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Politics unchained/ p7.0 closed Politics unchained/ p7.0 closed

08-15-2017 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
theres no point in posting in that forum, everytime I make a post I get gangbanged by a dozen people and then I'm afraid to respond in kind lest I get punished by the overlords
What are you afraid of? A temp ban?
08-15-2017 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Many short pages later...
it's fine everybody relax
08-15-2017 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by 6ix

I'm fairly certain spank's posting from 3ish years ago had little to do with the nazi infestation of today.

That is like the forum equivalent of "this is why trump won!"

The answer is always "the nazis."
You're defending the Weimar Republics ineptitude to govern and setting the environment for the Nazis to burgeon, bro.
08-15-2017 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Same as always, conservatives crying for a safe space
I'd be happy to post in the forum if the half life for a 20 point ban wasn't 2 weeks. You leftists clearly wanted your safe space as p7 was too triggering for you.
08-16-2017 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
well named is a good mod he just needs to not go on vacation

cow guy needs to stay away if he gets so triggered
I have a funny feeling he didn't think they were gonna close the forum. I kind of feel bad for him. I think he now wishes he didn't complain so much.
08-16-2017 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Paul D
You're defending the Weimar Republics ineptitude to govern and setting the environment for the Nazis to burgeon, bro.
I'll be honest, I considered something like this was the meat of the opposing argument but I posted anyway. It feels like too many dots to connect. I posted on-and-off there for a few years and the MAGAening was the corner turned. Suddenly **** just isn't as funny anymore.
08-16-2017 , 12:01 AM
Iron Tamer never ran from being confronted that I saw and I come at trump supporters/surrogates hard.

The people who can't handle what's going on are the ones who needed the forum shut down.

Now we can't come at them hard. ☹️
08-16-2017 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
This is gonna kill your post counts.
Nah, my last post in P7 was in July

Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
I'd be happy to post in the forum if the half life for a 20 point ban wasn't 2 weeks. You leftists clearly wanted your safe space as p7 was too triggering for you.
You just told us all you avoid the main forum because you can't handle all the opposition. I posted in P7 because it's where I could find some conservative droolers to entertain myself with! Which one of us needs a safe space again? LOL
08-16-2017 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I have a funny feeling he didn't think they were gonna close the forum. I kind of feel bad for him. I think he now wishes he didn't complain so much.
No you dont and this post is just another jab at her.
08-16-2017 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
So now what are you gonna do?

Now what I'm going to do is when the time comes and discussion of a new politics forum starts, I'm going to ensure there is a litmus test for any person that is to be a mod. This litmus test is as follows:

The moderator absolutely must not tolerate any form of bigotry, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and religious based bigotry.

The moderator must guarantee a hard line stance against such bigotry, and must guarantee that participating purveyors of bigotry will not be tolerated, and they will be permanently banned, or exiled from the forum.

I ask in good faith that when the time comes, anyone wanting to see the creation of a new forum, please adopt and demand this basic litmus test of the mods. Bigotry has no place in our society, because it leads to exactly what happened in Charlottesville Virginia over the weekend.
08-16-2017 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
You just told us all you avoid the main forum because you can't handle all the opposition. I posted in P7 because it's where I could find some conservative droolers to entertain myself with! Which one of us needs a safe space again? LOL
I can handle the opposition if I can do it with getting ban hammered by biased mods. Posting in full leftist drooler threads about how the democratically party is 100% right and the republicans are 100% wrong is fun.

why are you cherry picking 1 part of my post, its the combination of getting gangbanged and having to be super careful in response while the posters with approved opinions get to call you an idiot/drooler/etc thats the problem with posting in that forum.

and the idea that p7 is conservative is a joke, its actually kinda left leaning in its make up of posters (ie more left leaning regs than right leaning ones). Which I guess in some peoples eyes is conservative these days.
08-16-2017 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Iron Tamer never ran from being confronted that I saw and I come at trump supporters/surrogates hard.

The people who can't handle what's going on are the ones who needed the forum shut down.

Now we can't come at them hard. ☹️
Hey, Chuck Manson Jr., you had one job. You failed to do it twice. If you weren't such a failure of a moderator, the forum would still be open. Instead you decided to let SilverMan2 nazi up Unchained and here we are with Chezland closed. The reason you aren't coming at people hard (LOL) is because of you.

Own it.
08-16-2017 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Hey, Chuck Manson Jr., you had one job. You failed to do it twice. If you weren't such a failure of a moderator, the forum would still be open. Instead you decided to let SilverMan2 nazi up Unchained and here we are with Chezland closed. The reason you aren't coming at people hard (LOL) is because of you.

Own it.

Are you still a "classic liberal"? Lmao.
08-16-2017 , 12:15 AM
Mat: Modding politics is so hard! I'm gonna let spanky be the mod.

Rest of the forum: holy ****, that's a bad idea.

*chaos ensues*

Mat: Modding politics is so hard! I'm gonna let spanky be the mod again.

Rest of the forum: holy ****, that's a bad idea.

*chaos ensues*

Mat: You people are impossible to mod! I'm putting chez in charge, I trust him.

Rest of the forum: holy ****, that's a bad idea.

*chaos ensues*

Mat: (ragequits)
08-16-2017 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
Now what I'm going to do is when the time comes and discussion of a new politics forum starts, I'm going to ensure there is a litmus test for any person that is to be a mod. This litmus test is as follows:

The moderator absolutely must not tolerate any form of bigotry, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and religious based bigotry.

