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***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** ***Official Group Protest Organization Thread***

04-28-2011 , 11:49 AM
^^^^^ Just so you know, this is going to be an outing where we pass out flyers and have people fill out questionnaires. It won't be exactly a protest with the signs and yelling. We'll be educating and recruiting. You are absolutely welcome to join us!

The big protest in D.C. won't happen for awhile. We can definitely have some smaller ones beforehand, but our numbers are just too small so far.

We plan on actively recruiting and growing our membership as we pass out flyers and maybe hold events / demonstrations. also, we need to try to recruit people we know- you all know probably at least two people who would join if you ask them!

edit: I'm putting a sign up sheet for the D.C. event on the weekend of the 6th-8th up on lj. We can discuss everything there.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-28-2011 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
I'm glad to see some action here. It's encouraging.

So, is anyone here is willing to go to D.C. to protest? If so, I think it's something we should consider.
How many people do you think you could get in person?

If you could get a decent sized group I would come. I loved my trip last time. Since then I have gotten a divorce, quit my job, bought a fine "mobile estate" and have a new girlfriend...

We disagree on what online poker should look like, but I think you will agree that we need to have online poker first, then wrangle over the details. (Umbiguous legal poker classified as a skill game - like golf - would be awesome)

Let us know.

***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-28-2011 , 03:35 PM
The master contact list is finished, still waiting on a few responses but thanks to everyone who responded. Aura has the contact list as well.

Thanks everybody.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-28-2011 , 06:00 PM
The live journal site looks great. This is really going to help us stay more organized, efficient, and it'll be easier for new group members to get involved. Well done to those who contributed to it.

I look forward to helping spread our views. I just PM'd my contact info to the PokerGrinder.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-28-2011 , 06:04 PM
I have a website with about 1600 users in the pacific northwest. If you provide me with your information I will keep the users updated and provide dates and times for them.

***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-28-2011 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by caliberone
I have a website with about 1600 users in the pacific northwest. If you provide me with your information I will keep the users updated and provide dates and times for them.

FABULOUS!! (and thanks)

Our website: http://goipp.********.com/

The group tweets can be followed on Twitter @goipp

A Facebook page is in progress, also.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-28-2011 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Tuff_Fish
How many people do you think you could get in person?

If you could get a decent sized group I would come. I loved my trip last time. Since then I have gotten a divorce, quit my job, bought a fine "mobile estate" and have a new girlfriend...

We disagree on what online poker should look like, but I think you will agree that we need to have online poker first, then wrangle over the details. (Umbiguous legal poker classified as a skill game - like golf - would be awesome)

Let us know.

I'd come up as well if we could get enough people.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-29-2011 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Tuff_Fish
How many people do you think you could get in person?
That's what I'm trying to ascertain by asking here.

If you could get a decent sized group I would come.

I loved my trip last time. Since then I have gotten a divorce, quit my job, bought a fine "mobile estate" and have a new girlfriend...
That's what I get for meeting your now ex-wife and visiting you at the office. Now I have to go to CA again to get caught up??

J/K....I wish you luck with the big life changes.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-29-2011 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by caliberone
I have a website with about 1600 users in the pacific northwest. If you provide me with your information I will keep the users updated and provide dates and times for them.

Thank you! Maybe you could ask them if they want to start or join a group? Would you like to start/join one? It would be nice to have more groups in your area.

Thanks for the exposure!
Originally Posted by bkballgame
I'd come up as well if we could get enough people.
Well, frankly, we don't have that many so far which is why we need more people to join (obv).

Would you like to help by starting or joining a group? Would you help us grow so that you could feel it's worth it to come?

TheEngineer: I'm not sure what to make of your posts itt. Odd, to say the least. It would be nice to know what your intentions are.

Do you want to start or join a group?

We don't have a Kentucky group... yet.

Let's keep up the momentum!

Get the word out, and be ready for action!
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-29-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by WestSideVB
The live journal site looks great. This is really going to help us stay more organized, efficient, and it'll be easier for new group members to get involved. Well done to those who contributed to it.

I look forward to helping spread our views. I just PM'd my contact info to the PokerGrinder.
Thank you!

.... and thanks to the people who have joined lj.

We still need the rest of you on there, please

Also, let's get some action in the rooms. The VA group is the only one really discussing things.

Don't forget that we need some content for the flyers and questionnaires.

I'm gonna be crazy busy until Wednesday, but I'll be able to quickly pop into 2+2 and lj and stuff.

This means that we need some real contributions from our group members!!!!!!!!

Please add some content in the flyer & questionnaire threads on lj. Any other action on lj would be great as well.


Flyer thread HERE

Questionnaire thread HERE

Discussion & sign up for the D.C. flyer pass out on either next weekend or the following one HERE

pokergrinder and I have been working tirelessly on this, so we need you to pick up some of the slack!

***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-29-2011 , 07:52 PM
Welcome, bkballgame!

bkballgame has started the Ohio group, a new thread in the lj community, and also posted in the talking points thread!

