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Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc

07-12-2017 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
We're going to all have to wait until Festivus however
As a part-time neophyte, could you clue me in on what Festivus is?
07-12-2017 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Why is Fly in such a minute font?
You know, we can do a smaller font here. The admins can go all HTML on the SN & under-title (ex: goofyballer). Right now, FlyWf is temp-banned. So what did I do when I read your post? Yep... I looked up one of his posts, to see if some admin had reduced the font size on his SN.

WP sir !!!1!

Now, I either know you're kidding around, or I'm running up against Poe's Law (IIRC the name). And I know you're kidding. Anyways, this is the second time it's come up. So, if you don't mind me ruining your fun... to be serious, you do understand that comparing Toothsayer -vs- FlyWf is absurd, correct?

Originally Posted by formula72
As a part-time neophyte, could you clue me in on what Festivus is?
Festivus itself is a tv show holiday. Alta Politardia has had an off-and-on tradition of Festivus threads dedicated to gratuitous name calling.

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 07-12-2017 at 07:33 PM.
07-12-2017 , 08:04 PM
Sure but absurd in a good way.

I assume everyone who get's involved in the sillier politics knockabout is having a bit of fun at the same time. The alternative doesn't bear thinking about.
07-12-2017 , 10:05 PM
Not surprising Chez likes joshing around with TS who is about 100 times worse than BruceZ was when it comes to liking people who are different than him...
07-12-2017 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Sure but absurd in a good way.
07-12-2017 , 10:12 PM
lol I was treating fly with due reverence kerowo.

TS wasn't there obviously. Not sure you were about either which might explain your confusion.

but sure I'll chew the fat with all 2+2ers in a reasonable way if they want to. There's sure no point just talking about politics with the people we more or less agree with - that would give us an echo chamber and no-one want's that..

Last edited by chezlaw; 07-12-2017 at 10:17 PM.
07-12-2017 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by well named
07-13-2017 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
lol I was treating fly with due reverence kerowo.

TS wasn't there obviously. Not sure you were about either which might explain your confusion.

but sure I'll chew the fat with all 2+2ers in a reasonable way if they want to. There's sure no point just talking about politics with the people we more or less agree with - that would give us an echo chamber and no-one want's that..
In defense of echo chambers. There are hundreds of political think tanks and groups that talk politics in echo chambers. Some of them are very powerful.
07-13-2017 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Please stop jangling my grammar-nazi nerves like this.
07-13-2017 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty
Loaded question.

So troll A is like this

This is a largely loaded question
Care to answer?

No not really.

Okay here goes.


You can't answer it. Can you? Just what I thought. Typical snowflake, yadada. You jusr can't handle that I am an expert, yadada.

It would be a loaded question if it were in such a form:

Since ACland would be rape town, what's the best way to minimize abortions?

Or something like that. Asking how ACland would prevent rape town is not a loaded question.

Last edited by AllCowsEatGrass; 07-13-2017 at 09:13 AM.
07-13-2017 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
It would be a loaded question if it were in such a form:

Since ACland would be rapetown, what's the best way to minimize abortions?

Or something like that. Asking how ACland would prevent rape town is not a loaded question.
As I've said before, this is all a backpeddle, and no question was asked. It was a meme from slancap based on a comment from a convenient "anonymous source". ST then made that anonymous source rhe ACist position.

Last edited by leavesofliberty; 07-13-2017 at 09:17 AM.
07-13-2017 , 09:14 AM

A loaded question or complex question fallacy is a question that contains a controversial or unjustified assumption (e.g., a presumption of guilt).[1]
The question assumes a foregone conclusion using highly charged language. It is entirely unnecessay as one can ask, "How might crime be handled, etc."
07-13-2017 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
There is a method to my madness. I only do SNs.

Unless Socrates reg'ed hear under his IRL name, he'd just be Socrates. For SNs I use the current 2+2 color. There are a handful of exceptions for select Odi Award winners (Toothsayer, BruceZ, TomVeil, and Teh Jabber-Wookie).
Look at you, still an un-educable gossiper.
07-13-2017 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty

The question assumes a foregone conclusion using highly charged language. It is entirely unnecessay as one can ask, "How might crime be handled, etc."

What question? "How would rape town be prevented in ACland?" That's not a loaded question.

It's like asking "In the US, how is rape prevented?" That's not a loaded question. Saying something like "Since rape is allowed in the US, how should we deal with the health consequences?" is a loaded question.

I know nothing about the meme stuff you're referring to, can't comment on it.
07-13-2017 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
What question? "How would rape town be prevented in ACland?" That's not a loaded question.