The moderator must guarantee a hard line stance against such bigotry, and must guarantee that participating purveyors of bigotry will not be tolerated, and they will be permanently banned, or exiled from the forum.

I ask in good faith that when the time comes, anyone wanting to see the creation of a new forum, please adopt and demand this litmus test of the mods. Bigotry has no place in our society, because it leads to exactly what happened in Charlottesville Virginia over the weekend.
yeah the most boring PC forum ever, why not just call it Politics+ lol. You can be a mod with full powers and perma ban any nazis who post in that forum, I be you'd love that
08-16-2017 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
I can handle the opposition if I can do it with getting ban hammered by biased mods. Posting in full leftist drooler threads about how the democratically party is 100% right and the republicans are 100% wrong is fun.

why are you cherry picking 1 part of my post, its the combination of getting gangbanged and having to be super careful in response while the posters with approved opinions get to call you an idiot/drooler/etc thats the problem with posting in that forum.
It might be better now Noodle is a mod.

I don't think he will allow so much in the way of personal attacks.
08-16-2017 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Have you thought about maybe just doing your job? Like read the forum in question for like 4 hours and decide whether you want it here or not. I really don't get why its hard at all. When do you close a forum and whine about how you're closing it because it was causing you personal problems instead of leaving it open or closing it because the content was unacceptable you make things worse. Alot of us have difficult jobs that bleed into our personal lives despite our best efforts.... if any of our jobs included being an admin of a forum it would be by far the easiest least stressful part. For your sake do it better.
never thought about it. but thank you. i will do so right this very instant.
08-16-2017 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by mongidig
I have a funny feeling he didn't think they were gonna close the forum. I kind of feel bad for him. I think he now wishes he didn't complain so much.

fwiw for you, Iron Tamer, and wil as well since he's posting here too.

You're all well aware of my gender, and you know that I respectfully request you to use female pronouns when referring to me. Refusing to do so is transphobic bigotry, because it is intolerable for you to do so. If it weren't, you would have no problem respecting me.

I've always found Mat to be a man of his word, actually. I've been trying to think of a case in which he went against his word, but I can't think of any. I knew the forum was going to be closed, and after what has transpired on it throughout the weekend, I knew it needed to be closed.
08-16-2017 , 12:24 AM
Mat, thanks for taking action on the forum. I appreciate that.

I'm still going to bug you about augie_

08-16-2017 , 12:25 AM
honestly I just didn't remember when I posted, and then when I remembered after I hit enter i didn't edit because you had a big part of messing up p7 and I got angry

if you had a feminine avatar like VR or a name like time lady the misgendering wouldn't happen. Idk why this is such a big deal or "transphobic bigotry" for some rando to misgender you on an online forum. You need to work on your tilt control.
08-16-2017 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
Now what I'm going to do is when the time comes and discussion of a new politics forum starts, I'm going to ensure there is a litmus test for any person that is to be a mod. This litmus test is as follows:

The moderator absolutely must not tolerate any form of bigotry, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and religious based bigotry.

The moderator must guarantee a hard line stance against such bigotry, and must guarantee that participating purveyors of bigotry will not be tolerated, and they will be permanently banned, or exiled from the forum.

I ask in good faith that when the time comes, anyone wanting to see the creation of a new forum, please adopt and demand this basic litmus test of the mods. Bigotry has no place in our society, because it leads to exactly what happened in Charlottesville Virginia over the weekend.

Are you asking or demanding?
08-16-2017 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Mat: Modding politics is so hard! I'm gonna let spanky be the mod.

Rest of the forum: holy ****, that's a bad idea.

*chaos ensues*

Mat: Modding politics is so hard! I'm gonna let spanky be the mod again.

Rest of the forum: holy ****, that's a bad idea.

*chaos ensues*

Mat: You people are impossible to mod! I'm putting chez in charge, I trust him.

Rest of the forum: holy ****, that's a bad idea.

*chaos ensues*

Mat: (ragequits)

08-16-2017 , 12:36 AM
LOL you treat people like garbage and call them Nazis but expect to be treated with respect? Twit.
08-16-2017 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
fwiw for you, Iron Tamer, and wil as well since he's posting here too.

You're all well aware of my gender, and you know that I respectfully request you to use female pronouns when referring to me. Refusing to do so is transphobic bigotry, because it is intolerable for you to do so. If it weren't, you would have no problem respecting me.

I've always found Mat to be a man of his word, actually. I've been trying to think of a case in which he went against his word, but I can't think of any. I knew the forum was going to be closed, and after what has transpired on it throughout the weekend, I knew it needed to be closed.
Assuming we speak again I will refer to you as she. I don't recall your original request. I just assume people on here are men. My bad.
08-16-2017 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Mat: Modding politics is so hard! I'm gonna let spanky be the mod.

Rest of the forum: holy ****, that's a bad idea.

*chaos ensues*

Mat: Modding politics is so hard! I'm gonna let spanky be the mod again.

Rest of the forum: holy ****, that's a bad idea.

*chaos ensues*

Mat: You people are impossible to mod! I'm putting chez in charge, I trust him.

Rest of the forum: holy ****, that's a bad idea.

*chaos ensues*

Mat: (ragequits)

You sure like to lump people into whole groups against a single person in this post. You and your other accounts are not the rest of the forum. Politics unchained/ p7.0 closed

Imagine if you guys and gals asked nicely when something is difficult for you to understand? Totally different world eh?