He also suggests this: "I think we should focus on townhall meetings. Protests are nice but you need thousands of people ...
With townhalls you do not need nearly as many people to make yourself heard. Some congressional townnhalls get less than 75 people. The more people you can get to go the better b/c the more likely one of you will get chosen to ask a question and the more support your message appears to have. But I think showing up at these meetings lets represenatives know that not only will we not not vote for someone that opposes ipoker legislation, but that we will actively work against that person being elected. The latter is far more important."
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-30-2011 , 12:57 AM
Joined live journal, just need to figure how it is being used now.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-30-2011 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by aura
Welcome, bkballgame!

bkballgame has started the Ohio group, a new thread in the lj community, and also posted in the talking points thread!

He also suggests this: "I think we should focus on townhall meetings. Protests are nice but you need thousands of people ...
With townhalls you do not need nearly as many people to make yourself heard. Some congressional townnhalls get less than 75 people. The more people you can get to go the better b/c the more likely one of you will get chosen to ask a question and the more support your message appears to have. But I think showing up at these meetings lets represenatives know that not only will we not not vote for someone that opposes ipoker legislation, but that we will actively work against that person being elected. The latter is far more important."
Welcome bkballgame. I agree townhalls are useful. I've seen protests with about 100 people (or less) receive media coverage, so I'm still hopeful.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-30-2011 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by KZMU
Joined live journal, just need to figure how it is being used now.
Okay, all you need to do now is to go here:

and join the community. Then you can add comments to any threads you wish.

Just click on "journal entries" and then browse the threads.

The Washington State group thread is here.

You're the only member from Washington State, so we need to get more members to join!
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
04-30-2011 , 11:20 AM
Tennessee group started- submitted from the website!

***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-01-2011 , 04:26 PM
Nevada group started! Submitted on GOIPP website.


Come on, people! There's plenty to be done! We need you to help us grow our membership!

Help by adding content to one of the lj threads!

Join in on the discussions on lj!
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-01-2011 , 11:58 PM

There's a DOJ oversight meeting on Tuesday, May 3rd at 10:30a.m. at the Rayburn House Office Building in D.C.

Here's a map:

The PPA is going to have some of its members protesting with pro-poker tshirts on. We have been invited to join them!

So we need you to go!

Anyone in the D.C. area who is able to go must go! I know our ranks are small so far, but we should be able to get a few people out there!

People in Philly, VA, D.C. and surrounding areas- this is your first chance to take action!

I'll give you more info as I receive it.

Even if you can't go, try to get others to go! We need a presence over there, so they know we're not effing around!
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-02-2011 , 07:30 AM
Great job team!

I also started a thread announcing the DOJ meeting (DOJ OVERSIGHT MEETING re Poker) and our efforts and information.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-02-2011 , 10:44 AM
I have been talking up possible actions with people in my poker league. They, like me, are willing to take action to convey our desire to play poker. We've been talking about handing out fliers, talking with people, and maybe setting up a game in a public place like a mall.

Do not send people to fly airplanes into the side of buildings which are in a city that has a statue I call liberty. We will kill you. I bought the whole bar a round. Osama bin...Dead. Yatzee
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-02-2011 , 11:12 AM
I could help you guys with getting up a much better site. Could whoever is in charge of the current one PM me? Thanks!
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-02-2011 , 02:28 PM
^^^^^ Thanks!

.... and great job, WestSideVB!!!

More info on tomorrow..... just received. By the way... sorry for the short notice, but we just found out about this late last night.

New info from the PPA-

Date: May 3, 2011
Time: 10:15am. I’m asking folks that wish to attend to arrive around 9:30am
Place: Rayburn HOB
Meeting Place: Rayburn HOB Horse Shoe side entrance
Parking: Limited metered parking on D,C and 1st
Metro: Capitol South

Glad to see some people going! Let's get more!

edit: We had six people join through the website last night!

CO group started

New Texas group member

New NY group member

New FL group member

HI group started

New NC group member


Last edited by aura; 05-02-2011 at 02:52 PM.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-02-2011 , 02:53 PM
I'll post this by itself so people don't miss it.

More info on tomorrow..... just received. By the way... sorry for the short notice, but we just found out about this late last night.

New info from the PPA-

Date: May 3, 2011
Time: 10:15am. I’m asking folks that wish to attend to arrive around 9:30am
Place: Rayburn HOB
Meeting Place: Rayburn HOB Horse Shoe side entrance
Parking: Limited metered parking on D,C and 1st
Metro: Capitol South

Glad to see some people going! Let's get more!
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:09 AM
I am working on recruiting for our cause.

Seems like I live on FB right now scouring posts to find proactive and angry players. We have had some positive results.

Also, looking at youtube videos and contacting the person to join our cause.

Also trying to work on a logo, but I don't have photoshop, so I'm gonna play around with an alternative program I have.

Even if your state group is small, please promote the website: http://goipp.********.com/

Also, I found our tweets in the twitter section (at the bottom) of an online publication. See News, Views and Gossip from SW19:

Aura sends tweets under the organization name: Twitter @goipp
I send tweets under Twitter@ USAPokergrinder

Last edited by pokergrinder; 05-03-2011 at 10:16 AM. Reason: insert info
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-03-2011 , 03:57 PM
Wow. it has been a busy day in the online community regarding the DOJ oversight hearing.

If you don't know already, see the DOJ Oversight Hearing Thread for PPA links to youtube videos.
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
05-04-2011 , 05:17 PM
All, I call your attention to this thread I started in the Fight for Poker Rights (PPA) forum.

John A. Pappas
Executive Director, PPA
***Official Group Protest Organization Thread*** Quote
