More Info Email us: 9 minutes ago via web
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Uglyowl
New Twitter posts from Commerce, I don't get it... they ask us to email them.

# Support regulation of online poker. Keep American money and jobs at home. Email us - #poker 4 minutes ago via web

# Commerce Club is committed to protecting poker players. Find out how. Email us 7 minutes ago via web

# Unregulated illegal poker sites don’t protect U.S. players. Don’t be vulnerable. More Info Email us: 9 minutes ago via web
This looks like more of their same old line: offshore sites are illegal, take way American jobs and shouldn't be licensed, so oppose HR 2267. It's their red herring to get the federal bill deep-sixed so they can run with their monopolistic intrastate bill instead.
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 09:18 PM
08-26-2010 , 09:40 PM
It sure looks like we're have a great effect on Commerce Casino.

The only question now is this. Do they just not get what we're talking about, or do they think that we're so stupid that we don't understand what they're talking about?
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 09:41 PM
Signed and email sent!
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 09:59 PM
Signed, email sent. Don't have a Facebook or Twitter so I can't do those, but maybe I'll write them a letter and make a phone call.

If they don't back down I will never set foot inside their establishment. Without online poker my life would be vastly different for the worse.
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 10:42 PM
I just sent them a Tweet:

@CommerceCasino Online #poker players do not owe you their money. You want my business? Earn it by offering a competitive service!
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
08-26-2010 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by PrettyVacant
It sure looks like we're have a great effect on Commerce Casino.

The only question now is this. Do they just not get what we're talking about, or do they think that we're so stupid that we don't understand what they're talking about?
The Commerce can certainly change their mind, but I doubt their sincerity.

The Commerce is in the customer service business in a very competitive SoCal market. They are not the only game in town. The next action should be a stand up and leave protest.

Essential elements should include:

At least one person per table at every level. Ideally, sitting 4 or more at a table would cause the table to shut or play short. Either a shut or a short table reduces rake.

Sychronized or cascading stand ups? Synchronized would have an immediate effect, but cascading stand ups may have a longer duration and would alleviate lines at the cage (unless everyone just walked their chips). I wonder if enough chips of a certain denomination could cause problems?

Exiting the building will need to be thought out in order to minimize potential conflict. The parking lot is filmed, which would help if something happens. Perhaps parking at a remote site or boarding a bus would allow a smoother getaway.

Educational sessions where PPA members would sit and talk about the Commerce's position and hand out chips with the website. Everyone will take a chip. Brochures tend to get left behind.
PPA and Top Poker Pros to Commerce Casino: Stop Opposing Online Poker Legislation Quote