It's like asking "In the US, how is rape prevented?" That's not a loaded question. Saying something like "Since rape is allowed in the US, how should we deal with the health consequences?
Rapetown implies a town where it is normal to rape. The closet equivalent are prisons and wars, at least that I can think of. The author treats this social norm as a forgone conclusion. Originally, it was not asked as a question.
07-13-2017 , 09:31 AM
07-13-2017 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty
... ST then made that anonymous source rhe ACist position.
Except I didn't. WTF is wrong with you?

I used that meme to decorate maybe a half dozen posts maybe two years ago. I liked it because it was yellow, and had the word 'town' in it. I never mentioned it. Hell, I never even read it before you started obsessing over it two years later.

You keep saying I "made that anonymous source rhe ACist position". Well, leaving aside that there ain't no such thing as an ACer "position"... I never mentioned it. WTF is wrong with you. I haven't had any of my posts deleted.

However, because you've been obsessing over it for so long, I read it. You keep obsessing that it's from an anonymous source. So what? You're an anonymous source too. Doesn't that make you equally FOS or whatever?

Regardless if we know the identity of the author, or not, the statement either accurately explains ACism, or it doesn't... and why. That's the question at hand. Here's where we're at...
  • I know the answer.
  • You are ignorant of the answer.
  • You are too lazy to look it up.
  • I'll cheerfully tell you the answer, all you need to do is ask*.
  • You are too disinterested to ask.
  • You're acting in a bitter and frustrated manner.
  • You're making a fool out of yourself.

* this goes for anyone BTW.
07-13-2017 , 09:52 AM
Except I wasn't even posting two years ago, and I first encountered it just recently. Do you want me to quote itt where I already quoted you?
07-13-2017 , 10:06 AM
This is a fairly standard ACland discussion. A question is asked, yes leaves it was asked, if you missed it here it is again: what will prevent ACland from turning into whatever nightmare those with the most power have, in this case rapetown? And then the ACist starts shucking and jiving and doing everything they can to not answer the question either because they can't or because they don't like the answer.
07-13-2017 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty
I can oblige you without too much difficulty.

(A reply to the mod known affectionately as "wookums")
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
LMFAO@ this fool quoting Proudhon. ZOMG ACers are the worst. Speaking of ACism, as the 2+2 resident expert, I was presenting a series of lessons on ACism, back a while ago. Here is Lesson #8, which I've had "in the can"...

Good morning ACers & 'statist's, and welcome back to Rape Town University,

It's Friday, and it was supposed to be ACers choice today. However, all the ACers have gone missing except for Proph, and he declined to choose a topic. So... welcome to Lesson #8: Crime and Punishment.

OK, we've covered where the laws come from. There's the ACland constitution. Below that there's case law from the court system. However the vast majority of the laws peeps will be forced to follow will be written as Administrative Law by large scale landlords. Note: Small scale landowners, for example individual home owners, would probably just use the default trespassing law in the constitution instead.

OK, how are laws enforced? Well, we've already discussed the DROs. They are the equivalent of a Marshal's service, acting only on court orders, and using fundamentally offensive violence, such as evictions. The number of goons employed doing DRO work will be dwarfed by several orders of magnitude by ordinary Security goons. Security goons do fundamentally defensive violence: loss prevention, site security, and frontline rules enforcement on their landlord's property. Landlords can assemble their own Security goon army, or outsource to ADT. Likewise ADT might sell both DRO goon services (with proper court order), and also Security goon services (no stinking courts needed).

OK, so how would this all work? Let's say your landlord had a law against smoking pot. You're out front of your home, smoking a J, and the Landlord Police roll on you. It's your first alleged offense, so the goons just issues you a summons to Landlord Court. Let's say you are ultimately convicted. What's your punishment?

Here ACland starts to get a little weirder.

Over in RealityLand we have the distinction between criminal and civil court. In modern civil court, you can ask for basically three remedies: legal tender $$$$, ordering somebody to stop doing something (like stop parking in the wrong places), or ordering someone to do something (like a slumlord fixing the plumbing). However, just because you ask, and you win in court, doesn't mean the judge will give you all you asked for. That's up to the judge.

Over in ACland, we ain't got no legal tender. However, you can ask for a whole lot of other remedies: gear, gold, beatings, torture, maimings, rape, death, and enslavement, along with ordering somebody to do something, and ordering somebody not to do something. However, just because you ask, and you win in court, doesn't mean the judge will give you all you asked for. That's up to the judge.

So right away, I know the 'statist's are going to have a whole lotta questions: Like could a Landlord make a law which punishes pot smoking by death? Could the landlord just change the law on me? Could he just sneak in the death penalty into the fine print? How about travelling about, when I crossed onto another landlords property, could he have snuck a death penalty into his laws?

