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Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split.

11-20-2007 , 10:24 PM
Virtually all live games are full ring. And live hands usually look silly and don't get much debate or interesting feedback in the 6-max dominated PL/NL Texas Hold'em forums at any of the stakes. But trying to post a 5/5 NL $1000 hand or a 10/10 NL $2000 hand in the FR forum next to the .05/.10 on-line micro limit posts just because they both have more than 6 players is silly. Even if the hands were identical, the advice on how to play the same hands should usually be different.

I think there should be PL/NL Texas Hold'em Full Ring High Stakes, Full Ring Medium Stakes, and Full Ring Small Stakes forums.

But a Full Ring High Stakes and Full Ring Low Stakes split would be a fine start.

Moreover, the other forums should probably read "6-max High Stakes" or "Short Handed High Stakes" and the MODs should move full ring hands out of those forums over the the appropriate FR forum.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-20-2007 , 11:49 PM
We need 3 forums badly. NL1-50. NL100-200. NL400+.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 02:05 AM
While it's true that i hold the stamp of approval, I only use that stamp based on the opinions of those who use this site.

I'm being pulled in many directions these days and the best way to get me to take action is through the mods. If moderators I trust tell me to make these moves, I will.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 03:23 AM
nobody really cares about your opinion.
Why are you posting here?
We don't need your help here
Relax, dude. It's just the Internet. It doesn't really mean anything anyway.
Trying for once to keep one of these threads on topic.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 05:28 AM
Moreover, the other forums should probably read "6-max High Stakes" or "Short Handed High Stakes" and the MODs should move full ring hands out of those forums over the the appropriate FR forum.
QFT. It's confusing now. And moving the FR hands currently in the SH forums would make up a lot of the posts we'd need to make a new FR forum active.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 05:47 AM
While it's true that i hold the stamp of approval, I only use that stamp based on the opinions of those who use this site.

I'm being pulled in many directions these days and the best way to get me to take action is through the mods. If moderators I trust tell me to make these moves, I will.
IIRC at least two FR mods, Nation and Diebitter, are supportive
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 07:15 AM
let's just split it into two 6-max forums. get more action going.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 07:31 AM
While it's true that i hold the stamp of approval, I only use that stamp based on the opinions of those who use this site.

I'm being pulled in many directions these days and the best way to get me to take action is through the mods. If moderators I trust tell me to make these moves, I will.
IIRC at least two FR mods, Nation and Diebitter, are supportive

None of the active FR mods - nation, me, Berge20 or Cry Me A River - are unsympathetic of the split argument, but up until now we have been concerned with the potential downside to splitting too prematurely. This is still our concern, but we're balancing this with the obvious groundswell to have the split. We've been discussing this in the mod forum for a few days now (both whether to split, and along what lines), but because of time differences, impending holidays etc, this sort of discussion takes some time to conclude, and is currently ongoing.

In addition, it's been made clear by the reds that no new forums will be created before the planned upgrade, which is a few weeks off.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 09:39 AM
i think there needs to b a split. not sure on wether or not the split shud b at 100 or 200...but a split shud b happening. wud encourage some higher posters to get involved which wud help evolve the forum (and isnt that goal in the first place?)
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 09:47 AM
While it's true that i hold the stamp of approval, I only use that stamp based on the opinions of those who use this site.

I'm being pulled in many directions these days and the best way to get me to take action is through the mods. If moderators I trust tell me to make these moves, I will.
IIRC at least two FR mods, Nation and Diebitter, are supportive

None of the active FR mods - nation, me, Berge20 or Cry Me A River - are unsympathetic of the split argument, but up until now we have been concerned with the potential downside to splitting too prematurely. This is still our concern, but we're balancing this with the obvious groundswell to have the split. We've been discussing this in the mod forum for a few days now (both whether to split, and along what lines), but because of time differences, impending holidays etc, this sort of discussion takes some time to conclude, and is currently ongoing.

In addition, it's been made clear by the reds that no new forums will be created before the planned upgrade, which is a few weeks off.
We have discussed doing this on a trial basis, is this the same case with the mods?
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 09:51 AM
Yes please split.
Virtually every single FR poster is now in favour of a split.

Also - LOL @ trolls with nothing better to do.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 10:08 AM
let's just split it into two 6-max forums. get more action going.
This is funny.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 10:19 AM
Whoops meant to post that under my tuq account.
True, IMO.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 10:24 AM
let's just split it into two 6-max forums. get more action going.
Get a girlfriend or somthing seriously dude. O and you suck ass at trolling btw.

split the fr forums, why should they be any different than the other forums?
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 10:26 AM
We should probably make it NL2-NL50 (low) NL100+ (high) with the intention of going to three forums in the future: NL2-NL50, NL100-NL200, and NL400+

[x] Agreed
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 10:28 AM
If I learned anything in this thread, it's that the nittiness of FR players isn't confined to the poker tables.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 10:28 AM
Full Ring is the new STT imo. You guys are going to have to endure a while longer of lol nitaments so you may as well get used to it.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 10:40 AM
...and get rid of the french forums. They have like 0 traffic.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 12:05 PM
If I learned anything in this thread, it's that the nittiness of FR players isn't confined to the poker tables.
LOL, yeah really. What's funny is that Berge's title is "Mod of the nits".
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 12:16 PM
...and get rid of the french forums. They have like 0 traffic.
imo de racisme
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 01:01 PM
i think there needs to b a split. not sure on wether or not the split shud b at 100 or 200...but a split shud b happening. wud encourage some higher posters to get involved which wud help evolve the forum (and isnt that goal in the first place?)
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 01:02 PM
...and get rid of the french forums. They have like 0 traffic.
imo de racisme
oui, il est un chapeau du derriere.
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 01:05 PM
let's just split it into two 6-max forums. get more action going.
Get a girlfriend or somthing seriously dude. O and you suck ass at trolling btw.
They got computers at the special needs center now?
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 01:12 PM
let's just split it into two 6-max forums. get more action going.
Get a girlfriend or somthing seriously dude. O and you suck ass at trolling btw.
They got computers at the special needs center now?
(sarcasm) GOOD ONE!
(seriously) that wasn't very good, or funny! you should try and be original besides using a cliche insult.

Ps- Your mom. hahahahaha funny!

Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
11-21-2007 , 01:15 PM
let's speculate why this clown got banned:

OOT is my guess
Full Ring No-Limit Forum  requests a split. Quote