The answer to all these questions is "no". Why? Because of common law, and the ACland constitution. Common law implies rule-of-law, and rule-of-law requires those subject to law to have a way to discover what that law is. So landlords would have to give constructive notice to the renters. So, no sneaking laws into fine print, or changing them without notice. For extreme penalties, like death, the renters would need to initial a contract explicitly. A renter who innocently crossed into another landlord's property and violated a non-obvious law would need to be given a warning, or nominal penalty at first, etc.

OK, but what if a renter explicitly signed the death contract, but then forgot, and got convicted of smoking a J anyways. Can the landlord have him killed? Once again, the answer is "no". That's because enshrined in the ACland constitution is both the nature of, and a limit to, punishments under AC law: Double Proportional Reciprocity. A death penalty for smoking a J isn't proportional, and any such law would be ruled unconstitutional.
  1. OK, let's do some examples: Get caught steeling $10, you owe the victim $20. Knock a dude's tooth out, he gets to pull two of yours out. Rape someone, they can have you raped twice. Falsely enslave someone, you can be made their slave for twice as long. Beat someone, they can have you beaten twice as long/hard. Torture someone, ditto.
  2. But it's not always double... poke someone's eye out, it'd wouldn't be proportional to blind you completely, maybe just take an eye and an ear. Put someone in a wheelchair, well they can't put you in the chair twice, but they could cut a hand off, and then put you in the chair, etc. Also, a landlord would need to be able to escalate punishments over 2x for repeat offenders... to avoid the situation where the initial penalty isn't severe enough to stop the misbehavior. Like... on your third conviction for smoking a J, then maybe you get enslaved for a year or two.
  3. OK, let's take a more indepth example: Proph is out drunk driving, causes an accident, and Kerowo loses a finger. Which two of Proph's fingers does Kerowo get?

None. Who want's Proph's severed fingers? Judgement in hand, Kerowo would just use it as leverage to negotiate a 'voluntary' settlement with Proph. I envision a coupla years of safe, 'voluntary' & sober slavery for Proph. Yay 'free market' !!!1!

Unless... Kerowo just wanted to be a dick. For the first finger, we'd have to consider handedness. Proph would lose the corresponding finger. The second finger would be Proph's choice. It Proph refused to choose, it'd be Kerowo's choice. Also, before you 'statist's get going... just "no". Torture, or possible death, are not proportional. Proph would need to be found healthy enough for the amputations, and they'd be done humanely by a doctor of Proph's choice.

His whole post is littered with strawman's, ad hominems, broad brush attacks, and falsehoods. His whole schtick is to derail until there's no conversation left.
Check the dates for yourself.
07-13-2017 , 10:12 AM
Duckin anda dodgin instead of just answering the question.
07-13-2017 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Duckin anda dodgin instead of just answering the question.
How does statism prevent the travesties of war and wrongful imprisonment?

There are crime statistics. People use them to asses the risk. It's not that complicated. If it is complicated, then call ADT.
07-13-2017 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty
Except I wasn't even posting two years ago, and I first encountered it just recently...
Originally Posted by leavesofliberty
Check the dates for yourself.
Yes, I already said you weren't posting back then. Yes, I'm well aware of when you started your obsession.

... Do you want me to quote itt where I already quoted you?
Sure, I guess. ETA: no.

I'm not really interested in you quoting me because I wrote those posts myself, and none of my posts have been deleted. ETA: OK now that I've seen what you've posted, all I gotta say is... WTF is wrong with you?

Yeah, I stipulate to the timeline. I guess. I didn't think it was possible, but I had zero idea what you're getting on about before this timeline shiz... and now I have less than zero.

This is what interests me...

Why don't you just ask me to tell you what the answer is ??

Originally Posted by kerowo
This is a fairly standard ACland discussion. A question is asked... And then the ACist starts shucking and jiving and doing everything they can to not answer the question either because they can't or because they don't like the answer.
Yep. The last thing an ACer wants to chat about is ACism. Why? Because they're ignorant of ACism, they're too lazy to learn about ACism, and they are so disinterested in ACism that they DGAF.

I might as well get good old Leonardo warmed up, because right about now is when they start deflecting to the "oh yeah, under 'statistism' bad things happen, whadda 'bout that shiz cuz" shiz.

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 07-13-2017 at 11:08 AM.
07-13-2017 , 10:50 AM
He thinks he's Neo dodging bullets when he's just another sad ACist answering questions with questions trying to equate the real world with make believe ACland.
07-13-2017 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
He thinks he's Neo dodging bullets when he's just another sad ACist answering questions with questions trying to equate the real world with make believe ACland.
So true.

@leavesofliberty: You were gone a few years. Your hiatus were not good times for the ACers. They were laughed out the door. ACism is now correctly enjoyed as farce. Roof roads & child slaves. You can't unring that bell.

Why are we all making fools of ourselves in ATF, instead of slinking away to a containment thread somewhere in Los Dos Politards to hide our shame?
